Liturgy Committee Meeting Minutes 9/9/09

Our Lady of the Valley
Liturgy Committee Meeting
September 9, 2009
Our Lady of the Valley Liturgy Committee met Wednesday, September 9, 2009 at 7 PM
Sharp! in St. Ann School Meeting Room with the following members present: Bill Loree,
Chair; John Bartell, Secretary; Father Peter Anglaaere, Patty Peisher, Ann Marie Barillo,
Beverly Gilbert, Noreen Mahoney, Barb Banko, Mary Ann Sullivan, Margie Terry and Bill
Prayer - Bill Loree called the meeting to order at 7 PM and led us in Our Lady of the
Valley Parish Prayer.
Roll Call - See above
Approval of June 10th. Meeting Minutes -To refresh everyone’s mind, Bill Loree read
over the minutes from the June meeting and members responded to various items with
current information regarding outcomes. Following much discussion, a motion was made
and carried to approve the minutes as presented. (Details to appear under appropriate
agenda item.) .
All Committee Meeting - October 21st. In a separate memorandum, Chairman Bill
requested committee members to bring ideas regarding 2009-2010 goal setting for the
“all Committee meeting” to be held in the Pine Room where each group will review
their past accomplishments and spell out their goals for the coming year. After much
discussion, the liturgy committee listed the following goals for 2009-2010
Goal #1 - Continue having a parish picnic every summer. Group decided
to hold next year’s picnic at St. Mary Parish in Rexville; maybe in combination
with an outdoor Mass to precede the picnic.(Patty Peisher in charge) Suggestion
made that Bishop Clark be invited to celebrate Mass and festivities. Comments
were made that very few 75 and above parishioners attended this year’s
Mass celebration. However, the picnic was a huge success–sell out. People
really liked it.
Goal #2 - Reinstate Triduum in Honor of St. Ann formerly held July 24, 25 and
26th. At St. Ann Church. (Committee endorses this activity–to be taken before
Pastoral Council).
Goal #3 - Promote Fellowship.
Goal #4 - Hold retreat during Lent and include Healing Mass.
Goal #5 - Reinstitute the G.I.F.T programs (Past sessions have been well
attended and received)
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Goal #6 - Memorial Mass - to be held every year. (Tentative date for this year’s
Mass - Sunday, November 8th.
Advent - November 29th.–Plans - Since both BLUE and BLACK books sold well last
year, our committee is in favor of ordering the books now to take advantage of lower
prices. Bill Loree will contact Sally/Kathy via Purchase Order to order now for both
Advent and Lent. Also to be ordered are pamphlets for Penance services held in both
Advent and Lent (Audrey orders these!) Doug Gilbert will again prepare the Advent
Wreath. Bev. Gilbert to be in charge of getting individuals to light the Advent Candle(s)
during Mass. Patty Peisher will take charge of Advent Activities at St. Mary Church. It
was noted that a parishioner, Susan Wake is in the process of restoring the creche
figurines and repainting them (St. Ignatius Creche) She also has repainted the Sacred
Heart Statue located in Youth Ministry/altar server room.
Ministry Training - Our committee agreed that training was indeed needed.
Eucharistic Ministers - Bill Loree has been unsuccessful in trying to
contact Bill Piatt, in charge of the group. It was also noted that more
ministers are needed at the 4:30 PM on Saturdays.
Altar Servers - Bill Bishop and Beth Ann Jacobs in charge
Readers/Lectors - Beth Jacobs in charge
Ushers - Ann Marie Barillo has written a procedure for use with ushers
and the document (now misplaced ) was refined by Joanne Daniels.
Committee members will look over materials to see if anyone has a copy.
Bereavement Committee - Margie Terry heads this group which will hold their next
Meeting on Monday evening, September 14th in school meeting room. Much discussion
took place regarding the groups activities with positive outcomes. Bill Bishop mentioned
that he would like to see a priest come to the funeral home during calling hours.
Parish Mass celebration - June 13th. - (See Goal #1 comments.)
GIRM–General Instruction of the Roman Missal -- Bill Loree and Father Peter met
regarding some refinements in liturgical matters to be eventually implemented in our
churches. Changes include inviting the congregation to stand at the beginning of
the”Orate Fratres” instead of after the prayer as is done now. Other changes to be
implemented in the future when the bishops give the okay are as follows: During the
Liturgy of the Word, the altar of sacrifice would be empty. During the procession at the
beginning of Mass the Deacon (if present) will carry the book with Gospels and place it
on the altar of sacrifice. ( Book with first two readings would already be in place on the
Epistle side Ambo). At the time of the Gospel, the Deacon will present this to the priest
at Gospel side ambo. Following the “Liturgy of the Word” and after the Credo, the
Altar of Sacrifice will be prepared for Mass, e.g. the cup, purificator, etc.
Father Peter - (see item 9)
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Website Minutes - John Bartell waiting for Deacon Bob to install software..
Other .
It was noted that St. Brendan’s in Almond has started a 5 PM Mass on Saturday. St.
Mary’s in Canaseraga also has Mass at this time. There is committee concern as Priests
are asking people to come from our parish to theirs. Father Peter responded that
fellowship on our part may eventually bring them back to OLV.
Bev. Gilbert expressed concern over good Hygiene during distribution of wine and hosts
in the event of an HlNl flu outbreak. Bill Piatt will be advised if such occurs.
Patty Peisher announced that a retirement party would be held for Sally Stuckey on
Sunday, October 11th. From 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the Canisteo American Legion Hall.
She has served as parish secretary for 33 years.
Barb Banko suggested that we take up a heating collection on the 2nd. Weekend of the
month beginning in October. Father Peter will announce at Mass and a note will be
placed in the parish bulletin.
Bill Loree, Chair, charged Bill Bishop and Barb Banko with chairing the Memorial Mass
to be held on Sunday, November 8th at St. Ann Church during Mass. At the same time,
he charged Patty Peisher to chair next year’s parish picnic to be held at Rexville.
Confirmation will be held on October 13th at St. Mary Church in Rexville.
It is proposed that statues of Blessed Mother and St. Joseph received from St. Ignatius
Church be placed on either side of the Crucifix located in the Elm St. Vestibule.
Mary Ann Sullivan explained that there is a problem with clutter on bulletin board(s) at
the Elm St. Entrance of St. Ann’s. Also, noted were donated materials
such as food, used printer cartridges, etc. cluttering up the entranceway.
She and Joanne Daniels to resolve.
Meeting adjourned at 9 PM following a closing prayer led by Father Peter
Next meeting - October 21st. In Pine Room of St. Ann School (All Committee Meeting)
Respectfully submitted:
John R. Bartell, Secretary.
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