Popular Culture Ph

Popular Culture, Film and Folklore Ph.D. Exam
Arnold, Matthew. Culture and Anarchy. Ed. Samuel Lipman. New Haven: Yale UP,
Bakhtin, Mikhail. Rabelais and His World. Trans. Helene Iswolsky. Cambridge: MIT
Press, 1968.
Barthes, Roland. Mythologies. Trans. Annette Lavers. New York: Hill and Wang, 1972.
Baudrillard, Jean. America. Trans. Chris Turner. New York: Verso, 1989.
Bogle, Donald. Blacks in American Films and Television: An Encyclopedia.
New York: Garland, 1988.
Boorstin, Daniel. The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America. 1961; rpt.
New York: Vintage, 1992.
Cawelti, John. Adventure, Mystery, and Romance: Formula Stories as Art and Popular
Culture. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1976.
De Certeau, Michel. The Practice of Everyday Life. Trans. Michael B. Smith. Berkeley:
U of California P, 1984.
Dunne, Michael. Metapop: Self-referentiality in Contemporary American Popular
Culture. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1992.
Ewen, Stuart. All Consuming Images: The Politics of Style in Contemporary Culture.
New York: Basin Books, 1988.
Fiske, John. Understanding Popular Culture. Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1989.
Gabler, Neil. Life the Movie: How Entertainment Conquered Reality. New York:
Knopf, 1998.
Gramsci, Antonio. The Prison Notebooks. Ed. and Trans. Joseph A. Buttigieg.
New York: Columbia UP, 1996.
Hague, Angela and David Lavery, eds. Teleparody: Predicting/Preventing the TV
Discourse of Tomorrow. New York: Wallflower Press, 2002.
Hebdige, Dick. Hiding in the Light: On Images and Things. 1988. Rpt. London:
Routledge, 2002.
---. Subculture: The Meaning of Style. New York: Routledge, 1979.
Jameson, Frederic. Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. Durham,
NC: Duke UP. 1991.
Jenkins, Henry. Textual Poachers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture. New
York: Routledge, 1992.
Johnson, Steven. Everything Bad Is Good for You: How Today’s Popular Culture Is
Actually Making Us Smarter. New York: Penguin, 2005.
Kaplan, E. Ann. Rocking Around the Clock: Music Television, Postmodernism, and
Consumer Culture. New York: Methuen, 1987.
King, Stephen. Stephen King’s Danse Macabre. New York: Everest House, 1981.
Lavery, David, ed. Full of Secrets: Critical Approaches to Twin Peaks. Detroit: Wayne
State UP, 1995.
Lyotard, Jean-Francois. The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge.
Minneapolis, MN: U of Minnesota P, 1984.
Marc, David. Comic Visions: Television Comedy and American Culture. Malden, MA:
Blackwell, 1997.
McLuhan, Marshall, and Quentin Fiore. The Medium is the Message: An Inventory of
Effects. 1967. Rpt. New York: Genko, 2005.
Marcus, Greil. Mystery Train: Images of America in Rock ‘N’ Roll Music. New York:
Penguin, 1990.
Marcuse, Herbert. One Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced
Industrial Society. Boston: Beacon, 1964.
Miller, Mark Crispin. Boxed In: The Culture of Television. Evanston, IL: Northwestern
UP, 1988.
Modleski, Tania. Loving With a Vengeance: Mass-produced Fantasies for Women.
Hamden, CT: Shoe String, 1982.
---. Studies in Entertainment: Critical Approaches to Mass Culture. Bloomington:
Indiana UP, 1986.
Mukerju, Chandra, and Michael Schudson, eds. Rethinking Popular Culture:
Contemporary Perspectives in Cultural Studies. Berkeley: U of California P, 1991.
Nye, Russell. The Unembarrassed Muse: The Popular Arts in America. New York:
Dial Press, 1970.
Radner, Hilary. Shopping Around: Feminine Culture and the Pursuit of Pleasure. New
York: Routledge, 1995.
Radway, Janice. Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature.
Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1984.
Simon, Richard Keller. Trash Culture: Popular Culture and the Great Tradition.
Berkeley: U of California P, 1999.
Stark, Steven D. Glued to the Set: The 60 Television Shows and Events That Made Us
Who We Are Today. New York: Free Press, 1997.
Tompkins, Jane P. West of Everything: The Inner Life of Westerns. New York: Oxford
UP, 1992.
Warshow, Robert. The Immediate Experience: Movies, Comics, Theatre, and Other
Aspects of Popular Culture. 1962. Rpt. New York: Atheneum, 1971.
Wolf, Naomi. The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women. New
York: Anchor, 1992.
Wolfe, Charles K. A Good-Natured Riot: The Birth of the Grand Ole Opry. Nashville:
Vanderbilt UP, 1999.
Žižek, Slavoj. Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular
Culture. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1991.
Ali, Muhammed
Amos and Andy
Amusement Parks
Astaire, Fred
Aunt Jemima
Ball, Lucille
Beatles, The
Benn, Jack
Broadway Musicals
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Bugs Bunny
Carter Family
Carson, Johnny
Chandler, Raymond
Child, Julia
Comic Books/Strips
Country Music
Crosby, Bing
Dimaggio, Joe
Emmett, Daniel Decatur
Fibber Magee and Molly
Games and Toys
Garland, Judy
Godfather, The, dir. by Francis Ford Coppola
Gone with the Wind, dir. by Victor Fleming
Griffith, Andy
Harlequin Romance
Holiday, Billie
Imitation of Life, dir. by Douglas Sirk
Karloff, Boris
Louis, Joe
Mickey Mouse
Monroe, Marilyn
Museums and Collecting
Porter, Cole
Presley, Elvis
Pulp and Dime Novels
Rodgers, Richard
Ruth, Babe
Science Fiction
Sinatra, Frank
Stagecoach. dir. by John Ford
Star Wars, dir. by George Lucas
Sullivan, Ed
Twin Peaks
Williams, Hank
American Quarterly
Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies
Journal of Popular Culture
Journals of Popular Film and Television
Postmodern Culture
Quarterly Review of Film and Video
South Atlantic Quarterly
Social Text
Studies in Popular Culture
Film Studies Ph.D. Exam
Agee, James. Agee on Film. 1958; rpt. New York: Modern Library, 2000.
Altman, Rick. Film/Genre. London: BFI, 1999.
Andrew, J. Dudley. The Major Film Theories: An Introduction. New York: Oxford
UP, 1976.
Arnheim, Rudolf. Film as Art. 1933. London: Faber, 1958.
Balázs, Bela. Theory of Film: Character and Growth of a New Art. 1952; rpt. New
York: Dover 1970.
Barnouw, Eric. Documentary: A History of the Non-Fiction Film. New York; Oxford
UP, 1993.
Bazin, Andre. What Is Cinema? Vol. I. and II. Ed. and trans. Hugh Gray. Berkeley:
U of California P, 1971.
Bluestone, George. Novels into Film: The Metamorphosis of Fiction into Cinema. Johns
Hopkins UP, 2003.
Bordwell, David. Making Meaning: Inference and Rhetoric in the Interpretation of
Cinema. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1989.
Braudy, Leo. The World in a Frame. Garden City: Anchor Books, 1977.
Cavell, Stanley. The World Viewed: Reflections on the Ontology of Film. New York:
Viking Press, 1971.
Cawelti, John. The Six-Gun Mystique. 2nd ed. Bowling Green, OH: Popular Press,
Chatman, Seymour. Story and Discourse: Narrative Structure in Fiction and Film.
Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1978.
Clover, Carol. J. Men, Women, and Chain Saws: Gender in the Modern Horror Film.
Princeton: Princeton UP, 1992.
Cook, David A. A History of Narrative Film. 4th ed. New York: W.W. Norton,
Cook, Pam and Mieke Bernink. The Cinema Book. 2nd ed. London: BFI, 1999.
Cripps, Thomas. Slow Fade to Black: The Negro in American Film, 1900-1942. New
York: Oxford UP, 1993.
de Lauretis, Teresa. Alice Doesn’t: Feminism, Semiotics, Cinema. Bloomington:
Indiana UP, 1984.
Eisenstein, Sergei. Film Form: Essays in Film Theory. Ed. and trans. Jay Leyda.
New York: HBJ, 1949.
---. The Film Sense. Ed. and trans. Jay Leyda. New York: HBJ, 1947.
Gaines, Jane, ed. Classical Hollywood Narrative: The Paradigm Wars. Durham, NC:
Duke UP, 1992.
Grant, Barry Keith, ed. Film Genre Reader III. Austin: U of Texas P, 2003.
Gunning, Tom. D. W. Griffith and the Origins of American Narrative Film: The Early
Years at Biograph. Urbana and Chicago: U of Illinois P, 1991.
Haskell, Molly. From Reverence to Rape: The Treatment of Women in the Movies.
Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1987.
Hillier, Jim, ed. Cahiers du Cinema, 1950s: Neo-Realism, Hollywood, New Wave.
Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1985.
Hoberman, J. and Jonathan Rosenbaum. Midnight Movies. New York: DaCapo, 1983.
hooks, bell. Reel to Real: Race, Sex, and Class at the Movies. New York: Routledge,
Kael, Pauline. I Lost It at the Movies. Boston: Little, Brown, 1965.
Kawin, Bruce F. Mindscreen: Bergman, Godard, and the Language of First-Person
Film. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1978.
Kitses, Jim. Horizons West: Directing the Western from John Ford to Clint Eastwood.
London: BFI, 2004.
Kolker, Robert Phillip. A Cinema of Loneliness. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.
Kracauer, Siegfried. Theory of Film: The Redemption of Physical Reality. New York:
Oxford UP, 1960.
Monaco, James. How to Read a Film: Movies, Media, Multimedia. 3rd ed. New
York: Oxford, 2000.
Mulvey, Laura. Visual and Other Pleasures. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1989.
Murray, Edward. Nine American Film Critics. New York: Ungar, 1975.
Naremore, James, ed. Film Adaptation. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 2000.
O’Brien, Geoffrey. Phantom Empire: Movies in the Mind of the 20th Century. New
York: Norton, 1993.
Perez, Gilberto. The Material Ghost: Films and Their Medium. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins UP, 1998.
Ray, Robert B. A Certain Tendency of the Hollywood Cinema, 1930-1980. Princeton:
Princeton UP, 1985.
Rosenbaum, Jonathan. Placing Movies: The Practice of Film Criticism. Berkeley: U of
California P, 1995.
Russo, Vito. The Celluloid Closet: Homosexuality in the Movies. New York: Harper,
Sarris, Andrew. The American Cinema: Directors and Directions, 1929-1968. New
York: Dutton, 1969.
Schatz, Thomas. The Genius of the System: Hollywood Filmmaking in the Studio Era.
New York: Pantheon, 1988.
---. Hollywood Genres: Formulas, Filmmaking, and the Studio System. New York:
Random House, 1981.
Silver, Alain and James Ursini, eds. Film Noir Reader. New York: Limelight,
Sobchack, Vivian. Screening Space: The American Science Fiction Film. New
Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 2003.
Stam, Robert. Film Theory: An Introduction. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2000.
Telotte, J. P., ed. The Cult Film Experience. Austin: U of Texas P, 1992.
Wollen, Peter. Signs and Meaning in the Cinema. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1972.
Art film
Auteur theory
Avant-garde film
Celluloid closet
Cinéma verité
Cinematic apparatus
Cinematic discourse
Classic Hollywood text
Conventions of film
Deep focus
Film censorship
Film culture
Film genre
Film noir
Film theory
Major directors
Mise en scene
National cinema
New Wave
Point of View
Reader-response criticism
Screwball comedy
Sound editing
Underground/experimental film
Women in film
Camera Obscura
Film comment
Film Journal
Film Quarterly
Literature/Film Quarterly
Post Script
Quarterly Review of Film and Video
Sight and Sound
Wide Angle
Folklore Ph.D. Exam
1. Writing Culture: The Politics and Poetics of Ethnography, James Clifford & George
Marcus, eds.
2. Women Writing Culture, Ruth Behar & Deborah Gordon, eds.
3. Woman, Native Other, Trinh T. Minh-ha
4. People Studying People, Robert A. Georges & Michael O. Jones
5. Toward New Perspectives in Folklore, Richard Bauman & Americo Peredes, eds.
6. Number Our Days, Barbara Myerhoff
7. Story, Performance & Event, Richard Bauman
8. Verbal Art as Performance, Richard Bauman
9. Diversities of Gifts, Ruel Tyson, James L. Peacock, & Daniel Patterson, eds.
10. American Folklore Scholarship: A Dialogue of Dissent, Rosemary Zumwalt
11. The Theory of Oral Composition: History & Methodology, John Miles Foley
12. The Singer of Tales, Albert Lord
13. Folklore & Literature: Rival Siblings, Bruce Rosenberg
14. Handmaidens of the Lord, Elaine J. Lawless
15. Holy Women, Wholly Women, Elaine J. Lawless
16. Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes, Robert Emerson, Rachel Fretz & Linda Shaw
17. Deep Down in the Jungle, Roger Abrahams
18. African Folklore in the New World, Roger Abrahams
19. On the Nature of Fairy Tales, Max Lüthi
20. Fictions of Feminist Ethnography, Kamela Visweswaran
21. Mama Lola, Karen McCarthy Brown
22. Mules & Men, Zora Neale Hurston
23. Handbook of American Folklore, Richard Dorson
24. American Folklore, Richard Dorson
25. The Dynamics of Folklore, Barre Toelken
26. The Hero of A Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell
27. African American Proverbs in Context, Sw. Anand Prahlad
28. I Heard It Through The Grape Vine: Rumor in African-American Culture, Patricia
29. The Spoken Word and the Work of Interpretation, Dennis Tedlock
30. Folk Medicine in Southern Appalachia, Anthony Cavender
31. All That is Native and Fine, David Whisnant
32. Feminist Messages: Coding in Women’s Folklore, Joan Radner, ed.
33. Feminist Theory and the Study of Folklore, Susan Hollis, Linda Pershing, & M. Jane
Young, eds.
34. The Sacred Hoop, Paula Gunn Allen
35. Orality and Literacy, Walter Ong
36. Ethnomimesis: Folklife and the Representation of Culture, Robert Cantwell
37. George Magoon and the Down East Game War, Edward Ives
38. Women’s Folklore, Women’s Culture, Rosan Jordan & Susan Kalčik
39. The Terror That Comes in the Night, David Hufford
40. Following Tradition, Simon Bronner