ABSTRACT Cloud Computing becomes the next generation architecture of IT Enterprise. In contrast to traditional solutions, Cloud computing moves the application software and databases to the large data centers, where the management of the data and services may not be fully trustworthy. This unique feature, however, raises many new security challenges which have not been well understood. In cloud computing, both data and software are fully not contained on the user's computer; Data Security concerns arising because both user data and program are residing in Provider Premises. Clouds typically have a single security architecture but have many customers with different demands. Every cloud provider solves this problem by encrypting the data by using encryption algorithms. This paper investigates the basic problem of cloud computing data security. We present the data security model of cloud computing based on the study of the cloud architecture. We improve data security model for cloud computing. We implement software to enhance work in a data security model for cloud computing. Finally apply this software in the Amazon EC2 Micro instance. EXISTING SYSTEM: In cloud computing, both data and software are fully not contained on the user's computer; Data Security concerns arising because both user data and program are residing in Provider Premises. Clouds typically have single security architecture but have many customers with different demands. Every cloud provider solves this problem by encrypting the data by using encryption algorithms. Contact: 040-23344332, 8008491861 Email id: info@projectgenie.in , www.projectgenie.in DISADVANTAGES OF EXISTING SYSTEM: The management of the data and services may not be fully trustworthy. PROPOSED SYSTEM: This paper enhances data security model for cloud computing. We propose a new data .security model based on studying of cloud computing architecture. We Implement software to select the suitable and the highest security encryption algorithm. ADVANTAGES OF PROPOSED SYSTEM: Highly Secure Contact: 040-23344332, 8008491861 Email id: info@projectgenie.in , www.projectgenie.in User Registration Receive Username and Password User Data Storage Security Homomorphic Key Generation Third Party Auditing (TPA) Access Services from Cloud Storage Cloud Data Storage LogOut Contact: 040-23344332, 8008491861 Email id: info@projectgenie.in , www.projectgenie.in ReLogin MODULES: Three-layer system Construction module Storage data Module Transmission data Module Processing data Module MODULES DESCRIPTION: Three-layer system Construction module The model used three-layer system structure, in which each floor performs its own duty to ensure that the data security of cloud layers. The first layer: responsible for user authentication, almost this is two factor authentication, but free cloud providers use one factor as examples eyeos, cloudo, and freezoha. The second layer: responsible for user's data encryption, and protect the privacy of users through a certain way by using one symmetric encryption algorithms. Also allow protection from user. The third layer: The user data for fast recovery this depends on the speed of decryption. Storage data Module We make improvement to data security model in cloud computing. We implement software to the cloud provider. This software is implemented with two factor authentication. This software compares between eight modem encryption algorithms. This comparison based on Statistical Tests to get the most security algorithms. This software gets the faster and the highest security algorithm based on cloud infrastructure. So we proposed to cloud provider the suitable, more security encryption algorithm to its platform. Transmission data Module Clouds are massively complex systems can be reduced to simple primitives that are replicated thousands of times and common functional units, These complexities create many issues related Contact: 040-23344332, 8008491861 Email id: info@projectgenie.in , www.projectgenie.in to security as well as all aspects of Cloud computing. So users always worry about its data, so users can transmit the data’s to others to make a copy of data so as not to lose it. Processing data Module A proposed software solves some problems. This software implements strong API access control, by using two way authentications. This software encrypts and protects data, by using the highest security algorithm. This software analysis data protection at lAAS, we use Amazon EC2 as a case study to run this software. This software ensures that protection algorithm is highest security algorithm to satisfy the user, by using NIST statistical tests. This software Ensure faster retrieval, when using faster encryption/decryption algorithm SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: • System • Hard Disk • Floppy Drive : 1.44 Mb. • Monitor • Mouse • Ram : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz. : 40 GB. : 15 VGA Colour. : Logitech. : 512 Mb. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: • Operating system : - Windows XP. • Coding Language : ASP.NET, C#.Net. • Data Base : SQL Server 2005 Contact: 040-23344332, 8008491861 Email id: info@projectgenie.in , www.projectgenie.in