Syllabus - the alley cat players

LBJ/ LASA High School
Course Syllabus
Varsity Acting 2-4
Teacher: Melissa J. Alexander Driscoll, Ms. mAd
Location: Theater Classroom
office# 512-414-7031
Course Objectives: Welcome, Varsity Theatre is a course which includes students studying
acting in levels 2-4. The main objective of Varsity theatre is to expand and heighten student’s
knowledge and experience in the theatrical performing arts. This will include studying and
participation in all aspects of theatrical productions, theatre outreach programs, writing &
exploring critiques/ evaluations and examination of one’s self as an artist. Students will
develop concepts of self, human relationships, and environment thru the elements of drama.
Requirements and grading
Grade Distribution- There will be a minimum of 6 grades per six weeks for a minimum total of
36 grades for the year. Grading breakdown is as follows: (explanations follow)
Single weightDouble weightTriple Weight-
Daily Participation/ Discussions/ Realism studies
Class Projects/ Performances
Craft Studies Projects/ Script Critiques
Participation: This will include, but is not limited to:
 Warm-ups: Voice, Body & Mind
 Production Work in class (not after school) such as theater upkeep, set building,
costumes, programs, painting, lighting work, staging, etc…
 Realism Studies, Game days, class activities
 Showing up ON TIME, and working in class everyday!
Craft Studies: Grading will include, but is not limited to:
 Script reading & critiques
 Honors projects/ Activism work/ Realism performances
 Self & Peer evaluations/ Pinterest boards/ Google docs work
Class Projects/ Performances: Grading will include, but is not limited to:
 Show Attendance and Work: every Varsity student is required to attend at least 1 day
for each Main Stage Production & Theatre I shows and work in some capacity, and
watch the show. Dates follow under shows sections of syllabus. Examples of “work”
required is usher, concessions, acting (if you audition), cleanup, etc..
 All class projects: character work, design & production work, scene-work (group, duet,
 Senior Directed Plays/ UIL / Student Teacher Shows
 1 folder with brads and pockets
 Loose leaf Paper (stored in folder)
 2- general theatre use item (bag/box/package of) from following list: Make-up remover
(wipes or cream) & Alcohol Swabs (1st priority; need TONS) , hair gel (large), hair
pins, safety pins (large/ small), makeup sponges, silver sharpies.
Late work/make-up work procedures
Make-up work will be given for all absences, and student will have one week for completion.
However, late work will be penalized. The only assignment that will not be accepted late will
be critiques. Some make-up assignments will differ from in-class work due to the nature of
theatrical projects, so students may find themselves doing different assignments than
classmates. Some examples of make-up assignments could be: attendance of a theatrical
performance, crew work, shop work, movie/play/book reviews, and research projects. It is the
STUDENT’S responsibility to find out what assignments and work they missed; NOT the
TEACHER’S. If student fails to do this the teacher reserves the right to not honor make-up
work regulation and penalize the student accordingly.
Extra Credit
There will always be opportunities for students to earn extra credit. This will be discussed
further in class.
Varsity students will be limited to the amount of extra credit they can receive: extra credit will
NOT replace class work. If you participate in class but refuse to do craft work and/or projects
the best grade you will receive is a 40%.
Capstone Projects (Honors Level)
Eligible Theatre III & Theatre IV students will be required to complete 2 capstone projects and
attend and write critiques of 4 professional/collegiate shows per year to receive honors
weighted credit for their classes. These projects & shows will be completely voluntary;
however, without completion credit will not be received. Each capstone project will need to be
approved by Ms. A and be completed & presented by end of each semester. Capstone A will
be advanced performance based and Capstone B will be research & teaching based.
Examples and ideas will follow and be discussed at length in class. All ideas you have are
welcome and will be considered. Capstone A & B can be completed in any order. All
capstones for this year will be centered around “theatre for activism”.
Capstone A- advanced performance
This project must encompass advanced study and work in a field of performance; a
discernable product must be completed and performed/ presented to director and class. The
craft disciple you choose must first be in your field of study, but if you complete two years it
may venture outside.
Examples: college audition performance, script writing competition, musical choreography,
design project in any tech area, college portfolio creation, student production etc…..
Capstone B- research/ teaching element
This project must be based in investigation and compiling advanced work in a particular
subset of your craft. It must culminate in a teaching project to other students and/or a viable
product that will be left and change the ACP program.
Examples: Auditioning workshop for younger actors, training guides for systems (light/sound
board), teaching presentation about a playwright/ designer, research presentation into a style
of acting/ design, creation of original new theatre games geared toward skills for level one
students, etc…
DUE DATES: Dec. 2nd 2014 & May 1st 2015
 Project approvals are required by the end of 2nd six of each semester.
 1 capstone project and 2 critiques are due on dates above, no exceptions.
 Students must meet due dates for both projects
Eligibility for Honors credit:
 Student must have completed 2 full years in the fine art area they are taking III/ IV
 Student must successfully complete all attendance & projects required by due date
 Students must agree at beginning of school year to the commitment
Office Hours
My Office Hours will be 7:30am-8am/ 3:40- 4:30pm Wednesdays. My office is located in the
back of the Theater Classroom, I will be here or within the theater building during these times!
Appointments appreciated.
Dress Code
The district-wide dress code will be in effect in our classroom. When working in shop closed
toed shoes are required!
Classroom Standards
Jaguars are:
Visualizing Success
Respect the Learning Environment
Keep Cell Phone off & out of sight
Refrain from using Profanity
Comply with teacher & staff directives
RESPECT yourself, RESPECT your classmates, RESPECT your school, and RESPECT the
Classroom Environment
All theatre arts classes at LBJ High School are held in the new Don T. Haynes Performing Arts
Center (Theater Building) in the theater classroom. The classroom is located at the back of the
building and has an entry door on the street side of the building. All students will enter and exit
through this door, no others will EVER be unlocked during the school day.
No food or drink is not allowed in the new building or in classroom.
My classroom has no desks; instead there is a class set of Beanbags and other cushions.
Students are to use these bags as seats. Students are expected to respect the bags as desk
and not deface them in any way. Students are responsible for replacing bags to the “bean bag
home” at the end of every class. Failure to do so will affect participation grades.
Restrooms are located at the back of the theatre building in the dressing rooms. Students are
never to use restroom without approval from the teacher. These restrooms are a privilege, and
if left dirty, will be restricted. I as the teacher also have to use and upkeep these facilities, so I
expect the very best care of them. All students should know how to flush, turn off water, and
place paper towels & trash in trash cans. If there are problems with the facilities, students
should report them to me, or the teacher present at the time (ie- substitute).
Every student enrolled in Theatre Arts is required to come and see performances staged at
LBJ /LASA High School. Varsity students are required to come to at least one night of each
show and help/work on production that night. I n addition, Varsity students must be present
and work on the dates of Theatre I shows. See explanation in grading policy.
Varsity students do NOT pay for shows on the night/s they work show.
The Love of the Nightingale
@ 7pm
@ 7pm
UIL Performance
Oct. 23th –25th & 27th
Oct. 22nd
Jan. 15th -17th & 20th
Jan 14th
TBA March
Theatre I Shows
Monday April 27th
The Boys in the Photograph
Script Critiques
One of the requirements for this class is critical evaluation of theatrical work. Therefore
students will be required to write critiques every six weeks based on scripts they will read from
our library. Essay requirements will be discussed in class and you will receive a writing rubric.
Please note that Critiques WILL NOT be accepted LATE; and will be due the last day of class
the 3rd week of each six weeks.
Scripts must be checked out from Ms. mAd and return before a new one will be checked
Due Dates:
1st- Friday, Sept 26th
2nd- Friday, Oct. 24th
3rd- Friday, Dec 5th
4th- Friday, Jan. 24th
5th- Friday, March 7th
6th- Friday, May 1st
STUDENT NAME: _____________________
Field Trip Permission Form:
When approved, Varsity students may go on various theatre field trips throughout the
year, including shows & UIL event. Fill out the following permission and emergency
contact info for your student accordingly!
I give my student permission to attend Varsity field trips?
My student may ride in a car driven by teacher or student (Circle 1/ both)? Yes
I give my child permission to drive to events & transport other students?
Special instructions/ Provisions:
Parent Name (please print):__________________________
Parent Signature:____________________________
Emergency Contact INFO:
Student Name:______________________
Parent Name/s: ______________________
Phones # Cell#___________________
In Case of emergency and above people cannot be reached, who should we
What Hospital/ Doctor do you use?
We (I) are the parents (legal guardians) of __________________________________ a child
enrolled in the Austin Independent School District.
We (I) hereby grant permission for the student named above to travel from ____LBJ High
School___ to ___Varsity Theatre Field trips & events_______ (location/event) and return to
_____LBJ/LASA High School__________ on the date(s) ___School Year 2013-2014___.
We (I) hereby grant permission for the student named above to travel by a vehicle driven or
operated by:
______Melissa J. Alexander / Chaperone (parent/ teacher)____ an employee of the Austin
Independent School District acting within the scope of his or her duties.
This transportation may be a privately owned vehicle or a privately owned chartered bus.
We (I) accept responsibility to determine that the transportation provided is safe and
reasonable for the purposes intended. We (I) agree that the Austin Independent School
District, its officers, trustees and employees are not negligent in their choice of the
transportation and that we (I) have freely chosen the transportation provided herein. We (I)
understand that we have the option to provide our own transportation method.
We (I) give permission for school staff to render first aid and to seek emergency medical
services at my expense should the need arise. If applicable, I have provided written
information regarding medication(s) my child is taking, instructions for administration (or selfadministration) and any current health conditions that may need attention.
We (I) hereby waive, release and discharge the Austin Independent School District, its
trustees, officers and employees from any claim, demand or cause of action arising out of the
transportation herein provided and agree to indemnify and save harmless the Austin
Independent School District and its employees from all claims for loss, damage or injury
sustained by us (me) or by our (my) child whether the same be caused by the negligence of
the Austin Independent School District or its officers, agents, employees or otherwise.
Student (if 18 years of age or over)
(To be used for field trips, extracurricular activities and other events during which students travel in privately owned vehicles driven or
operated by Austin Independent School District employees, other individuals, or independent contractors.)
Revised 8-07
Syllabus Contract:
Please sign and return the following:
We have read and understand the syllabus for Varsity Theatre.
Student Name: _____________________________________________
Parent/ Guardian sig. ____________________________________________
Student sig. ____________________________________________________
Honors Credit Agreement: 2014-2015
I, __________________________________ agree to complete the Honors
curriculum requirement in order to receive Honors credit for Theatre Arts III
or IV. I attest that I will be diligent in completing the requirements and
understand that without completion I will not receive the weighted credit
toward my GPA.