
Southern California Scholastic Fencing League
Coaches Meeting
Beverly Hills Fencer’s Club
25 July, 2015
Attendees: Allex Gruman & Snoopy (Referees FOC), Sud Deland & Jay Vadnais (Torrance), Greg
Schiller (VAPA), Daniel Walker via phone in (VVHS), Sam Signorelli (none); Ted Katzoff (HWL)
Called to Order at 3PM
1. Hello and Welcome. Discuss Previous Year.. problems or concerns for this year…
A) Bout Table - Zoe
B) Referees - Allex
C) Coaches? no concerns
D) Fencers? - none here
E) Parents? - none here
2. Equipment changes for next year: Saber Gloves - Sam Signorelli; discussed diff gloves
available with metal or without. Cost ranges from $49 - $129
a. Absolute is the cheapest at $49; Sam S. motions for the SoCal Scholastic League to
adopt the USFA’s recent 800 Newton Saber Glove rule for saber tournaments only
by Oct 18th (our 1st saber event), 2015. Ted 2nds. 1 abstention, 4 for; none
against, motion passes.
3. Mask issue from Summer Nationals: the frames are cracked. Non-FIE masks. Most were
Absolute Masks. So when we check the mask in the future, we need to add pressing the
frame in to see if the frame is cracked. Sam will show us how to check masks at the first
event. And we are checking all gloves for now on for holes.
4. Someone to run the table if Zoe is sick: maybe the Fints? Allex recommends- Sorah, Janet,
Linda, Karen Lieu…
5. Treasurer - $400 in the bank. Tournament coming up. We need to pay Ted ASAP before Dec
or Jan. $200.
6. Schedule for Next Year:
a. Foil #1 - Sept. 26th, location: Chaminade?
Epee/Saber#1 - Oct. 18th at VVHS
Novice - Nov 1st at VAPA
Foil #2 & Awards - Dec 13th at Harvard-Westlake HS
Epee/Saber #2 - Feb 7th at Brentwood?
Team Foil - March 6th at VAPA
Team Epee/Saber - April 17th at Chaminade?
HS Champs - May 15th at VAPA
b. Action Item (Greg & Zoe): ASK ZOE to email to everyone the schedule TODAY!
Southern California Scholastic Fencing League
Coaches Meeting
Beverly Hills Fencer’s Club
25 July, 2015
7. Elections for Pres, Vice Pres, Secretary, Treasurer, Bout Table, Webmister/mistress for
a. President: Greg Schiller
b. Vice Pres:
c. Treasurer: Ted Katzoff
d. Secretary: Greg Schiller
e. Bout Table - Zoe, & Call others just in case.
f. Webmistress – Zoe
8. Action Item (Greg): Email all about our schedule… Zoe, Clubs, Karla, Forest, etc.