Spanish 102 Study Guide


Final Exam Study Guide Spanish 102/Fall 2011

I. Sección de escuchar (12 points total)


Listen to the questions your instructor asks and answer with a complete sentence in

Spanish. (5)


B. Dictate the dates that you hear as numbers, not words. (2)


C. Listen as your instructor reads a sentence. Select the correct word related to electronics and items in a room. (5)

II. Vocabulario (15 points total)

A. Los verbos.

Fill in the blank with the letter of the word(s) that best completes the sentence. (7)


Los sustantivos (nouns). Fill in the blank with the letter of the most logical response.


III. Gramática (35 points total)

A. Los verbos regulares del pretérito.

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the following preterite (5)

B. Los verbos irregulares del pretérito.

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the following preterite verbs that are irregular in some way. (3 points-1/2 point each)

C. El imperfecto.

Tell about these things that used to happen by filling using the correct form of the imperfect. (4)

D. Pretérito vs. Imperfecto.

Choose the correct form of the verb. Note that there are two verbs in each sentence. (5)

E. Por v. Para.

Determine whether the context requires the use of por or para. (4)

F. Los verbos como gustar.

Use the context to fill in the blank with a pronoun (me, te, le, nos, les) and select the correct form of the verb provided. For the last sentence make it a negative statement by putting the word “no” in the correct order. (4)

G. Verbos Reflexivos.

Answer each question in complete sentences that use a reflexive verb. (3)

H. Mandatos de Ud. (Commands).

Use the first sentence to determine what command to give. Fill in the blank with the correct Ud. form of the verb. Note that two are negative commands. (4)

I. Double Object Pronouns . Read the questions and responses. Then fill in the blank with the setter of the appropriate response from the options given. (3)

IV. Lectura. Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions in either English or Spanish (7)

V. Cultural knowledge. (14 points total)

A.Cierto o Falso. Indicate if each sentence is cierta o falsa based on the cultural readings. (7)

B. Matching. – Use the concepts in column II to complete the statements in column I. (7)

VI. Sección de escribir. (7 points total)

Using the past tense, write a postcard to a friend in Spanish telling about a recent vacation. 1)Tell where you went, 2)what you saw, 3) at least three things that you ate and

drank (name the meal), 4) whom you went with, 5) type of transportation you used, 6) three things you did, and 7) how you liked it. Make at least one comparison with what you saw and Terre Haute. Write at least 7 sentences. Continue on the other side .(7)

VII. Reflective Short Essays – (10 pts). This should be typed and turned in on the date set by your instructor.

1. Cultural awareness:

 What are some of the most interesting aspects of your foreign language’s culture(s) and values and in what way has learning about this made you more aware of your own culture?

Now that you have been studying a new language for a semester, how might you react if you encountered a non-native speaker of English who needed help? Would you have responded this way before taking this class? If you would have, how might the encounter be different than before? More specifically, has the class changed or expanded the way you might behave toward or interact with ____ speakers, their language and their culture? How has the course changed or expanded your perception about –––- speaking peoples, their language and their culture? How? When describing the change, be sure to talk about the ideas and attitude you had before this class and whether that influenced your prior interaction with native Spanish speakers.

In your examples and explanation you may also draw upon insight from your international events even if they related to a culture different than the language you are learning.


2. Holistic application of learning:

Describe the strategies and/or skills developed during the language learning process in this course which may have influenced your learning a) other subjects on campus this semester and/or b) may have prepared you for other subjects in the future.

Describe a possible setting in which you might apply your new cultural and language knowledge for your present or future enjoyment or you own enrichment.

If applicable, describe a time this semester when you applied your new knowledge about ___ cultures or language in another class.
