¡Bienvenidos a Perú! Su pasaporte, por favor. Year/Level: Novice High, 1st Semester Age: 14-17 Performance Statements: Interpersonal and Interpretive Give simple descriptions of self Answer simple questions about self Ask simple formulaic questions about self Use formal address Comprehend simple descriptions of self Description of Task to Student: Viajero/Traveler: You have just arrived in Lima, Perú as part of a year – long exchange program! Your family is waiting for you just outside the gates, but before you can meet them, you need to go through customs and (possibly) declare any items you have brought into the country. Remember to address the customs agent formally and with politeness if you don’t want to have any problems! Listen carefully as the customs agent asks you a series of questions, answering completely and with detail. Speak clearly and just like in real life (yes, you are alive), ask the agent to repeat a question if you don’t understand. Aduanero/Customs Agent: Your job is to ask the traveler a series of questions and fill out a form with this information. Use the form as a guide to help you formulate the appropriate questions to ask. Since this is a formal situation, be sure to address each other formally. Approximate time needed: 2 class periods; first day half of students act as traveler or aduanero, second day they switch roles. Scoring Criteria: Traveler Exceeds expectations: Meets Expectations: Message You are completely understood by customs agent. Comprehension You understand and thus can answer all questions with no repetition You are generally understood by agent, but may need to clarify some answers. You understand and thus can answer all questions, but may need to hear them repeated Content Your answers are complete, accurate and detailed. Pronunciation Your pronunciation is accurate Fluency You speak with confidence, no hesitancy, speech is fluid and natural No major errors, no minor errors Language Structure Approaching Expectations: You have difficulty communicating, sometimes the agent doesn’t understand you. You understand questions after rephrasing into a simpler form (ie. What’s your name? to name?); hand gestures, acting out, pointing, etc.. Your answers are Majority of complete and answers are accurate. incomplete and/or some are inaccurate Your You pronunciation is mispronounce mostly accurate, many does not interfere letters/words but with are mostly comprehension understood You speak with a little hesitancy. Speech is choppy at times, a few unnatural pauses No major errors, a few minor errors. A few major errors and many minor errors Does not Meet Expectations: You use English, or your Spanish is incomprehensible (ie isolated or unrelated words), You do not understand the questions being asked even after rephrasing, etc.. You do not give sufficient information for majority of questions Your pronunciation is heavily influenced by your first language and interferes with comprehension Speech is choppy and many unnatural pauses throughout Many major and minor errors throughout Ojo: major errors = any error that confuses meaning, that gets in the way of your message, what you are trying to communicate! Ejemplos: Subject/verb agreement: Eres de Oaxaca = You are from Oaxaca Soy de Oaxaca = I am from Oaxaca Minor errors = any other kind of grammatical error (ie. Agreement between adjectives/nouns/articles) that does not interfere with meaningTengo ojos azul is kind of like saying I have blue eye. It sounds odd, but your message is still loud and clear! Scoring Criteria for Customs Agent: Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaching Expectations Does not meet expectations Questions All questions are complete (ie what is your name? not Name?) and accurate Asks all questions accurately, although 1-2 may not be complete Unprepared for performance assessment, cannot ask all questions Pronunciation Pronunciation is accurate Pronunciation is mostly accurate Message Message is clear, completely understood Formal language used consistently; polite appropriate greeting and goodbye Generally understood Some questions incomplete (one word questions) and/or question asked incorrectly (ie. Who is your name? ) Pronunciation heavily influenced by first language, but does not interfere with comprehension Difficult to understand Exclusive use of informal language, may forget to greet or say goodbye Exclusive use of informal, casual language Off task; does not greet or say goodbye Register Switches between formal and informal language, greets and says goodbye Pronunciation interferes with comprehension Incomprehensible Customs Agent Check off sheet: Use the following list to help you remember the questions you need to ask. If you don’t understand, or the traveler speaks too fast, just ask her to repeat. Remember to use a greet/say goodbye and use formal language with this person. 1. Name____________________________ 2. Last Name________________________ 3. Nationality________________________ 4. Country of Origin___________________ 5. Birthdate: Day__Month_______Year_____ 6. Place of birth: City_________State_____ 7. Age____ 8. Address in visiting country: _____________________________________________________ 9. Address in country of origin: ____________________________________________________ 10. Profession:________________________ 11. Civil Status: __single __married __divorced 12. Identification Documents: __Passport __Driver’s License __Student ID 13. Reason for travel: __Leisure __Business __Study