
Answering Author Queries
JOB NUMBER: 20080054
Q1 Three new figure files are attached.
Q2 Bekker et al reference should be 2004.
The reference on lines 1161-1164 needs to be changed to:
Bekker, A., Holland, H. D., Wang, P. –L., Rumble III, D., Stein, H. J., Hannah, J. L.,
Coetze, L. L. & Beukes, N. J. 2004 Dating the rise of atmospheric oxygen. Nature 427,
117-120. (doi:10.1038/nature02260)
Q4 Use Affiliation 1 for postal correspondence for Paul Falkowski.
Linda Godfrey is only Affiliation 1 – please remove the “2” superscript after her name
Anbar, A. D. & Knoll, A. H. 2002 Proterozoic ocean chemistry and the evolution: a
bioinorganic bridge? Science 297, 1137-1142.
Quigg, A., Finkel, Z. V., Irwin, A. J., Rosenthal, Y., Reinfelder, J. R., Ho, T.-Y.,
Reinfelder, J.R., Schofield, O., Morel, F. M. M. & Falkowski, P. G. 2003 The
evolutionary inheritance of elemental stoichiometry in marine phytoplankton.
Nature 425, 291-294.
Raymond, J. & Segre, D. 2006 The effect of oxygen on biochemical networks and the
evolution of complex life. Science 311, 1764-1767.
Q9 Yes, it can change to ‘Late Archean’
Rosing, M. T. 1999 13C-depleted carbon microparticles in >3700-MA sea-floor
sedimentary rocks from West Greenland. Science 283, 674-676.
Q11 Please change reference in text to Rosing and Frei (2004)
And please add the following to the reference list:
Rosing, M. T. & Frei, R. 2004 U-rich Archean Sea-floor sediments from Greenland –
indications of >3700 Ma oxygenic photosynthesis. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 217,
Tice, M. M. & Lowe, D. R. 2004 Photosynthetic microbial mats in the 3,416-Myr-old
ocean. Nature 431, 549-552.
Condie, K. C. 2004 Precambrian superplume events. In The Precambrian Earth: Tempos
and Events. (eds. P. G. Eriksson, W. Altermann, D. R. Nelson, Mueller, W. U. &
O. Catuneau), pp. 163-173. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Q14 Please change to Eriksson et al. (2006; 2007)
And add these two references to the Reference list:
Eriksson, P. G., Mazumder, R., Catuneau, O., Bumby, A. J. & Ilondo, B. O. 2006
Precambrian continental freeboard and geological evolution: A time perspective.
Earth-Sci. Rev. 79, 156-204.
Eriksson, P. G., Banerjee, S., Catuneau, O., Sarkar, S., Bumby, A. J. & Mtimkulu, M. N.
2007 Prime controls on Archean-Paleoproterozoic sedimentation: Change over
time. Gondwana Res. 12, 550-559.
Cline, J. D. & Kaplan, I. R. 1975 Isotopic fractionation of dissolved nitrate during
denitrification in the eastern tropical North Pacific Ocean. Mar. Chem. 3, 271299.
Mariotti, A., Germon, J. C., Hubert, P., Kaiser, P., Letolle, R. & Tardieux, P. 1981
Experimental determination of nitrogen kinetic isotope fractionation: Some
principles; illustration for the denitrification and nitrification processes. Plant and
Soil 62, 413-430.
Yoshida, N. 1988 15N-depleted N2O as a product of dentrification. Nature 307, 442-444.
Altabet, M. A., Murray, D. W. & Prell, W. L. 1999 Climatically linked oscillations in
Arabian Sea denitrification over the past 1 m. y.: Implications for the marine N
cycle. Paleoceanography 14, 732-743.
Voss, M., Dippner, J. W. & Montoya, J. P. 2001 Nitrogen isotope patterns in the oxygendeficient waters of the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Ocean. Deep Sea Res. I 48,
Casciotti, K. L., Sigman, D. M. & Ward, B. B. 2003 Linking diversity and stable isotope
fractionation in ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. Geomicrobiol.y J. 20, 335-353.
Q21 OK
Q22 OK
Q23 Change sentence to: “It was not inevitable that oxygen became the ultimate
electron sink.”
Q24 Watanabe et al. (1997) citation can be removed
Q25 Please change title to: “The Microbial engines that drive Earth’s biogeochemical
Q26 OK
L 41: change “comprising” to “comprised of”
L 202 remove “homodimeric” and remove the parentheses around “diradical”
L 298: change the first comma to a semicolon
L354-355: change "Findlay" to "Finlay" (remove "d");
Also fix spelling in corresponding Reference,
L1256: change "Findlay" to "Finlay" (remove "d").
L376: remove “margins” and insert “oceanic crust” and change “become” to plural,
L 377-378: after “subduct” REPLACE
“at the junction with a craton (continental rock unit) forming destructive margins and”
WITH: “under the continental crust forming a destructive margin.”
L 378 capitalize “E” in “eventually” (starts new sentence)
L382-383 place period after “basin” to end the sentence. Delete “that contains passive
L391 insert “be” before “re-exposed”
L403 replace “is in” with “are”
L425 replace “not ever” with “never”
L496 The Rosing et al., 2003 is going to be changed to Rosing and Frei (2004) (SEE
L570 change “N2 ” to “N” (remove the 2)
L596-597: delete “(but not totally)”
L633 change “imported: to “delivered”
L673 superscript the + (should be K+ )
L684 insert comma after “etc.” and make “Reactions” lower case
L684/5 Delete “However” and start sentence with “While”
L696 after “environment,” insert most, but”
L748/9 change “becomes” to “became”
L749-751 change “persist” to “persisted”;
insert “was” before “finally”;
and remove “is” before “obliterated”
L 1427: change page numbers: in the Summons reference, page numbers are 554-556
(not 55-557)