System Specification 1.0 Revision: Draft 2 Scope of this Document Source: These categories were initially developed for application in the defence sector. The technical requirements for the System will be documented through a series of specifications. This document, the System Specification (Type A) defines the System functional baseline and includes the results from the user requirements, feasibility analysis (4), operational requirements and the maintenance concept, top-level functional analysis, and identifies the critical technical performance measures (TPMs) and design dependent parameters (DDPs). This System Specification leads into the following subordinate specifications covering the subsystems, configuration items, equipment, software and other components of the System. 1. System Specification (type A) – includes the technical, performance, operational and support characteristics for the System as an entity. It includes the allocation of requirements of functional areas, and it defines the various functional-area interfaces. The information derived from the feasibility analysis, operational requirements, maintenance concept, and the functional analysis is covered. It is written in "performance-related" terms, and describes design requirements in terms of the "whats" (i.e., the functions that the system is to perform and the associated metrics). 2. Subsystem Specifications (non-COTS) (type B)-include the technical requirements for those items below the System level where research, design, and development are required. One Subsystem Specification shall be prepared for each subsystem design. Each Subsystem Specification shall cover equipment items, assemblies, computer programs, facilities, and so on. Each specification shall include the performance, effectiveness, and support characteristics that are required in the evolving of design from the system level and down. 3. COTS Subsystem Specifications (type C)-include the technical requirements for those items below the top System level that can be procured "off the shelf." The COTS Subsystem Specifications shall cover standard system components (equipment, assemblies, units, cables), specific computer programs, and so on. Each COTS Subsystem Specification shall detail any differences in environment, operation, maintenance or handling for use of the product as part of the System as opposed to the product’s design service. 4. Process Specifications (type D)-include the technical requirements that cover a service that is performed on any component of the System (e.g., machining bending, welding, plating, heat treating, sanding, marking, packing, and processing). 5. Material Specifications (type E)-include the technical requirements that pertain to raw materials, mixtures (e.g., oils, metals, paints, chemical compounds), or semifabricated materials (e.g., electrical cable, piping) that are used in the fabrication of a subsystem. This System Specification (type A) provides the technical baseline for the system as an entity. P. Phibbs 1 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 2.0 Definitions (see System Definitions) 3.0 Applicable Documents [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] IEEE Guide to Software Requirements Specification, IEEE Std. 830 - 1984 Information Management Issues Facing Ocean Observatories, Notes from an Informal NEPTUNE Workshop, April 12-13, 2001, Incorporated Research Institutions for Seisomology (IRIS), http://www.iris.washington/.edu/HQ/iris.html Real-Time, Long-Term Ocean & Earth Studies at the Scale Of a Tectonic Plate, NEPTUNE Feasibility Study, National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP), June 2000, NEPTUNE White Paper, September 2000, Visual Modeling with Rational Rose and UML, Terry Quatrani, Addison-Wesley, 1998 Lt. Dewain Emrich, Formation Oceanographer, Operations Support Centre Pacific, personal communication Real-Time, Long-Term Ocean & Earth Studies at the Scale Of a Tectonic Plate, Oceanography Volume 13 No.2/2000 NEPTUNE Data Management and Archiving System, Design Requirements, Draft Version 01, 21 January 2001. Real-Time, Long-Term Ocean and Earth Studies at the Scale of a Tectonic Plate, Ocean Hemisphere Network Project/International Ocean Network Joint Symposium, January 2001. Conceptual Design and Options Considered for a Cabled Seafloor Observatory Data Network, Issue 0.2 (PRELIMINARY DRAFT) 4 April 2002, NEPTUNE Communications Design Team, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. email from George Fox of JPL dated 24 May 2002 to Dave Rodgers, Harold Kirkham and Peter Phibbs. NEPTUNE Out-of-Band Control and Time Distribution by Alan Chave, Andy Maffei and Al Bradley, 12 Dec 2001 NEPTUNE Desktop Study, Fugro Seafloor Surveys, 13 February 2002 4.0 Requirements 4.1 System Definition 4.1.1 General Description Source: 4 page iv The System, consisting of fiber-optic/power cable and nodes on the seafloor, will provide large amounts of power (kilowatts) and communications links (gigabits/second) at distributed nodes. Connected to these nodes will be sensors and sensor networks, some of which constitute “community experiments” while others are developed and/or used by individual investigators. Extension cables will allow instruments to be located remote from the nodes. ROVs and AUVs will provide mobile platforms. An information management system and archive stores, indexes, and provides metadata metadata for all the data to enable the linkages P. Phibbs 2 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 and connections between the various processes to be accessed by an extended community of scientists, students, and the public. 4.1.2 Operational Requirements Need Source 10 page i Traditional expeditionary science has characterized some portion of an ocean or planet within the constraints of data collection from a ship. Such visits are inadequate to fully evaluate the suite of models and testable hypotheses that have grown out of this exploratory work. Ocean scientists now stand on the threshold of a scientific revolution, a paradigm shift made possible by advances in computational sophistication, communication and power technologies, robotic systems, and sensor design. The ability to enter, sense, and interact with the total ocean environment for extended periods is within our grasp. It is time to expand beyond short-term expeditions using research vessels; it is time to move toward a long-term presence on, above, and below a section of seafloor as large as a tectonic plate. Mission Source: 4 page iii The vision for Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) is to provide a sustained national system for observations of the ocean with outputs that are easily accessible for creating forecasts and products essential to the nation’s economy, the management of marine resources, public health and safety, and national security. The vision of NEPTUNE (which is part of IOOS) is to provide a new Internet-linked platform for integrated earth and ocean sciences at the scale of an entire tectonic plate using a network of submarine fiber-optic/power cables to support multiple in situ sensor arrays and robotic laboratories for real-time remote inter-action with dynamic processes on, above, and below the seafloor. Life Cycle Source: 4 page 32 The useful life of the NEPTUNE infrastructure is at least 30 years with 24-hour-perday availability once operational. In this context the NEPTUNE infrastructure means the submerged cable and the housings for the submerged plant. 4.1.3 Functional Analysis and System Definition (Source this document) The System shall perform the following functions: Reliably transmit data from a series of scientific instruments, generally located on or around the Juan de Fuca plate, to Shore Stations. (the Data) Reliably transmit instructions from the Shore Stations to the scientific instruments. (the Instructions) Permit direct experiment to experiment communications P. Phibbs 3 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 Reliably transmit power from the Shore Station to the scientific instruments. Process and archive the Data and instructions and environmental data (e.g. power status)for future use. Allow Priveledged Users to issue the Instructions from remote sites. Allow Priveledged Users to review real-time or archived data from remote sites Permit “plug and play” for a wide variety of instruments 4.1.4 Maintenance Concept (Source this document) Branching Units and Backbone cable maintained by a conventional cable ship Nodes maintained by a UNOLS vessel Node maintenance by cutting out existing failed or diminished node and returning to a shore-based facility for refurbishment, (unless it can be demonstrated that it is feasible, with no significant loss of performance, to maintain nodes on board a vessel without cutting cable), and by splicing on a new or refurbished node. Parts support by supplier, or from stock purchased at time of construction. 4.1.5 Allocation of Requirements The following subdivisions based on areas of expertise have been identified: (Source 4 Section 3 + this document) These allocation descriptions outline, in general terms, the scope of each subdivision. Every part of the System is included in one of these subdivisions, but not in more than one. It is anticipated that the parties responsible for each subdivision will use these descriptions as a guide to prepare a more detailed and specific description based on their subsystem’s requirements and implementation. Power System – including the System power supply from the public utility to the Node Science Connectors, power supplies to all other subsystems, grounding, electrodes, fault isolation, power monitoring, control and fault finding and reporting of Power System status to the Observatory Management System. Data Communications System (DCS)– including data transmission between the Submarine Line Terminal Equipment to the Node Science Connectors, data transmission between Nodes, the communication requirements of the DCS system and the other subsystems, DCS monitoring, control and fault finding and reporting of DCS status to the Observatory Management System. Timing Distribution – including collection of the Timing signal at the Shore Station, distribution of the timing signal as required in the shore Station, receipt and distribution of the timing signal at each Node and reporting of Timing Distribution status to the Observatory Management System. Observatory Management System (OMS) – including collection and presentation of the data showing the status of other subsystems, the System operator interface, protection of the System from potentially hazardous commands, automatic adjustment of the system functions as conditions and observations change, manual control of individual system elements and the transmission of system status data to DMAS. P. Phibbs 4 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 Data Management and Archiving System (DMAS) - including the infrastructure needed to accept the data flow from the Scientific Instruments via the DCS and System status data from the OMS, and to route the data in near real-time to interested subscribers via the Terrestrial Backhaul, the interfaces needed to control Scientific Instruments connected to NEPTUNE, a long-term secure data archive for NEPTUNE, the user interfaces needed to make the data usefully accessible to the ocean sciences community and reporting of DMAS status to the Observatory Management System. Submerged cable and submerged cable terminations - including all cable that is not in a pressure casing offshore from the closest manhole inshore of the cable landing (the beach manhole), all cable between the Shore Station and the Beach Manhole, all submerged cable terminations, splices, bulkhead penetrators, connectors and “dumb” branching units. Submerged Plant (housings, packaging and heat transfer) – including all pressure casings (except those pressure casings specifically included as Submerged cable and submerged cable terminations), deployment frames, connector supports and associated deployment and recovery equipment. Science Instrument Interface and Extension Cables – including all equipment offshore of the Node Science Connectors, except those items specifically included as Submerged cable and submerged cable terminations and Submerged Plant (housings, packaging and heat transfer), and specifically including number of conductors and fibers in any cable, any SII cards that may be required, and any communications and power control and delivery issues that may come from the use of Extension Cables. Marine – including marine route survey, cable Route engineering, shore landing work between the Beach Manhole and start of ploughing, cable armor selection, Submerged Cable and Submerged Plant installation equipment and procedure and Submerged Plant operations and maintenance. Shore Station – including building construction or modification, HVAC, lighting and building facilities, and including construction of cable support facilities between the Shore Station and the Beach Manhole. Shore Station LAN/WAN and Terrestrial Backhaul – including provision of communications between DMAS and the Internet, communications between Shore Stations (SLTE to SLTE), and communications between geographically separate DMAS and Shore Stations (if applicable). Permitting – including permitting and any other work associated with Rights of Way, leases, licenses and property rights for the Submerged Cable, the Shore Stations and the Terrestrial Backhaul. 4.1.6 Functional Interfaces and Criteria See Attached tables 4.2 System Characteristics These characteristics describe the functions that the system shall perform in order to allow a user to achieve the user requirements. The System characteristics shall be defined as follows: 1. Each characteristic is unambiguous P. Phibbs 5 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 2. Each characteristic is complete, and the complete set of characteristics describes all functionality required from the system. 3. The correct implementation of the characteristic is verifiable in a practical and affordable way. 4. Each characteristic is self-consistent, and is consistent with the other characteristics of the system. 5. The characteristic is easily modifiable. This implies the characteristics are well organized and contain a minimum level of redundancy. 6. The characteristic is traceable. This implies the origin of the characteristic is clearly identified, and the characteristic can be identified in all documents that are based on these characteristics. 7. Usable during the operations and maintenance phase of the software life cycle. 4.2.1 Performance Characteristics Definition of the basic operating characteristics of the system (rate, capacity, throughput, power output etc.). SPE1 Average and peak power delivery1 to the Node Science Connectors for a particular node (shall not be less than 3.3 kW and 9.3 kW, respectively. (Source 4 page 30) SPE2 Peak total of all power delivered to the Node Science Connectors at any one time for the entire system: 100 kW. (Source 4 page 30) SPE3 Power delivery2 to the user shall be at two voltage levels: 48 V DCand 400 V DC. (Source 4 page 40) SPE4 1.3 kW of 48V DC power shall be available to the Node Science Connectorsat each node. (Source – Power Group) SPE5 Average and peak data rate for a particular node: 100 Mb/s and 1 Gb/s,respectively. (Source 4 page 30) SPE6 Peak data rate for the entire system: 10 Gb/s, sum of total data landed at the Shore Stations in any given second. (Source 4 page 30). SPE7 Time Information shall be provided at each node with 1µsec accuracy, corrected for latency. (Source (discussion) 4 Section 3.5, 13 page 2.). SPE8 The System shall include Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) receivers and Timing Distribution Shelves at both Shore Stations to provide a 2 Mb/s timing output in accordance with the requirements of ITU-T Recommendation G.811. The Timing Distribution Shelves shall be expandable to a minimum of 10 x 2 Mb/s timing outputs. (Source this document) SPE9 The System shall support the entire range of instruments from those instruments that produce data at very low data rates and will require a minimum of user interaction (for example setting sampling rates), to other instruments, such as tethered bottom rovers with HDTV, video cameras and manipulators that create up to 20Mb/s of data on a continuous basis and will require extensive user interaction involving closed loop control. Source: [4] (p.46) 1 (Source 4 page 30) proposed Average and peak power delivery for a particular node of 2kW and 20kW respectively. These goals have been modified and further defined based on estimates of node efficiency and modelling of the network power system. 2 (Source 4 page 40) proposed 240V and 48V as the voltage levels. As the design of the converter has progressed, the voltage level of 240V has been raised to 400V. P. Phibbs 6 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 SPE10 All submersible plant shall be qualified for an external working pressure of 3500msw. Source 14 Table 2.1.3. SPE11 The maximum time from reception at the Shore Station to re-transmission to a user shall be kept to a minimum. The DMAS subsystem design group is to prepare a table of datatype & priority, vs allowed latency, for review and inclusion into this document. Source: [4] (p.46) SPE12 The archive shall be designed to handle up to n requests for data per day, and to deliver up to nn Gigabytes of data per day to archive users. All data shall be accessible via the internet. Source 9 page 27 SPE13 The DMAS shall be designed to support up to TBD simultaneous real-time data consumers. Source 9 page 27 SPE14 The archive shall be designed to handle an initial data rate of 280 Terabytes per year. Source 9 page 27 SPE15 All shore-station equipment including Power Feed Equipment, Submarine Line Terminal Equipment, Line Monitoring Equipment, Network Protection Equipment, and Timing distribution Equipment shall be operable off a single uninterruptible power supply . Source this document . SPE16 Observatory Management equipment and DMAS equipment shall operate using the mains supply voltage available at each station and shall be connected to Shore Station uninterruptible power supplies as appropriate. Source this document SPE17 Terrestrial network segments shall provide standard transport meeting interface requirements, and shall meet other such requirements TBD. Source this document SPE18 Terrestrial network segments shall provide one 2 Mb/s overhead channel for use by the Network Protection Equipment for each OC48 channel or equivalent carried on the terrestrial network. Source this document SPE19 The terrestrial network segments shall be capable of indicating a fault, alarm, or service interruption (including Loss of Frame, Loss of Signal, AIS, AMS, and signal degradation) to the OMS by means of a laser shutdown of the affected channel(s). Source this document SPE20 The submerged cable shall be capable of conducting electrical power to submerged equipment placed at appropriate intervals along it. The part of the cable conducting electrical power shall be electrically insulated from the surroundings. The electrical insulation for any and all such cables, whether single or multiple conductors, shall be capable of meeting the withstand capabilities defined in the relevant test plan. Source this document SPE21 Performance of the communication system between the node and the shore Station at End of Life (EOL) shall meet or exceed the requirements of ITU-T Recommendation G.826 for Errored Second Ratio, Severely Errored Second Ratio and Background Block Error Ratio. Source this document SPE22 The end-of-life performance margin for all submerged Segments shall be stated in terms of the Q factor. The end-of-life performance margins shall be no less than 0.50 dB. The designers shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure an end-oflife performance margin of no less than 1.0 dB. In the case where the end-of-life performance margin is less than 1.0 dB (but greater than or equal to 0.50 dB), the designer shall provide a detailed description and analysis of how the end-of-life performance is assured. Performance budgets shall include allowances for P. Phibbs 7 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 anticipated repairs resulting from intrinsic (internal system) faults and extrinsic (external) faults. Source this document SPE23 When the Power Feeding Equipment (PFE) is switched from double-end feeding to single-end feeding or from in-service equipment to redundant equipment in a controlled manner and vice versa, no severely errored seconds shall occur. Source this document SPE24 When the Power Feeding Equipment (PFE) is switched from double-end feeding to single-end feeding in an uncontrolled manner, e.g. in the case of a power feed fault or emergency shutdown, a maximum of two severely errored seconds shall occur. Such errors shall be included in the error allocation when assessing Segment performance (ITU-T Recommendation G.826). Source this document SPE25 The Shore Station Power supply shall be able to be switched from feeding from the local grid to backup power and vice versa without resulting in any severely errored seconds. Source this document SPE26 When the local grid powering a Shore Station fails, the transfer of the Shore Station Power from feeding from the local grid to generator power and vice versa shall be automatic. Source this document SPE27 If the power system design requires both a primary and secondary backup power source to meet the reliability requirements, then in the event that the primary backup power source in the Shore Station fails to come on line, the secondary source shall start to come on line automatically. Source this document SPE28 The Shore Station back-up power supply shall be designed such that the System, when powered from the backup power supply, meets or exceeds the reliability goals. Source this document SPE29 If the power system design requires both a primary and secondary backup power source to meet the reliability requirements, it shall be designed such that no severely errored seconds shall occur in the event that both the power grid and the primary backup system fail at once. Source this document SPE30 All Shore Station equipment shall operate normally under the following conditions: Source this document Temperature: 0 to 40C Relative Humidity: up to 95% Non-Condensing Note: the nominal environmental conditions of the Shore Stations is 25C and 50% RH. SPE31 In the event of a loss of one Shore Station, the System shall be capable of routeing all Data to the remaining Shore Station. SPE32 The maximum time delay between reception of Data at a Node Science Connector to the delivery of that data to the SLTE in the Shore Station shall be less than n milliseconds. SPE33 The variance in delivery of sequential packets (jitter) from a NEPTUNE node to a Shore Station shall not exceed 2 milliseconds. (Source: [15], (p17) SPE34 Serial instrument communications must be transparently supported (Source: [4] (p. 46) P. Phibbs 8 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification 4.2.2 Revision: Draft 2 Physical Characteristics Definition of the basic physical characteristics of the system – size, weight, shape, boundaries etc. SPH1 The System shall be capable of providing data connectivity for potentially thousands of undersea scientific instruments distributed at 30 or more geographically separated observatory nodes to data processing equipment located on the Internet. (Source 11 page 4). SPH2 The System shall include terrestrial network segments or capacity inland from the Shore Stations or between Shore Stations. (Source This Document). SPH3 The terrestrial network segments shall be in-ground fiber where available. Fiber characteristics TBA Source this document SPH4 The Shore Stations shall provide a suitable environment for the installation and operation of the subsea cable terminal equipment, power feed equipment, line monitoring equipment, those parts of the DMAS that are located there and the environmental monitoring system. Source this document SPH5 All equipment in the Shore Stations and installation practices for that equipment shall conform to the highest level of earthquake protection (e.g. North American Zone 4) encountered at any station. Source this document SPH6 All Shore Station equipment and DMAS equipment shall be suitable for installation in a standard central office environment. Source this document SPH7 The submerged cables, cable joints and terminations shall protect the fibers against pressure, abrasion, excessive elongation, chemical reaction, and water penetration so that the System performance requirements can be met throughout the design life of the System. Source this document SPH8 Submerged plant housings, penetrations and cable terminations shall be designed to function continuously without maintenance for the System life. . Source this document SPH9 Submerged plant housings, penetrations and cable terminations shall be designed to allow installation, operation, recovery and re-linstallation of submersible plant in depths up to the design depth with no degradation in mechanical, electrical and optical performance. Source this document SPH10 The tensile and torsional strengths of the submerged plant housings shall be a minimum of two times greater than that of the highest strength cable. Source this document SPH11 The reliability of components in submerged plant requires a controlled ambient internal atmosphere. Over the system life the relative humidity of the atmosphere over the operating temperature range shall be controlled to 20% by means such as the introduction of appropriate quantities of hydrogen getters and moisture absorbing desiccants. The resulting controlled internal atmosphere shall be suitable for maintaining the life expectations of all internal components. Source this document SPH12 All bulkheads and gland assemblies which act as the submerged plant housing sealing system shall prevent water and gas ingress to the internal unit , both directly from the surrounding sea and from axial cable leakage due to a cable break close to the housing. Source this document P. Phibbs 9 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification SPH13 Revision: Draft 2 The submerged plant shall be tolerant of the mechanical shock and vibration levels shown below, which have long been accepted as the appropriate levels for submerged equipment. Source this document/submarine telecom specs. Bump/Shock ACTIVITY Severity Duration (g) (ms) TRANSPORT (1) Appears as LF Vibrations SHIPBOARD (1) < 25 1 to 10 Vibration Number Random Freq. Range Severity Duration (Hz) (g) (Minutes) 1 to 50 < 0.5 Random 1 to 12 < 0.1 Continuous Handling and Laying Qualification Testing performed Components 50 6 4002 (2) 10-150 1.0 90 (3) Housed Units 40 6 1002 (4) - - - Notes: 1. Maximum levels recorded during transportation, shipboard handling, laying and recovery including transit through linear cable engine. 2. Comprised of 167 bumps in 6 directions. 3. Comprised of 30 minutes in 3 directions. 4. Comprised of 667 bumps in 6 directions. SPH14 The cables shall be able to withstand the abrasive forces associated with manufacture, deployment, rough or non-flat bottoms, and repair without degradation in optical, mechanical or electrical performance. Source this document SPH15 Cable type selection shall take into consideration known threats to the cable, seabed conditions, burial requirements, environmental hazards, external hazards, the Cable Selection Criteria, and other system requirements. Source this document SPH16 Cable route engineering shall minimize conflict between the cable and other seabed users. Source this document SPH17 The submerged cable shall be buried in the seabed where possible to water depth 2000m. Source this document SPH18 Submerged plant shall be adequately protected from damage from fishing gear where located in less than 2000msw. Source this document SPH19 The backbone cable shall be routed to avoid significant seabed hazards and hazardous features. Source this document SPH20 The System design shall give scientists various options for placement of instruments at sites of scientific interest, even though those sites may be up to 50km from the backbone. Options shall include varying distances and power and data rates, up to and including a full node capability 50km from the backbone. Source this document SPH21 The burial of submerged plant including Nodes and branching units shall not result in detriment to the Node performance or reliability. Source this document P. Phibbs 10 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 SPH22 Submerged plant shall be designed to operate with a temperature of 5°C at the outside of the pressure housing. Source this document 4.2.3 Effectiveness Requirements Requirements that speak to the effectiveness of the System in performing its functions, given that the System will perform. SEF1 The System shall be completed at a cost not to exceed the project budget. Source – This document SEF2 The System shall be completed within the period allowed in the project Plan of work. Source – This document SEF3 The System shall be capable of preventing unauthorized personnel from accessing its resources and research data. (Source 11 page 4). SEF4 The System shall be capable of protecting data collected by individual investigators so that it can be kept private (according to funding agency guidelines). (Source 11 page 4). SEF5 The engineering infrastructure shall be capable of reconfiguring itself automatically fast enough to suppress fault propagation and to accommodate the acquisition of science data that are event driven, e.g. a seafloor volcanic eruption. (Source 4 page 33). SEF6 In order to avoid corruption of scientific data, all submerged plant shall be designed to eliminate “noise”, such as acoustic or electromagnetic noise. Where noise is unavoidable, it shall be tightly controlled and defined such that it can be identified and filtered. For instance all timing signals in a node shall be synchronized. Source – This document and Maripro. SEF7 There shall be defined standards for packaging and transmitting data from sensors to Shore Stations and all interface requirements for experiment designers. Source: [4] (p.62) SEF8 Software Supplier shall commit to providing open, fully documented interfaces between all network management and power management components and between network management systems and external systems. Source: This Document SEF9 Supplier shall commit to providing all necessary support and documentation required to make use of network management interfaces. Source: This Document SEF10 The data archive shall preserve both the raw data originating from NEPTUNE instruments, and the meta-data describing these data. Source: [4] (p.56) SEF11 The DMAS shall support an event, feature and pattern detection processing, and shall allow the detected events, features, and patterns to be stored in the archive. Source: [4] (p.64) SEF12 Certain maritime agencies may require that System instruments be shut down for short periods of time. This could include both shutting down specific instruments in a specified area at a specific time, and random shutdowns of instruments. The System shall support such shut-downs, whether controlled by NEPTUNE operations staff, or by somebody external to NEPTUNE. The System shall be able to confirm that instruments are not gathering data during shut-downs. Source: [7] SEF13 Since the DMAS hardware and software systems may not have the capacity to handle unlimited public access to non-proprietary NEPTUNE data, the System shall P. Phibbs 11 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 have the ability to protect itself by limiting public access to data when necessary by prioritizing Public Users Source: 9 page 22 SEF14 The DMAS shall be able to accept real-time data from external sources that may not be available from NEPTUNE data (for example wind speed, wave height, etc.), but are available from other data sources. The DMAS shall be able to accept data from these other sources, and incorporate the data into the NEPTUNE data flow. Source 9 page 23 SEF15 The NEPTUNE archive shall attribute user-generated data to the Privileged User who generated the data. However detailed verification of user submitted data is impractical, and therefore the user submitting the data shall be responsible for the quality of the data. Source 9 page 25 SEF16 Meta-data shall be included with all data stored in the archive and users may select which metadata to retrieve. Source 9 page 26 SEF17 The DMAS shall accommodate extracting statistics and/or events from data files, and storing them in a searchable form in the catalogues. Source 9 page 26 SEF18 In order to provide “single stop shopping”, data stored in external archives which is complementary to the data in the NEPTUNE archive shall be available through the NEPTUNE archive. This might include data collected by nearby weather buoys, satellite images, etc. Source 9 page 26 SEF19 The System shall be designed such that proprietary data files and all System and instrument functions shall not be accessible without appropriate privileges. . Source 9 page 28 SEF20 Data stored in the archive shall undergo QC/QA analysis, and the results shall be stored in the archive catalogues. Source: [4] (p.33, p.62) SEF21 Fiber type selection shall take into account management of chromatic dispersion throughout the system and the impact of the proposed fiber configuration on system operations and maintenance. Source this document SEF22 The Supervisory System shall be capable of monitoring critical parameters that indicate the performance of each Node and give early indication of performance degradation. The information obtained shall be accessible to both Shore Stations. Source this document SEF23 The Supervisory System shall permit measurements to be made in-service throughout the life of the System without degradation of any System performance parameters. Source this document SEF24 Subsystem Design teams shall provide a schedule of DC, critical AC, and noncritical AC loads for each Shore Station showing power requirements for the initial and ultimate System capacity. Source this document SEF25 All power feeding equipment shall be demonstrated to minimize the risk of failure of System power. Source this document SEF26 Power feeding equipment at all stations shall be fully duplicated and include a dummy load. Source this document SEF27 The Power Feeding Equipment (PFE) shall comprise the equipment for converting the Shore Station’s power supply into the form required to power the undersea Segments. The PFE shall be interconnected with the undersea cable to feed power to the undersea Nodes and branching units. Source this document P. Phibbs 12 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 SEF28 The Power Feeding Equipment (PFE) of each Shore Station shall have sufficient redundancy such that the Segment meets the overall reliability requirements specified in this specification. In case of PFE failure in one Shore Station, the PFE in the other Shore Station shall be capable of automatically feeding the System without operator intervention. Source this document SEF29 Indication shall be provided both on the Shore Station Equipment and Observatory Management System to clearly show which parts of the equipment are working and which are on stand-by or off-line. Source this document SEF30 Submarine Line Terminating Equipment (SLTE) shall provide conversion of signals from the observatory management system and DMAS to a format suitable for transmission over the submarine line and shall convert signals received from the submarine line to a standard interface level. Source this document SEF31 Network Management Systems shall provide fault, configuration, performance, and security management at local, and global levels. Source this document SEF32 The submarine cable System shall include network management systems consisting of: Local Craft Terminals Element Management Systems Network Management Systems Data Communications Network Source this document SEF33 Local craft terminals shall allow fault, configuration, performance, and security management of a single network element at a local level. Source this document SEF34 Element Management Systems (EMS) shall provide fault, configuration, performance and security management on a continuous basis at a local or regional level. Element managers shall be provisioned at each Cable Landing Station or as required to provide complete supervision of all network elements in the submarine cable system. Element management systems shall provide an interface to the Network Management Systems. Source this document SEF35 The Observatory Management System (OMS) shall provide fault, configuration, performance and security management on a continuous basis at a regional and global level. Network managers shall be provisioned at Shore Stations and at two additional locations to be specified. The OMS shall provide end-end path monitoring, as well as end to end fault and performance management. The OMS shall manage all System components including SLTE, PFE, and LME. Source this document SEF36 The Observatory Management System shall provide real time and historical reporting of alarm, performance, and configuration data. The OMS shall allow generation of alarm, performance, and configuration reports in predefined and ad hoc formats. Source this document SEF37 The Shore Station LAN/WAN and Terrestrial Backhaul shall consist of local and wide area networks supporting the Internet Protocol (IP) and any other protocols necessary for operation of the network management systems. Local area networks shall be Category 5 twisted pair cables running 100 Base-T Ethernet. Wide area connectivity shall be provided by means of overhead channels on the SLTE. The Terrestrial Backhaul shall include all necessary hubs, routers, and switches to provide complete connectivity between all components of the System. The P. Phibbs 13 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 Terrestrial Backhaul shall be designed such that no Shore Station is isolated from the other Shore Station or from the DMAS in the event of a cable break or other fault. The Terrestrial Backhaul shall include sufficient router ports to allow a backup connection between each Cable Landing Station and the DMAS over a leased line, dial-up facility, or frame relay service. Source this document SEF38 All network management system components shall be fully duplicated and redundant. All network management system components shall be designed so that a fault or failure does not affect the transmission performance of the system. Source this document SEF39 Each Network Element Manager or Observatory Manager shall provide one interface which reports alarm and performance monitoring data to an external system. The exact format of this interface shall be agreed between the Purchaser and Supplier prior to implementation. At a minimum, exchange of ASCII text via TCP/IP shall be supported. Source this document SEF40 The OMS shall provide an overall Northbound interface to an upper level service management system via an Object Management Group Common Object Request Broker Architecture 3.0 (OMG CORBA 3.0) or higher compliant interface. Source this document SEF41 It shall be possible to access all Network Element Managers and Observatory Managers via a suitably equipped remote terminal or other external system and perform all alarm, performance, and configuration management functions, including monitoring of the submerged plant, in the same manner as if the Network Element Manager or Observatory Manager were accessed directly. Security management functions and root level operating system access shall not be available from remote terminals. Source this document SEF42 The line monitoring equipment shall enable the status of the submerged plant to be monitored. Source this document SEF43 The line monitoring equipment shall be able to be controlled from either Shore Station (conflict resolution required). Source this document SEF44 The Line Monitoring Equipment shall be visible to the Observatory Management System and DMAS. Source this document SEF45 The Line Monitoring Equipment shall carry out its in-service measurements without affecting traffic. Source this document SEF46 The Line Monitoring Equipment shall autonomously monitor the Segments in service and be able to detect any degradation in the submerged plant components. Source this document SEF47 The Line Monitoring Equipment shall localize faults in the submersible plant to between two Nodes by means of any active fiber in the cable. This requirement shall be met from the Shore Stations. Source this document SEF48 The design shall allow for phased growth and funding of NEPTUNE SEF49 The Terrestrial Backhaul will be compatible with both Internet-2 and CANARIE for external connectivity to the Internet. SEF50 Voltage limit shall be adjustable plus/minus 10% SEF51 Current limit shall be adjustable down to 1 A. P. Phibbs 14 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 SEF52 Shore stations shall be capable of coordinating power outputs in order to achieve system-wide goals, such as minimizing operating costs SEF53 The system shall not be restricted to a particular direction of power flow in any segment SEF54 Nodes shall be capable of receiving power from any MV input cable SEF55 Nodes shall normally connect incoming power to any MV cable at the node SEF56 The system shall be capable of continued operation (with isolation of the fault if necessary) despite one fault to ground in the submerged plant. SEF57 The break in service when a fault to ground is experienced in the Submerged Plant shall not exceed ????seconds?? except for those Nodes directly adjacent to the fault, and any nodes isolated by the fault. SEF58 Cable or node faults shall not cause damage to connected equipment. 4.2.4 Reliability The reliability goals that shall be met to allow the System to perform effectively. SRE1 Reliability is key to low operation costs and user satisfaction. (Source 4 page 32) SRE2 Cable faults caused by external aggression on the submerged plant are currently estimated to reduce availability from 1 to >0.99 and will be further studied in Phase 2. (Source 4 page 33) SRE3 Faults caused by external aggression on the submerged plant are the only exclusions from calculation of System reliability. (Source this document). SRE4 Fault Tolerance – the observatory has a goal of providing a sufficient number of alternative data paths so that in the case of any single fault (other than a cable break) no connectivity will be lost. (Source 11 page 4). SRE5 The System reliability for submerged and dry plant shall be provided, along with the calculation methodology. (Source this document). SRE6 The reliability of submerged plant shall be based on a temperature of 5C at the outside of the pressure case. (Source this document). SRE7 The level of unavailable time stated shall include all contributions due to maintenance of submerged plant and Shore Station equipment, internal causes, and those requiring action from the terminal stations or Network Management Systems. (Source this document). SRE8 NEPTUNE Reliability Requirement (Source 12 page 1). 1.1. The NEPTUNE system shall have a better than 95% probability of meeting all functional requirements for at least 95% of the time over a one year period. 1.2. The NEPTUNE system shall have a better than 95% probability of meeting Limited Availability or greater requirements for at least 99% of the time over a one year period. 1.3. A single NEPTUNE node shall have a better than 95% probability of meeting all functional requirements for at least 99.9% of the time over a one year period. 1.4. P. Phibbs The probability of System Failure in any one year shall be less than 0.1% 15 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification 1.5. Revision: Draft 2 A single NEPTUNE Shore Station shall have a better than 95% probability of meeting all System power requirements for at least 99.9995% of the time over a one year period. (2.5 minutes/year). In the event that the PFE has to be shut down for maintenance, any shutdown period shall be included as downtime in the reliability calculation. SRE9 The System shall include buffers at the Shore Station to avoid data loss. The Shore Stations shall be capable of buffering sufficient days of data such that the System will have a better than 95% probability of delivering to the archive 99.9% of the data and metadata that arrives at the Shore Station. Source (with discussion): [4] (p.62) SRE10 The System shall be designed to manage resources so as to avoid overloading subsystems such as power and communications. It shall be able to prioritize activities to fit within the available power and System bandwidth. Source: [9] (p.24) SRE11 System components shall incorporate protection from lightning strikes, surges, magnetic storms, over currents, over voltages, stray voltages or other similar effects. Source: This Document SRE12 Failure of a laser or any other equipment specific to a particular fiber or pair of fibers in a Node shall not produce failure or significant performance degradation on another laser and shall affect only one fiber pair. Source: This Document SRE13 Failure of any part of the Supervisory System shall not lead to failure or impairment in the main transmission paths. Source: This Document 4.2.5 Maintainability Given that no system is 100% reliable, define the design requirements that will allow the System to be maintained while still being effective. SMA1 The System shall include the ability to locate both shunt faults (conductor faults to ground), open circuits and fiber faults to within 1km without underwater intervention. (Source this document) SMA2 The submerged plant, including science experiments, shall be designed to facilitate routine servicing of instruments using research vessels rather than commercial cable ships. (Source 4 page 33). SMA3 The probability that all maintenance necessary to meet or exceed the reliability goals each year can be done during the annual 30 day Scheduled System Maintenance Period shall be better than 95%. (Source 12 page 1). SMA4 The System shall be designed such that installation, support and recovery of the Science Instruments can be undertaken using a Class 1 oceanographic vessel for 90 days per year, including mob/demob, during the “fair weather season” of May – October, with ROV support. (Source 4 Section 8.3 and Appendix A) SMA5 The System shall be designed such that replacement of nodes requiring maintenance can be undertaken using a Class 1 oceanographic vessel for 30 days per year, including mob/demob, during the “fair weather season” of May – October, with ROV support. (Source 4 Section 8.3 and Appendix A) SMA6 The System shall be designed such that there shall be no part of the submerged plant that could not be recovered, respliced and redeployed by an UNOLS ship, or, P. Phibbs 16 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 failing that, by a conventional cable ship. (Source (discussion) 4 Section 8.3 and Appendix A) SMA7 All cable types as selected and laid along the route shall be capable of being recovered and reused provided that (i) the Short term tension acceptable (NTTS) value of the cable type as specified by the manufacturer has not been exceeded during the recovery operation and (ii) the operations used to recover the cable are undertaken in accordance with the Supplier’s approved repair procedures. Source this document SMA8 The cables shall be of such design and dimensions that they can be handled by standard cableship equipment without any modification. Source this document SMA9 The Submerged Plant including Nodes and Branching Units shall be of such design and dimensions that they can be handled by standard cableship equipment without any modification Source this document SMA10 Appropriate alarms shall be indicated on the Shore Station terminal equipment, end of suite display and the network management equipment. Source this document SMA11 The alarms provided in the Shore Stations shall allow relevant aspects of the equipment and the traffic signals to be monitored. Source this document SMA12 The alarms shall be categorized into a minimum of two categories: ‘prompt’ and ‘deferred’ alarms. Source this document SMA13 The alarm System shall allow independent acknowledgment of an alarm condition at the Shore Station. Source this document SMA14 A method shall be provided on the Submarine Line Terminal Equipment to allow performance and operation to be measured and a logical fault finding strategy to be followed. Source this document 4.2.6 Usability (Human Factors) Qualitative and Quantitative requirements pertaining to the human users of the System SUS1 The User interface shall be as user friendly and as transparent as possible, particularly for new user populations. Source: [2] SUS2 The science experiments supported by NEPTUNE can be subdivided into two classes: those for long-term, community wide science, and those proposed and developed by Privileged Users. The System shall support both of these types of experiments and users. Source: [4] (p.32) SUS3 All community experiment data are available to the public in near real time (after any necessary automatic quality control). Data from PI experiments are handled per sponsor policy. . (Source 4 page 33). SUS4 DMAS shall be able to routinely generate and make easily accessible derived information products in addition to the scientific raw data products specified by the research community. These products shall support both public outreach activities, and commercial use of NEPTUNE data. Source: [4] (p.70) SUS5 Data management and archiving may be distributed, though to any user it will appear to be concentrated at a single point. (Source 4 page 33). SUS6 The DMAS subsystem shall be able to grant privileges to certain Priveledged Users, for specific periods of time. These privileges shall include one or more of the following: P. Phibbs 17 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 • Access to proprietary data from a specific list of instruments, for a specific period of time. • The ability to control specific instruments or groups of instruments. • The ability to contribute processed data and catalogue information to the NEPTUNE archive. Source: 9 page 22 SUS7 The System shall accommodate event driven data acquisition, and shall be capable of detecting events in real-time data streams (including video) and automatically reconfiguring the system in response to events. Typical responses might include increasing sample rates for related data, activating additional observing sequences, etc. Source: [4] (p.33, 64) SUS8 Priveledged Users shall be able to access a real-time data flow and real-time instrument status from any instrument. Source 9 page 23 SUS9 The DMAS shall have an API that allows other NEPTUNE systems to retrieve DMAS status, and to control NEPTUNE instruments. The purpose of this interface is to allow an observatory control system to monitor the health and state of the DMAS, and to allow other systems to send command like “shut down all instruments on node x”. The details of the interface are TBD. Source 9 page 23 SUS10 The processing time from when a data request is first received, until the user is notified that data are ready to be retrieved shall be less that n hours plus m minutes per megabyte of data requested. Any time needed for data processing shall be in addition to this time. Source 9 p 25 SUS11 The System shall include a mechanism for Privileged Users to submit files such as processed data files and catalogue files to the archive. The data shall be catalogued, and available to other archive users. Source 9 page 25 SUS12 The NEPTUNE archive shall include a search engine to allow authorized users to access groups of records. SUS13 The System will support sensor meta-data to be updated based on in-situ calibrations, new scaling factors or other changes. Updated meta-data will be recorded by DMAS and appended to all subsequent archived data 4.2.7 Supportability Defines the inherent characteristics of design and installation that enable the effective and efficient operation, maintenance and support of the System throughout its planned life cycle. SSU1 COTS products are preferred to the greatest extent practical. Source: [4] (p.33) SSU2 The System design, manufacture and installation shall be in accordance with applicable international standards. (Source 11 page 5) SSU3 Where applicable ITU-T, ISO, IEC, IETF, OIF, TMF, IEEE, FCC, CE and UL standards or recommendations exist, these shall be used in preference to other standards or recommendations. (Source 11 page 5) SSU4 National and other standards shall only be used with the prior permission. (Source this document) SSU5 All testing activities are to conform to the requirements of the appropriate standards noted above. (Source this document) SSU6 The archive shall store and deliver data in standard formats. Where possible existing formats will be used. Source: [4] (p56, 65) P. Phibbs 18 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 SSU7 The System shall include a long-term archive of selected data produced by NEPTUNE. Practical considerations will prevent the archiving all data. For example, some video data will have to be discarded, and it may not be necessary to archive data that is sent to other archive centres (i.e. seismic data). NEPTUNE policy shall determine which data will be archived. Source 9, page 25 SSU8 System operations - The System operations associated with the backbone infrastructure shall be designed to run automatically. The System shall be designed such that operational requirements such as sensor deployment and recovery, varying power and bandwidth requirements, can be managed by 6 fulltime NEPTUNE personnel with support providing coverage 8 hours per day, 7 days per week. (Source 4 Section 8.3 and Appendix A). SSU9 Data management and archiving The DMAS system shall be designed such that QC/QA of community experiment data, caring for NEPTUNE-specific data, routing particular kinds of data to other data centers (such as IRIS for seismic data), and assisting scientists performing data “mining” can be performed by four and a half full time technical staff with support. (Source 4 Section 8.3 and Appendix A) SSU10 The System shall be designed such that a dedicated support group of 4 full-time technical staff can maintain the sensor networks, install community experiments, and assist on Priveledged User experiments if required. (Source 4 Section 8.3 and Appendix A) SSU11 The System shall be designed such that a dedicated support group of 3 full-time technical staff can return and repair the nodes recovered each year ready for deployment the following year. (Source 4 Section 8.3 and Appendix A) SSU12 The observatory shall be capable of being operated and managed from a remote site connected to the Internet. . (Source 11 page 5). SSU13 The System shall be designed and spares shall be provided so that any Node can be refurbished or replaced during the System life. All design improvements shall be backward compatible. (Source – This Document) SSU14 The System shall include sufficient spares, or a contract to provide sufficient spares, to refurbish any submerged plant including Nodes and Branching Units during the system life SSU15 Nodes and Branching Units shall employ mechanical and electrical designs proven by a history of similar use or by an appropriate testing program. (Source – This Document) SSU16 Design of all submerged plant including Nodes and Branching Units shall include the installation and recoverability parameters including recovery rates and allowable loads vs sea states. (Source – This Document) SSU17 Design documentation shall include details of the optical design of the Nodes, including pump laser configuration, optical gain and noise figure, optical bandwidth, optical gain equalization, and monitoring or loopback paths. (Source – This Document) SSU18 The Submarine Line Terminal Equipment shall provide Supervisory access to the submerged plant. (Source – This Document) SSU19 Data transport shall be digitally transparent in all respects (Source – This Document) P. Phibbs 19 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 SSU20 Each fiber or wavelength shall continue to function within its specified performance in the event of connection or disconnection of any impedance or digital signal on any other fiber or wavelength input or output ports. (Source – This Document) SSU21 The removal of a fiber or wavelength unit card or GBIC in any transmission path shall not affect other fibers or wavelengths. (Source – This Document) SSU22 The System shall allow for provision of operating statistics – dataflow, data access, number of users, equipment performance stats etc SSU23 The Submarine Line Terminal Equipment (SLTE) shall collect performance monitoring information required to assess the segment performance in accordance with ITU-T Recommendation G.826 including Errored Seconds, Severely Errored Seconds, and Unavailable Seconds. (Source – This Document) SSU24 The Submarine Line Terminal Equipment (SLTE) shall collect performance monitoring information required to assess segment operation and performance margin, including the line error rate and estimated Q value. (Source – This Document) SSU25 All performance monitoring parameters shall be able to be monitored by the Observatory Management System. (Source – This Document) 4.2.8 Transportability/Mobility STR1 System components such as Nodes shall be transportable by road using conventional trucks. (Source – This Document) 4.2.9 Flexibility Defines design requirements to allow flexibility of operation and future change SFL1 The System shall provide a “plug and play” capability, allowing new instruments and new types of instruments to be incorporated into the System in such a manner that ongoing experiments are not interrupted. Source: [4] (p.33) SFL2 The System shall be adaptable to evolving technologies. Source: [4] (p.33) SFL3 The System shall be capable of planned and unplanned extension after its initial deployment. Source: [4] (p.36) SFL4 Node Upgradeability – the Nodes shall be capable of being upgraded incrementally to newer System and power technologies if they prove appropriate. (Source 11 page 4). SFL5 The DMAS shall be designed to “scale up”, if future growth of the System extent, or instrumentation increases the data rates beyond the predictions. Source 9 page 27 SFL6 Submarine Line Terminal Equipment capacity upgrades shall be made without causing outages on the in-service data traffic. (Source – This Document) P. Phibbs 20 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 4.3 Design and Construction 4.3.1 CAD/CAM Requirements 4.3.2 Materials, Processes, and Parts 4.3.3 Mounting and Labelling 4.3.4 Electromagnetic Radiation 4.3.5 Safety SSA1 Adequate safeguards shall be used in all equipment to prevent personnel from accessing hazardous voltages, laser light sources and other potentially hazardous situations. These shall include interlocks, alarms, warning notices and clear statements in documentation. Source this document. SSA2 The Supplier shall place special emphasis on safety issues during all training courses. Source this document. SSA3 As a minimum, the equipment shall conform to the latest issue of the following international standards: IEC 60825 Safety of Laser Products; IEC 60950 Safety of Information Technology Equipment. Source this document SSA4 The System shall be designed to allow node maintenance and repair operations to meet the applicable safety codes, particularly with respect to power protocols. SSA5 The System shall be designed to allow installation operations to meet all applicable safety codes. SSA6 The system shall meet applicable requirements for maintenance and safety in terms of lockouts of the power system. 4.3.6 Interchangeability 4.3.7 Workmanship 4.3.8 Testability 4.3.9 Economic Feasibility 4.4 Documentation/Data DD1. The Supplier shall submit a complete description of the documentation to be furnished as part of the Contract. Source this document DD2. Documentation shall be provided in the English language. Source this document. DD3. All measurements and numerical values are in accordance with the SI units. Source this document DD4. All final documentation shall be supplied as two sets of paper copies in the English language and 5 inch CD-ROMS containing the English documentation. Source this document. DD5. Electronic files of all documentation shall be provided in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format, or other format as agreed by the Purchaser. Source this document. P. Phibbs 21 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 DD6. All provisional documents, documents for review, and documents containing data to which the Purchaser may reasonably require access (such as route position lists, floor plans, etc.) shall be provided in the native file format. Source this document. DD7. All documents shall be issued in accordance with a document control system which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001. Source this document 4.5 Logistics 4.5.1 Maintenance Requirements LMR1 The System shall include all necessary spares, specialized tools and equipment, and consumable items required over the commercial life of the system. Source this document. LMR2 Spares shall include, but not be limited to, spare cable, spare Nodes, spare branching units, and Shore Station equipment spares. Source this document. 4.5.2 Supply Support 4.5.3 Test and Support Equipment LTS1 Test and support equipment shall include those items developed and manufactured by the Supplier specifically for carrying out tests that are unique to the submarine System (e.g. Node test benches). Source this document. LTS2 The System shall include test and support equipment selected from a list of recommended test and support equipment prepared by subsystem design groups and available from third parties. Source this document. 4.5.4 Personnel and Training LPT1 The Supplier shall plan and deliver all the necessary training for the Purchaser’s personnel so that such personnel will be capable of independently carrying out engineering, cable jointing, installation, testing, commissioning, acceptance, provisioning and maintenance of the System in a competent and efficient manner. Source this document. LPT2 The Supplier shall offer the following training: Source this document a. Functional Overview (Type A): One session per station b. Dry Plant Operations (Type B1): One session per station c. Wet Plant Operations and Powering (Type B2): One session per station d. OMS Operations (Type B3-NOC): One session per station e. Remote Operating Position (Type B3-ROP): One session per station f. Shipboard Cable Jointing (Type C): Optional g. Land Cable Jointing (Type D): Optional LPT3 The Supplier shall provide a description of each type of training and shall indicate the maximum number of students in each session. Source this document. LPT4 Training shall be conducted in the English Language. Source this document. P. Phibbs 22 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 4.5.5 Facilities and Equipment 4.5.6 Packaging, Handling, Storage, and Transportation 4.5.7 Computer Resources (Software) 4.5.8 Technical Data 4.5.9 User Services 4.6 Producibility 4.7 Installability INS1. The Submerged plant from the beach to 1500msw shall as much as possible be suitable for installation using a conventional cable plough. INS2. The Submerged plant from 1500msw to 2000msw shall as much as possible be suitable for installation using a conventional cable burial ROV. INS3. The System shall be designed such that the submerged plant can be powered and tested during installation, so that any installation related faults can be recovered and repaired by the installation vessel.. 4.8 Disposability 4.9 Affordability 5.0 Test and Evaluation TE1 All subsystem design groups shall carry out programs of Prototype Acceptance Testing (PAT) to demonstrate that all land based and submerged components meet the design parameters, performance criteria, and quality standards established by the Designer’s engineering and design activities. The Designer shall demonstrate that the design parameters, performance criteria, and quality standards for each component or assembly are consistent with these overall performance requirements. Source: This Document TE2 Qualification of submersible plant shall include testing complete housing with penetrations and terminations to 1.5x working pressure Source: This Document TE3 All Suppliers shall, with reasonable prior notice, give full and free access to all locations relating to the Work (including all offices and production facilities for the Work or the Equipment of the Supplier), for the purposes of evaluating the Supplier’s Quality Assurance System and confirming the Supplier’s adherence to that system. Source: This Document TE4 All equipment that forms part of the System shall undergo programs of Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) to demonstrate that all land based and submerged components meet the design parameters, performance criteria, and quality standards established by the Supplier’s engineering and design activities. It shall be demonstrated to the Purchaser’s satisfaction that the design parameters, performance criteria, and quality standards for each component or assembly are consistent with these overall performance requirements. Source: This Document TE5 A program of System Assembly and Test shall be carried out to demonstrate that assembled blocks of cable, Nodes, and other submerged components meet the P. Phibbs 23 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 design parameters, performance criteria, and quality standards established by the engineering and design activities. It shall be demonstrated that the design parameters, performance criteria, and quality standards for the block assemblies are consistent with these overall performance requirements. Source: This Document TE6 Following the completion of installation of the Shore Station equipment, a program of In-Station Testing shall be carried out to demonstrate that installed land-based equipment meets the design parameters, performance criteria, and quality standards established by the engineering and design activities and that the performance of this equipment is consistent with the performance measured during FAT. It shall be demonstrated that the design parameters, performance criteria, and quality standards for each component or assembly are consistent with these overall performance requirements. Source: This Document TE7 Following the completion of each Segment, a program of Segment Commissioning shall be carried out to demonstrate that Segment performance meets the requirements. Source: This Document TE8 Following the completion of the submerged plant, a program of Final Commissioning shall be carried out to demonstrate that System performance meets the requirements. Source: This Document 6.0 Quality Assurance Provisions Source this document QAP1 Suppliers, manufacturers, contractors and subcontractors shall be certified to ISO 9000 in all areas of their organizations relevant to the design, manufacture, installation and commissioning of the System. The Suppliers, manufacturers, contractors and subcontractors shall provide controlled copies of their Quality Manuals to show compliance with all elements of ISO 9000 at the highest level. QAP2 QAP3 All components proposed for the System shall be fit for intended application and reasonable evidence shall be presented to demonstrate this fitness including the relevant qualification test reports and any new qualification tests for the equipment identified in the project program. QAP4 Qualification tests performed on any new equipment shall be conducted in accordance with a qualification test specification. QAP5 All equipment used in qualification tests, factory tests, installation and commissioning tests shall be in calibration, and the relevant calibration certificates shall be available for inspection. QAP6 Contractors and subcontractors shall demonstrate compliance with ISO 9000- 3, Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 to the Development, Supply and Maintenance of Software, providing documentation for any new software development. QAP7 Suppliers, contractors and subcontractors shall provide notification before implementation of any product changes, design changes (modifications) etc., affecting form, fit, function, safety and reliability. QAP8 The Supplier, contractors and subcontractors shall employ reasonable efforts to become compliant with the TL 9000 standard. This standard will replace ISO 9000 for telecommunication suppliers. P. Phibbs 24 of 25 15/Feb/16 System Specification Revision: Draft 2 7.0 Accessibility and User Service 8.0 Education and Outreach P. Phibbs 25 of 25 15/Feb/16