Table S 1 Synopsis of the main biological activities of acylphloroglucinols, considered with reference to the acyl chain and other substituents present. The compounds are listed in order of increasing length (number of C atoms) of the R chain. For isomeric R chains, the compound with linear R is listed first. Compounds with more than one acyl chain are listed with reference to the longest R chain. Because of the length of the systematic (IUPAC) names of most of these compounds, common names are reported when familiar; otherwise, the number ascribed to the given compound in the reviews utilized as structure references is reported, preceded by comp- and followed by the reference number. The reference numbering utilized in this table is independent of the one utilized in the article, and the references are listed after the table. The types of biological activities are denoted by acronyms, listed after the table. When measurements of the biological activity are available, the values are reported together with the determination method and the corresponding reference. longest acyl chain additional acyl chains additional structural information a reference-number of compound type b biological activity value (when available) and determination method c Compounds with one acylphloroglucinol moiety, in fully enol form CHO CHO CHO CHO CHO CHO CHO CH2CH2CH(CH3)2, OCH2CH2CH(CH3)2 at C6 complex R phloroglucinolterpene adducts terpenoid moiety chroman ring terpenoid moiety comp-19 [1] AL [1] CT [1] IC50 : 10 g/mL ABA [1] IC50 : 4.6 g/mL [1] comp-162 [3], comp-1 [2] eucalyptone [3] euglobals [3,4] comp-130 [3] (euglobals G1) comp-130-133 [3] (euglobals G1–G4) comp-142, 143 [3] (robustadials A and B) comp-151 [3] (BF-2) AB [2, 3] MIC: 12.5 g/mL SD [2] CT [3] IC50 : 5 lg mL−1 [3, 5] macrocarpals [3] AB [3] ARI [3] H-RT+P-I [3] H-RT+P-I [3] IC50 : 5.3 µM [3] ARI [3] IC50 : 2.02.8 µM [3] H-RT+P-I [6] H-RT+P-I [6] H-RT+P-I [6] H-RT+P-I [6] H-RT+P-I [6] 10 M [6] 5.3 M [6] 8.4 M [6] 12 M [6] 8.1 M [6] comp-154 [3] comp-150, 151, 153 and 155 [3] comp-44 [6] comp-45 [6] comp-46 [6] comp-47 [6] comp-48 [6] COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 R = R = CH3 n-C3H7 n-C4H9 n-C5H11 n-C6H13 n-C7H15 n-C8H17 n-C9H19 n-C10H21 n-C12H25 comp-16 [7] comp-38 [3] comp V-1 [8] comp V-2 [8] comp V-3 [8] comp V-4 [8] comp V-5 [8] comp V-6 [8] comp V-7 [8] comp V-7 [8] comp V-9 [8] EBVI [3, 4] AT [3] AL [3, 5] IC50 : 3.6, 7.1, 3.9 and 12 lg mL−1 respectively [3, 5] AM [3] CT [3] AF [8] AF [8] AF [8] AF [8] AF [8] AF [8] AF [8] AF [8] AF [8] COCH3 CHO COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 CHO CHO COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 CHO COCH3 two CHO groups COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 comp-33 [1] comp-16 [7] CH3 OCH2CH2CH(CH3)2 CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C4 CH3 at C3 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C6 comp-30 [1] comp-15 [1] comp-32 [3] comp-34 [3] comp-38 [3] comp-39 [3] comp-45 [3] comp-33 [7] comp-4 [1] comp-18 [9] AB1 [1] AB3 [9] AL [9] CT [9] CT [9] AL [1] AB [3] comp-186 [3] comp-301 [3] comp-302 [3] AF, AB [3] comp-303 [3] AF, AB [3] comp-29 [3] IT medaka [3] 1.5 g/mL [3] AF(V) [1] CT [1] CT [1] GI [7] AF(I) [1] AF(V) [1] GI [7] GI [7] GI [7] GI [7] AB2 [10] IC50 : 15 g/mL [1] IC50 : 18 g/mL+ [1] IC50 : 11 g/mL++ [1] GI50 : 16 x 10-5 M CSB [7] IC50 : 5 g/mL [1] IC50 : 20 g/mL [1] GI50 : 14 x 10-5 M CSB [7] GI50 : 7.2 x 10-5 M CSB [7] GI50 : 6.9 x 10-5 M CSB [7] GI50 : 13 x 10-5 M CSB [7] MIC : 125 g/mL TD [10] MBC : 125 g/mL TD [10] MIC : 32 g/mL TD [10] MBC : 32 g/mL TD [10] COCH2CH3 CHO CH3, comp-29 [1] comp-25 [7] COCH2CH3 COCH2CH3 COCH2CH3 COCH2CH2CH3 CHO CHO COCH3 CH2CH3 CH2CH2CH3 H comp-26 [7] comp-27 [7] comp-28 [7] comp-C5 [10] comp III-1 [8] comp IV-1 [8] comp IV-7 [8] comp-32 [1] comp-17 [7] AB4 [10] isopentenyl n-pentyl isopentyl CHO COCH2CH 91.1 mm PD [9] 29.2 mm PD [9] IC50 : 27 g/mL ABA [1] IC50 : 12 g/mL+ [1] IC50 : 11 g/mL++ [1] IC50 : 40 g/mL [1] AF(I) [3] AF(II) ($) [3] AF(III) ($) [3] ATB [3] AF, AB [3] comp-41 [3] CHO COCH2CH2CH3 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH2CH2CH3 GI50 : 28 x 10-5 M CSB [7] comp-17 [1] comp-39 [3] COCH2CH3 COCH2CH3 COCH2CH3 COCH2CH3 COCH2CH3 AB [3] CT [3] AB [3] CT [3] AB [3] AF [3] GI [7] IC50 : 17.5 g/mL+ [1] IC50 : 10 g/mL++ [1] GI50 : 15 x 10-5 M CSB [7] IC50 : 15 g/mL [1] IC50 : 7.8 g/mL ABA [1] IC50 : 10 g/mL [3] OCH2CH2CH(CH3)2 CH3 OCH3 at C4 OCH3 at C4 O-glycoside at C4 CH2Y, where Y is a multisubstituted pyrane ring with the substituent different for the three compounds CH2CHC(CH3)(CH2)2 CHC(CH3)2 at C5 CH3 OCH3 at C6 isopentenyl n-pentyl isopentyl R = R = H COCH3 COCH3 CT [1] CT [1] GI [7] AF(I) [1] AL [1] AB [3] AB [3] ED50 : 45 M [3] ED50 : 410 M [3] comp III-2 [8] comp IV-2 [8] comp IV-8 [8] comp-18 [7] comp-29 [7] GI [7] GI [7] GI50 : 16 x 10-5 M CSB [7] GI50 : 22 x 10-5 M CSB [7] comp-30 [7] GI [7] GI50 : 78 x 10-5 M CSB [7] 3 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH2 CH2CH3 CH2CH=CH2 COCH2CH2CH3 comp-C8 [10] AB2 [10] AB4 [10] AF(I) [10] AF(IV) [10] COCH2CH2CH3 COCH3 at C4 R = R = CH3 COCH3 at C4 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 CH3 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 CO (CH2) 3CH3 CO (CH2) 3CH3 CO (CH2) 3CH3 COCH2CH2CH2CH3 COCH2CH(CH3)2 COCH2CH(CH3)2 COCH2CH(CH3)2 COCH2CH(CH3)2 COCH2CH(CH3)2 isopentenyl n-pentyl isopentyl R = R = CH3 OCH3 at C4 and C6 prenyl-ester chain comp-III-3 [8] comp-IV-3 [8] comp-IV-9 [8] BF-1 [15] (CH2)2C(CH3)OH (CH2)2CHC(CH3)2 O-glycoside at C6 O-glycoside at C4 CH3, OCH3 at C6 comp-262 [1] (hyperjovinol A) comp-1 [13] comp-4 [13] 1,5- dihydroxy-2-(2 0 -methylpropionyl)-3methoxy-6methylbenzene [18] comp III-4 [8] comp IV-4 [8] comp IV-10 [8] comp-19 [7] comp III-5 [8] comp IV-5 [8] comp IV-11 [8] comp-181 [3] comp-3 [13] comp-2 [1] comp-1 [3] comp-1 [7] comp-1 [17] isopentenyl n-pentyl isopentyl CHO isopentenyl n-pentyl isopentyl O-glycoside at C6 CHO comp-25 [3] comp-9 [11] comp-26 [3] desaspidinol [12] comp-5 [13] isobutyrophenone [14] CH3 caespitate [16] IT medaka [3] FASI [11] AT [12] AI [13] AIa [14] AIb [14] MIC : 125 g/mL TD [10] MBC : 125 g/mL TD [10] MIC : 32 g/mL TD [10] MBC : 32 g/mL TD [10] MIC : 50 g/mL [10] MIC : 50 g/mL [10] 1.5 g/mL [3] IC50 : 49.1 ±2.7 M [11] IC50 : 3.8 M [13] IC50 : 5 μM [14] IC50 10 μM [14] CT [15] AB [16] AF [16] CT AO MIC : 0.5 g/ml AD [16] MIC : 0.55 g/ml AD [16] AI [13] AI [13] AB3 [18] IC50 : 23.7M [13] IC50 : 58.7 M [13] MIC : 16 –32 g/ml MA [18] GI [7] GI50 : 140 x 10-5 M CSB [7] AI [13] GI50 : 9.8 x 10-5 M CSB [7] COCH2CH(CH3)2 CHO CH3CH2 comp-22 [7] GI [7] EBVI [3] AB1 [3] AB2 [3] MRSA [1] AL [1] CT [1] AF(I) [1] AF(V) [1] GI [7] COCH2CH(CH3)2 CHO CH3CH2CH2 comp-23 [7] GI [7] GI50 : 15 x 10-5 M CSB [7] COCH2CH(CH3)2 CHO CH3 (CH2)3 comp-24 [7] GI [7] GI50 : 29 x 10-5 M CSB [7] COCH2CH(CH3)2 CHO OCH2CH=CH2 at C4 comp-12 [1] IC50 : 5.3 μg/mL ABA [1] IC50 : 17.0 μg/mL+ [1] COCH2CH(CH3)2 two CHO comp-22 [9] AL [1] CT [1] AFE [1] AF(I) [1] AB2 [1] AL [1] AB1 [9] comp-8 [7] GI [7] GI50 : 8.1 x 10-5 M CSB [7] COCH2CH(CH3)2 COCH2C H(CH3)2 COCH2CH(CH3)2 CHO comp-3 [1,3] (jensenone) CH3, OCH3 at C6 IC50 : 5 μg/mL [3] IC50 : 25 μg/mL [3] IC50 : 8 μg/mL [1] IC50 : 21 μg/mL ABA [1] IC50 : 8 μg/mL+ [1] IC50 : 10 μg/mL [1] IC50 : 10 μg/mL [1] GI50 : 9.2 x 10-5 M CSB [7] IC50 : 5.5 μg/mL [1] 20 µg/mL [1] IC50 : 19 µg/mL [1] 74.1mm PD [9] COCH2CH(CH3)2 COCH2C H(CH3)2 OCH2CH=CH2 at C4 comp-14 [1] AL [1] IC50 : 14 μg/mL ABA [1] COCH2CH(CH3)2 COCH2C H(CH3)2 OCH2CH2CH(CH3)2 at C4 comp-18 [1] AL [1] IC50 : 24 μg/mL ABA [1] CH2CH=CH2 comp-C9 [10] AB1 [10] MIC : 64 g/mL TD [10] MBC : 250 g/mL TD [10] MIC : 4 g/mL TD [10] MBC : 8 g/mL TD [10] COCH2CH(CH3)2 AB4 [10] COCH2CH(CH3)2 COCH2CH(CH3)2 CHO COCH2CH(CH3)2 CHO COCH2CH (CH3)CH2CH3 COCH(CH3)CH2CH3 CHO CH3 OCH2CH(CH3)2 at C4 OCH2CH2CH(CH3)2 at C4 CH3 at C3 O-glycoside at C6 isopentenyl n-pentyl isopentyl prenyl CO(CH2 )4CH3 CO(CH2 )4CH3 CO(CH2 )4CH3 COCH2CH2CH(CH3)2 comp-280 [3] comp-16 [1] AM [3] AF [3] AL [1] comp-130 [3] comp-131 [3] comp-132 [3] comp-133 [3] comp-2 [3] AT, AL [3] AL [3] AL [3] AL [3] EBVI [3] comp-178 [3] comp-2 [13] comp III-6 [8] comp IV-6 [8] comp IV-12 [8] comp-C1 [10] (caespitin) AI [3,13] AB1 [10] AB4 [10] AF(I) [10] AF(IV) [10] comp-16 [9] COC6H5 COC6H5 CO-CH=CH(C6H5)OH comp-17 [9] COCH3 prenyl OCH3 at C6 xanthohumol [19] comp-13 [20] CO(CH2)8CH3 AB1 [9] AB3 [9] AB1 [9] AB3 [9] CT [19] Anti-HIV [18] MRSA [20] VRE [20] DTM [20] CT P388 [20] AB1 [20] comp-15 [20] CO(CH2)10CH3 MRSA [20] VRE [20] DTM [20] CT P388 [20] IC50 : 4.2 μg/mL ABA [1] IC50 : IC50 : IC50 : IC50 : 3.6 μg/mL 7.1 μg/mL 3.9 μg/mL 12 μg/mL prenyl at C3 and C5 OCH3 at C5 helihumulone [20] AB1 [21] AB2 [21] AB3 [21] AB7 [21] AB8 [21] AB9 [21] [3] [3] [3] [3] MIC : 16 g/mL TD [10] MBC : 16 g/mL TD [10] MIC : 8 g/mL TD [10] MBC : 8 g/mL TD [10] MIC : 25 g/mL [10] MIC : 6 g/mL [10] 28.4 mm PD [9] 50.3 mm PD [9] 74.8 mm PD [9] 18.1 mm PD [9] CC50 : 8.82 0.43g/ml [19] MIC: 815 g/ml DDA [20] MIC: 1.6–3.1g/ml DDA [20] 1 mm at 60 g/disc [20] IC50 : 16.9 g/mL [20] 1 mm at 60 g/disc [20] MIC : 4-8 g/ml DDA [20] MIC : 1.6–3.1 g/ml DDA [20] 3 mm at 60 g/disc [20] IC50 > 25 g/mL [20] Compounds with one acylphloroglucinol moiety, and the OH at C6 replaced by a keto O COCH2CH2-C6H5 ABA ABA ABA ABA MIC : 0.063 mg/ml (TLC)BA [21] MIC : 0.125 mg/ml (TLC)BA [21] MIC : 0.063 mg/ml (TLC)BA [21] MIC : 0.031mg/ml (TLC)BA [21] MIC : 0.063 mg/ml (TLC)BA [21] MIC : 0.016 mg/ml (TLC)BA [21] AB10 [21] AB11 [21] AF(V) [21] AF(I) [21] AM [21] MIC : 0.063 mg/ml (TLC)BA [21] MIC : 0.016 mg/ml (TLC)BA [21] MIC : 0.031 mg/ml (TLC)BA [21] MIC : 0.063 mg/ml (TLC)BA [21] IC50 : 14.89 1 .88g/ml INT [21] Compounds with two acylphloroglucinol moieties, both in fully enol form d COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 OCH3 at C4 CH3 at C5 prenyl at C5 comp-A [25] (mallotojapon) RTI [25] OCH3 at C4 CH3 at C5 CH2CHOHC(CH3)CH2 at C5 OCH3 at C4 CH3 at C5 pyranoid ring fused at C5C6 (chromene unit) comp-B [25] (mallotolerin) RTI [25] comp-C [25] (mallotochromene) RTI [25] comp-409 [3] AM [3] AB [3] COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 CT [3] H-RT+P-I [3] OCH3 at C4 CH3 at C4 prenyl at C5 comp-524 [3] CT [3] prenyl at C5, OCH3 at C6 prenyl at C5 comp-525 [3] CT [3] comp-D [25] (mallotophenone) RTI [25] comp-526 [3] CT [3] AH [3] comp-10 [11] FASI [11] comp-410 [3] (robustaol A) AM [3] robustaol A [6] AM [6] CHO at C5 IC50 : 25.4 ± 1.4 [11] CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C6 COCH(CH3)2 COCH2CH(CH3)2 COCH2CH(CH3)2 comp-491 [3] prenyl at C5 OCH3 at C4 CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C4 CH3 at C5 CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 CH3 at C5 COCH3 COCH3 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH2CH(CH3)2 prenyl at C5 0.11.0g/ml [3] CHO CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C6 Compounds with two acylphloroglucinol moieties, one in fully enol form and the other with the OH at C2 replaced by a keto O COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 pyranoid ring fused at C5C6 (chromene unit), with two CH3 in two CH3 at C5 pyranoid ring comp-426 [3] AB [3] CT [3] comp-427 [3] AB [3] e fused at C5C6 (chromene unit), with two CH3 in CH3 and prenyl at C5 O-prenyl at C4 CH3 and prenyl at C5 prenyl at C5 CH3 and prenyl at C5 pyranoid ring fused at C5C6 (chromene unit), with two CH3 in two CH3 at C5 pyranoid ring fused at C5C6 (chromene unit), with two CH3 in two CH3 at C5 prenyl at C5 two CH3 at C5 pyranoid ring fused at C5C6 (chromene unit), with two CH3 in CH3 and prenyl at C5 CH3 at C5 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH2CH3 COCH2CH3 COCH2CH3 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH3 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH3 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH3 two CH3 at C5 CH3 at C5 two CH3 at C5 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH2CH3 COCH2CH2CH3 CH3 at C5 two CH3 at C5 CH3 at C5 COCH2CH3 two CH3 at C5 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH(CH3)2 CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C6 two CH3 at C5 CH3 at C5 COCH(CH3)CH2CH3 COCH(CH3)CH2CH3 two CH3 at C5 CH3 at C5 COCH(CH3)CH2CH3 two CH3 at C5 two CH3 at C5 CH3 at C5 two CH3 at C5 CT [3] comp-428 [3] comp-429 [3] comp-425 [3] AB [3] CT [3] AB [3] CT [3] AB [3] CT [3] comp-424 [3] AB [3] CT [3] uliginosin A [24] AB1 [24] comp-434 [3] AB [3] comp-436 [3] (saroaspidin A) AB [3] flavaspidic acid-AB [11] norflavaspidic acidAB [11] flavaspidic acid PB (2) [22] FASI [11] AB [11] FASI [11] IC50 : 28.7 ± 1.4 [11] LPOI [22] (DPPH)RS [22] (SO)RS [22] flavaspidic acid-PB [11] flavaspidic acid PB (1) [22] FASI [11] AB [11] LPOI [22] (DPPH)RS [22] (SO)RS [22] IC50 : 13.1 M TBA [22] IC50 : 76.3 M FTC [22] IC50 : 64.4 M [22] NBTR [22] IC50 : 23.1 ± 1.4 [11] aspidin-BB [11, 23] FASI [11, 23] AB [11, 23] comp-437 [3] (saroaspidin B) AB [3] comp-438 [3] (saroaspidin C) AB [3] 0.2g (TLC)BA [24] IC50 : 29.7 ± 1.1 [11] IC50 : 12.9 M TBA [22] IC50 : 71.7 M FTC [22] IC50 : 58.6 M [22] NBTR [22] IC50 : 32.6 ± 3.0 [11, 23] Compounds with two acylphloroglucinol moieties, both of them having the OH at C2 replaced by a keto O COCH2CH3 COCH3 COCH2CH3 COCH2CH3 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH2CH3 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 two CH3 at C5 two CH3 at C5 two CH3 at C5 two CH3 at C5 two CH3 at C5 two CH3 at C5 two CH3 at C5 two CH3 at C5 albaspidin-AP [11] FASI [11] IC50 : 71.7 ± 3.9 [11] albaspidin-PP [11] FASI [11] AH [3] FASI [11] AH [3] AB1 [24] IC50 : 60.2 ± 3.5 [11] albaspidin-PB [11] japonicin A [24] (albaspidin iBiB) Compounds with three phloroglucinol moieties, all in fully enol form IC50 : 56.1 ± 2.6 [11] 0.5 g (TLC)BA [24] COCH(CH3)2 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 comp-540 [3] AM [3] AB[3] comp-541 [3] AM [3] AB[3] comp-542 [3] AM [3] AB[3] comp-543[3] AM [3] AB[3] comp-544 [3] AM [3] AB[3] comp-545 [3] AM [3] AB[3] comp-546 [3] AM [3] AB[3] comp-554 CT [3] AH [3] COCH(CH3)CH2CH3 COCH(CH3)2 COCH2CH2CH3 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 COCH(CH3)CH2CH3 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH(CH3)2 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 COCH(CH3)CH2CH3 COCH3 COCH3 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 COCH(CH3)CH2CH3 COCH3 COCH3 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 OCH3 at C2 OCH3 at C6 CH3 at C5 Compounds with three phloroglucinol moieties, the middle one in fully enol form and the side ones with the OH at C2 replaced by a keto O COCH2CH3 COCH2CH2CH3 COCH3 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 two CH3 at C5 two CH3 at C5 two CH3 at C5 filicinic acid-ABP [11] FASI [11] AB [11] AH [3] IC50 : 31.0 ± 2.7 [11] japonicin IV [3] two CH3 at C5 Compounds with more complex structures COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 pyranoid ring fused at C5C6 (chromene unit), with a prenyl and a CH2CH2CHC(CH3)2 attached pyranoid ring fused at C5C6 (chromene unit), with attached a CH2CH2CHC(CH3)2 comp-1 [26] comp-3 [26] AB [26] MIC : 864 g/ml CT [26] IC50 : 6.515.7 g/ml CTA [26] AB [26] MIC : 28 g/ml CT [26] IC50 : 8.520.0 g/ml CTA [26] DD [26] DD [26] COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 pyranoid ring fused at C4C5 (chromene unit) two CH3 at C5 pyranoid ring fused at C4C5, in turn fused to cyclopentane two CH3 at C5 prenyl at C3 6-member ester ring fused at C4C5, from esterification of a CHPhCHCOOH at C5 with OH at C4 CH(CH(CH3)2Y at C3, with Y derived isouliginosin B [24] AB1 [24] MIC : 0.16 g (TLC)BA [24] hyperbrasilol A [24] AB1 [24] MIC : 0.32 g (TLC)BA [24] comp-1 [27] AB3 [27] MIC : 2–8 g/ml AD [27] semimyrtucommulone [14] AIa [14] AIb [14] AB [3] IC50 : 29 μM [14] IC50 10 μM [14] MIC : 32–64g/ml myrtucommulone [14, 23] AIa [14] AIb [14] AO AB [23] AB [3] IC50 : 17 μM [14] IC50 : 1.8 μM [14] IC50 : 13.6162 μM [14] 1335 mm PD [23] MIC : 0.5–2 g/ml comp-1b [27] AB2 [27] MIC : 2–8 g/ml AD [27] comp-2 [27] AB2 [27] MIC : 4–128 g/ml AD [27] IC50 : 2.74 0.45 g/ml MA' [27] from a phloroglucinol moiety with two OH replaced by keto O COCH(CH3)2 COCH2CH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)CH2CH3 COCH(CH3)CH2CH3 COCH(CH3)CH2CH3 COCH(CH3)CH2CH3 COCH(CH3)CH2CH3 COCH(CH3)2 CH3 at C5 CH(CH(CH3)2Y at C3 and C5, with Y derived from a phloroglucinol moiety with two OH replaced by keto O prenyl at C3 6-member ester ring fused at C4C5, from esterification of a CHPhCHCOOH at C5 with OH at C4 CH2CHC(CH3)CH2 CH2CHC(CH3)2 at C3 6-member ester ring fused at C4C5, from esterification of a CHPhCHCOOH at C5 with OH at C4 prenyl at C3 6-member ester ring fused at C4C5, from esterification of a CHPhCHCOOH at C5 with OH at C4 CH2CHC(CH3)CH2 CH2CHC(CH3)2 atC3 6-member ester ring fused at C4C5, from esterification of a CHPhCHCOOH at C5 with OH at C4 pyranoid ring fused at C5C6 (chromene unit), with a prenyl and a CH2CH2CHC(CH3)2 chain attached pyranoid ring fused at C5C6 (chromene unit), with attached a CH2CH2CHC(CH3)2 C2 and C6 replaced AM [27] comp-3 [27] AB2 [27] MIC : 2–64 g/ml AD [27] comp-4 [27] AB2 [27] MIC : 2– >128 g/ml AD [27] IC50 : 11.21 5.40 g/ml MA' [27] AM [27] comp-2 [26] AB [26] CT [26] comp-4 [26] hyperforin [28, 29] MIC : 3264 g/ml DD [26] IC50 : 715.3 g/ml CTA [26] AB [26] MIC : 232 g/ml DD [26] CT [26] IC50 : 6.215.6 g/ml [26] SIRT1 [28] IC50 : 15 0.5g/ml [28] CTA COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 by keto O 5-member ring joint at C1 an C3, with attached a prenyl and CH2CH2CHC(CH3)2 prenyl at C3 and C5 C2 and C6 replaced by keto O 5-member ring joint at C1 an C3, with attached a prenyl and CH2CH2CHC(CH3)2 prenyl at C3 and C5 OCH2COOH at C4 C2 and C6 replaced by keto O 5-member ring joint at C1 an C3, with attached a prenyl and CH2CH2CHC(CH3)2 prenyl at C3 and C5 OCO-pyridine atC4 C2 and C6 replaced by keto O 5-member ring joint at C1 an C3, with attached a prenyl and CH2CH2CHC(CH3)2 prenyl at C3 and C5 OCH3 at C4 C2 and C6 replaced by keto O 5-member ring joint at C1 an C3, with attached a prenyl and CH2CH2CHC(CH3)2 prenyl at C5 furan ring fused at C3C4 with SIRT2 [28] CT [28] PI [28] AM [28] IC50 : 28 0.2g/ml [28] IC50 : 1.3 0.2g/ml [28] IC50 : 1.15 0.1g/ml [28] 2.1g/ml [28] aristoforin [28] SIRT1 [28] SIRT2 [28] CT [28] PI [28] IC50 : 7 0.2g/ml [28] IC50 : 21 1g/ml [28] IC50 : 4.9 0.1g/ml [28] IC50 : 0.59 0.09g/ml [28] hyperforin nicotinate [29] AM [29] IC50 : 4.8g/ml [29] 7-OMe hyperforin [29] AM [29] IC50 : 7.8g/ml [29] furohyperforin [29] AM [29] IC50 : 1.7g/ml [29] hyperforin hemiacetal [29] AM [29] IC50 : 2.0g/ml [29] comp-433 [3] AB [3] C(CH3)2OH ortho to O COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 COCH(CH3)2 C2 and C6 replaced by keto O 5-member ring joint at C1 an C3, with attached a prenyl and CH2CH2CHC(CH3)2 ether O bridging C2 and C5 6-member ether ring fused at C4C5, with a 5-member ring fused keto O at C2 two CH3 at C5 compounds with one acylphloroglucinol moiety and one non-acylated phloroglucinol moiety COCH(CH3)2 non-acylated phloroglucinol derivative f prenyl at C5 CH2COCH(CH3)2 and prenyl at C1, keto O at C4 and CH3 at C5 comp-435 [3] AB [3] guttiferone G [28] SIRT1 [28] SIRT2 [28] CT [28] IC50 : 9 0.2g/ml [28] IC50 : 22 0.5g/ml [28] IC50 : 5.3 0.2g/ml [28] PI [28] IC50 : 0.6 0.1g/ml [28] notes: a Substituents different from acyl chains are denoted by R if attached at C3 and by R if attached at C5. For conciseness sake, the symbol is used to identify the formula of R; the formula is reported only for R H. Similarly, the formula of R is reported only for R H. b For conciseness sake, acronyms are utilized to denote biological activities and numbers are utilized to identify bacterial strains. The following acronyms are utilized for the different types of biological activity: AB antibacterial AD antidepressant AF antifungal AFE antifeedant AH anthelmintic AI anti-inflammatory AL antileishmanial AM antimalarial AO antioxidant AR antiradical ARI aldose reductase inhibitory activity AT antitumor ATB antituberculosis AV antiviral CT cytotoxic (DPPH)RS DPPH Radical Scavenging activity EBVI Epstein-Barr Virus inhibitory activity FASI mammalian Fatty Acid Synthesis FAS inhibitory activity GI germination inhibitory activity H-RT+P-I HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase (RT) and protease inhibitory IT ichthyotoxic LPOI Lipid Peroxidation (LPO) inhibitory activity PI cell proliferation inhibitors (SO)RS Superoxide (O-2 ) Radical Scavenging activity The following numbers are utilized to different bacteria strains and are written after the acronym denoting the type of biological activity bacteria strain number Bacillus subtilis [16, 24] 1 Staphylococcus aureus [10, 16, 24, 26] 2 Escherichia coli [10, 16, 26, 27] 3 Streptococcus pyogenes NCTC 8198 [10] 4 Streptococcus sobrinus 6715 [10] 5 Streptococcus mutans Ingbritt [10] 6 Enterococcus faecalis (VRE) [27] 7 Bacillus cereus [16] 8 Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027 [10] 9 Klebsiella pneumoniae[16] 10 Pseudomonas aeruginosa [16, 20, 26, 27] 11 The following roman numbers are utilized to different fungal strains and appear in brackets ahead of the acronyms given to the type of antifungal biological activity. fungal strains number Candida albicans [1,3, 10, 16, 26, 27] I Botrytis cinera [1] II Phomopsis perniciosa [1] III T. mentagrophytes [10, 27] IV Cryptococcus neoformans [1, 27] V Trichophyton [3, 10] VI Fusarium[3] VII The following symbols are used to represent the most common cytotoxic activity tumor strains symbol cytotoxic against Vero cells [1] + cytotoxic against LLC-PK1 cells [1] ++ c The following acronyms are utilized for the determination methods AD agar dilution method (TLC)BA TLC bioautographic assay method CTA cellular test assay method DD doubling dilution method DDA disc-diffusion assays DP paper disk method FTC ferric thiocyanate method MA modulation assay method MAA Malstat assay method NBTR nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction method TBA thiobarbituric acid method SD serial dilutions method TD tube dilution method ABA Alamar blue assay method CSB Cress Seed Bioassay INT INT microplate method d For structures with two phloroglucinol moieties, the R of each moiety are indicated separately in the first column, and the information in columns 2 and 3 refer to the moiety with the specified R (same row as the specified moiety). 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