unaltered Supplement Ms 244-14-EJHGRR Supplement: Clinical details of the patients listed in Table 1 Patients with a family history suggestive of XLID Family 1: AP1S2 variant [NM_003916.3: c.367C>T; p.(Gln123*)] In family 1, a family from Poland, the 25-year-old index patient had moderate to severe ID, occasional aggressive outbursts and microcephaly [body measurements: height 180 cm (75th centile), weight 65 kg (25-50th centile), OFC 52 cm (<3rd centile)]. Neither brain imaging nor cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tests were performed in this patient. He had had three affected male maternal cousins. One of those cousins had hydrocephalus and died shortly after birth, and another cousin died at age 3 years. The third cousin had moderate ID but was not seen by a clinical geneticist. The nonsense variant in AP1S2 was present in the index patient, his mother and in his maternal grandmother. No other family members were available for testing. Mutations in AP1S2 are associated with a syndromic form of XLID that is characterized by elevated protein levels in CSF, calcifications of basal ganglia, hydrocephalus and aggressive behavior (OMIM 300630). To date, only eight pathogenic AP1S2 variants have been reported.1-5 Family 2: ATRX variant [NM_000489.3: c.6975+5G>A] Psychomotor development of the 3-year-old index patient of family 2 was severely delayed (walking at 25 months, no speech). He had microcephaly and borderline short stature. His 30year-old maternal uncle was said to be microcephalic in childhood, but OFC and height were now at the 50th centile. The mother of the index patient and her second brother were healthy. 1 unaltered Supplement Ms 244-14-EJHGRR The base pair exchange in ATRX intron 32 (c.6975+5G>A) was found in the index patient, his mother and his affected uncle, but not in his healthy uncle. RT-PCR analysis of DNA samples of the two patients revealed skipping of exon 32 (126 bp), which was predicted to result in an in-frame deletion of 42 amino acids. X-inactivation in the mother was skewed (95:5). HbH inclusion bodies in erythrocytes were detected neither in the index patient nor in his affected uncle. X-linked alpha-thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome (ATRX, OMIM 301040) is characterized by ID and additional problems such as microcephaly and epilepsy.6 In some patients, hemoglobin H (HbH) disease can be detected in a small percentage of erythrocytes, but this was not the case in the present family. This family illustrates the role of intronic variants, which are often difficult to interpret, as disease-causing factors. Family 3: ATRX variant [NM_000489.3: c.6244G>A; p.(Asp2082Asn)] In this family, two brothers aged 7 and 3 years, respectively, had severe ID, microcephaly and short nasal septum. No tests for HbH inclusion bodies were performed in these brothers. The missense variant in ATRX was present in both brothers and their mother. Segregation of this variant with ID, evaluation as probably pathogenic by prediction programs and the characteristic clinical features of the two patients support the causative role of this variant. Family 4: ATRX variant [NM_000489.3: c.7264_7265insT; p.(Gln2422Leufs*29)] The index patient of this family had severe ID, secondary microcephaly, muscular hypotonia, epilepsy, strabismus and short nasal septum. Remarkably, he had agenesis of the gallbladder. He died at age 3 years 5 months of a respiratory infection. His younger brother had primary microcephaly, micropenis, cryptorchidism and severely delayed psychomotor development. He also had gallbladder agenesis. 2 unaltered Supplement Ms 244-14-EJHGRR The ATRX frameshift variant was found in the index patient, his brother and in his mother. Tests for HbH inclusion bodies were not performed. Gallbladder agenesis has, to the best of our knowledge, only been described once in association with ATRX syndrome [family 1 in Thienpont et al (2007)].7 The family reported by Thienpont et al (2007) had an interstitial duplication harboring part of ATRX, but also an additional, distally located duplication that included several genes. A causative role of this second duplication for the gallbladder abnormalities could not be excluded. The family reported here supports the assumption that ATRX variants are associated with gallbladder agenesis, which might be an underdiagnosed feature. Family 5: CUL4B variant [NM_003588.3: c.2469C>G; p.(Ile823Met)] The 17-year-old index patient of this family had moderate ID, macrocephaly (OFC 60 cm, >97th centile), short stature (height 163 cm, <3rd centile) and cryptorchidism. A submucous cleft palate was surgically corrected, and ophthalmic examinations revealed bilateral partial optic atrophy without deleterious effects on vision. A maternal uncle had similar clinical problems, but neither cleft palate nor optic atrophy. The missense variant in CUL4B was present in the index patient, his mother, the affected maternal uncle and the maternal grandmother. The variant was not found in the healthy brother of the mother. X-inactivation in the mother was skewed (91:9). Mutations in CUL4B are associated with a syndromic form of XLID characterized by macrocephaly, short stature, hypogonadism and additional problems (Cabezas syndrome, OMIM 300354).8 The clinical problems of the two patients described here are in accordance with previously reported patients with pathogenic CUL4B variants. Cleft palate and optic atrophy have so far not been reported in association with CUL4B variants, and they might be either rare manifestations of this defect or coincidental findings. 3 unaltered Supplement Ms 244-14-EJHGRR Family 6: CUL4B variant [NM_003588.3: c.2060G>A; p.(Trp687*)] The 30-year-old index patient of this family and his older brother had moderate ID, macrocephaly and obesity. The CUL4B nonsense variant was found in both brothers and their mother who was healthy. For a discussion of CUL4B-associated XLID, see family 5. Family 7: IQSEC2 variant [NM_001111125.2: c.2662dup; p.(Ile888Asnfs*16)] The index patient of this family suffered from severe non-syndromic ID, i.e. he had no other significant clinical problems. He had a maternal uncle who also had non-syndromic ID, which gave rise to the suspicion of a common X-linked defect in this family. The frameshift variant in IQSEC2 was detected in the index patient. However, this variant was neither present in his mother nor in his maternal uncle in whom no other genetic defect has so far been detected. Mutations in IQSEC2 are associated with moderate to severe non-syndromic ID (OMIM 309530).9 Recently, IQSEC2 variants were also reported in male patients who, in addition to ID, suffered from epilepsy, microcephaly and stereotypic hand movements.10, 11 This family illustrates that in non-syndromic ID, patients that appear to be linked by a common genetic cause may still turn out to have different disorders. Family 8: KDM5C variant [NM_004187.3: c.2047del; p.(Ala683Profs*81)] The 14-year-old index patient of this family had severe ID, OFC at the 90th centile, short stature and strabismus, while his younger brother also had short stature but moderate ID, OFC at the 10th centile and cryptorchidism. Neither of the two brothers had additional malformations nor significant facial dysmorphic signs. The KDM5C frameshift variant was detected in the index patient, his affected brother and in their healthy mother who had skewed X-inactivation (98:2). 4 unaltered Supplement Ms 244-14-EJHGRR Mutations in KDM5C (formerly known as JARID1C and SMCX) are associated with mild to severe ID and additional problems such as short stature, epilepsy, hyperreflexia, ataxia and microcephaly (OMIM 300534).12-15 Family 9: KDM5C variant [NM_001146702.1: c.3084C>A; p.(Cys1028*)] The 48-year-old index patient of this family had moderate ID. Apart from seizures which started at the age of 6 years, he had no other major medical problems. His sister had mild ID. On examination at age 47 years, she had short stature (height 148 cm, <3 rd centile), microcephaly (OFC 50.5 cm, <3rd centile), and she was obese (weight 87 kg, >97th centile). She also had strabismus and hyperopia, but no history of seizures. The mother had had learning problems and had died at the age of 66 years. The younger brother of the index patient was healthy. The KDM5C nonsense variant was found in the index patient and in his sister, but not in the healthy brother. X-inactivation in the sister was skewed (95:5). In this family, two female carriers of this variant (the sister and the mother of the index patient) had cognitive deficits which were, however, less severe than in the index patient. Although most reported female carriers of KDM5C mutations were described as normal, affected females have been observed before.13, 15 Family 10: MED12 variant [NM_005120.2: c.2444G>A; p.(Arg815Gln)] In this family, both the index patient and his brother had moderate ID, short stature and microcephaly. Their mother had learning problems. Clinical details of this family will be reported separately (Maiwald et al, in preparation). The MED12 missense variant was present in the index patient, his affected brother and their mother, but not in the healthy brother and also not in the healthy sister. 5 unaltered Supplement Ms 244-14-EJHGRR Missense mutations in MED12 are associated with FG syndrome (Opitz-Kaveggia syndrome, OMIM 305450), Lujan-Fryns syndrome (ID with marfanoid habitus, OMIM 309520) and Ohdo syndrome (OMIM 300895).16-18 Family 11: OPHN1 variant [NM_002547.2: c.1489C>T; p.(Arg497*)] The index patient and his younger brother had mild to moderate ID, cryptorchidism, strabismus and slightly ataxic gait. The younger brother had multiple cysts in the left kidney. Both brothers had borderline obesity; height and OFC were in the normal range. Brain MRI scans revealed cerebellar hypoplasia and slight atrophy of the frontal cortex in both brothers. The OPHN1 nonsense variant was present in both brothers and their healthy mother. Mutations in OPHN1 are associated with ID and cerebellar hypoplasia (OMIM 300486), and the clinical features of the present family are in accordance with those of previously published patients.19-23 Family 12: UPF3B variant [NM_080632.2: c.1101G>C; p.(Lys367Asn)] The index patient of this family had moderate ID. Facial dysmorphic features included hypertelorism and epicanthus. His mother had mild ID and psychiatric problems. A maternal uncle had severe ID but was not seen by a clinical geneticist. The UPF3B missense variant was detected in the index patient, his mother and his affected maternal uncle. X-inactivation in the mother was not skewed. Mutations in UPF3B cause XLID with variable associated features such as macrocephaly and autism (OMIM 300676). Only eight UPF3B mutations have been reported to date.24-27 6 unaltered Supplement Ms 244-14-EJHGRR Family 13: ZDHHC9 variant [NM_016032.3: c.286C>T; p.(Arg96Trp)] The 15-year-old index patient of this large Turkish family had moderate ID and normal body measurements. He had surgery for left-sided ureteropelvic junction obstruction at the age of 10 years and developed postoperative keloid. Apart from mild cutaneous syndactyly of the 2nd and 3rd toes, he neither had malformations nor significant dysmorphic signs. Each of his three maternal aunts had a son with ID of similar severity. Apart from strabismus in one of those cousins, they had no additional medical problems. The ZDHHC9 missense variant was present in the index patient, his mother, his maternal grandmother, two of his maternal aunts and their affected sons (the third aunt and her affected son were not available for testing). X-inactivation in the mother was normal, i.e. there was no skewing. Defects in ZDHHC9 were reported in association with XLID and marfanoid habitus (OMIM 300799), and only six mutations in this gene were reported to date.28-31 The patients in the family reported here had no marfanoid features. Sporadic patients Patient 14: CUL4B variant [NM_003588.3: c.429_431dup; p.(Ser146dup)] This 13-year-old Turkish patient had borderline short stature (height 142 cm, 3rd centile) and borderline microcephaly (OFC 52 cm, 3rd-10th centile). Weight was normal (40 kg, 25th centile), but his body proportions gave the impression of central obesity. Hearing loss was diagnosed at age 12 years. He had a coarse face, small ears, broad nose with bulbous nasal tip, epicanthus, thick lips, everted lower lip, brachydactyly, bilateral 2/3 toe syndactyly, and sandal gap. 7 unaltered Supplement Ms 244-14-EJHGRR The CUL4B in-frame insertion of one amino acid (serine) was diagnosed in the index patient. No other family members were available for testing. Apart from borderline microcephaly which has so far not been described in association with CUL4B mutations, the clinical features of this patient are in accordance with previously reported patients. Also syndactyly of the second and third toes has been reported before.32 Patient 15: DLG3 variant [NM_021120.3: c.649C>T; p.(Arg217*)] This patient had mild to moderate ID and seizures that started at age 3 years. He neither had malformations nor facial dysmorphic signs, and brain MRI scan was normal. He had a healthy sister and a healthy brother. The DLG3 nonsense variant was present in the patient and his mother. X-inactivation testing of the mother revealed a normal result, i.e. there was no skewing. To date, only seven DLG3 mutations have been reported in XLID families whose affected male members had moderate to severe but otherwise non-syndromic ID.33-36 None of those patients had epilepsy, but seizures were reported in one obligate carrier female who also had borderline IQ.34 Random X-inactivation in the mother of the present patient corroborates the absence of skewing in carrier females of previously published families. Patient 16: SLC9A6 variant [NG_017160.1: g.135067656_135067991del (GRCh37/hg19)] This boy was conceived after anonymous egg donation. He was born in the 36th gestational week with low birth measurements [length 46 cm (<3rd centile); weight 2410 g (<3rd centile), OFC 32.5 cm (<3rd centile)]. Psychomotor development was severely retarded, and he had seizures starting at age 2 years. On examination at age 4 years, he could neither walk nor talk, and he had strabismus and an OFC of 46 cm (3 cm below the 3rd centile). The complete exon 1 of SLC9A6 was found to be deleted in this patient. DNA samples of his genetic mother (an anonymous Turkish egg donor) were not available. 8 unaltered Supplement Ms 244-14-EJHGRR Mutations in SLC9A6 cause Christianson syndrome (OMIM 300243), which is characterized by severe ID, seizures, ataxia and microcephaly.37-39 The clinical features of the present patient corroborate the findings in previously published patients with SLC9A6 mutations. This case raises particular concerns in terms of recurrence risks because the genetic mother was an egg donor. Patient 17: SMC1A variant [NM_006306.2: c.1937T>C; p.(Phe646Ser)] This patient was born to healthy and non-consanguineous Turkish parents in the 34th gestational week by Cesarean section. He had low birth measurements [weight 1180g (<3 rd centile), length 35 cm (<3rd centile), OFC 35 cm (<3rd centile)], congenital heart disease (anomalous aortic arch, atrial septal defect, aberrant subclavian artery), cryptorchidism, sensorineural hearing loss and bilateral inguinal hernias. On examination at age 5 years 8 months, he had short stature (101 cm, <3rd centile) and borderline microcephaly (49.5 cm, 3rd centile). Facial dysmorphic features included triangular face, downslanting palpebral fissures, strabismus, ptosis, small nose with anteverted nares, thin upper lip and dysplastic, low-set and posteriorly rotated ears. He had single transverse palmar creases at his hands and thin legs, but no hand or foot malformations. Psychomotor development was severely delayed; he was unable to walk without support and could not talk. The SMC1A missense variant was detected in the patient and his healthy mother. Xinactivation in the mother was skewed (96:4). Mutations in SMC1A are associated with Cornelia de Lange syndrome 2 (CDLS2, OMIM 300590), and mutations have been reported in both male and female patients.40-43 The clinical features of the present patient are in accordance with Cornelia de Lange syndrome. 9 unaltered Supplement Ms 244-14-EJHGRR Patient 18: UBE2A variant [NM_003336.2: c.387dup; p.(Tyr130Valfs*9)] This patient was born at term with large body measurements (length, weight and OFC were above the 97th centile). He had congenital heart disease and suffered from muscular hypotonia and feeding difficulties. Seizures started in the first months of life. Psychomotor development was severely retarded. Brain MRI scans revealed progressive brain atrophy. His parents and siblings were healthy. Clinical details of this patient were reported separately [patient 6 in Czeschik et al 2013).44 The UBE2A frameshift variant was detected in the patient but not in his mother, i.e. it was a de novo variant. UBE2A mutations are associated with Nascimento syndrome (OMIM 300860), a syndromic form of ID characterized by large head circumference, facial dysmorphism, onychodystrophy and hirsutism.44-46 The clinical features of this patient are in accordance with those of previously published patients. Female ID patient with skewed X-inactivation Patient 19: IQSEC2 variant [NM_001111125.2: c.3163C>T; p.(Arg1055*)] This 16-year-old female patient suffered from severe ID, epilepsy and borderline macrocephaly. Her parents were healthy, and she had no other family members with ID or epilepsy. XLID panel diagnostics was initiated because of strongly skewed X-inactivation (97:3) and revealed the heterozygous nonsense variant in IQSEC2. The variant was not present in her mother; the father was not available for testing. For a discussion of IQSEC2 mutations in female ID patients, see the respective paragraph in the “Discussion” in the main article. 10 unaltered Supplement Ms 244-14-EJHGRR Patients in whom a specific syndrome was clinically suspected Patient 20: SLC16A2 variant [NM_006517.4: c.590G>A; p.(Arg197His)] This 17-year-old boy had severe ID and was neither able to walk nor to talk. He had spastic paraplegia, dystonia, strabismus, optic atrophy, cryptorchidism, and short stature (150 cm, <3rd centile). He was severely underweight (28 kg), and OFC was 54 cm (3rd-10th centile). Brain MRI scan at age 2 years 6 months revealed severely delayed myelination. Testing of thyroid parameters showed low T4, normal TSH, and elevated T3. The clinical problems, and in particular the elevated T3, led to the clinical diagnosis of Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome (AHDS, OMIM 300523). AHDS is caused by mutations in SLC16A2 which encodes monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8), a thyroid hormone transporter. The SLC16A2 missense variant was detected in the index patient, his healthy mother and his maternal grandmother. X-inactivation analysis in the mother revealed a normal result, i.e. there was no skewing. The identical variant (published as NM_006517.3: c.G812A; R271H) has been reported before in an unrelated AHDS patient.47 Functional analyses using constructs with this mutation showed reduced T3 uptake into neuronal cells of only 20% activity compared to wild-type MCT8.48 Patient 21: PHF6 variant [NM_032458.2: c.687T>A; p.(His229Gln)] The 15-year-old index patient had moderate ID, short stature (152 cm, <3rd centile), macrocephaly (59 cm, >97th centile), cryptorchidism, hypogenitalism, dental crowding, 11 unaltered Supplement Ms 244-14-EJHGRR tapering fingers and facial dysmorphic signs (large ears, fleshy earlobes, synophrys, narrow palpebral fissures). His older sister had learning problems and similar facial features. The clinical features raised the suspicion of Börjeson-Forssman-Lehmann syndrome (BFLS, OMIM 301900), a syndromic form of ID with obesity and characteristic facial features.49-54 This clinical diagnosis was confirmed by the PHF6 variation in the index patient that was also present in his sister and in his mother. References 1 Ballarati L, Cereda A, Caselli R et al: Deletion of the AP1S2 gene in a child with psychomotor delay and hypotonia. Eur J Med Genet 2012; 55: 124-7. 2 Borck G, Mollà-Herman A, Boddaert N et al: Clinical, cellular, and neuropathological consequences of AP1S2 mutations: further delineation of a recognizable X-linked mental retardation syndrome. Hum Mutat 2008; 29: 966-74. 3 Tarpey P, Stevens C, Teague J et al: Mutations in the gene encoding the Sigma 2 subunit of the adaptor protein 1 complex, AP1S2, cause X-linked mental retardation. 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Eur J Hum Genet 2006; 14: 1233-7. 52 Turner G, Lower K, White S et al: The clinical picture of the Börjeson-ForssmanLehmann syndrome in males and heterozygous females with PHF6 mutations. Clin Genet 2004; 65: 226-32. 53 Zweier C, Kraus C, Brueton L et al: A new face of Borjeson-Forssman-Lehmann syndrome? De novo mutations in PHF6 in seven females with a distinct phenotype. J Med Genet 2013; 50: 838-47. 17 unaltered Supplement Ms 244-14-EJHGRR 54 Di Donato N, Isidor B, Lopez Cazaux S et al: Distinct phenotype of PHF6 deletions in females. Eur J Med Genet 2014; 57: 85-9. 18