Mt St Michael Secondary Schools Parent Association Constitution. 1. NAME: The association shall be known as the” Mount St Michael Secondary School Parents Association” 2. OBJECTIVES: The Objectives of the Association/Council shall be: (i) The advancement of the moral, mental, social and cultural well being of the students of the Mt St Michael Secondary school (Vocational & Community Colleges , Catholic, Christian Brother, Community & Comprehensive, Co-op of Minority Religion & Protestant, and of the community generally. (ii) The fostering of good relations between parents, teachers, students and the school authorities. (iii) The election of two parents’ nominees to the Board of Management. 3. MEMBERSHIP: All parents or legal guardians of students attending the school shall be automatic members of the Association/Council 4. AFFILIATIONS: This Association/Council is affiliated to The National Parents Council Post Primary 5. GENERAL MEETINGS: (i) The Annual General meeting shall be held during September or October of each year. (ii) The executive committee shall call extraordinary General Meetings when the executive committee deems it desirable or when a written request to call an Extraordinary General Meeting is received by the Executive Committee, signed by at least 50 parents. (iii) Public Notice shall be given fourteen days in advance of a General Meeting. (iv) General Meetings shall be chaired by the elected Chairperson or in the absence of the Chairperson by the Vice Chairperson. Otherwise the Executive Committee shall elect one of its members to chair the meeting. (v) A quorum for a General Meeting shall be 20 parents. 6. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: (a) An Executive Committee shall administer the affairs of the Association/Council from the members of the Association/Council. The Committee shall consist of at least twelve members who shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting. The Parents’ nominees to the School Board of Management shall be ex officio members of the committee (b) The committee shall appoint from among its elected members the officers of the Association/Council: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Hon. Secretary, and Hon. Treasurer. (c) The committee shall have power to co-opt members to fill any vacancies which occur on the committee. (d) The Executive Committee shall meet each month from September to June (inclusive) and on such other occasions as it is deemed necessary by the Executive Committee. The quorum for such meetings shall be 50% of the members of the Executive Committee. (e) The Executive Committee may invite to General meetings or to committee meetings such persons as the Committee decides. (f) Minutes of all meetings shall be kept by the Hon. Secretary who shall present the minutes to the Committee for approval at a subsequent Committee meeting. (g) The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees to assist it from time to time. Sub-Committees may consist of members or nonmembers of the Association/Council and shall report to the Executive Committee. 7. ELECTION OF PARENTS’ REPRESENTATIVES TO THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT: (a) In accordance with the rules governing nomination of Parents’ Representatives to the School Board of Management, the Association/Council shall conduct an election to nominate the Parents’ Representatives to the Board of Management. (b) Notice of election shall be given to all parents one month in advance of the date of the election. (c) Nominations of Candidates shall be submitted to the Executive Committee at a Special General Meeting of the Association/Council. 8. This Constitution may be amended from time to time at a General Meeting of the Association/Council. A two-thirds majority of the members present shall be required to carry an amendment to the Constitution. 9. OFFICIAL STATEMENTS AND REPRESENTATIONS: No member of the Association/Council other than the Chairperson or member nominated either by the Chairperson or by the Executive Committee shall make any official or public statement or representation on behalf of the Association/Council. 10. LIAISON WITH SCHOOL AUTHORITIES: Liaison with School shall normally be maintained through correspondence by the Secretary, or by deputation nominated by the Chairperson or Executive Committee, with the Principal or the school and/or his nominees. The Executive committee may, however, should it consider it desirable and appropriate, correspond, in writing, or seek a meeting with the Board of Management. 11. The Association/Council in discharging its functions recognise that the examination and resolution of problems relating to individual pupils or parents will be for determination between the individual pupil and/or his parents and the School Authorities. The Association/Council also recognises that matters concerning the School Curriculum and its implementation are the function of the School Authorities. 12. The Executive Committee shall present a report of its activities during the preceding year, including a financial statement to the Annual General Meeting. 13. The Association/Council recommends the invite of member/members of the student Council and the teacher representative for the student Council to attend one meeting per year. 14. THE COMMITTEE OF THE PARENTS ASSOCIATION; (a) The association should endeavor to ensure that each year group have a representative on the committee. (b) In the event of a member of the committee resigning, the association may coopt a parent/guardian to the vacancy until the next AGM. (c) If a member does not attend three consecutive meetings, without apologies, he/she will be deemed to have resigned from the committee. (1)) If a member can not attend a meeting they are to notify the Chairperson by e-mail, txt or telephone phone call. (d) The executive committee shall meet at least six times each year and additional meetings shall be held as required. (e) At it first meeting the executive shall elect a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer and PRO. Candidates for these posts shall be proposed and seconded by members of the committee. If there is more than one candidate for any post on the executive, a secret ballot shall be held. The candidate receiving the greatest member of votes shall be declared the winner. In the event of a tie the matter shall be decided by drawing of lots. (1) The chairman, Vice Chairperson, Honorary Secretary, The Honorary Treasurer and PRO shall be the “Honorary Officers”. (2) The executive committee shall have the power to appoint sub committees for specific purposes. (3) All decisions of the executive committee shall be decided by a simple majority of members voting an in the event of a tied vote the chairperson has a second and casting vote. (4) A quorum at a meeting of the executive committee shall consist of four ordinary members and any two of the following …chairperson, hon. Secretary, hon. treasurer. 15. WINDING UP: Winding up of the Association/Council shall only be valid if accepted at a General Meeting convened for this purpose. In the event of the winding up of the Association/Council any assets on hand shall be presented to the Board of Management for school purposes.