Nombre: ________________ Due: ____________ Realidades II Final Cuaderno Check All Students 3-ring binders should have dividers of each of the SIX sections below, be hand written notes in the Gramática sections and organized in the following manner: ____ All new material that we are working on at the present time should be in the front of their notebook. Vocabulario de los verbos : Typed Verb lists of… ___one page of verbs: Regular, irregular and Shoe Verbs ___ Interrogatives (qué, quién, dónde, adónde, etc... ): ___”How to respond?” (Conversations in the Hall… with Bob): Talking to vs. talking about Gramática de los verbos ___ Present Tense (Hand written) ___ subject pronouns and the verb SER ___ Regular verbs and their endings ___ Future Substitute (Adonde vas?) : Ir a + verb infinitive or (noun) place Past Substitute: acabar de + verb infinitive ___Shoe verbs: ___ o-ue, ___e-ie, ___e-i ___Irregular YO verbs: yo-go and yo-jo and yo-zco ___Totally irregular verbs: dar, ver, oir, etc… -copied paper ___Saber vs Conocer ___ Ser vs Estar ___Reflexive Verbs! ___Verbs like Gustar ___ PRETERIT Tense (Hand written notes) ___ Regular endings ___ Irregular YO: car, gar, zar ___ Sole verbs ___ Y-Sole verbs -accent happy! ___ Fu-Fu and verbos desnudos (Totally Irr): hacer, ser, ir, dar, ver ___ “Z Verbs” Totally Irregular verbs: saber, poder, tener, etc…and ___Verbs that change meaning in the preterit ___FUYJI monster ___Imperfect Tense (Hand written) (-plus worksheets) ___ Regular and irregular verbs ___Preterit vs Imperfect ___ Pretertite o Imperfect packet -typed one (-plus worksheets) ___ Do you know where the indicators are? Label them. * included in packet ___ Practice with the Preterit and Imperfect in paragraphs _Santa’s surprise, _4B paragraph-family reunion,_ 5B paragraph- accidents Vocabulario de las lecciones (these are copies) Vocabulary columns (clearly marked) for each Lección: ___ preliminar, ___ review of school, ___1A, ___1B, ___2A ____7a/b clothing ___2B, (___ chores), ___4A, ___4B, ___5A, ___5B, Gramática de la estructura (Hand Written) ___ Adjectives (with ser) ___ Nouns: Masculine vs. Feminine //sing. Vs. Plural ___Indefinate articles (un, una,unos,unas) ___Definate Articles (el,la,los,las) ___ demonstrative adjective (este, ese, aquel) ___Telling Time and At what time? ___ Hace… que… / Cuanto tiempo hace que hablas tú español? ___ Pronouns: ___ subject, ___direct object, ___ indirect object, ___ reflexive Nombre: ________________ Due: ____________ ___Adverbs of frequency (siempre, a veces, a menudo, etc…) (___Prepositions (a, de, con… and debajo de, antes de, …) ___Interjections (Qué bueno! Qué guapo!) // Tener Expressions ___ Verbs that require the infinitive (p. 71 in book) (___Possessive Adjectives: LONG and SHORT) (mía vs mi) ___Affirmative and Negative words: algo, nada, ninguno, etc.. ___ (others) Grades: Tests/Quizzes Reflection sheet (typed and copied) (___Effort and Achievement chart) ___Syllabus for the year ___Reflection sheet of quizzes and tests for BOTH quarters ___old quizzes ___Skits: There should be a brief description of what was expected for all to be able to say: ___approximately 6 skits Miscellaneous ___ Weekly Homework Logs ___ Mini Cultural posters ___Geography- a map of the 21 countries ___Countries and capitals and nationalities ___ Useful Expressions for class (___ Review packet of Spanish I) ___drawings…. (___ Alfabeto ___Pronunciation faces) I understand that this Notebook Check is a Test Grade and is in preparation and is a part of my review for the Final Exam. This list is what I should have by the end of the semester so some items may be missing. But I should have most of them!!! And they are to be *Hand Written. Student Signature: _________________________________________Date: _______ I have checked my son/daughter’s notebook for completeness. This notebook check is used in preparation and as a part of their review for the Final Exam. Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________Date: ________ Parent Comments: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ A 100 A 96 B 90 C 81 A Exceptional job… wow! Not only is everything in its place, but it is also very neat and easy to reference. 6 dividers, Everything in the proper sections behind the dividers (does not need to be in the exact order), Present tense together, preterit tense together – not mixed up, parent/student signatures, on time Overall neat and orderly but… Somewhat mixed up with the tenses (preterit, imperfect, present), random notes put in different sections. Day late with signature though. Everything is in the notebook, behind dividers but many notes are not where they should be. D 74 F 60 There are dividers and it is neat but notes are not put in order. No care was taken to do so but you have them… somewhere. Difficult to use as a reference. This is a notebook filled with Spanish notes but nothing is organized. Papers are loose and hard to find. If it were accidently dropped, papers would be lost. F 40 I have seen that you have a 3 ring binder recently, but it was not turned in. F 0 D I have not seen a 3 rind binder being used nor was one turn in. There are dividers and it is neat but notes are not Nombre: ________________ Due: ____________ 100 A 96 B 90 C 81 Exceptional job… wow! Not only is everything in its place, but it is also very neat and easy to reference. 6 dividers, Everything in the proper sections behind the dividers (does not need to be in the exact order), Present tense together, preterit tense together – not mixed up, parent/student signatures, on time Overall neat and orderly but… Somewhat mixed up with the tenses (preterit, imperfect, present), random notes put in different sections. Day late with signature though. Everything is in the notebook, behind dividers but many notes are not where they should be. 74 F 60 put in order. No care was taken to do so but you have them… somewhere. Difficult to use as a reference. This is a notebook filled with Spanish notes but nothing is organized. Papers are loose and hard to find. If it were accidently dropped, papers would be lost. F 40 I have seen that you have a 3 ring binder recently, but it was not turned in. F 0 I have not seen a 3 rind binder being used nor was one turn in. Nombre: ____________________ Due: _____________ A 100 A 96 B 90 C 81 Exceptional job… wow! Not only is everything in its place, but it is also very neat and easy to reference. 6 dividers, Everything in the proper sections behind the dividers (does not need to be in the exact order), Present tense together, preterit tense together – not mixed up, parent/student signatures, on time Overall neat and orderly but… Somewhat mixed up with the tenses (preterit, imperfect, present), random notes put in different sections. Day late with signature though. Everything is in the notebook, behind dividers but many notes are not where they should be. D 74 F 60 There are dividers and it is neat but notes are not put in order. No care was taken to do so but you have them… somewhere. Difficult to use as a reference. This is a notebook filled with Spanish notes but nothing is organized. Papers are loose and hard to find. If it were accidently dropped, papers would be lost. F 40 I have seen that you have a 3 ring binder recently, but it was not turned in. F 0 I have not seen a 3 rind binder being used nor was one turn in. Nombre: ____________________ Due: _____________ A 100 A 96 B 90 C 81 Exceptional job… wow! Not only is everything in its place, but it is also very neat and easy to reference. 6 dividers, Everything in the proper sections behind the dividers (does not need to be in the exact order), Present tense together, preterit tense together – not mixed up, parent/student signatures, on time Overall neat and orderly but… Somewhat mixed up with the tenses (preterit, imperfect, present), random notes put in different sections. Day late with signature though. Everything is in the notebook, behind dividers but many notes are not where they should be. D 74 F 60 There are dividers and it is neat but notes are not put in order. No care was taken to do so but you have them… somewhere. Difficult to use as a reference. This is a notebook filled with Spanish notes but nothing is organized. Papers are loose and hard to find. If it were accidently dropped, papers would be lost. F 40 I have seen that you have a 3 ring binder recently, but it was not turned in. F 0 I have not seen a 3 rind binder being used nor was one turn in.