Plow-Proof Mailbox Support Arms

Plow-Proof Mailbox Support Arms
What is the first thing people see when they
approach your house?
1 Mailbox
support arm and
Being offered for sale is a unique, stable and strong
arm to support your mailbox that will pivot away
from vehicle impact. This is a heavy-duty (xxlb)
system made from 100% steel with no short cuts
taken on material.
2 Planter/
support arms
In addition, our support arm allows the home owner
the opportunity to add unique artwork along with a
reflective backing visible more than 1,000 feet away
3 Artwork
at night to accent the support arm to let their visitors
4 Address plates know how much they care about their house.
4 Reflective
6 Newspaper
7 Magnetically
operated night
8 Links to the
Although nothing is indestructible, the Plow-Proof
support arm will rotate up to 180۫ degrees away
from oncoming traffic and survive better than any
fixed arm mailbox support system. And even if you
don’t live in the snow belt, the owner can easily
rotate the arm to the side and retrieve their mail
without stepping into the path of oncoming traffic.
Yet the spring loaded patent pending design will
keep the arm in place in all but the strongest wind.
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Does this look Familiar? If it does,
read on.
What chance does your mailbox have
against this?
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Mailbox Support Arm
This is the Plow Proof mailbox support
arm system. It is easily mounted to any
vertical surface you can get a screw in or
some type of bracket around. In this
picture it is mounted on a cement post
using two “U” bolts. It can be mounted
on a regular wooden post just as easily
using simple deck screws.
You can also see an example of the
unique artwork that is available on this
site to accent your mailbox and make your
home truly distinctive and reflect your
person tastes. After all, your mailbox is a
reflection on how much you care about
your house. (Link to article about
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In addition, the reflective material behind
the artwork is the same type used for
highway signs and emergency equipment.
When illuminated with car headlights the
artwork is visible from more than 1000
feet away. Not only does this make your
mailbox an easy to see marker for friends
trying to find your house in the dark, the
reflective material also help sure cars see
your mailbox and reduce the possibility of
hitting it by accident on nights with low
visibility. (Can you see the mailbox
Plow Proof artwork illuminated with car
across the road from the Plow Proof arm?)
headlights from 1000 feet away.
(Telephoto lens used to pull in the artwork)
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The Plow Proof support arm is easy to assemble and
install. Four ¼-20 bolts are used to attach the pivot
mechanism to the support arm with only seven 10-32
screws used to assemble the rest of the support arm.
Most people who know which end of the
screwdriver to use won’t need assembly instructions.
But just to be sure here is the link to them
(Link to instructions here).
Because of the wide choices of mailboxes available
to match the homeowner’s style, a mailbox not
included with support arm, Just follow the
instruction with the mailbox and you should be fine.
But just to be sure, here is a link on how 90% of
mailboxes are installed. That way you will be able
to find out it is just as easy (and probably easier) to
use a Plow-Proof support arm as it is to use a
standard fixed arm. (Link to how to mount a
Once you have the mailbox attached to the support arm, it
just takes 6 deck style wood screws (Included) or two ubolts
(not included but available at most hardware or lumber
stores) to attach the Plow-Proof support arm to a post. (Link
to instructions on mounting mailbox to post).
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Plow Proof offers several dozen styles of silhouette style
artwork for the home owner to choose from. This artwork is
laser cut from 22 gauge steel and powder coated in white or
black for immediate shipping. This artwork is installed in
just minutes using four screws per side and can be easily
changed to match the seasons. Santa Clause and his
reindeer for Christmas, a witch on her broom for Halloween,
Easter baskets for the spring or almost anything you can
Should you not like anything that Plow-Proof offers, you
can create your own with a scroll saw or contact Plow-Proof
for information on how to get your custom design laser cut
for you. But be advised that our vendor who does the laser
cutting charges by the inch of cut as well as a programming
fee needed to get the laser cutter set up. But should you
have a design that Plow-Proof believes others will want,
Plow-Proof will help offset the costs. But be advised, PlowProof will need a certified letter stating that this is your own
artwork and is will not violate any copywriter laws. (Link
on how to contact Plow-Proof).
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After you have chosen your artwork, it is recommended that
you also purchase the back-up plate with the reflective
material applied. If you choose to create your own artwork,
Plow-Proof will be happy to sell you just the back-up plate
with the reflective material applied or just the reflective
material for you to apply to what ever you want.
Bird on Branch
Santa with Reindeer
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Name Plates
Plow-Proof is the first company to offer custom address
plaques to accent your mailbox at a price far less than any
cast address plaque available on the market today.
Whether you purchase artwork to accent your name as
shown (Holland with a Wind Mill) or just purchase the
house number, you will not need the tacky self-adhesive
stickers that are available at most hardware stores. And
unlike hand painted letters, the reflective material makes the
mailbox stand out under all conditions. Even without the
additional triangular artwork below the mailbox, no one will
be able to say that they were unable to read your house
number ever again.
These plaques are cut out of 22 gauge steel and powder
coated in your choice of White or Black. Included is the
contrasting reflective material needed to highlight your
address plaque under low light conditions. In addition,
Plow-Proof will also include double sided tape to attach the
plaque to your mailbox but Plow-Proof recommends that
you use the bolts and nuts (included) to mount the address
plaque to your mailbox even though you will have to drill
four holes per plaque (Link to instruction on installing
Name with artwork. White plaque with black reflective
Black plaque with white reflective material during the day.
Font Style - Plow-Proof has identified the optimum style
font needed to show off your address plaque under low light
conditions. Other fonts are available per special requests
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but Plow-Proof cannot promise that other fonts can be seen
as far away as the fonts Plow-Proof has chosen.
Font size – Plow-Proof will use the largest font available to
fit your information onto a standard XX high x YY deep
mailbox. The longer your name or house number, the
smaller the font needs to be to fit onto the side of your
Black plaque with white reflective material at night.
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Installation warnings
Please be sure to check with your local
Post Office for installation requirements.
Some jurisdictions have special
requirements for pivoting mailboxes. The
only one Plow-Proof is aware of that
defeats the easy pivoting feature of the
Plow-Proof design is the need to have the
mailbox return to the starting position.
Install a deck screw in the center of the
post on the side of the post that is under
the mailbox. Attach a zip tie around the
pivot arm and the deck screw. When hit,
there will be slightly more resistance but
the zip tie will break allowing the support
arm and the mailbox to pivot away from
Since the Plow-Proof design is designed the point of impact. The home owner will
to break away when hit or when the home have to replace the zip tie when ever that
owner wants to retrieve mail without
steeping into traffic. To add springs
strong enough to always return it to the
starting position will add significant costs.
, it cannot guarantee that the mailbox will
not pivot away from traffic if it is
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