Dr A D Pearlman Kippax Hall Surgery 54 High Street Kippax Leeds LS25 7AB MB ChB MRCGP Dr C Emery MB ChB Dr J R Jones Tel: 0113 3854558 Fax: 0113 2873970 MB ChB DFFP Patient Participation Group – 24 April 2012 Minutes of meeting Attendees Karen Taylor, Practice Manager and Chair Dr Jason Jones, GP Partner and interim Secretary Elaine Cheesborough Kathleen Judd Peter Bollard Susan Ball Roger Van-Loo Elaine Van-Loo Ellen Anderson Emily Brown – Improvement and Engagement Co-ordinator for the older people and long term conditions project Apologies Margaret Bollard Jean Gittins Elizabeth Wilson Pauline Kearton Christine Macdonald 1. Welcome and Introductions New members were welcomed to the group 2. Older people and long term conditions project Em Brown from the older people and long term conditions project came along to the meeting to explain the aim for greater integration between health and social care services especially around long term conditions and sought feed back from the group and on how to promote this work to the wider community. A copy of Em’s notes are attached to the minutes 3. Minutes of the last meeting The minutes of the last meeting were gone through in detail for the benefit of the new members. The minutes were agreed as correct. 4. Matters arising i. Men’s health – work is still on going to put together a set of information for patients in relation to men’s health. Suggestions were made on how to communicate this information and included, inclusion on the next newsletter, handing out when patients attend NHS health checks, emailing, attaching to repeat prescriptions ii. Patient Survey – a draft newsletter was provided for the group to review. The newsletter was produced to try and address some of the issues around knowledge of appointments which was highlighted in the patient survey. Suggestions for addition to the newsletter included a stronger message about the importance of cancelling appointments and including a section on telephone appointments. The number of patients that fail to attend appointments was discussed. Strategies to improve this were discussed including text message reminders, letters to patients and notices in the waiting room. The question of whether double appointments could be booked using systmone on line was raised and will be looked into. Overall the content of the newsletter was agreed as suitable and useful. iii. Hand gel has now been located at various points throughout the surgery for use by patients 5. Well woman service It was agreed to continue to roll this forward until Margaret could next attend 6. Ideas from the suggestion box There were no suggestions in the box for consideration 7. Any other business i. New members were asked if they were happy for their names to be published on the practice website. All members were happy with this. ii. Suggestions for the next meeting 1. A speaker from the local CCG on how commissioning will work 8. Date and time of next meeting Tuesday 17 July 2012 at 17:00