Appendix 2b: Other Archives and Collections


Appendix 2b: Other Archives and Collections

This document is intended to be delivered and read in conjunction with the TBMAP Report which provides relevant qualification, background and status information regarding the material presented here.

This docume nt is intended to support the description of ‘Examples and References for

TBM Use in HE ’ (Appendix 2a) by indicating, for completeness only, a quick reference to other Archives and Collections noted during this work. The list itself is drawn from a variety of other compiled sources 1 and is not directly the work of this project, nor have these examples been investigated in any depth other than to be recorded here.

Other Archives and Collections

British Artists' Film and Video Study Collection

This collection is funded by the AHRB Centre for British Film and Television Studies, and houses a large collection of videotapes, documentation and visual material by British artists, which is accessible to researchers. A major project of the collection has been the establishment of an extensive online database.

Sonic Arts Research Archive

SARA is an online database of composers and artists working with new technology and sound with access to a wide crosssection of the UK Sonic Art Network’s collection of compositions and published texts and much of UEA's archive of electro-acoustic music in digitised form. It will offer video, papers on aesthetic and technical issues relating to electro-acoustic music and areas of 'electronic arts' activity associated with it - sonic art, soundscape, sound installation, and multimedia work.

Moving Image Archives around the world

As listed by US National Preservation Board.

BBC Research and Collections

Millions of hours worth of radio and television output and sound effects plus key documents, commercial and sheet music.

BBC Nation on Film

1 Primarily drawn from the listing provided in Arts & Humanities Data Service (AHDS) ‘Moving Digital Images and Sound Archiving Study’ available :

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Online archive video clips from the twentieth century including old newsreels, documentaries and home movies.

BBC/Open University Nation on Film

Companion Web site to the BBC/Open University TV series 'Nation on Film'.

BBC Scotland on Film

Collection of online clips from film, television and radio archives.

Bill Douglas Centre] for the History of Cinema and Popular Culture

This houses one of Britain's largest public collections of books, prints, artefacts and ephemera relating to the history and prehistory of cinema.

British Pathé

British Path

é allows free access to preview items online from the entire 3500 hour British

Pathé Film Archive which covers news, sport, social history and entertainment from 1896 to 1970.

Collect Britain

Collect Britain is the British Library's largest digitisation project to date where you can view and hear 100,000 images and sounds from the British Library's collections of maps, prints and drawings, photographs and documents, and rare early sound recordings from around the globe.

Film Institute of Ireland, Irish Film Archive

The Irish Film Archive acquires, preserves and makes permanently accessible Ireland's film and audiovisual heritage. Its holdings include an extensive collection of film and magnetic tape, film stills and posters, a paper archive, film equipment and memorabilia.

Imperial War Museum Sound and Film Archive

This archive contains 120 million feet of cine film, 10,000 hours of videotape and 36,000 hours of historical sound recordings. The Imperial War Museum actively digitises their collections.

Media Archive for Central England (MACE)

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MACE is based at the University of Leicester (from October 2006

– before then it was based at the University of Nottingham) and is responsible for collecting, preserving and making accessible the moving image heritage of the East and West Midlands.

Mitchell & Kenyon film collection

For around seventy years, 800 rolls of early nitrate film sat in sealed barrels in the basement of a shop. Now miraculously rediscovered and undergoing restoration.Web pages include information about the collection being preserved and restored by the BFI, and the BBC series 'The Lost World of Mitchell and Kenyon'.

National Fairground Archive

This archive, held at the University of Sheffield, is a unique collection of photographic, printed, manuscript and audiovisual material covering all aspects of the culture of travelling show people, their organisation as a community, their social history and everyday life; and the artefacts and machinery of fairgrounds.

National Museum of Film, Photography and Television

The collection includes more than three million items of historical, social and cultural value.

These include three key 'firsts': the world's first negative, the earliest television footage and what is regarded as the world's first example of moving images – Louis Le Prince's 1888 film of Leeds Bridge.

National Museum of Welsh Life

The museum has a collection of approx. 50 hours of 16mm film footage. Much of this is material shot during the 1970s by curatorial staff who were anxious to record a way of life that was fast disappearing. Using a hand-cranked cine camera, they made silent colour films of traditional farming techniques, foods, and crafts.

National Screen and Sound Archive of Wales

This archive has a large collection of films, television programmes, videos, sound recordings and music relating to Wales and the Welsh. The Archive currently holds over

5.5million feet of film, over 250,000 hours of video, over 200,000 hours of sound recordings, and thousands of tapes, records and compact discs.

North West Film Archives

The North West film Archive is part of Library Special Collections at Manchester

Metropolitan University. It collects both amateur and professional film and video footage featuring people, places, events and activities in Greater Manchester, Lancashire and

Cheshire. The Archive collects material on any subject illustrating life in the north-west region and currently holds over 31,000 items from the mid 1890s to the present day.

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Northern Region Film and Television Archive

The archive was founded in 1998 as the public-sector moving image archive serving

County Durham, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tees Valley and Tyne and Wear. NRFTA core funding comes from the University of Teesside, Northern Film and Media, a government agency charged with promoting and funding moving image culture in the north-east,

Gateshead Council, and a number of smaller sources including some commercial revenue.

The NRFTA's holdings consist of five major film and TV collections, as well as a large number of smaller deposits from organisations and private individuals.

Northern Ireland Film and Television Commission

The Commission is an integrated agency for the development of the film industry and film culture in Northern Ireland. The Commission’s Digital Film Archive (DFA) is an access resource (not available over the Internet) for researchers, students, historians, and anyone who has an interest in moving images in Northern Ireland. The DFA contains 55 hours of moving images about Northern Ireland from 1897-2000. There are 389 items covering drama, animation, documentaries, news, newsreel, amateur and actuality film.

The Ulster Folk and Transport Museum

This museum recaptures a disappearing way of life, preserving traditional skills, celebrating transport history and has a related film collection.

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