Student booklet chapter 1 LOGOS

Name: _________________________
Date: ________ Class: ____________
Part One:
I can use and understand the following
vocabulary words
o feudalism
o manors
o monastery
o hierarchy
o freeman
o journeyman
o allegiance
o serfs
Using the graphic organizer provided complete the above vocabulary words.
Part Two:
I Can understand how people’s attitudes and
values are shaped by the way that a society is
Organization of Medieval Europe (Middle Ages) (The term Middle Ages
refers mainly to the history of Europe between the fall of Rome and the
Renaissance, around 400-1400’s AD)
Read page 18 and 19
1. Recopy the diagram of the feudal hierarchy found on page 18.
town life
the church
2. Feudalism involved obligations among various groups within a feudal
hierarchy. Use the chart below to summarize the rights and responsibilities
of each group.
Barons and Bishops
3. Compare medieval rights and responsibilities to your rights and
responsibilities today.
My rights and responsibilities as a:
Family Member
4. If you had the chance to live for a week back in medieval times would
you choose to be a medieval peasant? Explain your thinking.
5. Read the Oath of Citizenship on page 19 and answer the following
question. How does this oath reflect the feudal values of loyalty and duty?
Read viewpoint one and viewpoint two on the manorial system from page 20
and answer the following questions.
6. Summarize the opinion of each of the writers.
Viewpoint One: ________________________________________________
Viewpoint Two: _______________________________________________
Which viewpoint would you most agree with? Why?
7. People in medieval times were not travellers. Most families lived in the
same area for many generations. Describe how this might affect someone’s
8. Read the section on “Town Life” page 20,21 and summarize key points
that describe life in town during medieval times.
9. Imagine you are a peasant living on manor land. Would you stay or
move to a town? What factors would you consider in making your decision?
Part Three:
I can identify change factors in medieval life
 peasant revolts
 black death
 rise of a middle class
 change s in technology
10. Read pages 24 – 27 and complete the chart below.
Changes in Medieval Society
Peasant Revolts
The Black
Death (Plague)
Increase in
Rise of the
Effects on Medieval Society
Part Four
I can discuss how religious beliefs shape a society’s
Read page 29
11. Summarize examples of religious views during the middle ages.
Read “The Church Community” page 31
12. How is the church hierarchy similar to the feudal hierarchy? Why do you think this
is? ____________________________________________________________________
LOGOS – Zoom In St. Francis of Assisi (p. 32)
13. How did St. Francis’ religious belief affect the way he lived his life?
14. St. Francis’ halo indicates that he has been made a saint by the Church. This means
that he is a model of how people would behave. What kind of behaviour was the Church
15. How is the life of St. Francis still a good role model for people today? If we lived
like St. Francis how would Edmonton be changed?
Read “Changing Attitudes Toward Religion” p.34
16. Summarize three key ideas that indicate that people’s beliefs toward religion were
beginning to change.
17. If you were able to go back in time. What would you tell the people about their
changing views of religion? What was good, and what was wrong with the Christian
view of the time. When thinking about your response you might want to use one of the
following views:: Christian views should be a) kept as they were b) discarded as
useless c) changed or reformed/ how?