September 27, 2007 - Santa Rosa County School District

Santa Rosa County
School Board
September 27, 2007
Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board of Santa Rosa County met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. with
the following members present: Hugh Winkles, Chairman, JoAnn Simpson, ViceChairman, Diane Coleman, Ed Gray, III and Diane Scott. Also present was John W.
Rogers, Superintendent of Schools and Secretary and Paul R. Green, Board Attorney.
Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
The Chairman called the meeting to order and Mr. Rogers lead us in prayer and
the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Approval of Minutes
The Chairman asked if there are any changes to the September 6, 2007 school
board meeting minutes. There were none, minutes stand approved.
Oral and Written Communications
Jud Crane came forward and announced that Pea Ridge Elementary is the 2007
first place winner of the Dairy Council of Florida’s Expanding Breakfast Award. Lori
Stokes, Pea Ridge Cafeteria Manager, and Mr. Crane were invited to an awards ceremony
at DOE on September 20, 2007 where she was presented with the grand prize of $5,000.
Mr. Crane distributed lunch passes to the board members and invited them to join the
students during National School Lunch Week.
Sherry Diamond, Elementary Director came forward and presented the following schools
with the Five Star Award; Chumuckla, East Milton, Gulf Breeze and Oriole Beach
Elementary; Holley-Navarre and West Navarre Primary; Holley-Navarre, S. S. Dixon and
West Navarre Intermediate, Gulf Breeze Middle and Gulf Breeze High School.
Mrs. Diamond also presented the Golden School award for outstanding volunteer
programs to Bagdad, Berryhill, Chumuckla, East Milton, Gulf Breeze, Jay, Munson, and
Rhodes Elementary; Dixon, Holley-Navarre, West Navarre Primary; Dixon, HolleyNavarre, and West Navarre Intermediate Schools; Avalon, Gulf Breeze, Hobbs, HolleyNavarre and King Middle; Gulf Breeze and Navarre High Schools.
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Public Hearing
Public Forum
The Chairman opened the floor for the public forum and asked if anyone wanted
to address the board regarding any item not on the agenda.
Mr. Raymond Johns came forward and read a letter he wrote in regards to his belief that
there is prejudice in our school system. He shared with the board that recently he read
where 40 students were awarded scholarships and out of the 40, only two were black.
Mr. Rogers stated that he doesn’t see where Santa Rosa County School District is bias
and that all students have the opportunity to apply for scholarships. All students must
follow the same set of rules and regulations set forth by the organization sponsoring the
Ms. Margaret Kelly, parent of a student at Gulf Breeze High School came forward and
stated that she read an article in the Gulf Breeze News about an incident involving her
son and another student at the school that she takes exception to and feels that incorrect
false statements were made. Mr. Winkles asked her to confine her statements to her child
as we cannot discuss another student or the discipline any other student received.
Approval of Agenda
The Chairman asked if the Superintendent or board member wanted to move an
item from the administrative agenda to the action agenda. There was no response and the
board proceeded with the agenda as submitted.
Administrative Agenda
The Superintendent recommended approval of the following administrative
agenda items for school board approval.
Motion by Mrs. Coleman, second by Mrs. Simpson, approving the following
administrative agenda items. Motion carried unanimously.
Human Resource Items
1. Retirements and Resignations
2. Instructional and Classified Appointments
3. Substitute Teachers/Educational Support Substitutes
4. Leaves: Without Pay, Illness in Line of Duty
Curricular/Instructional Items
5. Student Reassignments/Transfers
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6. Student Suspensions
7. School Volunteers
Financial Items
Administrative Items
8. Class/Club Trips
9. Use of School Facilities
Action Agenda
Human Resource Recommendations
The Superintendent recommended approval of the following personnel items
for school board approval.
Motion by Mrs. Simpson, second by Mrs. Coleman, approving the Out-of-Field
Report 2007-08 and ESOL Out-of-Field Report 2007-08 as submitted. Motion carried
Mr. Rogers asked Joyce McCorvey to come forward and give the board an update on the
first Minority Recruitment and Retention Task Force meeting. Ms. McCorvey shared
with the board that the first meeting of the Task Force was held, Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2007
at 3:00 p.m. She was happy with the results of the first meeting, stating that everyone
seems to be on the same page and feel as though many positive things will come out of
their meetings. Mrs. McCorvey and Mrs. Simpson, expressed their appreciation for the
committee members volunteering their time to serve. Mrs. McCorvey feels as though
the task force can have an initial report ready by the last week in October with some
tangible objectives and a recruitment plan in place. Mrs. Scott suggested the Task Force
may want to consider contacting Okaloosa Walton Community College, along with the
other colleges the task force has indicated they plan to visit.
Motion by Mrs. Scott, second by Mr. Gray, approving the exclusion of the ASI
(Association and Society Insurance Corporation) Tri-Care Supplement plan from being
offered as a group insurance product in 2008. Motion carried unanimously.
Curricular and Instructional Recommendations
The Superintendent recommended approval of the following curricular and
instructional items for school board approval.
The Chairman opened the floor for the alternative placement/expulsions and asked if
anyone wanted to address the board regarding any of the placements. There was no
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Motion by Mrs. Simpson, second by Mrs. Coleman, approving the following
alternative placements/expulsions. Motion carried unanimously.
Hearing Number
Gr./Age Reason
Middle School
Drug Possession
Expulsion with continued
educational services: One
calendar year with the
opportunity for services
in accordance with the IEP
Weapon Possession
Expulsion with continued
educational services: One
calendar year with the
opportunity for services at
the Learning Academy
Possession of marijuana in
vehicle on campus
Expulsion with continued
educational services: One
calendar year with the
opportunity for services
at The Learning Academy
Motion by Mr. Gray, second by Mrs. Scott, approving the early termination of
expulsion/alternative placement of the following student. Mrs. Simpson voted no, Mrs.
Coleman voted yes. Motion passed.
Hearing Number
Date Expelled
Mr. Gray stated that he was not worried about setting precedence on early termination of
expulsion/alternative placements based on the above case because he feels this student
demonstrated an attitude and has implemented a constructive way to correct her behavior.
Mrs. Padgett asked to speak to the board in regards to the process we have had in place
for almost 15 years. She shared with the board that the Expulsion Committee takes care
of a lot of issues that are not appropriately discussed at a public school board meeting.
The committee members know the background and details of each case that are not
always publicly shared. She asked the committee be notified first before any mention of
allowing a student to return to school earlier than originally recommended. Mrs. Padgett
stated that the committee wants what is best for all the children of our county and have
worked toward this process because we wanted to provide education and an opportunity
for them to return to their regular school as soon as possible. Many school districts do
not offer early termination of expulsions and some do not offer any educational services
during the expulsion.
Mrs. Simpson stated that she was comfortable with the committee handling the cases for
the board and she appreciated Nancy’s comments. There was a short discussion on credit
issued while attending high school vs. the credit earned at the Learning Academy and
homes schooled children. Academically it would be better for students to re-enter their
school at the end of quarters or semester. Mr. Gray said he appreciated their comments.
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Motion by Mrs. Scott, second by Mrs. Simpson, approving the 2007/08 School
Improvement Plans as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mrs. Coleman, second by Mrs. Simpson, approving the 2007-08
School Advisory Council Rosters. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Winkles mentioned that he would like to see more concrete and measurable goals so
he can see if the goals are being met.
Motion by Mr. Gray, second by Mrs. Simpson, approving the School
Safety/Emergency Preparedness – Emergency Notification grant. Motion carried
Motion by Mrs. Scott, second by Mr. Gray, approving the Learning Academy
Financial Statement for 2007. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mrs. Simpson, second by Mr. Gray, approving the following two new
components for Master Inservice Plan. Motion carried unanimously.
1. Leadership: Classroom Walk-Through (CWT) for 30 points component #7-502-024
2. ESOL for Guidance Counselors: for 60 points component #2-001-020
The board reviewed the Head Start/Early Head Start monthly report for August, 2007.
Mr. Gray asked if it would be possible to schedule the October 25, 2007 meeting at 10:00
a.m. instead of the advertised 6:30 p.m. due to a conflict in his schedule. The board
agreed to change the time of the meeting to 10:00 a.m.
Motion by Mr. Gray, second by Mrs. Simpson, approved advertising for a public
hearing to be held on October 25, 2007 at 10:00 A.M. on revisions/changes to School
Board Policy. Motion carried unanimously.
Financial Recommendations
The Superintendent recommended approval of the following financial items
for school board approval.
Administrative Recommendations
The Superintendent recommended the following administrative items for
school board approval.
Motion by Mrs. Simpson, second by Mr. Gray, approving the exceed the limit
purchases(s) as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
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Mr. Rogers asked Bobby Williams to come forward and present the quarterly update
report for Laidlaw Education Services. Mr. Williams expressed his appreciation to the
board for the comments they have received on a great school year start-up. He
introduced some of his staff members and Joey Harrell noting they were the reason why
the start-up was so successful.
Ms. Stephanie Slayton came forward and also stated how much she appreciated the
comments. This is her 15th school year start-up and she expressed the appreciation of the
Transportation Department to the drivers for such a great beginning of the year.
Ms. Slayton reviewed the portion of the presentation as it relates to the training of drivers
and making sure all 301drivers are in compliance. She was proud to announce that there
have been zero accidents this year. Last year Santa Rosa County had 2.72 accidents per
million miles on the road. They were the recipients of a safety award issued by Laidlaw.
Diane Hall, Operations Manager for 9 years came forward to present objectives three and
four. She shared with the board that Laidlaw was using version 9.8 of Versa Trans
computerized bus routing system. They have a new server to run this version and it
works well with the new GPS system we are trying out this year. She expressed her
appreciation for the entire team – the drivers, the bus mechanics and our administrators
for working with them as they prepared for the beginning of school this year. The newest
25 buses have come in for this year. These buses bring the total to 87 buses equipped
with air conditioning.
The board thanked Mr. Williams for the presentation.
Motion by Mrs. Simpson, second by Mrs. Scott, approving the following change
orders. Motion carried unanimously.
Change Orders
Jay High School - HVAC Locker Room
Change Order #2 decreasing the above referenced project payable to A. E. New, Jr., Inc.
by $2,988.03. This figure is the net result of preparing and painting the storage rooms
and support area, painting the lockers, and special door replacements and owner direct
purchases/sales tax savings.
Bennett C. Russell Elementary
Correction to “Owner Direct Purchase” items
Add trench drain at outside play court
Additional work at holding pond
Add hot water to classroom sink in ESE #341
Net Amount of C. O.
$ 286.20
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Motion by Mr. Gray, second by Mrs. Coleman, approving the following final
payment. Motion carried unanimously.
Final Payments
Bennett C. Russell Elementary
Contractor (A. E. New Jr., Inc.)
$ 31,621.40
The board reviewed the status report of current construction projects.
Motion by Mrs. Simpson, second by Mr. Gray, approving the Certification of
Facilities Data as presented and in accordance to Florida Statute 1013.31(1)(d). Motion
carried unanimously.
Motion by Mrs. Coleman, second by Mr. Gray, approving the request from the
Santa Rosa County Public Works Dept. for the school district to help with the funding in
the amount of $65,000.00 for improvements to High School Boulevard including
sidewalks and an eastbound left turn lane into the westernmost parking lot of Navarre
High School. Motion carried unanimously.
Items from Board Members
Mrs. Coleman asked Carol Calfee about the School Safety/Emergency Preparedness –
Emergency Notification grant. Mrs. Calfee shared with her the $25,000 would be used
toward the Connect Ed program. She will be bringing this information back to the board
for further direction on how to use the funds.
Items from Board Attorney
Items from Superintendent
Motion by Mrs. Simpson, second by Mrs. Coleman, approving the request from
West Navarre Elementary School for $1,819.79 to assist Mr. Russell Yocum’s 2006-07
third grade class attend the launching of “Harmony” at the invitation of NASA. Mr.
Yocum’s class participated in NASA’s 2006-07 International Space Station Name the
Node 2 Challenge. They were one of only 6 winners nationwide and the only winner
representing Florida. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mrs. Scott, second by Mrs. Coleman, approving the Gulf Breeze High
School Homecoming early release for Friday, October 5, 2007. Motion carried
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Motion by Mrs. Scott, second by Mr. Gray, approving 2007-08 membership in the
Small School District Council Consortium and the payment of the 2007-08 annual
membership fees. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mrs. Simpson, second by Mr. Gray, approving the 2008-09 contract to
Joy Frank & Associates, P.A. to provide lobbying services to the Santa Rosa County
School District in the amount of $11,000. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Rogers shared with the board that the school district will extend the advertisement of
property for sale in Gulf Breeze by two more weeks.
The Superintendent reported that we have met all our FTE projections. We currently
have 26,032 students enrolled, up from 25,800 last year. We have experienced a growth
of a couple of hundred students now that the school year has settled in.
The Superintendent also shared with the board he received a call from Senator Don Gaetz
in regards to the budget cuts. He told the Superintendent that our cuts may not be as
severe as first thought, but he was speaking from the Senate side of the K-12 budget.
Most cuts will be on the DOE side and shouldn’t affect our FEFP.
Mr. Rogers told the board that he and Mr. Wyrosdick attended a wonderful program at
Pensacola Junior College called “Impact 100 Bravo for Kids.” Our middle school band
students were awarded $75,000 of new band instruments.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
DONE AND ORDERED IN LEGAL SESSION by the School Board of Santa
Rosa County this 27th day of September, 2007 A. D.
Superintendent and Secretary
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