Making the Curriculum Accessible Through the Use of Assistive

What is SOLO 6?
SOLO 6 is a computer program that
includes a graphic organizer, word
processor, word predictor, and a text
reader. Draft Builder is the graphic
organizer aspect that is used for
drafting and organizing ideas. Write
OutLoud is the word processor that
reads words as they are written and
can help students check their writing.
Co Writer is the word prediction
software that can be used in any
writing processor. It enables students
to spell difficult words. Read
OutLoud is the text reader that reads
online texts to students.
Everyone is able to
access the Common Core
State Standards and
Questions or Comments?
Feel free to contact me:
Jennifer Hand
MSED Special Education
Making the
Curriculum Accessible
Through the Use of
Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology Poster
By: Jennifer Hand
MSED Special Education
How Can Co-Writer Enrich A
Student’s Life?
SOLO 6 makes it possible for
students to be able to read grade
level texts. Without this, students
would have a difficult time accessing
common core materials. Co-Writer,
the word prediction software, helps
students who really struggle with
writing. This makes it possible for
students to express their ideas in a
way that is age appropriate.
Using Solo 6 and Microsoft Word with
a 4th Grade Student
 Zoe is a nine year old fourth grade
student who has a learning
disability. Zoe is currently reading
a level A text but enjoys listening to
stories being read. Zoe requires a
scribe throughout the day because
her writing is illegible and she has
a difficulty spelling words. Zoe can
verbally give ideas but frequently
forgets what she has just said. She
is also accessing the same
curriculum as her peers in a
modified form.
 Zoe is not currently using any
assistive technology in her class. If
she is reading a passage that is too
difficult, a teacher will read it to
her. If she is required to write, a
teacher will also scribe for her.
 She will be able to use Co-Writer
and Microsoft Word to help her
write more independently.
 To make the curriculum more
accessible and independent for Zoe
through the use of assistive
 To be able to write throughout the
day, without a scribe.
Student’s Success While Using
Assistive Technology
Zoe was very hesitant when writing
and sometimes would refuse. She
was unable to access the Common
Core curriculum like her grade level
peers. With Co-Writer, Zoe has
gained confidence and is more
engaged when writing.
Before writing with Co-Writer and
Microsoft Word
After writing with Co-Writer and
Microsoft Word