SBI 3U Evolution Review Questions 2015

SBI 3U Evolution Review Questions 2015
1) Outline the contributions of Cuvier and Lyell.
2) Outline Lamarck’s theory of evolution of “inheritance of acquired characteristics”, and compare it to
Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection.
5) State the 5 major points of Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection and explain with examples.
6) Define evolution.
7) Explain how evolution is a feature of populations and not individuals.
8) Define natural selection.
9) Indicate the importance of variation to natural selection.
10) Define adaptation.
12) Describe the importance and results of the industrial melanism and the peppered moth lab.
13) Explain the different forms of evidence for evolution including fossil records, vestigial structures,
homologous structures, and analogous structures, embryology, vestigial sequences, and molecular evidence.
14) Compare divergent and convergent evolution.
15) Describe the uses of a cladogram and be able to create.
16) State the 5 conditions that are required to maintain a non-evolving population. Explain parallel and
17) State the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Formula.
18) Explain the term allele frequency and describe how allele frequencies are expressed for a population.
19) Use the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Formula to determine the dominant and recessive allele frequencies
and phenotypic and genotypic frequencies.
20) State and describe the five factors contributing to microevolution which leads to deviations from the
Hardy-Equilibrium Assumptions. These include: gene flow, genetic drift (founder effect and bottleneck
effect), mutation pressure, natural selection, and sexual selection.
21) Outline the significance of the concept of “Darwinian Fitness” to natural selection.
22) Define species.
23) Explain what is meant by reproductive isolations.
24) Using examples, discuss the 5 pre-zygotic barriers to speciation.
25) Discuss three post-zygotic barriers to speciation.
26) Contrast allopatric and sympatric speciation identifying situations in which each is most likely to occur.
27) Briefly compare gradualism and punctuated equilibrium as patterns of speciation.
28) Apply the evolutionary principles learned in this unit to observations in nature.
29) Define artificial selection and describe examples.