Ancient Greece Webquest

Ancient Greece Webquest
Athenian Soldier
Website: Persian Wars
1. The Two sides during the Persian Wars were:
2. The reason for the conflict was that Persia took control of some Greek
_______________________________________. Greece came to the
rescue of their ________________________________. _______________
attacked _____________________________________________________.
Website: Electronic Passport to Persia
3. Persia was located ___________________________________.
4. TRUE or FALSE._____ Persia attacked Athens to begin the wars.
5. Name the Persian king who invaded Greece.
6. Battle of Marathon: Who won? ________________________
Why do we have marathon races in the Olympics?
7. Which side had more soldiers?
______ A. Persia
______ B. Greek city-states
8. Who won the Persian Wars?
______ A. Persia
______ B. Greece
9. After the Persian Wars, the Greeks felt very ____________________ of
their culture.
10. For 30 years after the Persian Wars, Greece experienced the ____________
_________________of ______________________________.
Ancient Greece Webquest
Alexander the Great
Website: Electronic Passport to Alexander the Great
1. Became King in …
2. Became king of …
3. Father’s name was…
4. Empire he conquered…
5.The attitude of Alexander’s soldiers towards him was:
____A. They felt he was lazy because he stayed in his tent all the time.
____B. They thought of him as foolish because he wanted to conquer so much land.
____C. They thought he was brave because he fought the enemy with them.
6. After Persia, what region did he conquer? ____________________________________
7. When Alexander invaded Egypt, the Egyptians were:
____A. Thrilled because he conquered the Persian government in Egypt.
____B. Annoyed because they liked the Persian government laws.
____C. Frustrated because they didn’t want a Greek King.
8. The Egyptians crowned him _____________ and treated him as a ___________.
9. Alexander’s empire extended west to ________________________________________.
10. How did Alexander die? _________________________________________________
11. How old was he when he died? ____________________________________________
12. What happened to his empire after he died? __________________________________
13. Name three ways that Alexander influenced the world:
A. ___________________________________________________________________
B. ___________________________________________________________________
C. ___________________________________________________________________
14. What two things did he accomplish in Alexandria, Egypt?
A. ___________________________________________________________________
B. ___________________________________________________________________