Word Study Lesson Plan: 5 Day Format The teacher introduces a new spelling pattern or rule through Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic discovery. A. Auditory: Teacher says “Listen for the common sound in the following (3-5) words” B. Visual: The teacher reveals the spelling pattern(s) of the words said aloud or the teacher leads students in the discovery of the new pattern C. Kinesthetic: The students’ skywrite the new spelling pattern(s). Day 1 – Introduction/Guided Practice 1. Teacher introduces the new words (see above) and discusses the feature(s) 2. Teacher leads students through guided discovery of new letter sound correspondence or spelling pattern by selecting: A. A. Word Sorting B. Phoneme Grapheme Mapping C. Word Chaining D. Word Building 3. Students read lists of words and discuss common sound/pattern. Day 2 -Compare and Declare 1. Teacher reinforces key feature through connected text 2. Students hunt for words that contain target feature(s) in text 3. Students record words in word study notebook-under designated headings Day 3 –Reinforce 1. Students participate in small group word study: A. Buddy Sort B Writing Sort C. Word Hunt (additional text) D. Blind or No Peeking Sort E. Other Game (i.e. SPELLO) Day 4 – Apply 1. Students record the generalization for the target feature rule in word study notebook and select an activity from day 3 for additional practice. Day 5 – Assess and Reflect 1. Teacher assesses for mastery using words that incorporate the target feature by dictating 2-3 sentences. May include words from previous features or challenge words.