NUCLEOPHILIC SUBSTITUTION, THE CARBON-CARBON DOUBLE BOND AND THE CHEMISTRY OF ALKENES Text references: McMurry (5th Edition) Chapters 6, 7 and 11. Some Important Definitions: BASE: Any species that can 'accept' (i.e. form a bond with) a proton. Since a proton has no electrons the base must be able to provide both electrons for the proton-base bond. Therefore the atom in the base which acts as the actual basic site must bear a lone pair of electrons. The ease with which a base accepts a proton is referred to as its basicity. B : + H+ [ B:H ] + NUCLEOPHILE: ('nucleus-loving') an electron-rich species with a tendency to 'attack' (i.e. donate an electron pair to) an electron-poor site in another molecule (called an ELECTROPHILE). The nucleophilic site in many - though not all - nucleophiles will be an atom bearing a lone pair of electrons. The rapidity with which a nucleophile reacts with a given type of electrophile is referred to as its nucleophilicity towards that kind of electrophile. Good nucleophiles (high nucleophilicity) react rapidly while poor nucleophiles (low nucleophilicity) react slowly. Notice that a molecule behaving as a base (i.e. donating an electron pair to a proton) is simply a special category of nucleophilic behaviour where the electrophile is a proton. Therefore a base is also usually (though not always) a nucleophile in the more general sense. Strong bases are usually (though not always) also strong nucleophiles and vice-versa. Alkyl halides, RX, and related compounds are a group of very important electrophiles in organic chemistry: X This carbon atom is electrophilic C + When alkyl halides react with nucleophiles two different kinds of reaction can occur: (1) Nucleophilic substitution: X C + Nu + Nu:- C + X- (2) Elimination: X C - HX C H - :Nu C C + NuH + X- Alkene Here the nucleophile behaves as a base and removes a proton from a carbon atom adjacent to the carbon bearing the halogen. The consequence of the reaction is that the elements of a small molecule (H+, X- = HX) are split out or eliminated from the alkyl halide and a new compound with a carbon-carbon double bond is formed. Nucleophilic substitution reactions: Depending on the compounds involved nucleophilic substitution reactions can involve one of two different kinds of stereochemical change: Consider the following reaction: H C6 H5 C Br CN H - CH3 C CN C6 H5 CH3 (R)-1-Bromo-1-phenylethane (S)-1-Cyano-1-phenylethane The stereochemical configuration at the electrophilic carbon in the starting material has changed from R- in the starting material to S- in the product - the nucleophilic substitution occurs with an inversion of configuration known, after its original discoverer, as the Walden Inversion. The kinetic behaviour of this reaction is also of significance. The rate depends on both the concentration of the alkyl halide and on the concentration of the nucleophile - i.e. the reaction follows a second order rate law: Rate = k x [RX] x [Nucleophile] Second-order kinetics tell us that the reaction is bimolecular - i.e. two molecules - the alkyl halide and the nucleophile - are involved in the slowest (i.e. rate-determining) step of the nucleophilic substitution reaction. A mechanism accounting for the stereochemistry and kinetic behaviour of this class of nucleophilic substitution reactions was put forward in 1937 by Hughes and Ingold. Hughes and Ingold labelled the process SN2 to indicate that it was a substitution, involved a nucleophile and was bimolecular. The crucial feature of the SN2 mechanism is that the nucleophile attacks the electrophilic carbon from the rear of the group - called the leaving group - which will be displaced. There is no intermediate - just a single step in which the nucleophile forms a bond to carbon while the leaving group departs: H N C: Ph C Br (R)-1-Bromo-1-phenylethane Br Transition state CH3 N C H C Ph CH3 H N C C Ph CH3 + Br- (S)-1-Cyano-1-phenylethane H Nu-: C Ph X sp3 CH3 sp2 X H Nu C Ph CH3 sp3 H Nu C Ph CH3 + X- As the nucleophile approaches it repels the electrons in the bonds at the central carbon forcing them back in the direction of the departing leaving group. In the transition state the hybridisation at carbon has changed from tetrahedral sp3 to planar sp2 with both nucleophile and leaving group sharing an unhybridised p orbital. As the nucleophile moves even closer to carbon - and the leaving group moves off - the sp2 transition state collapses to sp3 again in the direction of the departing leaving group forming the substitution product with inverted configuration at carbon. The fact that both nucleophile and substrate are involved in the transition state explains the bimolecular kinetics while the requirement that the nucleophile attack from the rear of the departing leaving group explains the inversion of configuration at the reacting centre. Variables in the SN2 reaction (1) Steric effects: H CH3 C H Br C H H CH3 Br H C CH3 CH3 Br CH3 H Methyl Primary Secondary 2 x 106 4 x 104 500 High C Br CH3 Tertiary <1 Low Relative SN 2 reactivity As the degree of substitution on the halogen-bearing carbon increases the reactivity towards SN2 substitution falls off dramatically. Increasing substitution hinders the approach of the nucleophile to the halogen-substituted carbon. (2) The nucleophile: H2O Cl HO CH3O 1 x 103 HS 1 x 105 1.6 x 104 1 I 2.5 x 104 1.2 x 105 Weak Powerful Relative nucleophilicity (relative reactivity in S N 2 substitution) (i) Nucleophilicity parallels basicity - stronger base = better nucleophile (ii) Negatively charged nucleophiles are more reactive than neutral (iii) For related species 4th row nucleophiles > 3rd row nucleophiles > 2nd row nucleophiles An unexpected experimental result: Relative SN 2 reactivity High Low C H C Br H H R C Br H CH3 Primary <1 1 R C Br CH3 H Br + H2 O Methyl Less reactive CH3 CH3 CH3 H Br CH3 OH + HBr Secondary 12 Relative rate of reaction with water: Tertiary 1.2 x 106 More reactive Q: How can this discrepancy be explained? A: The one-step SN2 process is not the only possible reaction pathway nucleophilic substitution can also proceed by a two-step SN1 mechanism - unimolecular nucleophilic substitution - with a first order rate law: Rate = k x [RX] Mechanism: Slow (CH3 )3C Br Rate-determining step. + (CH3)3 C + Br Rapid Nu- (CH3 )3C CARBOCATION intermediate Nu Stereochemical consequences of the SN1 reaction: H + Slow C Ph H Br C Ph CH3 CH3 PLANAR + Br sp2 hybridised CARBOCATION - (R)-1-Bromo-1phenylethane N H Ph C _ C H + CN CH3 (R)-1-Cyano-1phenylethane 50% _ C C Ph N H NC C CH3 RACEMISATION Ph CH3 (S)-1-Cyano-1phenylethane 50% Where the SN2 mechanism leads to inversion at the reacting carbon atom the SN1 mechanism leads to racemisation, i.e. to the complete loss of optical activity . Variables in the SN1 Reaction (1) The structure of the substrate (i.e. the reactant which is attacked by the nucleophile) Energy Transition State Free energy G‡ of activation R+ + X Carbocation intermediate RX + Nu RNu + X - Progress of reaction Transition State Theory: Any factor which stabilises an intermediate will also stabilise the transition state for the formation of the intermediate and increase the rate of the reaction concerned. So - what factors stabilise a carbocation? H CH3 CH3 CH3 C C C C + H + H H < Methyl + H H < 1° + CH3 CH3 CH3 < 2° 3° Increasing carbocation stability + Filled C-H bonding orbital H C C H H Hyperconjugation Donating electrons via -overlap to: Empty p-orbital of carbocation H CH3 C H H Methyl Less reactive Br CH3 C H Br H Primary CH3 C CH3 Br H Secondary Increasing SN1 reactivity C CH3 Br CH3 Tertiary More reactive Note that the structural factors which promote the SN1 pathway are exactly the same factors which inhibit the SN2 mechanism.