Notes of the Steering Group February 2015

Transition Haverfordwest Steering Group
Wendy Morse, Doris Goddard, James Harper, Chris Evans, Sean Black, Robbie Coles
(Chair) Richard Baker (Secretary).
Sally Davies
2. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 7 January 2015.
The minutes were confirmed. There were no matters arising.
3. Reports on the core initiatives and projects
Orchard Mawr
James Harper reported that the last two tree planting events at the paddock near
Fleming Crescent were well attended with 25 assorted fruit trees were planted on
Saturday 17th January and 30 more trees on Saturday 14th February. Orchard Mawr
plan to plant another 30 to bring the overall total to 120 on Saturday 28th February
Orchard Mawr has currently planted in excess of 250 trees in and around
James will investigate getting signboards erected to tell people what has been planted.
Richard requested details for a potential press release to be timed just before the last
planting event on 28 February.
James will investigate getting some Orchard Mawr T shirts printed.
Green Fayre
No report, but people felt that with nothing so far, it would doubtful if we could
organise one this year.
Food Group
Doris reported that there will be an event combining a presentation on "Climate
Change and Its Impact on Pembrokeshire" at the Picton Centre. 17 April. Food will be
offered afterwards.
Energy Group
Sean reported that he had persuaded Letterston Community Centre to install solar
panels. He now is ready to make further presentations. Chris Evans that there might
be synergy with the Fleming Crescent flats and that in addition one councillor was
supportive. There will an Energy Group meeting to develop the ideas.
Well Being Group
No report.
4. Be PART Of It
No applications received. Chris Evans feel he has too much on to continue as the
leader of the group and suggested we try to find someone well connected to
Haverfordwest's commercial life - Chamber of Commerce or Federation of Small
5 The Year Ahead
Various ideas were discussed inconclusively. Some linkage with Confluence in their
new office in the old Ocky White Travel Bureau was considered.
6 Finance Report
Robbie Coles circulated the income and expense details for the 10 months of this year.
The situation is healthy, but we must keep within our small income. As we are likely
to exceed the £5000 income level, we will need to consider a new legal status.
Robbie proposed we become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. He will
circulate his recommendation and what it would mean, separately.
He, as treasurer, needs to become a signatory on the Transition Haverfordwest
It was proposed that Gina Wood be removed from being an authorised signatory and
be replaced by Robbie Coles. Proposer Sean Black, Seconder Chris Evans.
Motion carried Unanimously.
7 Communications
Richard reported that we have 390 on the mail list now and asked for contributions to
the March Newsletter.
 Richard confirmed the dates of our Farmer's Market stall: 27 March, 24 April,
29 May,19 June, 17 July, 14 August, 25 September, and 16 October.
 Richard requested 20 copies of the Transition Newspaper. Chris to organise.
 Wendy raised point about our listing on PAVS. Richard will check it out.
Date of Next Meeting
12 March at The Mariners, 6.30pm
R Baker 19/2/2015
Belmont North, Long Lane, Broad Haven, SA62 3LD