July 28, 2005 - Santa Rosa County School District

July 28, 2005
The School Board of Santa Rosa County met in regular session at 6:30 p.m. with
the following members present: Ed Gray III, Chairman, Diane Coleman, Vice-Chairman,
Ken Smith, Hugh Winkles, and JoAnn Simpson. Also present was John W. Rogers,
Superintendent of Schools and Secretary and Paul R. Green, Board Attorney.
The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Hugh Winkles to lead us in prayer
and the Pledge of Alliance to the Flag.
The Chairman asked if there were any changes to the July 7, 2005 school board meeting
minutes, there were none, minutes stand approved.
The Superintendent shared a press release he received from Governor Jeb Bush
and Commissioner of Education John Winn announcing the top school districts in
reading performance and making learning gains in reading for 2005. Santa Rosa County
was in the top ten districts with the highest percentage of students proficient in reading
and also with the largest percentage of students making learning gains in reading.
Joe Bourgeois of WEBY announced to the board they were proud to have completed
their fund-raising activities to raise enough money to purchase an American Flag for
every classroom in Santa Rosa County in compliance with House Bill 17 57 (Carry
Baker Freedom Act) passed in July 2004.
He introduced Casey Kimmons, a sixth grader attending King Middle School who read a
letter to the board explaining why she decided to get involved in the fund raising
activities and what it meant to her to be able to help furnish flags for the school system.
Mr. Rogers thanked Casey for her help and for WEBY’s volunteering to organize the
fund-raising and ordering the flags for us.
The Superintendent recognized Joseph James, a student attending Pace High School for
being at the board meeting. He is working on earning his Eagle Scout Badge.
The Chairman opened the floor for the public forum and asked if anyone wanted to
address the board regarding any item not on the agenda. There was no response and
the forum was closed.
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Mr. Rogers asked Rod Gracey and Debbie Price to come forward and present a plaque
to Ms. Kathy Crane. Ms. Crane is being recognized as the Health Educator of the Year
for the State of Florida.
Carol Calfee introduced Ms. Cheryl Brayson, a member of the American Heart
Association. She presented the School District with the Heart Ready Award. The
school system has been proactive in the installation of AED’s in our school facilities.
The Superintendent recommended the following personnel items for School
Board approval.
Motion by Mr. Smith, second by Mrs. Simpson, approving the following
retirements and resignations. Motion carried unanimously.
Jackson, Violet, ESE Teacher Assistant I, Jay Elementary, eff. 8/1/05 (last day in paid status, 6/10/05)
Deferred Retirement Option Program:
Adams, Hercules, Teacher, Dixon Intermediate, eff. 7/1/05
Henderson, Conley, Carpenter II, Maintenance Department, eff. 7/1/05
Little, Betty, TSA/Staffing Specialist, ESE Department, eff. 7/1/05
Pritchett, Beverly, Guidance Counselor, Gulf Breeze High, eff. 7/1/05
Barrow, Sally, Teacher, Avalon Middle, eff. 6/23/05, (last day in paid status, 6/10/05)
Collins, Stephanie, Secretary II, Sims Middle, eff. 7/29/05 (last day in paid status, 7/29/05)
Dunn, Donna, Teacher, West Navarre Elementary, eff. 6/10/05 (last day in paid status, 6/10/05)
Hammer, Rachel, Teacher, West Navarre Elementary, eff. 6/10/05 (last day in paid status, 6/10/05)
Hershfeldt, Patricia, Guidance Counselor, Woodlawn Beach Middle, eff. 7/22/05 (last day in paid status,
Jackson, Violet, ESE Teacher Assistant I, Jay Elementary, eff. 6/10/05, (last day in paid status, 6/10/05)
Kogele, Rebecca, Teacher, West Navarre Elementary, eff. 6/10/05 (last day in paid status, 6/10/05)
Nelson, Jayna, Teacher, Holley-Navarre, eff. 6/10/05 (last day in paid status, 6/10/05)
Owens, Sandra, Teacher, Rhodes Elementary, eff. 6/10/05, (last day in paid status, 6/10/05)
Phillips, Hank, Teacher, Navarre High, eff. 7/23/05 (last day in paid status, 7/22/05)
Spaar, Sherry, ESE Teacher Assistant I, Limited Term, Holley-Navarre Primary, eff. 7/20/05 (last day in
paid status, 6/10/05)
Motion by Mr. Smith, second by Mrs. Simpson, approving all instructional and
classified appointments and recommendations as submitted on personnel agenda and
addendum agenda dated July 28, 2005. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mrs. Coleman, second by Mr. Smith, approving the Reading
Coach/Teacher on Special Assignment job description. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mr. Smith, second by Mr. Winkles, approving the Santa Rosa
Community School Salary Schedule 2005-06 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
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Motion by Mrs. Coleman, second by Mr. Smith, approving the Santa Rosa School
District Staffing Plan as submitted. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mrs. Simpson, second by Mr. Smith, approving the request for
$20,000 (total) to cover administrative in-service and related costs to be placed into
budget 100 7700 390 9021 902. These costs are for such items as PMDN fees,
professional development fees, and administrative interview team expenses. Motion
carried unanimously.
Motion by Mr. Smith, second by Mrs. Coleman, approving the list of substitute
teachers and educational support substitutes dated July 28, 2005. Motion carried
The board reviewed the list of temporary duty leaves and annual leaves.
Motion by Mrs. Simpson, second by Mr. Smith, approving the following leaves
without pay, jury/legal/witness and illness in line of duty leaves. Motion carried
Unpaid Leaves
Roberts, Tamara, Sept. 28-30
The Superintendent recommended the following curricular and instructional
items for School Board approval.
Motion by Mr. Smith, second by Mr. Winkles, approving the list of student
reassignment requests as submitted on July 28, 2005. Motion carried unanimously.
A short discussion took place regarding many of our elementary and primary schools
over capacity and the need to close all transfer requests until we do a head count at all
the schools. Due to our growth and the need to comply with the class size amendment,
we may need to take a stronger stand on student transfers. Mr. Wyrosdick will be
putting together a committee to work on a student transfer policy.
The Chairman opened the floor for the alternative placements and noted that if anyone
wanted to address the board regarding any of the placements, they may do so when
their student’s hearing number is called.
Motion by Mrs. Coleman, second by Mrs. Simpson, approving the following
alternative placement. Motion carried unanimously.
Hearing #
School Gr/Age Reason
Possession and distribution
Of drugs (pills)
One calendar year with
opportunity for services
at The Learning Academy
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Motion by Mr. Smith, second by Mr. Winkles, approving the requests for early
termination of alternative placements as submitted, July 28, 2005. Motion carried
Motion by Mr. Smith, second by Mr. Winkles, approving the 2004-05 School
Improvement End of the Year Reports. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mrs. Simpson, second by Mr. Smith, approving the following
grants/projects/agreements. Motion carried unanimously.
Title II
Lakeview Center, Inc. Contract for 2005/06
Contract for the Pace Center for Girls for 2005/06
Locklin Technical Center/Student Financial Aid 2005/06
Motion by Mrs. Simpson, second by Mrs. Coleman, approving the list of 3rd grade
students “Good Cause Exemptions” to mandatory retention as submitted. Motion
carried unanimously.
The Superintendent recommended the following financial items for school board
Mr. Dillon came forward and shared with the board that we have advertised the budget
as required for our first public hearing. He shared with the board that the current year
proposed State Law Rolled Back Rate is 0.9l%. The current year total proposed rolled
back rate is 2.54%. He noted that the State Required Millage last year was 5.634, this
year it is 5.428. The proposed total millage levy for 2006 is 7.588, down from last years’
The tentative budget remains basically the same as presented last week; however it will
change slightly as confirmation of grants and projects are received.
The Chairman opened the floor at 6:30 p.m. for the first public hearing on the 2005-06
budget and asked if anyone wanted to address the Board. There was no response and
the public hearing was closed.
Motion by Mr. Smith, second by Mr. Winkles, approving the Required Local Effort
Millage at 5.428 mills. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mrs. Simpson, second by Mrs. Coleman, approving the Discretionary
Millage at .510 mills. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mr. Smith, second by Mr. Winkles, approving the Supplemental
Discretionary Millage at .250 mills. Motion carried unanimously.
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Motion by Mrs. Simpson, second by Mr. Smith, approving the Capital Outlay Millage
at 1.400 mills (for a total Millage of 7.588 mills). Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mrs. Coleman, second by Mrs. Simpson, approving the total Operating
Budget of $170,902,542 and a total budget of all budget parts of $233,199,582 and
to hold a final public hearing on the Millage and Budget on September 8, 2005 at
6:30 p.m.
Motion by Mrs. Simpson, second by Mrs. Coleman, approving the following financial
items. Motion carried unanimously.
1. Budget Amendment #05/09, May 2005
2. Bank of America will be closing down in the Jay area, and both Jay Elementary and
Jay High are requesting approval to have their internal fund accounts closed out
of Bank of America and transferred to United Bank, also located in Jay.
Motion by Mrs. Coleman, second by Mr. Winkles, approving the following
purchasing requests. Motion carried unanimously.
RFP 05-06 On-Line Procurement awarded to various vendors as indicated on bid
Bid 05-19 Rooftop Units awarded to Carrier Florida, Mobile, AL as the lowest
and best.
Request by Robert Land, Data Processing Manager, the purchase of computer
communication services for July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006, from Northwest
Regional Data Center, Tallahassee, FL. The Northwest Regional Data Center is
part of the Florida State University and these services are exempt from the
bidding process since the University is considered a governmental entity. Funds
have been budgeted for this service.
P.O. #661339 Northwest Regional Data Center
P.O. #661404 Northwest Regional Data Center
$ 76,800.00
Request by Kenny McCay, Coordinator of Language Arts, Reading, ESOL, the
purchase of Read 180 Program in the amount of $124,312.20. The program
includes print material and software. Funds have been budgeted for this
purchase. Bids are not required as Scholastic Inc is the sole source of this
copyrighted product.
Holley-Navarre Middle
Gulf Breeze High
Avalon Middle
Gulf Breeze Middle
Jay Elementary
$ 7,112.20
P.O. #661319
P.O. #661318
P.O. #661317
P.O. #661316
P.O. #661315
5. Request by Frank Melvin, Supervisor of Building Maintenance, the purchase of 2
Carrier Rooftop Units for Gulf Breeze High Gym based on RFB-05-19. Funds
have been budgeted for this purchase. P.O. #661452 $53,040.00
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Motion by Mr. Smith, second by Mrs. Simpson, approving the following
change orders and final construction payments. Motion carried unanimously.
Change Orders
Milton High School Band Building
Credit for 8 days of liquidated damages @ $200.00 per day
Credit for accepting the retaining wall
Total C. O. (Credit)
= ($ 1,600.00)
= ($10,000.00)
= ($11,600.00)
East Milton Elementary Fire Alarm Project
Duct Smoke
Duct Smoke with Remote
AHU Shutdown
Door Holder
Smoke Detector
Heat Detector
Strobe Devices
Conventional Smoke Detector
Addressable Module
$ 2,384.00
Final Construction Payments/Fees
Milton High School
Contractor (R. D. Ward Const. Co.)
The Board reviewed the status of the current construction projects.
Motion by Mr. Smith, second by Mr. Winkles, approving Amspacher and
Amspacher Architects, P.A. of Pensacola, Florida to provide the architectural services
for Gulf Breeze Elementary School. Motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Simpson mentioned there was an article in the paper concerning how early
school was starting this year. She wanted to go on record as saying that the students
would be provided with plenty of liquids and schools would be taking advantage of their
covered play areas and inside games/activities during the day.
Motion by Mrs. Coleman, second by Mrs. Simpson, approving the updated
administrative position classifications. This clarification is due to recent job description
changes and title changes. Motion carried unanimously.
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Motion by Mr. Smith, second by Mrs. Simpson, approving the amended storm
related work hours directive approved by the board July 21, 2005. Motion carried
Motion by Mrs. Coleman, second by Mr. Smith, approving the addendum as
submitted to the student progression plan currently being advertised for public hearing
on August 11, 2005. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mrs. Coleman, second by Mr. Smith, approving the request that the
25 new school buses (Laidlaw contract) for the 2005-06 school year come equipped
with air conditioners. Presently the estimated cost per unit is $7,500 for a total of
$187,500 per year. At the rate of 25 new buses per year, it would take approximately
12 years for the entire fleet to be equipped with air-conditioning. Motion carried
Mr. Rogers shared with the board that originally the school district had planned on
eliminating all portables by the 2004 school year. The growth of our county and the
Class Size Amendment that was passed by the citizens of the State of Florida has
changed our plans. Mr. Rogers has asked Mr. Ratliff to order portable classrooms in
sufficient quantities to comply with the amendment . The Department of Education’s
late and unanticipated decision to limit co-teaching this fiscal year and eliminate it the
following year has also created an emergency situation in providing adequate numbers of
Due to FTE count coming up in October and the need to get the order in as soon as
possible. Mr. Rogers asked Mr. Ratliff to go ahead and commit to the lease of portables
and to arrange for the set up of the portable classrooms at various schools as defined by
Mr. Wyrosdick’s staff. Term of the lease is 36 months with a monthly lease fee of
$42,141.00 per month and a total cost of approximately $1,517,076 over the full 36
month term. The portables will be provided with handicapped ramps, steps, elementary
cubicles, and basic teacher storage. All portable classrooms must have sidewalks,
external lighting, electricity and sewage service, fire alarm, intercom and ITV to be
functional. It is not possible to provide these services internally, therefore, Mr. Ratliff
has engaged Amspacher and Amspacher to oversee the work. He has mailed out an
invitation to all educational facility contractors inviting them to a mandatory preproposal meeting at 2:00 p.m., August 2, 2005 and will verbally describe the services
required to connect the portables to the main school.
Motion by Mr. Smith, second by Mrs. Simpson, approving the leasing of 57 new
portable classrooms with restrooms, ramp and steps from Resum Leasing Incorporated,
utilizing Bid No. 05-155-562 which was approved by the School Board of Pinellas
County, Florida. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Gray shared that he would be willing to accompany district staff in seeking an
audience with the Governor to ask about the decision not to allow co-teaching. He
would like to make sure he understands how it is affecting our district.
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There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
DONE AND ORDERED IN LEGAL SESSION by the School Board of Santa Rosa
County this 28th day of July, 2005 A.D.
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