Year 2 Curriculum Overview Numeracy: Autumn Term Block A1.a: Count on and back in 1s or 10s from a 2-digit number; write figures up to 100 Block A1.b: Begin to count up to 100 objects by grouping in 5s or 10s; estimate up to 50 objects Block A1.c: Partition 2-digit numbers into T and U Block A1.d: Order numbers up to at least 100 and position them on a 100square Block B1.a: Add by counting on in 1s from the larger number, crossing a multiple of 10 Block B1.b: Add three numbers by putting the largest number first Block B1.c: Rehearse addition and subtraction facts for pairs that total up to 9 Block B1.d: Relate addition and subtraction facts to missing number sentences Block C1.a: Estimate, measure and compare lengths in centimetres; use a ruler Block C1.b: Estimate, measure and compare lengths in metres Block C1.c: Use units of time: hours in a day, days in a week Block C1.d: Use units of time: months in a year, seasons in a year Block D1.a: Use the names of common 2D shapes; sort 2D shapes and describe their features Block D1.b: Begin to recognise line symmetry; make symmetrical patterns Block D1.c: Count back in 1s, not crossing a multiple of 10 Block D1.d: Count back in 1s, crossing a multiple of ten, beginning to partition Block E1.a: Know doubles for numbers up to at least 15 and corresponding halves Block E1.b: Begin to derive doubles of multiples of 5 up to 100 and corresponding halves Block E1.c: Find totals of sets of coins: relate to adding three or more numbers Block E1.d: Pay an exact sum using smaller coins up to £2 Spring Term Summer Term Block A2.a: Count on and back in 1s, 10s or 100s Block A2.b: Begin to recognise odd and even numbers up to at least 50 Block A2.c: Understand and use ordinal numbers up to at least 100th Block A2.d: Compare 2-digit numbers; say a number lying between two numbers Block B2.a: Rehearse addition and subtraction facts for pairs that total up to 10 Block B2.b: Begin to add three 1-digit numbers mentally Block B2.c: Know that a right angle is a measure of a quarter turn; recognise right angles Block B2.d: Recognise clockwise and anticlockwise turns Block C2.a: Estimate, measure and compare weights in kilograms and grams Block C2.b: Read the time to the hour and half hour on analogue and digital clocks Block C2.c: Sort, organise and interpret information in a block graph Block C2.d: Sort, organise and interpret information in a pictogram Block D2.a: Use the names of common 3D shapes Block D2.b: Sort 3D shapes and describe their features Block D2.c: Subtract a multiple of 10 from a 2-digit number by counting back in 10s Block D2.d: Add and subtract 9, 11, 19 and 21 by adding and subtracting 10 and 20 Block E2.a: Count on in 2s, 5s or 10s; recognise odd and even numbers Block E2.b: Understand multiplication as ‘lots of’ and use the × sign Block E2.c: Introduce multiplication as repeated addition; record facts using × and = Block E2.d: Begin to understand division as grouping Block A3.a: Begin to partition 3-digit numbers into H, T and U Block A3.b: Begin to round numbers less than 100 to the nearest 10 Block A3.c: Begin to add by bridging a multiple of 10 Block A3.d: Find the difference between two numbers by counting on Block B3.a: Classify and describe common 2D and 3D shapes Block B3.b: Begin to recognise halves and quarters of shapes and numbers of objects Block B3.c: Know pairs of multiples of 10 that total 100; pairs that total up to 10 Block B3.d: Use pairs that total 10 to make the next multiple of 10 Block C3.a: Estimate a capacity, recording estimates; read a simple capacity scale Block C3.b: Estimate, measure and compare capacities in litres and millilitres Block C3.c: Add and begin to subtract a 1-digit number to and from a multiple of 100 Block C3.d: Organise and interpret information in a table Block D3.a: Add a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number; add two 2-digit numbers Block D3.b: Subtract one 2-digit number from another Block D3.c: Use units of time: hours, minutes, seconds Block D3.d: Read the time to the quarter hour on analogue and digital clocks Block E3.a: Understand multiplication as repeated addition; and division as its inverse Block E3.b: Recognise 2-digit multiples of 2, 5 and 10; and know their multiplication facts Block E3.c: Double multiples of 5; halve multiples of 10; add using near doubles Block E3.d: Recognise the relationship between halves and quarters Literacy: Autumn Term Being different: fiction African setting: fiction, non-fiction Fantasy fairytale: fiction Spring Term Summer Term Adventure: poetry, fiction Antarctic setting: non-fiction * Phonics, grammar and spellings taught daily Science: Autumn Term 2D Grouping and Changing Materials 2A Health and Growth Spring Term 2E Forces 2F Electricity Summer Term 2B Plants and Animals in the Locality 2C Variation D&T: Autumn Term 2B Puppets Spring Term Geography: Autumn Term Mapping skills U17 Remembrance Spring Term History: Autumn Term 2A Vehicles Summer Term U24 Passport to the world Summer Term Spring Term U4 Why do we remember Florence Nightingale? U5 How do we know about the Great Fire of London? 1D Homes U3 An Island Home Summer Term U2 What were homes like long ago? ICT: Autumn Term Mouse control Word processing Accessing and navigating the internet Design Spring Term Mouse control Word processing Accessing and navigating the internet Design Summer Term Mouse control Word processing Accessing and navigating the internet Design R.E: Autumn Term U1 Harvest U2 Special books U3 Christmas Spring Term U4 Multicultural stories U5 Easter Summer Term U6 I’m special U7 Purim P.E: Autumn Term *Val Sabin Games – Throwing and catching Gymnastics – Parts high and parts low Dance – Unit 2 Spring Term *Val Sabin Games – Making up games with a partner Gymnastics – Pathways Dance – Unit 3 Summer Term *Val Sabin Games – Dribbling, hitting and kicking Gymnastics – Spinning, turning, twisting Dance – Unit 4 * Basketball to be taught at least once during the year by a specialist coach * Football to be taught throughout the year by specialist coaches SEAL: Autumn Term New beginnings Getting on and falling out Spring Term Going for goals Good to be me Summer Term Relationships Changes Art: Autumn Term Collage and textiles Sculpture Spring Term Print making Colour mixing Summer Term Drawing Visits: Autumn Term Church (R.E – Harvest) Spring Term Playground / park (Science – Forces, D&T – Vehicles) Summer Term Penshurst Place (History – Homes) Local walk (History – Homes)