Chapter 12 notes

Chapter 12, The Origins, Evolution, and Dispersal of Modern People
What’s So Modern about Modern Humans?
Modern humans are different from archaic humans.
Skeletal traits: round, tall skull with vertical forehead, small brow ridges,
Small face and teeth with a more gracile postcranial skeleton
Some hominid skeletons have a mixture of archaic and modern traits.
Modern Homo sapiens: Single Origin and Global Dispersal or Regional Continuity?
Homo erectus already established across Africa and southern Europe and Asia
Evolution of modern humans began about 350,000 BP with emergence of archaic forms.
First modern Homo sapiens appeared in Africa, 200,000 BP.
Two main hypotheses:
a) Out of Africa
Modern Homo sapiens evolved in Africa, and then spread to Asia and Europe, where modern humans
replaced the populations there.
b) Multiregional Continuity
The shift to modern humans took place regionally and did not involve replacement.
What Do Early Homo sapiens Fossils Tell Us about Modern Human Origins?
Archaic Homo sapiens in Africa (350,000–200,000 BP), Kabwe (Broken Hill)
Early Archaic Homo sapiens in Asia (350,000–130,000 BP), Ngandong (Java)
Early Archaic Homo sapiens in Europe (350,000–130,000 BP) , Atapuerca, (Spain)
Early Archaic Homo sapiens’ Dietary Adaptations
Same tools and material technology as Homo erectus but diverse materials
Reduction of dental complex with tool use
Late Archaic Homo sapiens in Asia (60,000–40,000 BP)
Neanderthals found in Amud, Kebara, and Tabun
Shanidar, several individuals with interesting life histories seen in their skeletons
Late Archaic Homo sapiens in Europe (130,000–24,000 BP)
Some Neanderthal bones suggest cannibalism
The Neandertal Body Plan: Aberrant or Adapted?
La Chapelle-aux-Saints studied first by Boule
Boule influenced thinking about the Neandertals
Thought Neandertals had bent-kneed gait
Thought Neandertals were primitive and stupid
Cold adaptation of Neandertals
Large nasal aperture
Large infraorbital foramina
Stocky build, short limbs
Short, heavy body plan
Emphasis on megafauna
Extensive use of fire
Use of caves
Neanderthals Hunting: Inefficient or Successful?
Established Mousterian tool tradition
Butchered animals, processed for food
Chemical evidence indicates importance of meat in diet.
Neandertals Buried Their Dead
European, western Asian sites indicate burial; others do not.
Neanderthals Talked
Some argue Neandertals could not produce range of sound necessary for language.
Kebara hyoid bone suggests that Neandertals could talk.
Review of Major Neanderthal traits
1) Physical appearance:
Heavy brow ridges
Elongated skull with occipital bun
Large brains
Shorter legs, longer arms
Barrel chest
Heavy bone structure
2) Behavior:
Lived in small family groups
Roamed close to home
Buried their dead
Cared for injured and elderly
Hunted large animals (megafauna)
3) Material culture:
Sharp spear points, thrusting spear
Used adhesives, wore skin clothing
Wide variety of stone knives, etc.
Possible musical instrument (flute)
Possible bone needle, necklaces
Early Modern Homo sapiens in Africa (200,000–6,000 BP)
Herto, Aduma, Awash Valley, Omo
Klasies River Mouth Cave, Hofmeyr
Early Modern Homo sapiens in Asia (90,000–18,000 BP)
Skhul, Tianyuan Cave, Zhoukoudian
Early Modern Homo sapiens in Europe (35,000–15,000 BP)
Oase, Predmostí, Dolni Vestnice
Modern Behavioral and Cultural Transitions Happened First in Africa
Painting, hunting, fishing, tool production, jewelry
Once thought these originated in Europe
At Katanda (Africa) catfish remains found from as early as 75,000 BP
How Has the Biological Variation in Fossil Homo sapiens Been Interpreted?
Ancient DNA: Interbreeding between Neanderthals and Early Modern People?
Overlap in dates between H. sapiens and Neanderthals suggests coexistence, interbreeding.
Supports “out of Africa” model
Living People’s Genetic Record: Settling the Debate on Modern Humans’ Origins
mtDNA shows similarity between Neanderthals and dissimilarity with modern humans.
Lack of samples, time depth leading challenges to DNA analysis and interpretation.
Assimilation Model for Modern Human Variation: Neanderthals Are Still with Us
Discordance in the fossil and genetic record suggests that current models do not adequately explain
modern human origins.
Neanderthals contributed to modern gene pool in Europe and Asia.
Modern Humans’ Other Migrations: Colonization of Australia, the Pacific, and the Americas
Initial spread of population out of Africa, into Asia and Europe
Spread to other parts of the world
Down Under and Beyond: The Australian and Pacific Migrations
Lake Mungo, 40,000 BP , similarities with Homo erectus
Southeast Asia point of origin, “Hobbit” man discovered in 2003
Arrival in America: The First Americans evidence
DNA links Native Americans to East Asian populations
Anatomical differences from recent Native Americans