Postgraduate Subject

Taught Degrees
Clinical Pharmacy (MSc, PG Diploma, PG Certificate)
School of Pharmacy
The course aims to develop the therapeutic knowledge and clinical pharmacy practice skills of hospital pharmacists.
In addition, students will learn research and statistical methodology and will develop critical literature evaluation
skills. MSc: students carry out a practice-based research project in Year 3.
MSc: 3 years. Students who possess an appropriate PG Diploma may claim credit that will allow them to complete
the MSc in 2 years.
Diploma: 2 years (part-time by distance learning). Students who possess an appropriate PG Certificate may claim
credit that will allow them to complete the PG Diploma within 1 year.
Certificate: 1 year (part-time by distance learning).
Mode of Study
MSc: 3 years. Students who possess an appropriate PG Diploma may claim credit that will allow them to complete
the MSc in 2 years.
Diploma: 2 years (part-time by distance learning). Students who possess an appropriate PG Certificate may claim
credit that will allow them to complete the PG Diploma within 1 year.
Certificate: 1 year (part-time by distance learning).
Entrance Requirements
A primary degree in Pharmacy from an institution approved by the University and employment within a hospital
Course Content
Developing a Clinical Approach: provides an introduction to clinical documentation, medicines information, and
effective communication skills.*
Pharmaceutical Care: includes the delivery of pharmaceutical care in practice and ensuring patient safety.*
Clinical Pharmacy Skills in Practice: includes topics such as management of pain, infection, adverse drug reactions
and interactions and pharmacist-led clinics.*
Therapeutics for Clinical Pharmacists 1: on completion of this module the student will possess a critical awareness
of current problems and/or new insights in respiratory medicine, cardiology and infectious diseases.
Therapeutics for Clinical Pharmacists 2: on completion of this module the student will possess a critical awareness
of current problems and/or new insights in a range of therapeutic options.
Research in Clinical Pharmacy: includes critical literature evaluation skills, research methods, clinical trials,
statistical methods and research governance.
Research Project (MSc)
*Certificate students study first three modules only.
Written examination, marked assignments, in-practice training and (MSc) research project.
Certificate: Marked assignments and in-practice training.
Contact for enquiries - if different to main contact
School of Pharmacy
Tel: (028) 9097 5800
Community Pharmacy (MSc, PG Diploma, PG Certificate)
The course aims to develop the therapeutic knowledge, pharmacy practice and (in the case of MSc) research skills
of community pharmacists. In addition, the course accredits community pharmacists in the UK for the provision of
Advanced Services within the new NHS contract.
MSc: minimum of 3 years part-time (by distance learning).
Diploma: minimum of 2 years part-time (by distance learning).
Certificate: 1 year part-time (by distance learning).
Mode of Study
MSc: minimum of 3 years part-time (by distance learning).
Diploma: minimum of 2 years part-time (by distance learning).
Certificate: 1 year part-time (by distance learning).
Entrance Requirements
A primary degree in Pharmacy from an institution approved by the University and employment within community
Course Content
Ten self-teaching units from 16 options, including:
Aspects of Management Skills
Drug Therapy
Health Promotion
Improvement of Patient Care
Responding to Symptoms
Social and Behavioural Aspects
Practice experience based on structured workbooks covers aspects of health care and health promotion
Training in research methodology will accompany a practice based research project in year 3
Ten self-teaching units from 16 options, including:
Aspects of Primary Care Pharmacy
Developing Interpersonal Skills
Drug Therapy
Health Promotion
Improving Patient Care in the Community
Responding to Symptoms
Social and Behavioural Aspects
Practice experience based on structured workbooks cover aspects of health care and health promotion
Open book examination, assignments, practice work books and research project. Competency assessment for UK
pharmacists who wish to provide Advanced Services within the new NHS contract.
Open book examination, marked assignments and in-practice training. Competency assessment for UK pharmacists
who wish to provide Advanced Services within the new NHS contract.
Contact for enquiries - if different to main contact
School of Pharmacy
Tel: (028) 9097 5800
Pharmacy Management (Certificate)
The course provides postgraduate training in management issues related to primary care pharmacy in the UK.
1 year part-time by distance learning.
Mode of Study
1 year part-time by distance learning.
Entrance Requirements
Employment as a pharmacist or pharmacy technician within a community pharmacy or primary care.
Course Content
Core material provided as written units includes:
Managing risk
Negotiating Skills
Strategic Planning
Practical work involves the completing of a series of miniprojects related to management issues.
Multiple choice assessment questions accompany each unit while miniprojects involve written assessments.
Contact for enquiries - if different to main contact
School of Pharmacy
Tel: (028) 9097 5800
Supplementary Prescribing for Pharmacists (PG Certificate)
The course is accredited by the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland and provides postgraduate training in
supplementary prescribing for pharmacists in Northern Ireland.
Part-time: 6 months.
Mode of Study
Part-time: 6 months.
Entrance Requirements
A primary degree in Pharmacy from an institution approved by the University. All students must have identified a
mentor prior to commencing the course.
Course Content
Six taught modules:
Developing a Clinical Management Plan
Disease Management
Evidence-based Practice and Clinical Governance
Influences on Psychology of Prescribing
Legal, Policy, Professional and Ethical Aspects
Physical Exam Skills and Patient Monitoring
Plus 12 days in-practice training with a mentor.
Assignments, OSCE and practice portfolio.
Contact for enquiries - if different to main contact
School of Pharmacy
Tel: (028) 9097 5800