(Attachment: 2)Report

Application Number
Walton Le Dale Arts College
Brindle Road
Bamber Bridge
Mrs Stacey Eckersley
Mr Simon Clare
Innovation House
Magna park
le17 4xh
Upgrading and part re-location of existing sports
area to form new synthetic multi sport pitch.
Erection of 8no 15m high flood lights and fencing
Officer Recommendation
Approval with Conditions
Date application valid
Target Determination Date
Extension of Time
A Ward Councillor has requested that the application be determined by the Planning
Committee, taking into consideration the nature of the proposal the Planning Manager has
agreed to this request.
The application relates to a 0.6 hectare section of existing grass playing field and Redgra
surface dressed multi-sports pitch just to the south of the centre of the Walton-le-Dale Arts
College site, located to the east of Brindle Road in Bamber Bridge. The site, and the wider
Walton-le-Dale Arts College site, is allocated as Green Infrastructure in the Site Allocations
DPD (partial version).
The application seeks planning permission for the upgrading and part re-location of an
existing multi-sports pitch to form an artificial pitch enclosed by 3m high fencing together with
an additional 2m ball catch netting on top and 8no. 15m high floodlighting columns.
The proposed artificial pitch would be open between 9.00am and 9.00pm Monday to Friday
and between 10.00am and 6.00pm on weekends and Bank Holidays for use by the school
and the community. No spectator facilities are proposed.
Policy G7 in the Site Allocations DPD (partial version), relating to existing Green
Infrastructure, seeks to retain and enhance environments used for sport, leisure and
recreation purposes. As the application proposes to improve an existing sport facility, and
will be open to the community for use, the proposal accords with the general principles of
Policy G7.
Existing buildings and landscaping within the site would largely screen the development to
the north and south, with exception to the proposed floodlighting columns. Distances of
140m and 40m would be present to the site boundaries to the west and east respectively.
The submitted Lighting Assessment demonstrates that at ground level the luminance from
the proposed lighting scheme would reduce to near zero along the nearest site boundary to
the east with Woodlands Avenue.
The NPPF seeks to encourage good design to limit the impact of light pollution from artificial
light on intrinsically dark landscapes. Whilst it is considered that the surrounding landscape
cannot be considered as intrinsically dark due to the presence of street lighting on Cottage
Lane (to the north), Woodland Avenue and Sylvan Grove (to the south), the M6 Motorway (to
the east), Brindle Road (to the west) and lighting associated with the complex of buildings
that form the school, in order to reduce upward lighting the applicant has introduced special
design measures to limit the impact of light pollution on the landscape. This includes the
proposed floodlight being a model that directs light straight down to the ground with shielding
above. This measure, which requires a column height of 15m to provide sufficient light
coverage across the pitch without necessitating an angle on the light fitting, significantly
reduces the proportion of light emitted from the floodlight fitting that travels upwards. In
addition to this a condition is recommended to restrict the hours that the floodlighting is
A minimum of 40m would be present from the proposed pitch to the side elevation of the
nearest residential properties to the south on Sylvan Grove (1 Sylvan Grove). Within the
submitted Lighting Assessment which demonstrates that at ground level the luminance from
the proposed lighting scheme would reduce to near zero (2 lux) on the nearest site boundary,
the existing street lighting along Sylvan Grove and Woodlands Avenue would have a far
greater impact on existing nearest residential properties than the proposal. After considering
the submitted lighting scheme Environmental Health have raised no objections to the
The spatial separation to residential properties, together with the imposition of an appropriate
condition relating to the construction of the sports pitch to minimise noise from its use, are
considered to be sufficient to minimise any potential noise issues.
The existing parking facilities used by staff / visitors at the school will be made available for
users of the pitch, with approximately 86 parking spaces on site. County Highways have fully
assessed the application and have no objections to the proposal in principle, recommending
conditions relating to the facility not opening to the public within 1 hour of the standard school
day to ensure the availability of off-street parking spaces, the school car parking being made
available for use by members of the public using the proposed facility and the screening of
the proposed floodlights in the interest of highway safety. A condition can also be imposed
to ensure that the lockable gate onto Woodlands Avenue is used in the event of emergencies
only, to prevent vehicles from parking on residential estate roads.
Ecology have assessed the submitted Bat Survey and have raised no objections to the
proposal subject to the imposition of suitably worded conditions relating to the floodlights
being designed in a way to minimise light spillage onto the more natural areas of the site and
to restrict the hours of the use.
The application complies with Policies 3, 17 and 24 of the Core Strategy together with
Policies F1, G7, G16 and G17 of the Site Allocations DPD (partial version). The application
is therefore recommended for approval subject to the imposition of conditions.
The application relates to Walton-le-Dale Arts College, located to the east of Brindle Road in
Bamber Bridge. The site comprises of a series of single storey and two-storey interlinked
buildings and outbuildings used for education together with associated car parking,
playgrounds, grass pitches and existing multi-sports pitch which has a Redgra surface
The wider site measures 7.7 hectares with the application relating to a 0.6 hectare section of
existing grass playing field and Redgra surface dressed multi-sports pitch just to the south of
the centre of the site. The site is bounded to the south by a residential estate, with a new
residential development under construction beyond the western boundary. To the north is a
ribbon of residential development on the opposite site of Cottage Lane with the M6 Motorway
beyond the eastern boundary.
The site, and the wider Walton-le-Dale Arts College site, is allocated as Green Infrastructure
in the Site Allocations DPD (partial version).
There is no planning history relevant to this current application, with the most recent
application on the site being in 2009 for the formation of a new access and egress to serve
as a bus ‘drop-off zone’.
The application seeks planning permission for the upgrading and part re-location of an
existing multi-sports pitch to form an artificial pitch enclosed by 3m high fencing together with
an additional 2m ball catch netting on top and 8no. 15m high floodlighting columns.
The new artificial pitch, which would be located 40m further away from the southern
boundary than the existing multi-sports pitch which has a Redgra surface dressing,
measures 101m (length) x 63m (width) and runs north-south. Four 15m high floodlighting
columns are proposed along the western side of the pitch with a further 4no. floodlighting
columns along the eastern side of the pitch (8no. in total).
The perimeter of the pitch is proposed to be enclosed by 3m high green weld mesh fencing
with an additional 2m ball catch netting on top.
The agent has stated within supporting information submitted with the planning application
that the proposed artificial pitch would be open between 9.00am and 9.00pm Monday to
Friday and between 10.00am and 6.00pm on weekends and Bank Holidays for use by the
school and the community. No spectator facilities are proposed.
The application is accompanied with a Lighting Assessment and a Bat Survey Report.
5 letters of objection have been received in relation to the proposal from nearby residents. A
summary of the points raised follows:
Character and Design
Proposed floodlighting would have a detrimental impact on the character and
appearance of the area
Relationship To Neighbours
Potential loss of privacy
Noise pollution including at unsociable hours
Light pollution
Highway Issues
Increased traffic and associated congestion noise
Potential for on-street parking
Potential highway safety issues resulting from glare caused by floodlights
Wildlife Issues
Potential impact on wildlife
Other Issues
No need for the development as similar facilities exist in the local area
Potential to devalue neighbouring properties
County Highways have fully assessed the applications and have raised no objections in
principle to the proposed development, recommending conditions relating to the facility not
opening to the public within 1 hour of the standard school day to ensure the availability of offstreet parking spaces, the school car parking being made available for use by members of
the public using the proposed facility and the screening of the proposed floodlights in the
interest of highway safety.
Environmental Health have assessed the submitted Lighting Assessment and have raised
no objections in principle to the proposal subject to the imposition of conditions relating to
restricting the hours of operation, the installation of a timer device on the floodlighting, details
of the perimeter fencing, the submission of a Construction Method Statement and restricting
the Woodlands Avenue access to emergency vehicles only. Whilst the hours of the
restriction of the use recommended would prohibit the use of the pitch on Sundays and Bank
Holidays similar facilities nearby, including the sports pitch at Brownedge St. Mary’s School,
are permitted to operate between 10am and 6pm. For the sake of consistency, and in the
absence of any evidence that significant harm would be caused from the use taking place
during restricted hours on Sundays and Bank Holidays, the same restricted hours of use are
Ecology have assessed the submitted Bat Survey and have raised no objections to the
proposal. Whilst Ecology state that the adjacent woodland copse may have foraging value
for nocturnal wildlife, including bats, the foraging behaviour of the most common type of bat
found in the area (Pipistrelle) is not significantly affected by light. It was also noted that the
presence of residential development and the M6 Motorway nearby will also contribute to
relatively high levels of background lighting. Ecology recommend suitably worded conditions
for the floodlights to the designed to minimise light spillage onto the more natural areas of the
site and to restrict the hours of the use.
The Local Authority’s Arboriculturist has raised no objections to the proposal.
The Architectural Liaison Officer (Lancashire Constabulary) has raised no objection but
recommended a number of measures that can be implemented to reduce the potential of
crime and anti-social behaviour. These comments have been passed on to the applicant for
Sport England have raised no objections to the proposal, confirming that the sand base
floodlit Artificial Grass Pitch would meet FIH national standards and would replace an
existing poor quality Redgra pitch. Whilst the proposal encroaches onto the natural turf part
of the planning field, it will not affect existing pitches or their run-offs, and the sporting
benefits of the proposed development outweigh the loss of natural turf.
Policy Considerations
The NPPF promotes a presumption in favour of sustainable development and supports
opportunities for sport and recreation. Regarding the light pollution paragraph 125 states “By
encouraging good design, planning policies and decisions should limit the impact of light
pollution from artificial light on local amenity, intrinsically dark landscapes and nature
ii) Core Strategy Policy Considerations
Policy 24 of the Core Strategy, which is entitled ‘Sport and Recreation’, promotes access to
sport and recreation facilities.
iii) Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD (partial version)
A Partial Version of the Plan has been produced which includes all the Main and Additional
Modifications discussed during the Examination (March 2013) and consulted on during
summer 2013. This Partial Version has now been endorsed by Cabinet and Full Council on
6 and 20 November, respectively, for use in development management purposes to guide
decisions on planning applications.
Whilst the Plan has not been formally adopted, due to the outstanding issue of Gypsy and
Traveller Accommodation, it has been endorsed by the Council and in line with the
Inspectors Partial Report; it now carries ‘significant weight’ in the planning process.
Within the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD (partial version) the
site is allocated as Green Infrastructure. Defining Green Infrastructure, the Site Allocations
DPD partial version) states:
“Green Infrastructure is the network of natural environmental components used for sport,
leisure and recreation purposes”.
The policy relating to development existing Green Infrastructure provision, Policy G7, states:
“Development proposals should seek to protect and enhance the existing Green
Infrastructure. Development which would involve the loss of Green Infrastructure will not be
permitted unless:
a) Alternative provision of similar and/or better facilities for the community will be
implemented on another site or within the locality; or
b) It can be demonstrated that the recreation of the site is not required to satisfy a
recreational need in the local area; and
c) The development would not detrimentally affect the amenity value and the nature
conservation value of the site.”
The proposal accords with the general principles of Policy G7 by providing improved sporting
facilities for the school and the community, replacing an existing old Redgra sports pitch
which is of poor quality.
Character and Design
Policy 17 of the Core Strategy and Policy G17 of the Site Allocations DPD (partial version),
sets out design criteria for new development and requires development to be well related to
neighbouring buildings and the locality.
Existing school buildings within the site would screen the site from Brindle Road to the west,
with existing landscaping screening the site from the M6 Motorway 100m to the east. In
order to minimize the visual impact of the proposal the sports pitch would be sited 40m
further away from the southern boundary than the existing Redgra sports pitch. A distance of
130m would be present from the sports pitch to Cottage Lane to the north.
The submitted Lighting Assessment demonstrates that at ground level the luminance from
the proposed lighting scheme would reduce to near zero on the site boundary with
Woodlands Avenue to the south and would be at zero along the boundary with Cottage Lane
to the north.
The NPPF seeks to encourage good design to limit the impact of light pollution from artificial
light on intrinsically dark landscapes. Whilst it is considered that the surrounding landscape
cannot be considered as intrinsically dark due to the presence of street lighting on Cottage
Lane (to the north), Woodland Avenue and Sylvan Grove (to the south), the M6 Motorway (to
the east), Brindle Road (to the west) and lighting associated with the complex of building that
form the school, in order to reduce upward lighting the applicant has introduced special
design measures to limit the impact of light pollution on the landscape. This includes the
proposed floodlight being a model that directs light straight down to the ground (with the
fitting not angled to distribute light across the pitch) with shielding above. This measure,
which requires a column height of 15m to provide sufficient light coverage across the pitch
without necessitating an angle on the light fitting, significantly reduces the proportion of light
emitted from the floodlight fitting that travels upwards. The precise details of the type and
orientation of the luminaries have been provided as part of the submitted Lighting Scheme
and can be secured by way of a suitable condition. With such control the urbanising effect
that the proposed lighting scheme would have on the landscape can be minimised. In
addition to this a condition is recommended to restrict the hours that the floodlighting is
Other floodlighting schemes within school premises in close proximity to the site have been
approved in recent years, including the erection of 8no. 15m high floodlighting columns
around an artificial sports pitch at Brownedge St. Mary’s RC School on Station Road (some
400m to the south west of the site) in 2010.
For the above reasons the proposed development is considered to comply with Policy QD1
Criterion a), relating to the character and appearance of the area and Core Strategy Policy
Relationship To Neighbours
A minimum of 40m would be present from the proposed pitch to the side elevation of the
nearest residential properties to the south on Sylvan Grove (1 Sylvan Grove). This
separation distance significantly greater than the distance present to the existing multi-sports
pitch which extends to within 5m of 1 Sylvan Grove. A minimum distance of 90m would be
present to the residential properties currently under construction of the LCC social services
offices site to the west. A minimum distance of 150m would be present to the nearest
residential properties to the north on Cottage Lane. Given these distances, and the fact the
site is already actively used for sport and recreation associated with school, the proposal is
not considered to result in the potential for overlooking / loss of privacy.
According to British Standard BS EN 12193:2007 “Light and lighting – Sports lighting” 10 lux
is a level of obtrusive lighting which could give rise to complaints from residential properties.
Within the submitted Lighting Assessment demonstrating that at ground level the luminance
from the proposed lighting scheme would reduce to near zero (2 lux) on the nearest site
boundary the existing street lighting along Sylvan Grove and Woodlands Avenue would have
a far greater impact on existing nearest residential properties than the proposal. After
considering the submitted lighting scheme Environmental Health have raised no objections to
the application.
Given the separation distances to residential properties, Environmental Health have
confirmed that they have no concern over potential noise issues.
Highway Issues
County Highways have fully assessed the application and have no objections to the proposal
in principle. The existing parking facilities used by staff / visitors at the school (86 spaces in
total) will be made available for users of the pitch. As no spectator facilities are proposed
any additional traffic would be restricted largely to users of the sports pitch which, with the
condition recommended by County Highways to prevent the facility from opening to the
public within 1 hour of the standard school day, will not conflict with existing traffic associated
with school. Consequently the use of the proposed pitch is not considered to materially
increase the volume of traffic in the area. A condition can be imposed to ensure that the
lockable gate onto Woodlands Avenue is used in the event of emergencies only to prevent
vehicles from parking on residential estate roads.
Neighbours have raised concern relating to potential highway safety issues resulting from
glare caused by the floodlights. The submitted Lighting Assessment, as previously
discussed, demonstrated that at ground level the luminance from the proposed lighting
scheme would reduce to near zero along the site boundary. County Highways have also
recommended a condition relating to the agreement of screening details on the proposed
floodlights in the interest of highway safety.
Tree Issues / Wildlife
The Bat Survey Report submitted with the application confirms that whilst the site comprises
of open land that has no shelter features that could provide roosting opportunities for bats,
the adjacent woodland copse may have foraging value for nocturnal wildlife. Ecology have
however confirmed that the foraging behaviour of the most common type of bat found in the
area (Pipistrelle) is not significantly affected by light. It was also noted that the presence of
residential development and the M6 Motorway nearby will also contribute to relatively high
levels of background lighting. As a result Ecology have raised no objections to the proposal
subject to the imposition of conditions relating to the floodlights being designed in a way to
minimise light spillage onto the more natural areas of the site and to restrict the hours of the
The proposed development would not result in the loss of any trees and the Local Authority’s
Arboriculturist has raised no objections to the proposal.
Other Issues
The perceived view that the local area is already well served by such facilities is not a
relevant material planning consideration. The perceived view by an objector that the
proposed development would have a detrimental impact on house prices is also not a
material planning consideration.
The proposed formation of a multi-sports artificial pitch enclosed by 3m high fencing and 8no.
15m high floodlighting columns at Walton-le-Dale Arts College, by virtue of the distance to
the site boundaries, intervening buildings and landscaping, will not have a detrimental impact
on the character and appearance of the area or the amenities of nearby properties. The
submitted Lighting Assessment demonstrates that the luminance from the proposed lighting
scheme would reduce to near zero on the site boundary with all floodlight equipment is to be
directed straight down to the ground. The proposed lighting scheme will therefore not have a
detrimental impact on nearby properties and the character and appearance of the area.
Environmental Health have raised no objections to the proposal. Sufficient off-street parking
existing for the proposed use, with a condition recommended by County Highways to prevent
the facility from opening to the public within 1 hour of the standard school day, will prevent
conflict with existing traffic associated with the school.
The application complies with Policies 3, 17 and 24 of the Core Strategy together with
Policies F1, G7, G16 and G17 of the Site Allocations DPD (partial version). The application
is therefore recommended for approval subject to the imposition of conditions.
Approval with Conditions.
That the development must be begun not later than the expiration of three years
beginning with the date of this permission.
REASON: Required to be imposed pursuant to section 91 of the Town and Country
Planning Act 1990.
That the use of the pitch and associated floodlighting hereby approved shall be
restricted to the hours between 8.00am and 9.00pm Monday to Friday, 9.00am and
6pm on Saturdays and between 9.00am and 6.00pm on Sundays and Bank or Public
REASON: In the interests of the amenities of adjoining residents and to accord with
Policy 17 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy
No development shall take place, including any works of demolition, until a
Construction Management Plan has been submitted to, and approved in writing by,
the local planning authority. The approved Plan shall be adhered to throughout the
construction period. The Plan shall provide for:
the proposed times construction works will take place
the parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors
loading and unloading of plant and materials
storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development
the location of the site compound
wheel washing/road sweeping measures
measures to control the emission of dust and dirt during construction
VIII. measures to control the emission of noise during construction
details of all external lighting to be used during the construction
a scheme for recycling/disposing of waste resulting from demolition and
construction works
REASON: To safeguard the amenities of neighbouring properties in accordance
Policy 17 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Policy G17 in the Partial
Version Site Allocations Development Plan Document
The existing vehicular access onto Woodlands Avenue shall remain locked and not
used for access expect in an emergency.
REASON: In the interests of the amenity of nearby residents in accordance with
Policies 17 and 28 of the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Policy G17 of the Site
Allocations DPD (partial version).
External lighting shall only be provided in accordance with the submitted External
Lighting Scheme as detailed within the submitted A3 MAXI Sport Floodlights
specification sheet and the information contained within agent's email dated
The lighting shall be erected, directed and shielded so as to avoid nuisance to
residential accommodation in close proximity. No other lighting equipment may then
be used within the development other than that approved by the Local Planning
REASON: To safeguard the amenity and character of the area and to safeguard the
living conditions of nearby residents and to accord with Policy 17 in the Central
Lancashire Core Strategy and in the interest of wildlife so as to accord with Policy 22
in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy.
That the pitch hereby approved shall not be used for holding tournaments (with the
exception of the school's use of the site).
REASON: In the interests of the amenities of adjoining residents and to accord with
Policy 17 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Policy G17 of the Site
Allocations DPD (partial version).
That the existing staff / visitor car parks associated with the school shall be made
available for the users of the pitch hereby approved at all times.
REASON: To provide a satisfactory level of parking in accordance with Policy 3 of the
Core Strategy and Policy F1 of the Site Allocations DPD (partial version).
That the sports facilities hereby approved shall not be open for community / public
use within 1 hour of school closing time (including school open days, parent's
evenings, school plays and fairs etc.)
REASON: To provide a satisfactory level of parking in accordance with Policy 3 of the
Core Strategy and Policy F1 of the Site Allocations DPD (partial version).
The development, hereby permitted, shall be carried out in accordance with the
submitted approved plans Dwg NSWLDHS001 (Location Plan), NSWLDHS002,
NSWLDHS003 (Pitch Layout and Fencing Cross Profiles) and 000348 E04 (15m
Raising & Lowering Mast).
REASON: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development in accordance with
Policy 17 in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Policy QD1 in the South Ribble
Local Plan
Travel (Core Strategy Policy)
Design of New Buildings (Core Strategy Policy)
Sport and Recreation
POLF1 Policy F1 - Car Parking
Policy G7 Green Infrastructure Existing Provision
Policy G16 Biodiversity and Nature Conservation
Policy G17 Design Criteria for New Development