Mid Calder Nursery Class Backdrop Plan Start Date: October 2011 Learning Context: Autumn Expected Duration: 3 weeks + Source: Seasonal Science Experiences and Outcomes: please enter Activities: Resources: code and descriptor SCN 0-01a I have observed living things in the environment over time and am becoming aware of how they depend on each other. SCN 0-12a I can identify my senses and use them to explore the world around me. SOC 0-08a I explore and appreciate the wonder of nature within different environments and have played a part in caring for the environment. SOC 0-07a I explore and discover the interesting features of my local environment to develop an awareness of the world around me. SOC 107G Having explored the variety of foods produced in Scotland I can consider the importance of different types of agriculture in the production of these foods. Discuss with the children the key changes which take place in the environment during the season of Autumn. Adult role to discuss resources and read stories please highlight Use collected materials for senses activities in activity tray. Skills for Life: Numeracy Health and Well Being Literacy Cross Cutting Themes: Citizenship Enterprise Creativity Sustainable Development Introduce fact that there will be an Autumn walk into the woods to look for signs of Autumn while setting up an initial display on Autumn. “We need to collect more leaves for the display and for art and craft activities.” Adult should encourage observational and listening skills During Autumn walk, introduce key questions: What can we see, hear? What colours can we see? What does the ground feel like? What is the weather like? Coloured drapes, baskets, wheat, some leaves. In nursery, encourage children to sort and categorise collection into various groups when setting up display and during free play. Autumn themed stories and puzzles Use collected materials in various art and craft activities. Staff and parent volunteers needed for the walk, so sign for parents displayed in the lobby for those that want to help. Associated ICT activities on computers and smart board e.g. Little Bear’s Seasons Large tray/sand tray for depositing collected materials. Possible Lines of Development from Children See over if evidenced Interdisciplinary Links: Health and Well Being RME Social Studies Language Science Expressive Arts Mathematics Technologies “Assessment for Learning” Focus MNU 011W: I can match objects, and sort using my own and others criteria. In nursery, encourage children to sort and categorise collection into various groups when setting up display and during free play. Group Time Activities: Use collected materials for sorting and matching activity. Read relevant stories and poems. Access websites and games on Smart Board. Date of Assessment: