Geologic History - Test Chapter 10

Outline Questions Chapter 3
Define the following
1) compass point
2) compass rose
3) compass bearing
4) alphanumeric grid
5) map grid
6) easting
7) northing
8) latitude
9) longitude
10) prime meridian
11) Global Positioning
System (GPS)
12) time zone
13) standard time
14) International Date
15) daylight-saving time
Multiple Choice
16) An easting runs
A) from the top left to the
bottom right of a map.
B) from the top to the
bottom of a map.
C) from the top right to
the bottom left of a map.
D) from the right side to
the left side of a map.
E) from the left side to the
right side of a map.
17) The geographic
centre of the world, using
latitude and longitude, is
A) the middle of the
Indian Ocean.
B) the Mediterranean Sea,
west of Italy.
C) the Gulf of Guinea, off
the west coast of Africa.
D) the North Sea, east of
E) the Gulf of Mexico, off
the coast of Mexico.
18) What is the compass
point that is halfway
between N and SW?
. 19) What is the
compass bearing
for WNW?
A) 292.5 degrees
B) 315 degrees
C) 247.5 degrees
D) 135 degrees
E) 270 degrees
20) Which
direction is
opposite SSE?
A) NE B) NW C)
21) In which
hemisphere is
Ottawa located?
A) SW hemisphere
B) NE hemisphere
C) SE hemisphere
D) NW hemisphere
E) none of these
22) What is the
compass direction
of the compass
bearing 112.5
23) the Canadian
who promoted the
adoption of
worldwide standard
time zones at the
conference in 1884
A) Wilfrid Laurier
B) Sir John A.
C) Mackenzie King
D) Sir Sanford
E) Pierre Trudeau
24) If a hockey
game is broadcast
from the Air Canada
Centre at 7:30 p.m.,
at what time will the
game be seen in
A) 10:30 p.m. B)
10:30 a.m. C) 8:00
p.m. D) 4:30 p.m.
E) 3:30 p.m.
25) Which one of
the following is a
cardinal point?
A) south southeast
B) west northwest
C) northwest
D) west
E) southwest
26) Which of the
following indicates
the location of
A) 45degreeS
B) 45degreeN
C) 45degreeE
D) 45degreeS
E) 45degreeN
27) Lines of latitude
A) run east-west
around the globe.
B) measure angular
C) are parallel to one
D) are imaginary
E) all of the above
28) Lines of
A) run north and
south and meet at the
B) are imaginary
C) measure east of
the prime meridian
for 180 degrees.
D) measure west of
the prime meridian
for 180 degrees.
E) all of the above
39) If your local time
is 9 a.m. and your
longitude is
165degreeW., the
time at the prime
meridian is
30) Universal time
40) If your local time
(UT) was formerly
is 2:30 p.m. and your
called __________ .
longitude is
31) The __________ 45degreeE, the time at
uses orbiting satellites the prime meridian is
to provide the location __________.
of any point on the
41) If it is 1 p.m. at
earth's surface.
the prime meridian
32) A GPS unit needs and you are located at
signals from at least
60degreeE, your
three satellites to
local time is
determine its location. __________.
This process is called 42) If you are
__________ .
following a compass
33) The compass
bearing of 22.5
point that is half way
degrees, your
between ESE and
compass direction is
WSW is _________ . __________.
34) The straight-line
43) If the Toronto
distance in kilometres Maple Leafs are
between a point at
playing the
15degreeN and
Vancouver Canucks
4degreeN, along the
at 7:30 p.m. in
same line of longitude Vancouver, a
is _________ .
television viewer in
35) The straight-line
Halifax will watch the
distance in kilometres game live starting at
between a point at
_________ local time.
43degreeN and
44) The compass
56degreeS, along the
point that is directly
same line of longitude opposite SW is
is _________ .
36) If it is 3 a.m. in
45) The __________
St. John's,
grid system uses
Newfoundland, the
letters and numerals
time in Calgary,
to identify squares in
Alberta is _________. a grid pattern.
46) Latitude and
37) If your local time longitude are
is 3:30 p.m. and the
measured as angles,
time at the prime
with the centre of
meridian is 8:30 p.m., each angle at the
your longitude is
47) 3 types of Map
38) If your local time Distortion Caused by
is 4 p.m. and the time Map Projections.
at the prime meridian _______ _______
is 1 p.m., your
longitude is
48) 3 Categories of
Map Projection. _ _ _
29) The prime
meridian is the centre
of a time zone that
extends _________
degrees on either side.
Chapter 3 Outline Questions - Answers
VOCABULARY. Define each term or phrase in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.
1) a direction on a compass, such as north, south, east, or west
2) a symbol in the shape of a stylized flower that indicates direction on maps
3) the angle of a direction in relation to North, moving in a clockwise direction
4) a grid on a map that uses letters and numerals to identify the squares
5) a series of blue lines on a topographic map that are used to locate any place on the map
6) a vertical line in a map grid that is identified by a two-digit number. It refers to the column to its right.
7) a horizontal line in a map grid that is identified by a two-digit number. It refers to the row above it.
8) the angular distance (in degrees) of places north and south of the equator
9) the angular distance (in degrees) of places east and west of the prime meridian
10) the line of longitude on maps and globes joining the North and South Poles that runs through Greenwich, England
11) a satellite navigation system that computes the exact latitude and longitude of any place on earth
12) an area of the earth, usually extending across 15 degrees of longitude, that has a uniform time
13) the time that is the same for every location within a time zone
14) the line that generally follows the 180 degree line of longitude where one day ends and the next begins. If one travels
west across the date line, a day is added; if one travels east across the date line, a day is lost.
15) during spring, summer, and part of autumn, clocks are moved one hour ahead to extend daylight hours into the
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
16) B
17) C
18) C
19) A
20) D
21) D
22) E
23) D
24) D
25) D
26) E
27) E
28) E
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.
29) 7.5
30) Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
31) Global Positioning System (GPS)
32) triangulation
33) S
34) 1221 km
35) 10 989 km
36) 11:30 p.m.
37) 75degreeW (5 hours behind GMT)
38) 45degreeE (3 hours ahead of GMT)
39) 8 p.m. (165/15 = 11 hours behind GMT)
40) 11:30 a.m. (45/15 = 3 hours ahead of GMT)
41) 5 p.m. (60/15 = 4 hours ahead of GMT)
42) NNE
43) 11:30 p.m. (4 hours ahead)
44) NE
45) alphanumeric
46) centre of the globe
47) Distance, Scale, Shape, Area, Direction
48) Azmithal Conic Cylindrical