Miss Schork - Tonawanda City School District

Mrs. D’Amato – Room 204 – September 2015
Course Syllabus
Welcome to Sports and Entertainment Marketing!!
I am looking forward to sharing the semester with all of you.
Course Description: A one semester (0.5 credit) course that will explore the intriguing world of sports and
entertainment from the perspective of marketing. Sports marketing will cover topics such as college and
amateur sports, professional sports, sports agents, Olympics, and sporting goods. Entertainment Marketing
includes: music, movie and theater, resorts and theme parks. Other topics will include legal aspects, public
images, licensing, marketing plans, and more! You will be introduced to the basic principles of marketing
while evaluating the two most exciting and competitive businesses in the world!
Some of the topics will be covering will include but not be limited to the following:
1. Basic Marketing Concepts (the 4 P’s of Marketing)
2. Sports Marketing
Women’s Sports
3. Entertainment Marketing
Modern Entertainment
Music Industry
Public Relations
Theme Parks
All School Rules & Policies apply in this class
Please do not have your electronic devices out and on during class
(phones, ipods, etc…) unless specifically asked to have it for an activity,
as it distracts you from what is going on in class, slows down the
progress of your work, and negatively affects your grades. If I see it,
you will be asked once to put it away, a second time I will take it and
give it to you at the end of class, a third time, I will give it to the main
office with a referral.
Be polite and respectful to: yourself, your classmates, the computers, and your teacher (substitute,
or guest speakers)
2. Pay Attention: No surfing the Internet without permission or direction to do so. Any violation of
the district computer policy will result in loss of privileges for the day. (No games)
3. No food or drink allowed by the computers
4. Attend class and be on time.
As long as we all follow the rules, we should have an exceptional semester together. Your behavior in the
classroom is a reflection of who you are. Everyone is expected to be polite and courteous to all people in
What happens if I am late?
You are expected to be in the classroom with your materials and all assigned work when the bell
rings. If you are late, you will stay after school with me. Consistent tardiness will result in a
What happens if I am absent?
If you are illegally absent from school (truant) a grade of zero (0) will be given for the missed
work, including tests. YOU are responsible to find out what material or homework was covered
or assigned when absent. The best way to check on work that was done while you were out is to
www.tonawandacsd.org. Go to High School, Faculty Webs,
Mrs. D’Amato and click on your course and Weekly Assignments.
check on my teacher web page on
If you need help with an assignment, you may see me before or after school. For every day you are legally
absent, you will be given an extra day to make up the work. If you miss a test or a quiz that you are aware
of, the test will be given to you when you return. The same is true for any due assignments.
How will I be graded in sports and entertainment marketing class?
Final averages will be the result of tests, quizzes, projects, classroom participation, and
in class assignments. All tests will be announced in advance. Periodically unannounced
pop quizzes will be given. Extra time for tests and quizzes will be allowed only on an
individual basis.
Late Work: You will lose 10% of the grade per day of any late assignment. I will
accept the work for up to 5 days past the due date unless you see me ahead of time with extenuating
What should I do with the papers I receive?
KEEP THEM!!! There will be times when we have open note tests and quizzes. Also, a majority of the
material you will receive we may refer to later in the course, or you may need after the completion of the
course. Keep one binder or notebook with folder specifically for this class!! Bring it with you every day with
a writing utensil.
What supplies do I need for class this year?
One binder (anywhere from 1-2 inches will work) with loose leaf
Paper OR
One notebook with a 2 Pocket folder
Bring a pen to class every day!!!!!
You will be writing a majority of your own notes.
Computer Privileges: It is imperative that every student in the class has daily access to the computer
network. If you lose privileges for any reason you will not be allowed to sign on during this class and
will receive a zero for any missed work.
Student Signature
Parent Signature