BBSRC STAFF CODE – SECTION 9.2 - ANNEXES ANNEX C PP1 BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL SCIENCE MERIT PROMOTION PROCEDURE PROMOTION PROPOSAL FORM (covering promotions from Postdoctoral Research Scientist to Senior Postdoctoral Research Scientist and from Senior Postdoctoral Research Scientist to Band 4) under the BBSRC Science Merit Promotion Procedure 1. INSTITUTE Biomathematics & Statistics Scotland (BioSS) .................................... 2. CANDIDATE'S NAME Husmeier, Dirk .................................................................... (surname first) 3. PRESENT\PROPOSED GRADES Band 5/Band 4 ................................................ 4. PROPOSAL wef 1 July 2006 ........... 5. QUALIFICATIONS AND OTHER PARTICULARS RELEVANT TO THE PROPOSAL: (State recognised qualifications, with subjects and dates attained; for degrees, state class and where obtained. Give membership of learned and professional societies) (i) Qualifications etc. gained prior to entry to present grade Diplom-Physiker (1st class honours), University of Bochum (Germany), 1991 M.Sc. (distinction), Information Processing and Neural Networks, King’s College London, 1994 Ph.D. Applied Mathematics and Neural Computation, King’s College London, 1997 (ii) Qualifications etc. gained since entry to present grade Member of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) Honorary affiliation with the School of Informatics at Edinburgh University and approved first PhD supervisor Honorary affiliation with the Scottish Centre for Genome Technology and Informatics (GTI) Last updated by nt 4/02 AMDT 182 – APR 2002 BBSRC STAFF CODE – SECTION 9.2 - ANNEXES ANNEX C - CONTD 6. CAREER HISTORY: (since finishing full-time education) 7. Postdoctoral researcher, 1997-1999, Imperial College London Postdoctoral researcher, 1999-2002, Biomathematics & Statistics Scotland Bioinformatics researcher (Band 5), 2002-present, Biomathematics & Statistics Scotland PREVIOUS PROPOSALS OR APPEALS AT THIS LEVEL IN THE PAST 3 YEARS: None .............................................................................. 8. ORGANISATION CHART: (To be completed for all candidates). Provide a family tree, showing the candidate's position in the Division (or equivalent). Identify the numbers and grades of employees managed and all significant internal & external working relationships. Last updated by nt 4/02 AMDT 182 – APR 2002 BBSRC STAFF CODE – SECTION 9.2 - ANNEXES ANNEX C - CONTD 9. DESCRIPTION OF PRESENT DUTIES: Please list the postholder’s main duties. Percentage time spent on each main activity must be shown. DUTIES % SEERAD core funded research 70 Methodological research in bioinformatics and computational biology. This work involves a collaboration with the Scottish Centre for Genome Technology and Informatics (GTI), the supervision of PhD and MSc students in the School of Informatics at Edinburgh University, and leading the bioinformatics research within BioSS. SEERAD flexible fund project 20 Research on systems biology of host-pathogen interactions in collaboration with SCRI and MRI. This project involves managing a postdoctoral research assistant. Collaboration with and support for SABRI/SAC scientists in computational biology 10 Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences for molecular biologists at SCRI. ANNEX C - CONTD 10. CANDIDATE'S CONTRIBUTION TO WORK: (This should be discussed with the candidate). Indicate the proportion of the candidate's total effort under each of the following headings % (i) Scientific innovation 70 (ii) Technical innovation 20 (iii) Scientific and\or technical support 5 (iv) Management of employees 5 (v) Other duties (specify briefly) 11. --- PUBLICATIONS: (a) Scientific papers - List in chronological order, giving the author(s), year, title of article, journal, volume no. and first and last page nos. For multi-author refereed papers, give an indication of the %age contribution by the candidate to (i) initiation, conception and planning of the work, (ii) its execution and (iii) the writing of the paper. For ease of reference, number each publication listed. Those to be presented as the candidate's six most significant papers should be marked with an asterisk (see also 11b). Last updated by nt 4/02 AMDT 182 – APR 2002 BBSRC STAFF CODE – SECTION 9.2 - ANNEXES (i) % 1. Schlitter J., Husmeier D. (1992): "System Relaxation and Thermodynamic Integration", Molecular Simulation 8, 285-295. (ii) % (iii) % [50,70,30] 2. Steinhoff H.J., Schlitter J., Redhardt A., Husmeier D., Zander N. (1992): "Structural fluctuations and conformational entropy in proteins: entropy balance in an intramolecular reaction in methemoglobin", Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1121, 189-198. [20,40,10] 3. Husmeier D., Taylor J.G. (1997): "Predicting Conditional Probability Densities with the Gaussian Mixture - RVFL Network." In: Smith G.D., Steele N.C., Albrecht R.F. (Eds.): Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, 477-481, Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-211-83087-1. [90,100,95] 4. Husmeier D., Taylor J.G. (1997): " Modelling Conditional Probabilities with Committees of RVFL Networks " In: Gerstner W., Germond A., Hasler M., Nicoud J.D. (eds.): International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN '97 , Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1327, Springer Verlag (ISBN 3-54063631-5), 1053-1058. [90,100,95] 5. Husmeier D., Allen D., Taylor J.G. (1997): "A Universal Approximator for Learning Conditional Probability Densities", in Ellacott S.W., Mason J.C., Anderson I.J. (eds.): Mathematics of Neural Networks: Models, Algorithms, and Applications, Kluwer Academic Press, Boston (ISBN: 0-7923-9933-1), 198-203. [90,100,95] 6. Husmeier D., Taylor J.G. (1997): "Predicting Conditional Probability Densities of Stationary Stochastic Time Series", Neural Networks 10 (3), 479-497. 7. Husmeier D., Taylor J.G. (1998): [90,100,95] "Neural Network for Predicting Conditional Probability Densities: Improved Training Scheme Combining EM and RVFL ", Neural Networks 11 (1), 89-116. 8. Husmeier D., Penny W.D., Roberts S.J. (1998): [80,100,95] "Empirical Evaluation of Bayesian Sampling for Neural Classifiers" . In: Niklasson L., Boden M., Ziemke T. (eds.): International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks ICANN '98 , Perspectives in Neural Computing, Springer Verlag (ISBN 3-540-76263-9), 323-328. 9. Husmeier D., Althoefer K. (1998): "Modelling conditional probabilities with network committees: how overfitting can be useful" , Neural Network World 8 (4), 417-439. [90,100,100] * 10. Roberts S.J., Husmeier D., Rezek I., Penny W. (1998): "Bayesian Approaches to Gaussian Mixture Modeling", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Learning 20 (11), 1133-1142. [90,100,95] [20,30,10] 11. Penny W.D., Husmeier D., Roberts S.J. (1999): "The Bayesian Paradigm: Second Generation Neural Computing." In: Lisboa P.J.G., Ifeachor E.C., Srczepaniak A.S. (Eds.), Artificial Neural Networks in Biomedicine, Springer (ISBN: 1-85233-005-8), 11-23. [30,30,20] 12. Penny W.D., Husmeier D., Roberts S.J. (1999): "Covariance-based weighting for optimal combination of network predictions". In: Willshaw, D. and Murray, A. (Eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN99), IEE Press, Edinburgh, 826-831. [20,0,10] Last updated by nt 4/02 AMDT 182 – APR 2002 BBSRC STAFF CODE – SECTION 9.2 - ANNEXES 13. Husmeier D., Roberts S.J. (1999): "Regularisation of RBF-Networks with the Bayesian Evidence Scheme". In: Willshaw, D. and Murray, A. (Eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN99), IEE Press, Edinburgh, 533-538. [90,100,95] 14. Husmeier D., Penny W., Roberts S.J. (1999): "An Empirical Evaluation of Bayesian Sampling with Hybrid Monte Carlo for Training Neural Network Classifiers" , Neural Networks 12, 677-705. [90,100,95] 15. Husmeier D. (2000): "Bayesian Regularization of Hidden Markov Models with an Application to Bioinformatics", Neural Network World 10 (4), 589-595. [100,100,100] 16. Husmeier D. (2000): "Learning Non-Stationary Conditional Probability Distributions" , Neural Networks 13, 287-290. [100,100,100] * 17. Husmeier D. (2000): "The Bayesian Evidence Scheme for Regularising Probability-Density Estimating Neural Networks" , Neural Computation 12 (11), 2685-2717. [100,100,100] 18. Husmeier D., Wright F. (2000): "Detecting Sporadic Recombination in DNA Alignments with Hidden Markov Models" . In Bornberg-Bauer E., Rost U., Stoye J., Vingron M. (eds.): 15th German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB 2000), Logos Verlag Berlin (ISBN 3-89722-498-4), 19-26. [50,100,90] 19. Husmeier D., Wright F. (2001): "Approximate Bayesian Discrimination between Alternative DNA Mosaic Structures". In Wingender E., Hofestaedt R., Liebich I. (eds.): 16th German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB 2001). ISBN 3-00-008114-3, 182-184. [50,100,90] 20. Althoefer K., Krekelberg B., Husmeier D., Seneviratne L. (2001): "Reinforcement learning in a rule-based navigator for robotic manipulators", Neurocomputing 37 (1-4), 51-70. [25,10,0] 21. Husmeier D., Wright F. (2001): "Probabilistic Divergence Measures for Detecting Interspecies Recombination" , Bioinformatics 17, Suppl. 1, S123-S131. Also presented at ISMB 2001. [50,100,90] * 22. Husmeier D., Wright F. (2001): "Detection of Recombination in DNA Multiple Alignments with Hidden Markov Models", Journal of Computational Biology 8 (4), 401-427. [50,100,90] 23. Husmeier D., Wright F. (2002): "A Bayesian Approach to Discriminate between Alternative DNA Sequence Segmentations", Bioinformatics 18 (2), 226-234. [70,100,90] 24. Husmeier D., McGuire G. (2002): "Detecting recombination with MCMC" , Bioinformatics 18: S345-S353. Also presented at ISMB 2002. [50,50,100] * 25. Husmeier D., McGuire G. (2003): "Detecting Recombination in 4-Taxa DNA Sequence Alignments with Bayesian Hidden Markov Models and Markov Chain Monte Carlo" , Molecular Biology and Evolution 20(3):315-337 [50,50,100] 26. Husmeier D. (2003) ”Reverse engineering of genetic networks with Bayesian networks” Biochemical Society Transactions 31 (6): 1516-1518. Last updated by nt 4/02 [100,100,100] AMDT 182 – APR 2002 BBSRC STAFF CODE – SECTION 9.2 - ANNEXES * 27. Husmeier D. (2003) "Sensitivity and specificity of inferring genetic regulatory interactions from microarray experiments with dynamic Bayesian networks" Bioinformatics 19: 2271-2282. [100,100,100] 28. Milne I., Wright F., Rowe G., Marshall D.F., Husmeier D., McGuire G. (2004) "TOPALi: software for automatic identification of recombinant sequences within DNA multiple alignments" Bioinformatics 20: 1806-1807 [20,20,0] 29. Husmeier D., Wright F., Milne I. (2005) ”Detecting interspecific recombination with a pruned probabilistic divergence measure” Bioinformatics 21(9):1797-1806 [90,90,100] * 30. Husmeier D. (2005) ”Discriminating between rate heterogeneity and interspecific recombination in DNA sequence alignments with phylogenetic factorial hidden Markov models “ Bioinformatics 21: ii166-ii172. Also presented at ECCB 05. [100,100,100] ANNEX C - CONTD 11. PUBLICATIONS (CONTD.): (i) (ii) (iii) (a) % % % Scientific papers (Contd.) Submitted 31. Lehrach W., Husmeier D., Williams C.W.K (2005) A regularised discriminative model for the prediction of protein-peptide interactions. Submited to Bioinformatics. [30,20,50] 32. Lehrach W., Husmeier D., Williams C.W.K (2005) Probabilistic in silico prediction of protein-peptide ineractions Accepted for publication in Lecture Notes in Computational Biology, Springer Verlag . [30,20,50] ANNEX C - CONTD 11. PUBLICATIONS (CONTD.) (b) Other Publications - list under the following headings: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Proceedings of societies Review Articles Books Technical Reports & Bulletins Popular articles Other For ease of reference, number each publication listed. Those to be presented as the candidate's six most significant papers should be marked with an asterisk (see also 11a). Last updated by nt 4/02 AMDT 182 – APR 2002 BBSRC STAFF CODE – SECTION 9.2 - ANNEXES (i) Proceedings of Societies 33. Husmeier D., Taylor J.G. (1996): "A Neural Network Approach to Predicting Noisy Time Series", in Ludermir T.B. (ed.): Annals of the Third Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks, 221-226, Recife, Brazil, 1996. 34. Husmeier D., Patton G.S., McClure M.O., Harris J.R.W., Roberts S.J.(1999): "Neural Networks for Predicting Kaposi's Sarcoma" . In: Boswell, J.S. (Ed.): Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN99), ISBN 0-7803-5532-6 35. Husmeier D., Wright F. (2001): Detecting past recombination events in Potato virus Y genomic sequences using statistical methods. Scottish Crop Research Institute, Annual Report 2000/2001 , 158-162. ISBN 0 9058 75176 36. Husmeier D. (2002) Contribution to the discussion on statistical modelling and analysis of genetic data Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 64 (4), 751 37. Husmeier D. (2003) Inferrring gene interactions with Bayesian networks In Spang R., Beziat P., Vingron M. (eds.): Currents in Computational Molecular Biology, poster proceedings of RECOMB 2003, 303-304. 38. Husmeier D. (2003) Statistical Methods for Detecting Recombination in DNA Sequence Alignments. Proceedings of the 49th German Biometrics Conference, page 16. Available online at 39. Husmeier D. (2004) Pruned PDM Method for Detecting Recombination In Apostol Granada and Philip E. Bourne (eds.): Currents in Computational Molecular Biology, poster proceedings of RECOMB 2004, pp.264-265. 40. Glasbey C. and Husmeier D. (2004) Contribution to the discussion on the paper by Friedman and Meulman Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 66 (4), 840-841 41. Lehrach W., Husmeier D., Williams C., Barber D. (2004) Using TDNNs to Predict Protein Interactions by Locating Relevant Sequence Features ISMB 2004 , poster proceedings. 42. Husmeier D., Wright F., Milne I. (2004) Pruning the probabilistic divergence measure for improved detection of interspecific recombination ISMB 2004 , poster proceedings. 43. Husmeier D. (2005) Phylogenetic Factorial Hidden Markov Models for Detecting Mosaic Structures in DNA Sequence Alignments ISMB 2005, poster proceedings, available online at . 44. Husmeier D. ((2005) Learning local gene interaction networks from noisy expression data with probabilistic graphical models the probabilistic divergence measure for improved detection of interspecific recombination In Plotkin G. (Ed.): Third International Workshop on Computational Methods in Systems biology, p.1 45. Lehrach W., Husmeier D., Williams C. (2005) A Regularised Discriminative Model for the Prediction of Protein-Peptide Interactions ECCB 2005, poster proceedings, available online at . Last updated by nt 4/02 AMDT 182 – APR 2002 BBSRC STAFF CODE – SECTION 9.2 - ANNEXES 46. Husmeier D. (2005) Detecting Mosaic Structures in DNA Sequence Alignments. Workshop on Statistics in Genomics and Proteomics. Book of Abstracts, edited by Lisete Sousa and Luzia Goncalves. ISBN 972-8859-35-X, page15. Available online at . (ii) Review Articles None (iii) Books 47. Husmeier D. (1999) Neural Networks for Conditional Probability Estimation Springer Verlag, London 48. Husmeier D., Dybowski R., and Roberts S. (2005) Probabilistic Modeling in Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics Springer Verlag, New York (iv) Technical Reports 49. Husmeier D., McGuire G. (2002): Detecting Recombination in DNA Sequence Alignments: A Comparison between BARCE and RECPARS. Available online at: 50. Werhli A., Grzegorczyk, M., Chiang M., Husmeier D. (2005) Improved Gibbs sampling for detecting recombination in DNA sequence alignments. Technical report, to be published by CIM ( ). (v) Popular Articles 51. Husmeier D. (2001) Paradigm Shifts in Information Technology Essay, available online at (vi) Other (Software) 52. Husmeier D. (2001) JAMBE: Java software package to detect recombination in DNA sequence alignments. Available online at and integrated into TOPALi, available at . 53. Husmeier D. .(2002) SIRENS: SImulating REcombination in Nucleotide Sequences. MATLAB program for simulating recombination in DNA sequence alignments of four sequences, available online at . 54. McGuire G. and Husmeier D. (2002) BARCE: Bayesian Application for Recombination and Gene Conversion. C++ program package for detecting recombination breakpoints in four-sequence alignments using hidden Markov models. Available online at and integrated into TOPALi, available at . Last updated by nt 4/02 AMDT 182 – APR 2002 BBSRC STAFF CODE – SECTION 9.2 - ANNEXES 55. Husmeier D. (2003) DBmcmc: Software package written in MATLAB for inferring dynamic Bayesian networks with MCMC, available online at . 56. Husmeier D. (2005) BARGE: MATLAB programs for discriminating between recombination and reate heterogeneity in DNA sequence alignments with factorial hidden Markov models; available online at . (vi) Other (Selection of invited talks and lectures; a full list is available from ) 57. Husmeier D. (1999) Bayesian Methods for Neural Network Classifiers Max-Planck Institute fuer Stroemungsforschung, 5 February 1999. 58. Husmeier D. (1999) Regularisation of Mixture Models with the Bayesian Evidence Scheme Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London, 16 April 1999. 59. Husmeier D. (2001) Introduction to hidden Markov models Application of hidden Markov models in Bioinformatics Introduction to phylogenetics Three invited lectures to the Statistics Department of the University of Dortmund (Germany), 9/10 January 2001 60. Husmeier D. (2001) Statistical methods for detecting sporadic recombination in DNA sequence alignments Talk held at the BBSRC grantholders' workshop in Hinxton, 21-23 February 2001, and at the workshop on Mathematical and Statistical Aspects of Molecular Biology, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, 20-21 March 2001 61. Husmeier D. (2001) Detection and selection of DNA mosaic structures. Invited seminar. Department of Biomolecular Sciences, UMIST Manchester, June 2001 62. Husmeier D. (2001) Statistical methods for detecting recombination and gene conversion in DNA sequence alignments. Invited talk held at the Statistics Department of the University of Glasgow, 13 December 2001. 63. Husmeier D. (2002) Introduction to statistical bioinformatics Invited lectures held at the Statistics Department of Dortmund University, January 2002 64. Husmeier D. (2002) Statistical methods for phylogenetic inference and the detection of recombination Invited talk to the Annual Meeting of the Scottish and Northumbrian Academic Statisticians May 2002 65. Husmeier D. (2002) A short course on statistical bioinformatics Invited lectures to the Regenstrief Institute, Indianapolis (USA), July 2002 66. Husmeier D. (2002) Statistical methods for detecting recombination in DNA sequence alignments Invited lecture held at the International School on Computational Biology, Le Havre, October 2002 67. Husmeier D. (2003) Introduction to statistical phylogenetics Last updated by nt 4/02 AMDT 182 – APR 2002 BBSRC STAFF CODE – SECTION 9.2 - ANNEXES Invited lecture to M.Sc. students in the Division of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, February 2003 68. Husmeier D. (2003) Statistical Methods for Detecting Recombination in DNA Sequence Alignments Invited talk given at the 49th German Biometric Conference, Wuppertal, March 2003 69. Husmeier D. (2003) Introduction to Bayesian networks and the reverse engineering of genetic networks Invited lecture ,University of Dortmund, Statistics Department, July 2003 70. Husmeier D. (2003) Can we infer genetic networks from gene expression data with Bayesian networks? Biochemical Society Focused Meeting on Systems Biology, Sheffield, July 2003 71. Husmeier D. (2003) Application of Bayesian networks and MCMC in computational molecular biology Invited talk to the Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, November 2003 72. Husmeier D. (2004) Interpreting gene expression data 4 invited lectures given to postgraduate students in biology as part of their module on Postgenomic and Pathway Biology at the Scottish Centre for Genome Technology and Informatics (GTI), January 2004. 73. Husmeier D. (2004) Detecting interspecific recombination in DNA sequence alignments Invited talk given to the Mathematical Genetics and Bioinformatics Seminar in the Department of Statistics atOxford University, 4 May 2004 74. Husmeier D. (2004) Detecting interspecific recombination in DNA sequence alignments Invited talk, Adaptive & Neural Computation seminar, Institute for Neural & Adaptive Computation, School of Informatics, Edinburgh University, 11 May 2004 75. Husmeier D. (2004) Detecting mosaic structures in DNA sequence alignments Invited talk to the Royal Statistical Society North Eastern local group, Newcastle, 25 February 2005 76. Husmeier D. (2005) Multivariate analysis of gene expression data 4 invited lectures given to postgraduate students in biology as part of their module on Postgenomic and Pathway Biology at the Scottish Centre for Genome Technology and Informatics (GTI), January 2005 77. Husmeier D. (2005) Probabilistic modelling in bioinformatics Invited lecture to M.Sc. students in the Division of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, on 2 March 2005 78. Husmeier D. (2005) Learning local gene interaction networks from noisy gene expression data with probabilistic graphical models Invited tutorial given at the Workshop on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB05), Edinburgh, 3 April 2005 79. Husmeier D. (2005) Detecting Mosaic Structures in DNA Sequence Alignments Invited keynote talk, Workshop on Statistics in Genomics and Proteomics Monte Estoril, Portugal, 5-8 October 2005 80. Husmeier D. (2005) Statistical methods for the detection of mosaic structures in DNA sequence alignments. Invited talk, Department of Statistics, University of Glasgow, 9 November 2005. Last updated by nt 4/02 AMDT 182 – APR 2002 BBSRC STAFF CODE – SECTION 9.2 - ANNEXES 81. Husmeier D. (2005) Two invited lectures on phylogenetics and systems biology, to be held in Canberra, November 2005, organised by the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute, Summer Symposium; see . APPENDIX A: COLLABORATIONS BioSS collaborations Wolfgang Lehrach PhD project on in silico prediction of protein interactions Dr Kuang Lin SEERAD flexible fund systems biology project on host-pathogen interactions Adriano Werhli PhD project on machine learning methods in computational systems biology Dr Frank Wright Various collaborations in sequence and systems bioinformatics, including the TOPALi project External collaborations Dr Stuart Aitken, Dr Douglas Armstrong , Professor Andrew Millar, University of Edinburgh Collaboration on Centre-of-Excellence SEERAD grant proposal Dr Douglas Armstrong, Professor Chris Williams, University of Edinburgh Co-supervision of PhD students Dr Miles Armstrong, Dr Vivian Blok, SCRI Collaboration on phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences Dr Paul Birch, SCRI Collaboration on SEERAD-funded systems biology project Professor Peter Ghazal, Thorsten Forster, Scottish Centre for Genome Technology and Informatics (GTI) Collaboration on the interferon pathway Professor Wolfgang Urfer, Marco Grzegorczyk ,University of Dortmund (Germany) Collaboration on reverse engineering gene regulatory networks Anna Kedzierska, University of Wroclaw (Poland) Collaboration on detecting recombination in DNA sequence alignments APPENDIX B: FUNDING PhD project on computational systems biology, CAPES (Brazil), GBP 72,000 Co-applicant for a flexible fund project on systems biology of host-pathogen interactions, SEERAD, GBP 259,671 I am currently involved in tendering for a SEERAD funded Centre-of –Excellence (GBP 0.3 m). The first proposal has been shortlisted to the second round of the selection process. Last updated by nt 4/02 AMDT 182 – APR 2002 BBSRC STAFF CODE – SECTION 9.2 - ANNEXES APPENDIX C: CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT Coming from a background in theoretical physics and machine learning, I moved into computational biology in 1999 with a postdoctoral research project on detecting evidence for interspecific recombination in DNA sequence alignments, carried out at the SCRI unit of BioSS. Interspecific recombination is a process that results in the transfer of DNA/RNA subsequences between different bacterial or viral strains. It constitutes an important source of genetic diversification in fast-evolving pathogens, like HIV-1, and has been identified as a possible cause for the emergence of multiple drug resistance in various bacterial genera, like Neisseria and Streptococcus. At the time of writing this text, the prospect of avian flu virus H5N1 acquiring the ability to infect humans by horizontal gene transfer is a cause of general health concern, and illustrates the increased interest in interspecific recombination as a powerful process of information sharing in what is now referred to as the pathosphere (New Scientist, 8 October 2005, p.58). In my recent work, I have developed various methods for detecting interspecific recombination. All these methods are based on a phylogenetic approach and exploit the fact that interspecific recombination frequently results in a change of the phylogenetic tree topology for the taxa involved in this process. In one approach [22], a sliding window is moved along a given DNA sequence alignment. For every window position, the marginal posterior probability over tree topologies is determined by means of a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation. A probabilistic divergence measure is then estimated, and significant peaks in the resulting signal indicate breakpoints between different recombinant regions in the DNA sequence alignment. In a second approach [19,23], I have combined two probabilistic graphical models: (1) a taxon graph (phylogenetic tree) representing the relationship between the taxa, and (2) a site graph (hidden Markov model) representing correlations between different sites in the DNA sequence alignments. I have adopted a Bayesian approach to sample the parameters of the model from the posterior distribution with MCMC [25,26], and the method has proven to allow the identification of recombinant breakpoints at a very high spatial resolution. I have applied both methods to the detection of recombination in potato virus Y [34], and my programs have been integrated into the user-friendly software package TOPALi [29]. I have recently extended my modelling approaches to address the problem of differentiating between interspecific recombination and rate heterogeneity [31], and I have supervised two Masters projects with the objective to explore further improvements in the methodology. I took up a Band 5 position at BioSS HQ in 2002. At that time, the molecular biology community in general, and SCRI in particular, showed enthusiastic interest in microarray experiments. Microarrays were portrayed as a key new technology that allowed biologists to monitor the expression of thousands of genes simultaneously and thus to obtain snapshots of the active state of a complete genome under different experimental conditions. In my own work, I got particularly intrigued by the prospect of reverse engineering gene regulatory networks from microarray expression data, and I started to pursue the application of probabilistic machine learning methods based on Bayesian networks. Bayesian networks are interpretable and flexible models for representing conditional dependence relations between multiple interacting quantities, and they have been widely applied in machine learning and bioinformatics; see my review in [45]. The rationale behind this approach is that the probabilistic nature of Bayesian networks is capable of handling noise inherent in both the biological processes and the experimental procedures, which renders this approach superior to deterministic inference methods. However, a major challenge for the reverse engineering of regulatory networks from transcriptomic data is the fact that complex structures involving interactions between hundreds or thousands of genes have to be learned from comparatively small data sets, typically containing only a few dozen time points or experimental conditions. I have therefore addressed the important question of assessing the reliability of the inference procedure. In a first study [28], I simulated gene expression data from a realistic molecular biological network involving DNAs, mRNAs and proteins by numerically solving a system of coupled differential equations. I then tried to infer regulatory networks from these data in a reverse engineering approach, using dynamic Bayesian networks and Bayesian learning with MCMC. I am currently extending this evaluation with a PhD student to compare the performance of different machine learning methods (Bayesian networks, relevance networks and graphical Gaussian models) in the context of active learning from interventional data, based on preliminary explorations carried out via the supervision of two MSc projects. My future work will take a wider view of systems biology with the objective to develop and apply machine learning methods to systematically integrate different types of postgenomic data. The rationale behind this approach is that inference based on the fusion of different inherently noisy data will be more accurate than any method that is based on a single data type alone, and that postgenomic data of heterogeneous nature highlight different aspects of the regulatory pathways and are subject to complementary constraints that can be exploited in the inference process. I have pursued initial work along this line with a PhD student [32,40,43], where we aim to learn protein interactions from amino acid sequences with a probabilistic discriminative model. This work is motivated by the fact that high-throughput interaction scans like yeast two-hybrid and phage display are expensive and intrinsically noisy. Hence, our objective is to more specifically target or partially bypass them with a complementary in silico approach. I aim to extend this work into a Last updated by nt 4/02 AMDT 182 – APR 2002 BBSRC STAFF CODE – SECTION 9.2 - ANNEXES systems biology context along the line described above, whereby regulatory interaction networks are inferred by systematically integrating sequence data, gene expression profiles, and putative protein interactions. This work is of immediate relevance to ongoing projects on host-pathogen interactions at MRI and SCRI. Integrating my machinelearning based approaches with complementary computational and modelling expertise at SCRI and MRI will assist molecular biologists in their endeavour to infer hypothetical regulatory pathways and pivotal regulatory genes within different pathosystems. The ultimate objective of this work will be the identification of optimum candidate genes and pathways to target to disrupt pathogenicity and enhance disease resistance in crop plants and livestock. I expect to increasingly take on responsibilities for leading the research in bioinformatics and computational biology at BioSS. I have supervised the projects of six Master students since 2003. I am currently the first supervisor of two PhD students, and I am involved in the supervision of two further PhD students. I am also managing a postdoctoral research assistant working on a SEERAD-funded flexible fund project, and I am involved in the collaboration on a proposal for a SEERAD-funded Centre of Excellence, which will involve other scientists from BioSS, SCRI, Edinburgh University, and Heriot-Watt University. 12. CANDIDATE'S DECLARATION: I confirm that I have read and am fully aware of the contents of Sections 1-11 of this proposal. Candidate's signature .................................................................................................... Date ...................................................... Last updated by nt 4/02 AMDT 182 – APR 2002 BBSRC STAFF CODE – SECTION 9.2 - ANNEXES ANNEX C - CONTD 13. HEAD OF DIVISION'S RECOMMENDATION: (or comments in the case of a self-nomination) I confirm that I have read this promotion proposal and considered it against the specified criteria for promotion to the grade of ......., as set out in Annex B to Staff Code Section 9.2. Signed ................................................................................................................(Head of Division) Date ............................. Last updated by nt 4/02 AMDT 182 – APR 2002 BBSRC STAFF CODE – SECTION 9.2 - ANNEXES ANNEX D STAFF IN CONFIDENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL SCIENCE MERIT PROMOTION PROCEDURE PROMOTION PANEL ASSESSMENT FORM PROMOTIONS w.e.f. 1 July 20..... PANEL MEMBER (name)...................................................................................................................... CANDIDATE ............................................................................................................................................. PRESENT \PROPOSED GRADE .......................................................................................................... INTERVIEW HELD ON .............................. Attributes: Assessment: well fitted Depth & breadth of scientific\ technical knowledge Ability to innovate Ability to plan Ability to collaborate Professional reputation Achievements Productivity Leadership abilities 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 not fitted 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 OVERALL ASSESSMENT: well fitted fitted marginally above marginally below not fitted 1 2 3 4 5 (circle, as appropriate) NB: The attribute criteria are given in BBSRC SC Part II, Section 9.2, Annex B) Last updated by nt 4/02 AMDT 182 – APR 2002 BBSRC STAFF CODE – SECTION 9.2 - ANNEXES ANNEX E STAFF-IN CONFIDENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL SCIENCE MERIT PROMOTION PROCEDURE PROMOTION INTERVIEW PANEL REPORT FORM PROMOTIONS w.e.f. July 20 ..... CANDIDATE ............................................................................................................................. PRESENT \PROPOSED GRADE .......................................................................................... INTERVIEW HELD ON ......................................................................................................... PANEL MEMBERS ............................................................................... (Chair) ............................................................................... ............................................................................... ............................................................................... PANEL RECOMMENDATION: well fitted fitted marginally above marginally below not fitted 1 2 3 4 5 (circle, as appropriate) Last updated by nt 4/02 AMDT 182 – APR 2002 BBSRC STAFF CODE – SECTION 9.2 - ANNEXES ANNEX E - CONTD PANEL REPORT a. (to be conveyed to candidate): b. Supplementary comments (confidential to Board and Panel members): DIRECTOR'S DECISION PROMOTION APPROVED \ REJECTED (delete whichever is inappropriate) SIGNED (DIRECTOR) ........................................................................................................... DATE ...................................... Last updated by nt 4/02 AMDT 182 – APR 2002