Office Ground Rules

UH/CVC Call Center
Office Ground Rules/Information
Refrigerator-The staff refrigerator is a shared space. We will have a rotating weekly
cleaning schedule posted on the refrigerator. Please do your part to keep the
refrigerator neat and clean.
Mailboxes-All Call Center Staff members will have their own mailbox in the
UH2C227 Call Center. Please check your mailbox once per shift.
Lights-Lighting has been determined based on appropriate Call Center and
health/vision standards. Please do not adjust the lights.
Music-Due to the Customer Service nature of our Call Center music is not permitted
to be played. Headphones are not permitted unless you are on your designated break
Office Max drop off/ordering-RSGA D will be completing the weekly office supply
ordering. There will be an order form listed in the call center for items you may need
to have ordered.
Restroom breaks-When you have to take a break from answering patient phone
calls, because you are performing a task such as printing nourishment labels, or need
to use the restroom you should press the “Unavailable” or “Call Work” button on the
Lan Agent Phone.