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Sort and Predict: Stone Age and Bronze Age—Key
Stone Age
 Neanderthals - early Homo sapiens
 pyramids
 Cro-Magnons – early Homo sapiens
 cave paintings
 cave paintings
 end of prehistory
 began about 2 million years ago
 Neolithic times
 Paleolithic times
 tools of stone, bone, wood
 Neolithic times
 “Gift of the Nile”
 tools of stone, bone, wood
 powerful armies
 people moved from Africa to Asia
 mostly hunter-gatherers
 mostly hunter-gatherers
 first evidence of art
 first evidence of art
 Neanderthals - early Homo sapiens
 beginnings of religious beliefs
 empires
 burial of the dead
 “Cradle of Civilization”
 beginning of agriculture
 beginnings of religious beliefs
 Ice Age ends during this time
 burial of the dead
 small bands or tribes
 began about 2 million years ago
 spoken language
 tools, weapons, ornaments of
copper, tin, bronze
 spoken language
Bronze Age
 Paleolithic times
 began about 4000 BCE (some regions)
 people moved from Africa to Asia
 “Cradle of Civilization”
 began about 4000 BCE (some
 tools, weapons, ornaments of copper, tin, bronze
 invention of money
 end of prehistory
 small bands or tribes
 growth of cities
 beginning of agriculture
 “Gift of the Nile”
 first Code of Laws
 powerful armies
 Ice Age ends during this time
 empires
 written languages
 pyramids
 Cro-Magnons – early Homo sapiens
 written languages
 use of irrigation and ploughs
 invention of money
 record keeping
 record keeping
 followed by Iron Age
 followed by Iron Age
 growth of cities
 first Code of Laws
 irrigation and ploughs