John E. Eriksson: List of publications
International peer-reviewed original publications
Most important peer-reviewed reviews
Other reviews, book chapters, and conference proceedings
Submitted manuscripts
Raising the public awareness of science
Citation analysis
Publication highlights reflecting relevant expertise
John Eriksson has established the intermediate filament (IF) cytoskeleton as a signaling target and modulator
by discovering: (I) that the integrity of the IF cytoskeleton requires phosphatase activity (PNAS 1992), that
the phosphate turnover on cytoskeletal IFs is related to their dynamic properties (J. Cell Sci. 1997 & 2004,
Hepatology 1998), (II) IFs as regulators and scaffolds of 14-3-3, JNK, Cdk5, integrins, and the acetylcholine
receptors of neuromuscular junctions, with effects on death receptor signaling, cell cycle, differentiation,
survival, muscular contraction, and migration signaling (J. Biol. Chem. 2001, 2002, Hepatology 2001, Mol.
Cell. Biol. 2003, EMBO J. 2006, Mol. Biol. Cell 2010, 2011, 2015, Nat. Neurosci. 2011, J. Neurosci. 2011, J.
Cell Sci. 2014, 2015, Cancer Res. 2015) and (III) that vimentin acts in the novel transcellular lymphocyte
migration route by organizing adhesion molecules and acts as a key organizer of signaling in wound healing
(Nat. Cell Biol. 2006, PNAS resubmitted after revision 2015). The group has made instrumental contributions
in deciphering survival and death signaling: (I) ERK1/2 signaling overrides death receptor signaling (J.
Immunol. 1998, Mol. Cell. Biol. 1999, EMBO J. 2000, J. Biol. Chem. 2001, J. Immunol. 2002), (II) PP2A
controls death receptor signaling through regulation of ERK1/2 (Oncogene 2003), (III) the death receptor
inhibitor c-FLIP isoforms are regulated by phosphorylation-mediated ubiquitylation on specific motifs (Mol.
Cell. Biol. 2003, J. Biol. Chem. 2005, J. Immunol. 2007, Cell Death Differ. 2009), (IV) AATF acts as a novel
regulator of c-Jun-mediated apoptosis (Mol. Biol. Cell. 2012). The group has also made numerous
collaborative signaling, phosphoproteomics and PTM studies, involving active development of novel
methods (PNAS 1998, EMBO J. 2001, Mol. Cell 2005, Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2007, J. Biol. Chem. 2010, J.
Cell Sci. 2014).
List of publications (most important articles indicated by yellow highlight)
A. International peer-reviewed original publications
1. Eriksson J.E., Hägerstrand H. & Isomaa B. (1987). Cell selective cytotoxicity of a peptide toxin from the
cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 930: 304-310.
Cited 32 times
2. Eriksson J.E., Meriluoto J.A.O., Kujari H.P. & Skulberg O.M. (1988). A comparison of toxins isolated
from the cyanobacteria Oscillatoria agardhii and Microcystis aeruginosa. Comp. Biochem. Physiol.
89C: 207-210.
Cited 31 times
3. Eriksson J.E., Meriluoto J.A.O., Kujari H.P., Österlund K., Fagerlund K. & Hällbom L. (1988).
Preliminary characterization of a toxin isolated from the cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena. Toxicon
26: 161-166.
Cited 67 times
4. Meriluoto J.A.O. & Eriksson J.E. (1988). Rapid analysis of peptide toxins in cyanobacteria. J.
Chromatogr. 438: 93-99.
Cited 76 times
5. Eriksson J.E., Meriluoto J.A.O., Jamel Al-Layl K., Kujari H.P. & Codd G.A. (1988). Cellular effects of
cyanobacterial peptide toxins. Toxicity Assess. 3: 511-517.
Cited 9 times
6. Lindholm T., Eriksson J.E. & Meriluoto J.A.O. (1989). Toxic cyanobacteria and water quality problems Examples from a eutrophic lake on Åland, SW Finland. Water Res. 23: 481-486.
Cited 66 times
7. Eriksson J.E., Meriluoto J.A.O. & Lindholm T. (1989). Accumulation of a peptide toxin from the
cyanobacterium Oscillatoria agardhii in the fresh water mussel Anodonta cygnea. Hydrobiologia 183:
Cited 94 times
8. Meriluoto J.A.O., Sandström A., Eriksson J.E., Remaud G., Craig A.G. & Chattopadhyaya, J. (1989).
Structure and toxicity of a peptide hepatotoxin from the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria agardhii. Toxicon
27: 1021-1034.
Cited 119 times
9. Eriksson J.E., Paatero G.I.L., Meriluoto J.A.O., Codd G.A., Kass G.E.N., Nicotera P. & Orrenius, S.
(1989). Rapid microfilament reorganization induced in isolated rat hepatocytes by microcystin-LR, a
cyclic peptide toxin. Exp. Cell Res. 185: 86-100.
Cited 105 times
10. Sandström A., Glermarec G., Meriluoto J.A.O., Eriksson J.E. & Chattopadhyaya J. (1990). Structure of a
hepatotoxic pentapeptide from the cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena. Toxicon 28: 535-540.
Cited 23 times
11. Eriksson J.E., Grönberg L, Nygård S., Slotte P. & Meriluoto J.A.O. (1990). Hepatocellular uptake of 3Hdihydro-microcystin-LR, a cyclic peptide toxin. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1025: 60-66.
Cited 163 times
12. Meriluoto J.A.O., Nygård S.E., Dahlem A.M. & Eriksson J.E. (1990). Synthesis, organotropism and
hepatocellular uptake of 2 tritium-labeled epimers of dihydromicrocystin-LR, a cyanobacterial toxin
analog. Toxicon 28: 1439-1446.
Cited 50 times
13. Meriluoto J.A.O., Eriksson J.E., Harada K-I., Dahlem A.M., Sivonen K. & Carmichael W.W. (1990).
Internal surface-reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatographic separation of the
cyanobacterial peptide toxins microcystin-LA, -LR, -YR, -RR and nodularin. J. Chromatogr. 509: 390395.
Cited 49 times
14. Meriluoto J.A.O., Isaksson K., Soini H., Nygård S.E. & Eriksson J.E. (1990). Retention mechanisms and
selectivity in internal-surface reversed-phase liquid-chromatography - studies with cyanobacterial
peptide toxins. Chromatographia 30: 301-308.
Cited 15 times
15. Eriksson J.E., Toivola D.T., Meriluoto J.A.O., Han Y-H., Karaki H. & Hartshorne D. (1990). Hepatocyte
deformation induced by cyanobacterial toxins reflects inhibition of protein phosphatases. Biochem.
Biophys. Res. Commun. 173: 1347-1353.
Cited 259 times
16. Yatsunami J., Fujiki H., Suganuma M., Yoshizava S., Eriksson J.E., Olson M.O.J. & Goldman R.D.
(1991). Vimentin is hyperphosphorylated in primary human fibroblasts treated with okadaic acid.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 177: 1165-1170.
Cited 67 times
17. Lanaras T., Cook C., Meriluoto J.A.O., Eriksson J.E. & Hotokka, M (1991). Computer modelling of the
3-dimensional structures of the cyanobacterial hepatotoxins microsystin-LR and nodularin. Toxicon 29:
Cited 19 times
18. Råbergh C.M.I., Bylund G. & Eriksson J.E. (1991). Histopathological effects of microsystin-LR, a cyclic
peptide toxin from the cyanobacterium (blue-green alga) Microsystis aeruginosa, on common carp
(Cyprinus carpio, L.). Aq. Toxicol. 20: 131-145.
Cited 159 times
19. Eriksson J.E., Brautigan D.L., Vallee R.D., Olmsted J.B., Fujiki H. & Goldman R.D. (1992). Cytoskeletal
integrity in interphase cells requires protein phosphatase activity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89: 1109311097.
Cited 143 times
20. Råbergh C.M.I., Isomaa B. & Eriksson J.E. (1992). The resin acids dehydroabietic acid and isopimaric
acid inhibit bile acid uptake and perturb potassium transport in isolated hepatocytes from rainbow trout
(Onchorhyncus mykiss). Aq. Toxicol. 23: 169-180.
Cited 44 times
21. Toivola D.M., Eriksson J.E. & Brautigan D.L. (1994) Identification of protein phosphatase 2A as the
primary target for microcystin-LR in rat liver homogenates. FEBS Lett. 344: 175-180.
Cited 67 times
22. Råbergh C.M.I., Ziegler K., Isomaa B., Lipsky M.M. & Eriksson J.E. (1994). Uptake of taurocholic acid
and cholic acid in isolated hepatocytes from rainbow trout. Am. J. Physiol. 267: G380-G386.
Cited 14 times
23. Weis M., Schlegel J., Kass G.E.N., Holmström T.H., Peters I., Eriksson J.E., Orrenius S. & Chow S.C.
(1995). Cellular events in Fas/Apo-1-mediated apoptosis in Jurkat T-lymphocytes. Exp. Cell Res. 219:
Cited 91 times
24. Chow S.C., Weis M., Kass G.E.N., Holmström T.H., Eriksson J.E. & Orrenius S. (1995). Involment of
multiple proteases during Fas-mediated apoptosis in T lymphocytes. FEBS Lett. 364: 134-138.
Cited 140 times
25. Wickstrom M.L., Khan S.A., Haschek W.M., Wyman J.F., Eriksson J.E., Schaeffer D.J. & Beasley V.R.
(1995). Alterations in microtubules, intermediate filaments, and microfilaments induced by microcystinLR in cultured cells. Toxicol. Pathol. 23: 326- 337.
Cited 78 times
26. Trogen G-B., Annila A., Eriksson J.E., Kontteli M., Meriluoto J.A.O., Sethson I., Zdunek J. & Edlund U.
(1996). Conformational studies of microcystin-LR using NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics
calculations. Biochemistry 35: 3197-3205.
Cited 30 times
27. Annila A., Lehtimäki J., Mattila K., Eriksson J.E., Sivonen K., Rantala T.T. & Drakenberg T. (1996).
Solution structure of nodularin - An inhibitor of serine/threonine-specific protein phosphatases. J. Biol.
Chem. 271: 16695-16702.
Cited 37 times
28. Ankarcrona M., Holmström T.H., Diana A., Zhivotovsky B., Eriksson J.E., Orrenius S. & Nicotera P.
(1996). Lamin and -tubulin fragmentation precede chromatin degradation in glutamate-induced
neuronal apoptosis. Neuroreport 7: 2659-2664.
Cited 29 times
29. Kass G.E.N, Eriksson J.E., Weis M., Orrenius S. & Chow S.C. (1996). Chromatin condensation during
apoptosis requires ATP. Biochem. J. 318: 749-752.
Cited 115 times
30. Toivola D.M., Garrod D., Goldman R.D. & Eriksson J.E. (1997). Protein phosphatases maintain the
organization and structural interactions of hepatic keratin intermediate filaments. J. Cell Sci. 110: 23-33.
Cited 89 times
31. Holmberg C.I., Leppä S., Eriksson J.E. & Sistonen L. (1997). The phorbol ester 12-Otetradecanoylphorbol 13 aceatate enhances the heat-induced stress response. J. Biol. Chem. 272: 67926798.
Cited 28 times
32. Fröjdman K., Pelliniemi L.J., Lendahl U., Virtanen I. & Eriksson, J.E. (1997). The intermediate filament
protein nestin occurs transiently in differentiating testis of rat and mouse. Differentiation 61: 243-249.
Cited 69 times
33. Leppä S., Pirkkala L., Chow S.C., Eriksson J.E. & Sistonen L. (1997). Thioredoxin is transcriptionally
induced upon activation of heat shock factor 2. J. Biol. Chem. 272: 30400-30404.
Cited 43 times
34. Reunanen N., Westermarck J., Häkkinen L., Holmström T.H., Elo I., Eriksson J.E. & Kähäri V-M.
(1998). Enhancement of fibroblast collagenase (MMP-1) gene expression by ceramide is mediated by
extracellular signal regulated and stress-activated protein kinase pathways. J. Biol. Chem. 273: 51375145.
Cited 150 times
35. Holmström T.H., Chow S.C., Elo I., Coffey E.T., Orrenius S., Sistonen L. & Eriksson, J.E. (1998).
Suppression of Fas/APO-1-mediated apoptosis by mitogen-activated kinase signaling. J. Immunol. 160:
Cited 100 times
36. Kaarniranta K., Elo M., Sironen R., Lammi M.J., Goldring M.B, Eriksson J.E., Sistonen L. & Helminen
H. (1998). Hsp70 accumulation in chondrocytic cells exposed to high continuous hydrostatic pressure
coincides with mRNA stablization rather than transcriptional activation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95:
Cited 107 times
37. Toivola D.M., Omary M.B., Ku N-O., Peltola O., Baribault H. & Eriksson J.E. (1998). Protein
phosphatase inhibition in normal and keratin 8/18 assembly-incompetent mouse strains supports a
functional role of keratin intermediate filaments in preserving hepatocyte integrity. Hepatology 28: 116128.
Cited 48 times
38. Hägerstrand H., Holmström T.H., Bobrowska-Hägerstrand M., Eriksson J.E. & Isomaa B. (1998).
Amphile-induced phosphatidylserine exposure in human erythrocytes. Mol. Membr. Biol. 15: 89-95.
Cited 24 times
39. Holmberg C.I., Roos P.M.K., Lord J.M., Eriksson J.E. & Sistonen L. (1998). Conventional and novel
PKC isoenzymes modify the heat-induced stress response but are not activated by heat shock. J. Cell
Sci. 111: 3357-3365.
Cited 19 times
40. Westermarck J., Holmström T.H., Ahonen M., Eriksson J.E. & Kähäri V-M. (1998). Enhancement of
fibroblast collagenase-1 (MMP-1) gene expression by tumor promoter okadaic acid is mediated by
stress-activated protein kinases Jun N-terminal kinase and p38. Matrix Biol. 17: 547-557.
Cited 60 times
41. Råbergh C.M.I., Lilius H., Eriksson J.E. & Isomaa B. (1999). The resin acids dehydroabietic acid and
isopimaric acid release calcium from intracellular stores in rainbow trout hepatocytes. Aq. Toxicol. 46:
Cited 12 times
42. Vaittinen S., Lukka R., Sahlgren C.M., Rantanen J., Hurme T., Lendahl U., Eriksson J.E. & Kalimo H.
(1999). Specific and innervation regulated expression of the intermediate filament protein nestin at
neuromuscular and myotendinous junctions in skeletal muscle. Am. J. Pathol. 154: 591-600.
Cited 46 times
43. Renglin A., Härmälä-Braskén A-S., Eriksson J.E. & Önfelt A. (1999). Mitotic abberrations induced by
carbaryl reflect tyrosine kinase inhibition with coincident upregulation of serine/threonine protein
phosphatase activity – Implications for coordination of karyokinesis and cytokinesis. Mutagenesis 14:
Cited 6 times
44. Eliasson C., Sahlgren C., Berthold C-H., Stakeberg J., Celis J.E., Betsholtz C., Eriksson J.E. & Pekny M.
(1999). Intermediate filament protein partnership in astrocytes. J. Biol. Chem. 274: 23996-24006.
Cited 212 times
45. Holmström T.H., Tran S.E.F., Johnson V.L., Ahn N.G., Chow S.C. & Eriksson J.E. (1999). Inhibition of
mitogen-activated kinase signaling sensitizes HeLa cells to Fas receptor-mediated apoptosis. Mol. Cell.
Biol. 19: 5991-6002.
Cited 82 times
46. Fischer W.J., Tencalla F., Hitzfeld B.C., Mikhailov A., Eriksson J.E. & Dietrich D.R. (2000).
Microcystin-LR toxicodynamics, induced pathology, and immunohistochemical localization in livers of
blue-green algae exposed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Tox. Sci. 54: 365-373.
Cited 72 times
47. Kaarniranta K., Holmberg C.I., Helminen H.J., Eriksson J.E., Sistonen L. & Lammi M.J. (2000). Protein
synthesis is required for stabilization of hsp70 mRNA upon exposure to both hydrostatic pressurization
and elevated temperature. FEBS Lett. 475: 283-286.
Cited 23 times
48. Kallio M., Eriksson J.E. & Gorbsky G.J. (2000). Differences in spindle association of the mitotic
checkpoint protein Mad2 in mammalian spermatogenesis and oogenesis. Dev. Biol. 225: 112-123.
Cited 31 times
49. Johnson V.L., Ko S.C.W., Holmström T.H., Eriksson J.E. & Chow S.C. (2000). Effector caspases are
dispensable for the early nuclear morphological changes during chemical-induced apoptosis. J. Cell Sci.
113: 2941-2953.
Cited 49 times
50. Holmström T.H., Schmitz I., Söderström T.S., Poukkula M., Johnson V.L., Krammer P.H., Chow S.C. &
Eriksson J.E. (2000). MAPK/ERK signaling in activated T cells inhibits CD95/Fas-mediated apoptosis
downstream of DISC assembly. EMBO J. 19: 5418-5428.
Cited 148 times
51. Mikhailov A.M., Härmälä-Braskén A-S., Meriluoto J.A.O., Sorokina Y., Dietrich D. & Eriksson J.E.
(2001). Production and specificity of mono and polyclonal antibodies against microcystins conjugated
through N-methyldehydroalanine. Toxicon 39: 477-483.
Cited 16 times
52. Mehto P., Hinkkanen A., Ankelo A., Mikhailov A.M., Spoof L., Eriksson J.E. & Meriluoto J.A.O.
(2001). A time-resolved fluoroimmunometric assay for the detection of microcystins, cyanobacterial
peptide hepatotoxins. Toxicon 39:831-836.
Cited 14 times
53. Kaarniranta K., Holmberg C.I., Lammi M.J., Eriksson J.E., Sistonen L. & Helminen H.J. (2001). Primary
chondrocytes resist hydrostatic pressure-induced stress while primary synovial cells and fibroblasts
show modified Hsp70 response. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 9: 7-13.
Cited 25 times
54. Sahlgren C.M., Mikhailov A.M., Chou Y-H., Hellman J., Goldman R.D., Lendahl U. & Eriksson J.E.
(2001). Mitotic reorganization of the intermediate filament protein nestin involves phosphorylation by
cdc2 kinase. J. Biol. Chem. 276: 16456-16463.
Cited 63 times
55. Tran S.E.F., Holmström T.H., Ahonen M., Kähäri V-M. & Eriksson J.E. (2001). MAPK/ERK overrides
the apoptotic signaling from Fas, TNF, and TRAIL receptors. J. Biol. Chem. 276: 16484-16490.
Cited 234 times
56. Holmberg C.I., Hietakangas V., Mikhailov A., Rantanen J.O., Kallio M., Meinander A., Hellman J.,
Morrice N., MacKintosh C., Morimoto R.I., Eriksson J.E. & Sistonen L. (2001). Phosphorylation of
serine 230 promotes the inducible transcriptional activity of heat shock factor 1. EMBO J., 20: 38003810.
Cited 127 times
57. Kallio M.J., Nieminen M. & Eriksson J.E. (2001). Human inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) survivin
participates in regulation of chromosome segregation and mitotic exit. FASEB J. 15: 2721-2723
Cited 48 times
58. Vaittinen S., Lukka R., Sahlgren C., Hurme T., Rantanen J., Lendahl U., Eriksson J.E. & Kalimo H.
(2001). The expression of intermediate filament protein nestin as related to vimentin and desmin in
regenerating skeletal muscle. J. Neuropath. Exp. Neurol. 60: 588-597.
Cited 73 times
59. Mikhailov A., Härmälä-Braskén A., Polosukhina E., Hanski A., Wahlsten M., Sivonen K. & Eriksson
J.E. (2001). Production and specificity of monoclonal antibodies against nodularin conjugated through
N-methyldehydrobutyrine. Toxicon 39:1453-1459.
Cited 11 times
60. Hietakangas V., Elo I., Rosenstrom H., Coffey E.T., Kyriakis J.M., Eriksson J.E. & Sistonen L. (2001).
Activation of the MKK4-JNK pathway during erythroid differentiation of K562 cells is inhibited by the
heat shock factor 2-beta isoform. FEBS Lett. 505: 168-172.
Cited 5 times
61. Toivola D.M., Nieminen M., Hesse M., Baribault H., He T., Magin T.M., Omary M.B. & Eriksson J.E.
(2001). Disturbances in hepatic cell cycle regulation in mice with assembly-deficient keratins 8/18.
Hepatology 34:1174-1183.
Cited 40 times
62. He T., Stepulak A., Holmström T.H., Omary M.B. & Eriksson J.E. (2002). The intermediate filament
protein keratin 8 - a novel cytoplasmic substrate for c-jun-N-terminal kinase. J. Biol. Chem. 277: 1076710774.
Cited 61 times
63. Ivaska J., Nissinen L., Immonen N., Eriksson J.E., Kähäri V-M. & Heino J. (2002 ). Integrin alpha2-beta1
promotes activation of protein phosphatase 2A and dephosphorylation of Akt and glycogen synthase
kinase 3. Mol. Cell. Biol. 22: 1352-1359.
Cited 107 times
64. Söderström T.S., Poukkula, M., Holmström T.H., Heiskanen K.M. & Eriksson J.E. (2002). Mitogenactivated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling in activated T cells abrogates
TRAIL-induced apoptosis upstream of the mitochondrial amplification loop and caspase-8. J. Immunol.
169: 2851-2860.
Cited 60 times
65. Mikhailov A., Härmälä-Braskén A-S., Hellman J., Meriluoto J. & Eriksson J.E. (2002). Identification of
ATP-synthase as a novel intracellular target for microcystin-LR. Chem-Biol. Interact. 142: 223-237.
Cited 42 times
66. Hietakangas V., Poukkula M., Heiskanen K.M., Karvinen J.T., Sistonen L. & Eriksson J.E. (2003).
Erythroid differentiation sensitizes K562 leukemia cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis by
downregulation of c-FLIP. Mol. Cell. Biol. 23: 1278-1291.
Cited 59 times
67. Spoof L., Klimova S., Mikhailov A., Eriksson J.E. & Meriluoto J. (2003). Synthesis and organotropism
of 3H-dihydro derivatives of the cyanobacterial peptide hepatotoxin nodularin. Toxicon 41: 153-62.
Cited 6 times
68. Ahonen M., Poukkula M., Baker A.H., Kashiwagi M., Nagase H., Eriksson J.E. & Kähäri V-M. (2003).
Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-3 induces apoptosis in melanoma cells by stabilization of death
receptors. Oncogene 22: 2121-2134.
Cited 101 times
69. Sahlgren C.M., Mikhailov A., Vaittinen S., Pallari H.M., Kalimo H., Pant H.C. & Eriksson J.E. (2003).
Cdk5 regulates the organization of nestin and its association with p35. Mol. Cell. Biol. 23: 5090-5106.
Cited 60 times
70. Tran S.E.F., Meinander A., Holmström T.H., Rivero-Muller A., Heiskanen K.M., Linnau E.K., Courtney
M.J., Mosser D.D., Sistonen L. & Eriksson, J.E. (2003). Heat stress downregulates FLIP and sensitizes
cells to Fas receptor-mediated apoptosis. Cell Death Differ. 10: 1137-1147.
Cited 30 times
71. Härmälä-Braskén A-S., Mikhailov A.M., Söderström T., Meinander A., Holmström T.H., Damuni Z. &
Eriksson J.E. (2003). Type-2A protein phosphatase activity is required to maintain death receptor
responsiveness. Oncogene 22: 7677-7686.
Cited 23 times
72. Eriksson J.E., He. T., Trejo-Skalli A.V., Härmälä-Braskén A-S., Hellman J., Chou Y-H & Goldman R.D.
(2004). Specific in vivo phosphorylation sites determine the assembly dynamics of vimentin
intermediate filaments. J. Cell Sci. 117: 919-932.
Cited 86 times
73. Söderström T.S., Nyberg S. & Eriksson J.E. (2005). CD95 capping is ROCK-dependent and dispensable
for apoptosis. J. Cell Sci. 118: 2211-2223.
Cited 12 times
74. Poukkula M., Kaunisto A., Hietakangas V., Denessiouk K., Katajamäki T., Johnson M.S., Sistonen L. &
Eriksson J.E. (2005). Rapid turnover of c-FLIPshort is determined by its unique C-terminal tail. J. Biol.
Chem. 280: 27345-27355.
Cited 72 times
75. Goswami A., Burikhanov R., de Thonel A., Fujita N., Goswami M., Zhao Y., Eriksson J.E., Tsuruo T. &
Rangnekar V.M. (2005). Binding and phosphorylation of Par-4 by Akt is essential for cancer cell
survival. Mol. Cell 20: 33-44.
Cited 56 times
76. Maksimow M., Söderström T.S., Jalkanen S., Eriksson J.E. & Hänninen A. (2006). Fas costimulation of
naive CD4 T cells is controlled by NF-kB signaling and caspase activity. J. Leukoc. Biol. 79: 369-377.
Cited 10 times
77. Elphick L.M., Meinander A., Mikhailov A., Richard M., Toms N.J., Eriksson J.E. & Kass G.E.N. (2006).
Live cell detection of caspase-3 activation by a Discosoma-red-fluorescent-protein-based fluorescence
resonance energy transfer construct. Anal. Biochem. 349: 148-55.
Cited 12 times
78. Nieminen M., Henttinen T., Merinen M., Marttila-Ichihara F., Eriksson J.E.1,2 & Jalkanen S.2 (2006)
Vimentin function in lymphocyte adhesion and transcellular migration. Nat. Cell Biol. 8: 156-U41.
Cited 193 times
79. Kochin V., Imanishi S.Y. & Eriksson J.E. (2006). Fast track to a phosphoprotein sketch – MALDI-TOF
characterization of TLC-based tryptic phosphopeptide maps at femtomolar detection sensitivity.
Proteomics 6: 5676-5682.
Cited 13 times
80. Sahlgren C.M., Pallari H-M., He T., Chou Y-H., Goldman R.D. & Eriksson J.E. (2006). A nestin scaffold
links Cdk5/p35 signaling to oxidant-induced cell death. EMBO J. 25: 4808-4819.
Cited 44 times
Equal contribution, authors in alphabetical order.
Corresponding author.
81. Imanishi S.Y., Kochin V. & Eriksson, J.E. (2007). Optimization of phosphopeptide elution conditions in
immobilized Fe(III) affinity chromatography. Proteomics 7: 174-176.
Cited 27 times
82. Meinander A., Söderström T.S., Kaunisto A., Poukkula M., Sistonen L. & Eriksson J.E. (2007). Feverlike hyperthermia controls T-lymphocyte persistence by inducing degradation of c-FLIPshort. J.
Immunol. 178: 3944-3953.
Cited 11 times
83. Imanishi S.Y., Kochin V., Ferraris S.E., deThonel A., Pallari H-M., Corthals G.L. & Eriksson J.E. (2007).
Reference-facilitated phosphoproteomics: fast and reliable phosphopeptide validation by mikro-LCESI-Q-TOF MS/MS. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 6: 1380-1391.
Cited 30 times
84. Elphick L.M., Hawat M., Toms N.J., Meinander A., Mikhailov A., Eriksson J.E. & Kass G.E.N. (2008).
Opposing roles for caspase and calpain death proteases in L-glutamate-induced oxidative neurotoxicity.
Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 232:258-267
Cited 4 times
85. Mikhailov A., Sokolovskaya A., Yegutkin G.G., Amdahl H., West A., Yagita H., Lahesmaa R.,
Thompson L.F., Jalkanen S., Blokhin D. & Eriksson J.E. (2008). CD73 participates in cellular
multiresistance program and protects against TRAIL-induced apoptosis. J. Immunol. 181: 464-75.
Cited 12 times
86. Rosenholm J., Meinander A. Peuhu E., Niemi R., Eriksson J.E., Sahlgren C. & Lindén M. (2009).
Targeting of porous hybrid silica nanoparticles to cancer cells. Amer. Chem. Soc. Nano 3: 197-206.
Cited 121 times
87. Kaunisto A., Kochin V., Asaoka T., Mikhailov A., Poukkula M., Meinander A. & Eriksson J.E. (2009).
PKC-mediated phosphorylation regulates c-FLIP ubiquitylation and stability. Cell Death Differ. 16:
Cited 10 times
88. Rosenholm J.M., Peuhu E., Eriksson J.E., Sahlgren C. & Lindén M. (2009). Targeted intracellular
delivery of hydrophobic agents using mesoporous hybrid silica nanoparticles as carrier systems. Nano
Lett. 9: 3308-3311.
Cited 69 times
89. Imanishi S.Y., Kouvonen P., Smått J-H., Heikkilä M., Peuhu E., Mikhailov A., Ritala R., Lindén M.,
Corthals G.L. & Eriksson J.E. (2009) Imaging mass spectrometry of phosphopeptides through a specific
enrichment technology. Rap. Commun. Mass Spectrom. 23: 3661-3667.
Cited 2 times
90. Peuhu E., Rivero-Muller A., Stykki H., Torvaldson E., Holmbom T., Eklund P., Unkila M., Sjöholm R. &
Eriksson J.E. Inhibition of Akt signalling by the lignan matairesinol sensitizes prostate cancer cells to
TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Oncogene 29: 898-908, 2010.
Cited 3 times
91. Shen W.J., Patel S., Eriksson J.E. & Kraemer F.B. Vimentin is a functional partner of hormone sensitive
lipase and facilitates lipolysis. J. Proteome Res. 9: 1786-1794, 2010.
Cited 4 times
92. de Thonel A.*, Ferraris S.E.*, Pallari H-P., Kochin V., Imanishi S.Y., Sahlgren C. & Eriksson J.E.
PKCzeta acts as a key determinant of Cdk5/p35 signaling during muscle differentiation. Mol. Biol. Cell
21: 1423-1434, 2010.
Cited 4 times
93. Rosenholm J.M., Peuhu E., Bate-Eya L.T., Eriksson J.E., Sahlgren C. & Lindén M (2010). Cancer-cellspecific induction of apoptosis using mesoporous silica nanoparticles as drug-delivery vectors. Small 6:
Cited 30 times
94. Blom T., Bergelin N., Meinander A., Löf C., Slotte J.P., Eriksson J.E. & Törnquist K. (2010). An
autocrine sphingosine-1-phosphate signaling loop enhances NF-kappaB-activation and survival. BMC
Cell Biol. 11: 45.
Cited 1 times
95. Peuhu E., Kaunisto A., Laihia J.K., Leino L. & Eriksson J.E. (2010). Molecular targets for the
protodynamic action of cis-urocanic acid in human bladder carcinoma cells. BMC Cancer 10:521.
Cited 2 times
96. Yang J., Dominguez B., de Winter F., Gould T.W., Eriksson J.E. & Lee K.F. (2011). Nestin negatively
regulates postsynaptic differentiation of the neuromuscular synapse. Nat. Neurosci. 14:324-30.
Cited 2 times
97. Pallari H.M., Lindqvist J., Torvaldson E., Ferraris S.E., He T., Sahlgren C. & Eriksson J.E. (2011). Nestin
as a regulator of Cdk5 in differentiating myoblasts. Mol. Biol. Cell 22: 1539-49.
Cited 2 times
98. Ion P., Andrzej M, Hyder C.L., Meinander A., Mikhailov A., Morimoto R.O., Sistonen, L., Eriksson J.E.
& Back R-J. (2011). A simple mass-action model for the eukaryotic heat shock response and its
mathematical validation. Natural Computing 10: 595-612.
Cited 3 times
99. Toivonen H.T., Meinander A., Asaoka T., Westerlund M., Pettersson F., Mikhailov A., Eriksson J.E. &
Saxén H. (2011). Modeling reveals that dynamic regulation of c-FLIP levels determines cell-to-cell
distribution of CD95-mediated apoptosis. J. Biol. Chem. 286: 18375-82.
Cited 1 times
100. Mohseni P., Sung H-K., Murphy A.J., Laliberte C.L., Pallari H-M., Henkelman M., Georgiou J., Xie G.,
Quaggin S.E., Thorner P.S., Eriksson J.E. & Nagy A. (2011). Nestin is not essential for the function of
neuromuscular junctions and determines podocyte structure. J. Neurosci. 31: 11547-11552
Cited 2 times
101. Sen Karaman D., Desai D., Senthilkumar R., Johansson E.M., Råtts N., Odén M., Eriksson J.E.,
Sahlgren C., Toivola D.M. & Rosenholm J.M. (2012). Shape engineering vs organic modification of
inorganic nanoparticles as a tool for enhancing cellular internalization. Nanoscale Res. Lett. 7: 358.
Cited 0 times
102. Czeizler E., Mizera A., Czeizler E., Back R-J., Eriksson J.E. & Petre I. (2012). Quantitative analysis of
the self-assembly strategies of intermediate filaments from tetrameric vimentin. IEEE/ACM Trans.
Comput. Biol. Bioinform. 9: 885-898, 2012.
Cited 0 times
103. Ferraris S.E., Isoniemi K., Torvaldson E., Anckar J., Westermarck J. & Eriksson J.E.(2012). Nucleolar
AATF regulates c-Jun-mediated apoptosis. Mol. Biol. Cell 21:4323-32.
Cited 0 times
104. Peuhu E., Paul P., Remes M., Holmbom T., Eklund P., Sjöholm R. & Eriksson, J.E. (2013). The
antitumor lignan Nortrachelogenin sensitizes prostate cancer cells to TRAIL-induced cell death by
inhibition of the AKT pathway and growth factor signaling. Biochem. Pharmacol. 86: 571-83..
Cited 0 times
105. de Thonel A, Hazoumé A, Kochin V, Isoniemi K, Jego G, Fourmaux E, Hammann A, Mjahed H, Filhol
O, Micheau O, Rocchi P, Mezger V, Eriksson JE, Rangnekar VM, Garrido C. (2014). Regulation of the
proapoptotic functions of prostate apoptosis response-4 (Par-4) by casein kinase 2 in prostate cancer cells.
Cell Death Dis. 2014 Jan 23;5:e1016. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2013.532. [Epub ahead of print]
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106. Koenig A, Buskiewicz IA, Fortner KA, Russell JQ, Asaoka T, He YW, Hakem R, Eriksson JE, Budd
RC. The c-FLIPL cleavage product p43FLIP promotes activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase
(ERK), nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), and caspase-8 and T cell survival. J Biol Chem. 2014 Jan
10;289(2):1183-91. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M113.506428. [Epub ahead of print].
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107. Hyder CL, Lazaro G, Pylvänäinen JW, Roberts MW, Rosenberg SM, Eriksson JE. (2014). Nestin
regulates prostate cancer cell invasion by influencing FAK and integrin localisation and functions. J Cell
Sci. 2014 Mar 7. [Epub ahead of print].
Cited 0 times
108. Paul P., Rajendran S.K., Peuhu E., Alshatwi A.A., Mohammad A.A., Hietanen S., Eriksson J.E. (2014).
Novel action modality of the diterpenoid anisomelic acid causes depletion of E6 and E7 viral
oncoproteins in HPV-transformed cervical carcinoma cells. Biochem Pharmacol. 2014 Feb 21. pii:
S0006-2952(14)00124-5. [Epub ahead of print].
Cited 0 times
109. Sjöqvist M, Antfolk D, Ferraris S, Rraklli V, Haga C, Antila C, Mutvei A, Imanishi SY, Holmberg J, Jin
S, Eriksson JE, Lendahl U, Sahlgren C. PKCζ regulates Notch receptor routing and activity in a Notch
signaling-dependent manner. Cell Res. 2014 Apr;24(4):433-50. doi: 10.1038/cr.2014.34. Epub 2014 Mar.
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110. Kochin K., Shimi T., Elin T., Adam S., Goldman A., Pack C-G., Melo-Cardenas J., Imanishi S.,
Goldman R.D. & Eriksson J.E. Interphase phosphorylation of lamin A.. J Cell Sci. 2014 Jun 15;127(Pt
12):2683-96. doi: 10.1242/jcs.141820. Epub 2014 Apr 16.
Cited 0 times
111. Seltmann K, Cheng F, Wiche G, Eriksson JE & Magin TM. Keratins Stabilize Hemidesmosomes
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112. Senthilkumar R, Karaman S, Paul P, Björk EM, Oden, M, Eriksson JE & Rosenholm, JM. Targeted
delivery of a novel anticancer compound anisomelic acid using chitosan-coated porous silica nanorods
for enhancing the apoptotic effect. Biomat. Sci. 2015. 3: 103-111.
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113. Hyder CL, Kemppainen K, Isoniemi KO, Imanishi SY, Goto H, Inagaki M, Fazeli E, Eriksson JE3 &
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114. Lindqvist J, Imanishi SY, Torvaldson E, Malinen M, Remes M, Örn F, Palvimo JJ, Eriksson JE. Cyclin-
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115. Virtakoivu R, Mai A, Mattila E, De Franceschi N, Imanishi SY, Corthals G, Kaukonen R, Saari M,
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Lorens JB & Ivaska J. Vimentin-ERK signaling uncouples Slug gene regulatory function. Cancer Res., in
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B. Most important peer-reviewed reviews
116. Eriksson J.E., Opal P. & Goldman R.D. (1992). Intermediate filament dynamics. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol.
4: 99-104.
117. Eriksson J.E. & Goldman R.D. (1993). Protein phosphatase inhibitors alter cytoskeletal structure and
cellular morphology. In: W. Merlevede (ed.) Advances in Protein Phosphatases Volume 7, pp. 335-357,
Leuven University Press.
118. Eriksson J.E., Toivola D.M., Sahlgren C., Mikhailov A. & Härmälä-Braskén A-S. (1998). Strategies to
assess phosphoprotein phosphatase and protein kinase-mediated regulation of the cytoskeleton. In:
“Methods in Enzymology, Volume 298, Part B: Molecular Motors and the Cytoskeleton”, R.B. Vallee
(Ed.), Academic Press, pp. 542-569.
119. Holmström T.H. & Eriksson J.E. (2000). Phosphorylation-mediated signaling in Fas-mediated apoptosis
Crit. Rev. Immunol. 20: 121-152.
120. Holmberg C.I., Tran S.E.F., Eriksson J.E. & Sistonen L. (2002). Multisite phosphorylation provides
sophisticated regulation of transcription factors. Trends Biochem. Sci. 27: 619-627.
121. Heiskanen K.M., Bäck S., Sistonen L. & Eriksson J.E. (2003). Confocal and multiphoton fluorescence
imaging of intracellular events during apoptosis. G.I.T. Imaging & Microscopy, pp. 43-45, 1/2003.
122. Kochin V., Pallari H-P., Pant H.C. & Eriksson J.E. (2004). Approaches to study post-translational
regulation of intermediate filament proteins. In “Methods in Cell Biology, Volume 78, Intermediate
Filaments”, M.B. Omary & P. Coulombe (Ed.), Elsevier, pp. 373-413.
123. Tran S.E.F., Meinander A. & Eriksson J.E. (2004). Instant decisions: Transcription-independent control
of death receptor-induced cell death. Trends Biochem. Sci. 29: 601-608.
124. de Thonel A. & Eriksson J.E. (2005). Regulation of death receptors - Relevance in cancer therapies.
Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 207: 123-132.
125. Pallari H-M. & Eriksson J.E. (2006). Intermediate filaments as signaling targets and modulators. In
“Aspects of the Cytoskeleton” K.M. Bittar (Ed.). Advances in Molecular and Cell Biology.
126. Pallari H.M. & Eriksson J.E. (2006). Intermediate filaments as signaling platforms. Science STKE. 19:
127. Ivaska J., Pallari H-M., Nevo J. & Eriksson J.E. (2007). Novel functions of vimentin in cell adhesion,
migration & signaling. Exp. Cell Res. 313: 2050-62.
Shared corresponding authorship, equal contribution.
128. Hyder C.L., Pallari H.M., Kochin V. & Eriksson J.E. (2008). Providing cellular signposts - Post-
translational modifications of intermediate filaments. FEBS Lett. 582: 2140-8.
129. Eriksson J.E., Dechat T., Grin B., Helfand, B., Mendez M., Pallari H-M. & Goldman R.D. (2009). The
intermediate filaments – From cell biology to human disease. J. Clin. Invest. 119: 1763-71.
130. Peuhu E., Rivero-Müller A., Stykki H., Tuominen P., Torvaldsson E., Unkila M. & Eriksson J.E. (2010).
Sensitization of prostate cancer cells to TRAIL-mediated apoptosis by the tumor-suppressing
matairesinol lignan. Adv Exp Med Biol.: 798-798
131. Asaoka T., Kaunisto A. & Eriksson J.E. Regulation of cell death by c-FLIP phosphorylation. (2011).
Adv Exp Med Biol. 691:625-30.
132. Eriksson J.E. & Vandenabeele P. (2011). Workshop summary: Cell death mechanisms controlled by the
TNF family. Adv Exp Med Biol. 691:585-8.
133. Hyder C.L., Isoniemi K.O., Torvaldson E.S. & Eriksson J.E. (2011). Insights into intermediate filament
regulation from development to ageing. J Cell Sci.124: 1363-72.
134. Cheng F & Eriksson JE Intermediate Filaments. In: eLS 2014, John Wiley & Sons Ltd: Chichester [DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0001259.pub2]
135. Phosphorylation of lamins determine their structural properties and signaling functions. Torvaldson E,
Kochin V & Eriksson JE. Nucleus 2015 Mar 20:0. [Epub ahead of print]
136. Lindqvist J., Torvaldson E., Chen F. & Eriksson J.E. Nestin-mediated scaffolding elucidates cell cycle
independent regulation of Cdk5. Invited review submitted to Cell Cycle, in press.
137. Pallari H-M. & Eriksson J.E. Intermediate filaments and signaling. Invited review submitted
Cytoskeleton, in press
C. Other reviews, book chapters, and conferences proceedings
138. Eriksson J.E., Meriluoto J.A.O. & Lindholm T. (1986). Can cyanobacterial toxins accumulate in aquatic
food chains? In: “Perspectives in Microbial Ecology”, F. Megusar and M. Gantar (Eds.), Slovene Society
for Microbiology, Ljubljana, pp. 655-658.
139. Eriksson J.E. & Meriluoto J.A.O. (1988). Mechanisms of microcystin-induced toxicity. In: “Toxin
Producing Algae, Proceedings of the Third Nordic Symposium on Toxin Producing Algae”, Skulberg, O.
and Skulberg, R. (Eds.), NIVA, Oslo, pp. 50-53.
140. Toivola D.M. & Eriksson J.E. (1991). Cell deformation as a response to various cytotoxic compounds.
ATLA J. 19:181-186.
141. Goldman R.D., Chou Y-H., Dessev G., Dessev C., Goldman A., Eriksson J.E., Kohnken R., Khuon S.,
Lowy M., Murphy K., Skalli O., Opal P., Miller R. & Straube K. (1991). Dynamic aspectes of
cytoskeletal and karyoskeletal intermediate filament systems during the cell cycle. In: "The Cell Cycle",
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia, Vol. LVI, pp. 629-642.
142. Eriksson J.E., Toivola D.M., Reinikainen M., Råbergh C.M.I. & Meriluoto J.A.O. (1994). Testing of
toxicity in cyanobacteria by cellular assays. In: “Detection Methods for Cyanobacterial Toxins”,
G.A.Codd, T.M. Jefferies, C.W. Keevil & E. Potter (Eds.). The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge,
pp. 75-84.
143. Meriluoto J.A.O., Härmälä-Braskén A-S., Eriksson J.E., Toivola D.M. & Lindholm T. (1996). Choosing
analytical strategy for microcystins. Phycologia 35: 125-132.
144. Cotgreave I., Nilsson M. & Eriksson J.E. (1997). Mechanisms of non-mutagenic carcinogens. In: “Nonmutagenic Carcinogens: Mechanisms and Test Methods”, Report of the Nordic Working Group on Nonmutagenic Carcinogens, TemaNord ENVIRONMENT, Nordic Council of Ministers, Gothenburg,
TemaNord 1997: 601, pp 5-21.
145. Eriksson J.E. (1997). Tumor promotion by protein phosphatase inhibitors. In: “Non-mutagenic
Carcinogens: Mechanisms and Test Methods”, Report of the Nordic Working Group on Non-mutagenic
Carcinogens, TemaNord ENVIRONMENT, Nordic Council of Ministers, Gothenburg, TemaNord 1997:
601, pp 48-53.
146. Toivola D.M. & Eriksson J.E. (1999). Toxins affecting cell signaling alter cytoskeletal structure.
Toxicol. In Vitro 13: 521-530.
D. Submitted manuscripts
147. Sjöqvist M., Ferraris S.E., Antfolk D., Granqvist C., Mutvei A., Imanishi S.Y., Lendahl U. & Eriksson
J.E. Sahlgren C. Atypical PKC regulates distinct steps during intracellular routing of the Notch receptor
depending on the Notch signaling status. Submitted manuscript.
148. Torvaldson E. & Eriksson J.E. Nuclear lamins interact with Cdk5 to regulate Cdk5-mediated apoptosis.
Submitted manuscript.
149. Isoniemi K., Mohandasundaram P., Hyder C., & Eriksson J.E. Analysis of phosphodeficient and
phosphomimetic mutations of individual phosphorylation sites on vimentin reveal site-specific roles in
the regulation of organization and assembly dynamics of vimentin polymers. Submitted manuscript.
150. Cheng F., Pylvänäinen J., Mohandasundaram P., Ivaska J. & Eriksson J.E. Vimentin plays a key role in
wound healing through regulation of EMT, inflammatory signaling, and fibroblast growth. Submitted
E. Patents
- Method of inhibiting hyperactivity of phagocytes or lymphocytes in an individual”, US patent no.
- Pharmaceutical compositions comprising 8-substituted dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans. World
Intellectual Property Organization PCT/FI2011/051080. Publication No. WO2012076756A2,
- Silencing PME-1 to sensitize cancer cells to apopotosis. World Intellectual Property Organization,
International Application No.: PCT/FI2012/050618. Publication number No.: WO2012175798A2
- Novel use of anisomelic acid in anti-viral cancer therapy. World Intellectual Property Organization,
International Application No.: PCT/FI2013/050828. Publication No. WO 2014/033366
- Compounds for use in treatment of human papilloma virus (HPV)-induced carcinoma. National Board
of Patents and Registration of Finland; Patent application No. 20145726.
F. Raising the awareness of science
- More than twenty articles in Finnish and Swedish on popularizing science
- Writing a monthly column in a local newspaper often on topics related to biosciences and/or science
politics 2003-2009 (Åbo Underrättelser, the oldest newspaper in Finland)
- Participated in numerous radio and TV programs in Finland
G. Citation analysis (Thomson-Reuters Web of Science)