Leadership and Alexander the Great


Leadership and

Alexander the


Alexander in World


What Makes a Good Leader?

Political Leadership in Classical


Central authority for a vast territory

Political Leadership in

Classical China

Single legal code for empire

Power of the bureaucracy

Respect for authority (Confucian belief system)

What did the state provide?

Political Leadership in

Gupta India

Political Leadership in

Gupta India


Uniform law code

Social order based on strict social structure (religion, military, taxation)

What did the state provide?

Political Leadership in

Mediterranean Societies (Greece, Rome and


Diversity of political forms

Democracy, aristocratic assemblies, republic, empire…

What did the state provide?

Political Leadership in

Mediterranean Societies (Greece, Rome and


Political Leadership in

Mediterranean Societies (Greece, Rome and


Political Leadership in

Mediterranean Societies (Greece, Rome and


So what gave these Empires


Great Individuals

What makes someone great?

Alexander the Great- The


356 BCE- 323 BCE


Son of Philip II

Taught by Aristotle

Tolerant of non-Greeks

Military genius

Believed he was descended from the gods

Alexander the Great- Debates over his Character

Charismatic, visionary OR cruel and unstable megalomaniac?

Curious dreamer OR Paranoid alcoholic?

Cold blooded imperialist OR Benign Multiculturalist?

Brilliant warrior and strategist OR Hellenic cultural ambassador?

OR all of the above?


Pursuit of Glory

Attain divinity and surpass heroes of myth

Belief in his own invincibility (guided by omens)

Pan-hellenic invasion of Persian empire to rid world of tyranny and oppression (revenge of Persian invasion of Greece150 years earlier)

Personal longing to see the ocean that was believed to encircle Europe and Asia at the edge of the earth.

As a Military Commander

Used strategy to compensate for fewer numbers.

He never asked anyone to do something he would not do himself.

He led his men into battle every time.

Was almost fatally wounded many times.

Refused to drink water if all soldiers could not.

Alexander on the Battlefield

Alexander’s Conquests

Throne following his father’s assassination

Expanded Macedonian borders north to Danube and west to Adriatic

Used Thebes as an example and Athens and other

Greek cities followed

Moved west towards Persia through Asia Minor


Tyre (Lebanon), Egypt, Babylon, Persepolis, Persia,

Bactria (Afghanistan), Samarkand (Uzbek.)

In five years, he expanded his empire east by 2500 miles.

Alexander’s Conquests

Leadership Wears Thin

Adoption of Persian dress by Alexander

Married Persian dancer named Roxanne

Arranged (forced) marriages of Greeks and

Persians to reconcile the two cultures.

Forced to turn back before India but took the long (unknown) way home via water losing many soldiers.

Alexander the Great-


Expanded Macedonia – created an empire that covered over two million square miles.

Founded 70 cities- many on trade routes thus increasing east-west trade. Alexandria in

Egypt (library)

Established a new coinage for trade.

Diffusion of Hellenic customs over much of the Mediterranean and Asia.

Alexander the Great-


Created a cultural and economic common market open to trade, social and cultural exchange with Greek as the lingua franca.

Attempted ethnic fusion through marriage and adoption of Persian culture at home.

Adapted and created new military techniques: phalanx and use of cavalry.

Improved knowledge of geography and natural history.


Alexander the Great- Legacy

Macedonian imperial domination facilitated cultural hegemony of Greece.

Spread of Hellenism: architecture, food, science, dress…

Alexander originated the concept of

"one world" without racial or territorial delineation.

Alexander the Great- Legacy

Inspired Caesar, Cleopatra,

Louis XIV, Napoleon

He is remembered in legend having been both feared and worshipped from Iceland to


The Byzantines made him a

Saint and the

Mohammedans included him in the Koran. The 13 th century Malian oral history of

Sundiata refers to him.


Classical empires compared:

Leadership in Classical societies:

Was Alexander a great leader for the times?
