November 27, 2007 - Santa Rosa County School District

Santa Rosa County
School Board
November 27, 2007
Call to Order and Roll Call
The School Board of Santa Rosa County met in regular session at 10:00 a.m. with
the following members present: JoAnn Simpson, Chairman, Ed Gray, III, ViceChairman, Diane Coleman, Diane Scott and Hugh Winkles. Also present was John W.
Rogers, Superintendent of Schools and Secretary and Paul R. Green, Board Attorney.
Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Tim Wyrosdick to lead us in
prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Approval of Minutes
The Chairman asked if there are any changes to the October 25, 2007 and
November 20, 2007 school board meeting minutes. There were none, minutes stand
Oral and Written Communications
Public Hearing
Public Forum
The Chairman opened the floor for the public forum and asked if anyone wanted
to address the board regarding any item not on the agenda.
Ms. Martha Mason came forward and read a letter she prepared for the Board Members
and Superintendent. The letter referenced her concern with the salary negotiations for the
2007-08 school year. Please see supplemental minutes for a copy of letter.
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Mr. Rogers responded to some of the points she made that he felt was in error,
thanked her for her presentation and said that the board would do what ever they can for
the teachers.
Approval of Agenda
The Chairman asked if the Superintendent or board member wanted to move an
item from the administrative agenda to the action agenda. There was no response and the
board proceeded with the agenda as submitted.
Administrative Agenda
The Superintendent recommended approval of the following administrative
agenda items for school board approval.
Motion by Mrs. Scott, second by Mr. Gray, approving the following
administrative agenda items. Motion carried unanimously.
Human Resource Items
1. Retirements and Resignations
2. Instructional and Classified Appointments
3. Substitute Teachers/Educational Support Substitutes
4. Leaves: Without Pay, Illness in Line of Duty
Curricular/Instructional Items
5. Student Reassignments/Transfers
6. Student Suspensions
7. School Volunteers
Financial Items
8. Bills and Payroll for Sept. 2007
9. Budget Amendment #08/01 for Sept. 2007
10. Monthly Financial Statement for Sept. 2007
Administrative Items
11. Class/Club Trips
12. Use of School Facilities
Action Agenda
Human Resource Recommendations
The Superintendent recommended approval of the following personnel items
for school board approval.
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Motion by Mrs. Coleman, second by Mr. Gray, approving Danny Carnley,
Principal of Jay Elementary School, effective Jan. 1, 2008. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mr. Winkles, second by Mr. Gray, approving the employee
disciplinary actions as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mrs. Scott, second by Mr. Winkles, approving the following new job
descriptions. Motion carried unanimously.
*Bookkeeper – Community School
*Inventory Specialist
Motion by Mr. Winkles, second by Mr. Gray, approving the revisions in the
Miscellaneous Salary Schedule as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Curricular and Instructional Recommendations
The Superintendent recommended approval of the following curricular and
instructional items for school board approval.
The Chairman opened the floor for the alternative placement/expulsions and asked if
anyone wanted to address the board regarding any of the placements. Parent of student
#A08-0103-19 indicated he would like to speak to the board on his child’s behalf.
Motion by Mr. Winkles, second by Mrs. Scott, approving the following
alternative placements/expulsions. Motion carried unanimously.
Middle School
Student #
Gr/Age Reason
Possession of marijuana
Expulsion with continued
educational services: One
calendar year with the
opportunity for services at
The Learning Academy
High School
Student #
Possession of weapon
Expulsion with continued
educational services: One
calendar year with the
opportunity for services in
accordance with the IEP
or the opportunity to take
the GED
Serious threat to others
Expulsion with continued
educational services: One
calendar year with the
opportunity for services in
accordance with the IEP
Persistent misconduct
Alternative placement for
one calendar year with an
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opportunity for services at
The Learning Academy or
the opportunity to take
the GED
Possession, distribution and Expulsion with continued
under the influence of alcohol educational services: One
calendar year with the
opportunity for services at
The Learning Academy
Possession of prescription
Possession of prescription
Possession and under the
influence of marijuana
Expulsion with continued
educational services: One
calendar year with the
opportunity for services at
The Learning Academy
Under the influence of
Expulsion with continued
educational services: One
calendar year with the
opportunity for services at
The Learning Academy
Under the influence of
and possession of weapon
(razor blade)
Expulsion with continued
educational services: One
calendar year with the
opportunity for services in
accordance with the IEP or
the option to take the GED
Under the influence of
Expulsion with continued
educational services: One
calendar year with the
opportunity for services in
accordance with the IEP
Possession of prescription
Expulsion with continued
educational services: One
calendar year with the
opportunity for services at
The Learning Academy or
option to take the GED
Expulsion with continued
educational services: One
calendar year with the
opportunity for services in
accordance with the IEP
Expulsion with continued
educational services: One
calendar year with the
opportunity for services in
accordance with the IEP
The father of student #A08-0103-19 shared with the board that upon learning that
his daughter was suspected of possession and being under the influence of marijuana he
took her to the Naval Hospital and had her tested. He told the board members her test
results came back negative. He explained that his daughter was an honor roll student,
had never been in trouble and had suffered enough from the embarrassment of this
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incident He asked the board to consider some other type of punishment besides
Mr. Rogers thanked the parent for his comments and explained that the school
board really did not have any other choice due to the zero tolerance policy. He told the
father that his daughter has the opportunity to work her way back to school by her
behavior, her attendance and grades while attending The Learning Academy.
Motion by Mr. Gray, second by Mrs. Coleman, approving the revision in West
Navarre Primary School Advisory Council 2007-08 By-Laws. Motion carried
Motion by Mrs. Scott, second by Mr. Winkles, approving the following
agreements, grants, projects and/or contracts. Motion carried unanimously.
Head Start Basic Continuation Grant
English Literacy/Civics Education Competitive Grant FY 2007-08
Motion by Mr. Gray, second by Mrs. Coleman, approving the request for a waiver
for the requirements of physical education for a student attending Navarre High School
and a student from Gulf Breeze High School as presented. (See supplemental minutes).
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mr. Gray, second by Mr. Winkles, approving the final semester exam
schedule for the six high schools as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mrs. Scott, second by Mr. Gray, approving the calendars for school
years 2008/09 and 2009/2010. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mr. Gray, second by Mrs. Coleman, approving the revisions in the
Student Records Handbook as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
The board reviewed the Early Head Start/Head Start Monthly report for October, 2007.
Motion by Mrs. Coleman, second by Mr. Gray, approving the Strategic
Improvement Plan, 2007-08. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Rogers reminded everyone that revisions to School Board Policy 6.17 had been
tabled previously until the definition of “relative” could be revised. The Superintendent
explained that the definition has been revised and although there has been some previous
discussion as it pertains to grandfathering existing conditions or implementing a five year
deadline, his recommendation is grandfathering as is presented.
Motion by Mr. Winkles, second by Mr. Gray, to advertise for a public hearing the
revision to school board policy 6.17 as presented on January 17, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. Mr.
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Winkles voted in favor of the policy as presented, Mrs. Coleman, Mrs. Scott, and Mr.
Gray opposed. Mrs. Simpson opposed as presented.
Mrs. Simpson asked the Superintendent if he would make another recommendation of
policy 6.17 which includes the implementation of the Nepotism Policy within a five year
The Superintendent recommended school board policy 6.17 to include the change in Item
F that all existing conditions as of January 16, 2008 be in compliance by January 17,
2013 and any conditions not in compliance with this policy by this date must be approved
by the School Board.
Motion by Mrs. Coleman, second by Mrs. Scott, approved advertising school
board policy 6.17 to include the revision in Item F, that all existing conditions as of
January 16, 2008 be in compliance by January 17, 2013 and any conditions not in
compliance with this policy on this date must be approved by the School Board.
Mr. Gray, Mrs. Coleman and Mrs. Scott voted in favor. Mr. Winkles opposed.
Financial Recommendations
The Superintendent recommended approval of the following financial items
for school board approval.
Mr. Dillon shared with the board that Carr, Riggs & Ingram have been auditing the
internal funds of the schools for a number of years now. This is something we used to do
internally. He thanked Lynn Rogers and Susan McCole for all their hard work and the
workshops they have presented to the bookkeepers. He also thanked the board for
upgrading the bookkeeper positions a while back. All these items have contributed to a
good report.
He introduced Susan Rimsa and Chad Branson of Carr Riggs and Ingram. Ms. Rimsa
stated the audit is based on compliance with the Red Book, School Board Policy and
sound business practices. She expressed her appreciation with the assistance they
received from both the district and schools as they conducted their spot audits.
Mr. Gray inquired about spot audits and whether they are surprise visits. The auditors
responded by stating they give the schools a “time span” that they will be there in order
to insure the bookkeepers are present and arrangements have been made to have a room
or area reserved for them to conduct the audit.
Mr. Branson reviewed the highlights of the report explaining that pages 2-36 contained
information about each school. He made a notation that the total amount of monies adds
up quickly. The schools total amount of internal fund monies is in excess of 6.8 million.
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He noted that Carr Riggs and Ingram’s management letter was in the back of the report
and was happy to report that no material deficiencies were found. The training of the
bookkeepers has resulted in marked improvement in the findings over the past four years.
He shared with the board that there were no findings in any of the middle and high
At the end of report, they shared some opportunities to strengthen our controls.
Mr. Gray mentioned his concern with one of the suggestions. He didn’t want the
relationship between the publisher of the year books and the school district to suffer,
especially if the difference in price on the year book is very little. Mr. Branson agreed
with him, but he also pointed out that we may need to check and see if the year book
publishing is on bid to make sure the difference isn’t substantial.
Mr. Rogers stated that this report is a remarkable improvement and he thanked Carr
Riggs & Ingram for their presentation.
Motion by Mrs. Coleman, second by Mr. Gray, approving the audit of the Santa
Rosa County District School Board Internal Funds for the year ended June 30, 2007.
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Dillon introduced Patricia Lott of the law firm, Lott and Associates, and she also
works with our bond council, Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone P.L.C.
Mrs. Lott explained to the board the original 2006 Certificates of Participation were
issued in the amount of $25 million and was to be used to build the Bennett C. Russell
Elementary School. There is approximately $7 million left from the COPS issue. She
has prepared the documents needed to formally approve school board use of the
remaining funds from the 2006 COPS at Navarre High School. Specifically, construction
of a larger cafeteria, North wing expansion and a field house.
Mrs. Lott asks the board to adopt a resolution of the School Board to approve the
amendment to the 2006 amendment to the 1997-2 ground lease and two lease schedules.
One being the 2006-1 COPS transaction publically offered with FGIC and the second one
being the 2006-2 COPS issue privately placed with SunTrust.
Motion by Mrs. Coleman, second by Mr. Gray, approving the Resolution of the
School Board of Santa Rosa County, Florida and authorizing the execution and delivery
of a first amendment to the 2006 amendment to 1997-2 ground lease and assignment
agreement and a first amendment to 2006-1 lease schedule and first amendment to 20062 lease schedule to the master lease-purchase agreement. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mr. Winkles, second by Mr. Gray, to adjourn the meeting of the Santa
Rosa County School Board. Motion carried unanimously.
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Motion by Mrs. Coleman, second by Mr. Winkles, to convene a meeting of the
Santa Rosa Leasing Corporation. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mrs. Scott, second by Mr. Winkles, approving the Resolution of the
Santa Rosa School Board Leasing Corporation and authorizing the execution and
delivery of a first amendment to the 2006 amendment to 1997-2 ground lease and
assignment agreement and a first amendment to the 2006-1 lease schedule and first
amendment to the 2006-2 lease schedule to the master lease-purchase agreement. Motion
carried unanimously.
Motion by Mr. Gray, second by Mr. Winkles, to adjourn the meeting of the Santa
Rosa Leasing Corporation. Motion carried unanimously.
The Chairman re-convened the meeting of the Santa Rosa County School Board.
Administrative Recommendations
The Superintendent recommended the following administrative items for
school board approval.
Motion by Mr. Gray, second by Mr. Winkles, approving the request that in
accordance with SBE 6A-1.012(5), the Santa Rosa County School Board use the City of
Venice Florida Purchasing Card Program Proposal #R07-2854 with SunTrust Bank.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mr. Gray, second by Mr. Winkles, approving the following purchasing
items. Motion carried unanimously.
*Bid #07-19 County Wide Cabinets be awarded to Pioneer Woodworking, Pensacola,
*Bid #07-20 Recessed Fluorescent Light awarded to Mayer Electric, Pensacola, Florida
as the lowest and best.
*Informing the board of purchases that exceed the limit as presented in compliance with
School Board Policy 7.70(2).
*List of Property to be declared surplus (see supplemental minutes). No present or future
need can be found within the Santa Rosa County School System for these items.
Mr. Ryan Brock, Southern Management presented the custodial quarterly update. He
began by reviewing the quality control scores given them by each of the schools.
Mr. Brock shared with the board they have began to use a new disinfectant product that
has a 60-second kill time, which is highly effective against MRSA. The restroom walls,
floors and shower stalls are cleaned on a daily basis. The sinks, counters, stall doors and
fixtures are sanitized daily with Envy. Hospital disinfectant spray is used on all bars,
weight benches and weights. The walls and floors are deep scrubbed with brushes and
equipment with Envy.
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He explained that antimicrobial soap has made a huge impact in the classrooms. All
furniture is sprayed and wiped down, carpets are cleaned with a disinfectant and all tile is
cleaned with a disinfectant. Walls, doors, door knobs and anything that is used and
touched by students or staff is wiped down.
Mr. Brock presented Larry Dixon of Gulf Breeze Elementary School with the
Outstanding Team Member 2nd quarter award. Mr. Rogers thanked Mr. Brock for his
Motion by Mr. Gray, second by Mr. Winkles, approving the following change
order for Sims Middle/Dixon Intermediate School. Motion carried unanimously.
Change Orders
Sims Middle/Dixon Intermediate (8) Classroom Addition(s)
1. Change from carpet to V.C.T. in corridor 600 at
Sims Middle School and remove existing carpet
in the existing portion of 600 and reinstall new V.C.T. (add) = $ 3,446.00
Net Amount of C. O.
(add) = $ 3,446.00
Motion by Mrs. Scott, second by Mr. Winkles, approving the following change
order. Motion carried unanimously.
East Milton Elementary (6) Classroom Addition
1. Credit for re-routing electrical service per revised
E-100/E-400 drawings by Schmidt Dell
(credit) =
2. Cost to undercut soil 3’ – 0”
(add) =
3. Credit for “Owner Direct Purchase” Items
(credit) =
Net Amount of C. O.
(credit) =
Rhodes Elementary School (4) Classroom Addition
1. Credit for “Owner Direct” Purchase Items
(credit) =
Net Amount of C. O.
(credit) =
Motion by Mr. Gray, second by Mrs. Scott, approving the final payment – Jay
High School Locker Room – HVAC Renovation. Motion carried unanimously.
Jay High School Locker Room –
HVAC Renovation
A. E. New Jr., Inc.
Pensacola, FL
$31,558.88 balance due
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A & E:
Schmidt Dell Associates, Inc.
Pensacola, FL
$6,180.00 balance due
The board reviewed the status of the current construction projects.
Motion by Mr. Gray, second by Mr. Winkles, approved awarding the Gulf Breeze
Elementary School – Kitchen/Cafeteria Renovation/Classroom bid to A. E. New, Jr., in
the amount of $3,294,000. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mrs. Coleman, second by Mr. Gray, approving awarding the Navarre
High School – Kitchen/Cafeteria Renovation/Fieldhouse bid to A. E. New, Jr., Inc. in the
amount of $4,095.000. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mrs. Scott, second by Mrs. Coleman, approving the request from Gulf
Power Company for a utility easement for the underground electrical service for the new
construction at East Milton Elementary School. Motion carried unanimously.
Items from Board Members
Items from Board Attorney
Items from Superintendent
Motion by Mr. Gray, second by Mrs. Coleman, approving the request from the
Escambia County Police Athletic League, Inc. for four surplus gym type lockers to be
used in their boxing club. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mr. Winkles, second by Mrs. Scott, approving the request from Mary
Johnson, Coordinator of Science for matching funds in the amount of $15,000 to be used
by four schools (Milton High; Hobbs Middle; Woodlawn Middle; and Holley Navarre
Middle) to aid them in advancing to the 2007 South’s BEST Regional Championship
Competition to be held at Auburn University Dec. 7-8, 2007. Motion carried
The Superintendent shared with the board that he would like to establish a budget, cost
measures and spending committee to help identify some areas of potential savings. The
State of Florida has experienced a 1 Billion Dollar loss of revenue this year and we have
been warned that next year may be the same. He would like to be pro-active in
establishing this committee with a representative from the School Board, district staff,
Principals and SRPE to identify ways of cost savings for 2008.
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Motion by Mrs. Coleman, second by Mrs. Scott approved establishing a Cost
Savings Committee. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Gray suggested the meetings of the committee be advertised so that other members
of the board can participate.
There being no further business of the board, the meeting was adjourned.
DONE AND ORDERED IN LEGAL SESSION by the School Board of Santa
Rosa County this 27th day of November, 2008 A. D.
Superintendent and Secretary
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