Coursework Assessment Policy (MPF1199) RELEVANT LEGISLATION Statute 11.1 - Courses, Enrolment and Assessment Regulation 11.1.A3 - Examination Rules and Supervision SCOPE This policy applies to assessment in undergraduate and graduate award and non-award coursework courses and subjects. POLICY 1. Principles 1.1 Assessment and grading in subjects will be criterion-referenced and aligned to specific subject learning outcomes including the graduate attributes and the generic skills they encompass. 1.2 Assessment will clearly link teaching objectives, content, learning and teaching activities and learning outcomes at subject level. Assessment and grading in core and compulsory subjects will also be aligned to course learning outcomes, the graduate attributes and the generic skills they encompass. 1.3 Assessment criteria will be published with the details of each assessment task. 1.4 Assessment will be designed to accurately measure the knowledge and skills that a student has obtained up to the point at which the task is completed. 1.5 Assessment will be balanced to provide diagnostic, timely and meaningful formative feedback, as well as summative judgments about academic performance. 1.6 Assessment and grading will be varied, fair, equitable, inclusive, objective and auditable and meet the needs of a diverse student population. 1.7 Examinations will be marked anonymously and staff should not be responsible for assessment of a student with whom they have, or have had, a significant personal relationship, in accordance with the Equal Opportunity Policy. 1.8 Grading is designed to record and report whether or not students have demonstrated an overall level of performance that warrants successful completion of a subject and to allow excellent achievement to be recognised and rewarded. 1.9 Assessment arrangements will ensure that reliable and consistent judgments about student performance are made. 1.10 Student achievement in individual subjects will be graded in accordance with the University grading scheme as set out in the Grading Scheme Procedure. 1.11 Assessment will provide opportunities to: Page 1 of 3 engage with research; analyse and synthesise and/or create new information and concepts; and apply and evaluate information previously presented. 1.12 Assessment is used as a strategy to guide and support student learning, study habits and patterns of study and care will be taken to induct students into the assessment practices and culture of higher education. 1.13 Assessment arrangements will ensure that student and staff workloads are considered. 1.14 The Academic Board is responsible for overall quality assurance and continuous quality improvement in assessment across the University. RELATED DOCUMENTS Equal Opportunity Policy Coursework Assessment Design and Methods Procedure Grading Scheme Procedure Assessment Procedure DEFINITIONS Term Assessment Definition means the method of determining- whether a student has passed; or - whether a student has otherwise satisfied the examiners; or Award course (award) Course Criterion-referenced assessment Formative assessment Examination Examiner(s) Grade Mark Marking - the grade to be awarded to a student in a degree course. A program of study formally approved/accredited by the University which leads to an academic award granted by the University or which qualifies a student to enter a course at a level higher than a bachelor's degree. an award or non-award course students work is assessed with reference to written criteria derived from explicit learning outcomes. monitoring student progress against standards and providing them with feedback comparing their progress to the standards with a view to helping them to achieve the standards. formally supervised assessment including formally supervised written examinations; written or online tests; oral tests; performances; aural tests; clinical examinations as part of the Semester 1, Semester 2, Summer or supplementary/special examination period. individual(s) designated by the chairperson of the examination board, from those teaching the subject, as the examiner(s) a descriptive indicator of a student’s achievement in an assessment task or a unit, awarded by the examiner(s) as part of a marking process. Grades and corresponding marks are set out in the Grading Schema procedure. [link] a numerical indicator of a student’s achievement in an assessment task or a unit, awarded as by the examiner(s) as part of a marking process. Grades and corresponding marks are set out in the Grading Schema Procedure [link] the act of assessing individual assessment components, generating a score and/or grade, and feedback, as appropriate Page 2 of 3 Non-award course A program of study which does not lead to an award of the University and which comprises a subject or subject(s) which: - is from an award course or courses at the University; and - is able to be counted as credit towards an award course at the University by students who successfully complete the subject or subjects; or, - may be used to meet the entry requirements for a course at the University by students who successfully complete the subject or subjects. Subject a unit of academic work in which the student enrols and on completion of which the student is awarded a grade, such grades appearing on a student’s academic record. Summative assessment making judgement about student achievements against explicit standards and translating that judgement into a grade; used at the end of a subject. RESPONSIBLE OFFICER The President of the Academic Board is responsible for the development, compliance monitoring and review of this policy and any associated guidelines. IMPLEMENTATION OFFICER The Academic Secretary is responsible for the promulgation and implementation of this policy in accordance with the scope outlined above. Enquiries about interpretation of this policy should be directed to the implementation officer. REVIEW This policy is to be reviewed by 28 February 2015. VERSION HISTORY Version Approved By Approval Date Effective Date 1 President, 28 September Academic Board 2012 28 September 2012 Sections Modified New version arising from the Policy Simplification Project. Loaded into MPL as Version 1. Page 3 of 3