Latin 3 policy sheet

Latin I
Mr. Lueck
Policy Sheet for Latin I
Salvete omnes, and welcome to Latin I! I’m happy to be here and look forward to spending the
year together learning Latin. Latin is nothing to fear and I’m sure you will all do very well
provided you keep up with your daily assignments and pay attention in class. If there is ever
anything you do not feel you understand please do not hesitate to ask me or even one of your
class mates. You all are very smart, so be patient with yourselves and believe in your own ability
to learn. Latin is fun, (at least I think so ) and rewarding on so many levels, so I hope you find
the class both instructive and enjoyable.
The textbook for this class is Latin for the New Millennium: Student Text, Level 1 and the
workbooks is Latin for the New Millennium: Student Workbook, Level 1. You should also
have a Latin dictionary.
Nota bene!
Please bring your textbook, a notebook, a folder with class handouts, and pen or pencil to every
class. Be sure to have a folder or binder to organize your homework, tests, and handouts. It is
very, very, very, very important that you keep your homework and class materials
organized and that you do not throw your tests and homework assignments away. They are
invaluable reference sources for future study. Also, please make sure you have a Collins Gem
or Oxford Pocket Latin dictionary.
--The ability to read, translate, and understand Latin at a level appropriate for a first year high
school Latin student.
--Indirectly increase one’s knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar by learning Latin
vocabulary and grammar. The particular focus of this objective will be on understanding English
derivatives and their Latin roots.
--Increase your knowledge of Greco-Roman culture by learning about their daily life, their myths,
their literature, their history, their art and architecture, and their influence on later civilizations.
--The primary objectives are the ability to read and translate, however, there will occasionally be
short writing exercises that can be invaluable towards increasing your knowledge of Latin
grammar and syntax.
Speaking Latin
Speaking Latin is fun! It is a way for you to activate the language instinct that every human
being has. It should be a goal of ours to work collectively to attempt to speak to one another in
Latin as much as we can. I am open to any suggestions! I will admit that the traditional teaching
of Latin has not included room for speaking, but lately there has been a movement to bring more
spoken Latin into the classroom and I would like for us to try as much as possible.
Please note that in addition to the following, all applicable regulations described in the Student
Handbook are also in effect. If you have any questions about any of the rules do not hesitate to
ask me about them.
I encourage you to make every effort to attend every class session, since, in accordance with the
rules detailed in the Student Handbook, your grade could be reduced due to excess absenteeism.
Of course, you are much more likely to get the most out of the class by being present.
There is none. You are here to learn not to cheat. You will receive a zero on any assignment,
quiz, or test for which you are caught cheating. In addition, your parents will be notified.
Learning respect for your selves and for others is one of the most important things you will ever
learn and is absolutely essential for living harmoniously together in a diverse society. I will
always show you respect and in turn expect you to show respect.
You must complete all assignments on time. If you are absent you must bring any assignments
you missed while absent with you on your return. You are responsible for finding what
assignments were missed by looking at my TeacherWeb page.
--Vocabulary Quizzes
There will be frequent vocabulary quizzes. Knowing vocabulary is an essential part of reading
any language. You simply must know what the words mean if you are to understand a foreign
language. Also, the knowledge of vocabulary and English derivatives will aid you greatly on the
language section of the SATs.
There may occasionally be short quizzes on the homework reading and previous class lecture
material. I might let you know when there will be one, or I might not. They will be relatively
short and simple and are simply a means to make sure you keep up with the required reading.
There will be a test approximately every two or three weeks. See the Assignments section for
the make-up policy.
I use a total points system of grading but the following provides a rough guideline of the
relative importance of each form of assessment.
Class participation and homework—50%
Actively engaging with a language on a regular basis is the only way to learn it and
appreciate it. I cannot control whatever distractions you might have outside of the class
room, but inside it you owe it to yourselves and to me to put forward your best effort.
Therefore, class participation is worth 50% of the grade. Part of class participation will
involve silent reading and discussion activities. Anyone who talks during a silent reading
activity gets a detention and a lowered class participation grade. During silent reading
one should take notes on the content and especially note problems that need clarification.
Following silent reading is group discussion. Not remaining on task during class
exercises is also grounds for a lower class participation grade. I include homework in the
participation grade as well since I often give class time for homework.
Tests and Quizzes---50%
This includes: short quizzes involving vocabulary or grammar, tests based almost
exclusively on Latin passages gone over in class.
--Extra Credit
Extra credit most often takes the form of test/quiz corrections, but I am open to extra credit
project requests.
--Extra Help
I strongly prefer giving extra help during Silent Reading periods on 8I or 8II. However, I am
available after school for extra help provided that it is arranged in advance. I can usually be
found in the faculty lounge by 3 pm or so.
It is of utmost importance that you have regular daily study habits with Latin!!!!
There is a lot of memorization and rules to know, verb and noun forms, etc., and the only way to
make sense of them all is through REGULAR AND SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Latin is
actually quite easy if you do this, and quite difficult if you do not.
Please make sure you and your parents have reviewed the information above thoroughly and sign
Parent’s/Guardian’s signature:_____________________________________________
Student’s signature:______________________________________________________