Mersea Road Doctors Surgery - Abbey Field Medical Centre

Mersea Road Doctors Surgery
Patient Newsletter – Spring 2012
Welcome to our Patient Newsletter. The content of this letter has largely been decided
upon by our Patient Group – you can find out more information about the Patient Group
later in the newsletter.
New People
Dr Sharon Brayley joined the surgery at the beginning of January 2012 – replacing Dr
Jonathan Gatland. Sharon brings with her a wealth of experience and will be a great
asset to the Practice.
Emergency Care Practitioner (ECP)
In April 2012 Darren Johnson will join the clinical team. He will be a bit like a Nurse
Practitioner in that he will see all minor illnesses; coughs, colds, sore throats etc.
Dr Mary Chesterman has moved on to her next placement. Dr Imtiaz Hussain
commenced in January 2012. Dr James Mudeke will stay with us for another six months.
Elizabeth, Brenda, and Chris, who have clocked up some 80+ years between them, retire
at the end of March 2012. Elizabeth, Brenda and Chris were well known by many
patients and will be sorely missed – although Brenda has promised to come back for “Flu
Day”! Emma, Claire B and Lisa have now all joined the team. In April/May Mollie and
Claire W will also join the team.
Transport to the Garrison
Dave Harris led an initiative to promote the “Colchester Community Voluntary Services
(CCVS) Transport Scheme”. This resulted in an article in the local newspaper. The
CCVS Transport Scheme is a non-profit making project, providing car and accessible
vehicle transport to people who have difficulty using public transport. If you are
elderly, have a temporary or permanent illness or disability, or are perhaps a carer with
transport problems, they can help. The Scheme can be used to travel anywhere you want
to go, including medical appointments, shopping or day centres. There is an annual
registration fee of £15.00 Please call 01206 216600 for further information.
Dave is also investigating obtaining funding for a “hopper bus” to provide transportation
to the new site.
Thank you to Dave for all his work on this.
Did Not Attend (DNA)
We know from the Patient Group that people are very passionate about the DNA figures.
Here are the results for the past few months:
May 2011
August 2011
November 2011
February 2012
June 2011
September 2011
December 2011
July 2011
October 2011
January 2012
Figures remain constant despite text reminders and letters being sent to “repeat
offenders”. Patients will now receive a text if they DNA – it remains to be seen if this
has any impact on the figures.
Darren will provide an extra 180 appointments per week. However, as you can
appreciate, if patients notified us that they were not able to attend there would be lots
more appointments available.
If people have access to the internet they can cancel appointments via the web
Just click on the “Cancel Appointment” button.
Health Champions
The Department of Health’s definition of a volunteer is: “Someone who commits time and
energy for the benefit of others, who does so freely, through personal choice and
without expectation of financial reward, except for payment of actual out of pocket
Our volunteer Health Champions give assistance in order that services may be enhanced
to achieve higher levels of quality performance. These roles offer great opportunities
for training and the opportunity to support people with differing health needs in your
communities! All roles require references and CRB clearance for which there is no
In summary the Health Champion role is to help promote Healthy Lifestyles in a variety
of roles. Some are regular weekly roles, others are as and when. Acting as a “community
signposter” to the Health Trainers and other health improvement services. Health
Champions are based throughout North East Essex
If you are interested or indeed would just like to find out more please call Tricia on
01206 288572
Newsletter on Line
You can now receive the newsletter via e-mail – please go to the web site and sign up. As
soon as the next newsletter is published you will be sent a copy.
Patient Group
Ideally the Patient Group will grow to represent all patients and hence we would
encourage people of all ages etc. to join. The next meeting will be on Thursday 3 May
2012 @ 6.30pm at Mersea Road. Please feel free to come along if you would like to or
contact the Practice Manager, Nicky Young, for further details.