Early Hominids Australopithecus Afarensis Location of Discovery? Discovered By? Age of Fossil Physical Characteristics Tools Used Homo Habilis Homo Erectus Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis Homo Sapiens Sapiens Early Hominids Australopithecus Afarensis Location of Discovery? Afar Triangle, Ethiopia By? Donald Johansen Age of Fossil 3 – 4 million years Human hands and feet long arms 3 feet tall jaw and Physical forehead Characteristics sticks out from face large head w/ a small brain Tools Used No tools but hands were free because they Homo Habilis Olduvai Gorge, Africa Homo Erectus Java, Asia Eugene Dubois Louis & Mary Leakey 1.5 – 2 million years walk on 2 feet brain was 2x as big a Lucy’s more humanlike features 4 feet tall 1.8 mil, – 200,000 B.C.E. taller and thinner than earlier hominids 5 feet tall w/ strong bones more humanlike face with a round, smooth forehead large ridge above eyes Rocks for strong hand chopping axes made from Sharp pieces of Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis Neander Valley, Germany Homo Sapiens Sapiens Originated in Africa Mine Workers 230,000 – 30, 000 B.C.E. 35,000 – 12,000 B.C.E walked upright and were shorter and stockier than modern humans lived and traveled in groups large brain high, round skulls, large brains, small teeth and slender bones hunted in organized groups created knives, scrapers, and attached thin blades to bones, were bipeds “Wise Man” bone for cutting bone as digging sticks “Lucy” “Doubly, Wise Man” stone fire to cook meat oval huts covered with branches “Handy Man” spear points hunted in organized groups antler and stone to create throwing spears, bows and arrows, and other tools “Upright Man”