Word Study Activities

Word Study Activities
Sorts to do on your own:
Closed Sort
Using the headings and guide words, sort your words into the
appropriate columns.
Word Hunt
Hunt through books or articles to find additional word
examples of the sound, pattern or meaning.
Dictionary Dig
Look up words in the dictionary and record the page number.
Word Map
Focus on one word, and create a visual map of concepts or
categories related to that word.
Extend A Word
Make new words by adding additional prefixes, suffixes or
Word Tree
Write the base or root word at the bottom of a tree, and think
of as many forms of that word as possible. Write those words
on the branches.
Synonym Chart
Make a T-chart with your word on one side, and synonyms on
the other. Try to think of your own words with out a thesaurus.
Writing Sort
Divide your paper into the appropriate columns. Write the
words into the correct column.
Rhyming Words
Create a list of other words that rhyme with your current word
Put all of your words in alphabetical order.
Type A Word
Type each word from your sort onto a computer or laptop,
preferably. This is to practice typing, not texting.
Sound Words
Using a recorder, record yourself saying each word and spelling
it. Then, listen to your recording- did you spell them correctly?
Cheer Your
Pretend you are a cheerleader. Call out your words and spell
them. Yell, whisper, robot voice…
Train Words
After you put your words in alphabetical order, write the entire
list end-to-end as one long word. Use a different color for
each word.
Cursive It
Write each word in cursive.
Word Triangles
Start with a small word (two/three letters). Add a second word
that contains the first word, plus one additional letter or group
of letters. (as, ask, bask, basket, basketball)
Choose a word. Change one letter in the word to make a new
one. (Example: cap to map; flat to flag)
Add or subtract letters to form new words. (Example:
confident to confidential)
Similar to Word Hunt, but you think of words without using a
A Different Sort
Is there another way to sort your words?
Draw & Label
Illustrate your words with simple drawings that reveal their
meanings. Include several illustrations, if a word has multiple
Sorts that require a partner:
Speed Sort
Sort your words 2-3 times and record your times. Have a
partner time you.
Blind Sort
Lay down the headings and guide words. Someone says a
word aloud, and you point to which column it should go in.
Blind Writing
Write the words into the correct column without seeing the
words. Your partner should read the words to you.
With a partner from the same group, using a Spelling
Battleship game board, follow the directions on the board.
Make a
One partner chooses a word, and draws the correct number of
spaces to spell it. The other partner tries to guess the word by
saying a new letter each time before a snowman can be
drawn. (Played like Hangman.)
Choose a word, draw it and have someone else guess the
Word Teller
Choose a word from your sort. Describe it without using that
Quick Peek
Look at your word quickly, and spell it. Partner checks spelling.
Word Scramble
Write your words in a list with the letters scrambled. Have a
partner write the correct spelling of each word next to it.