Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology
 A definition of assistive technology may be a system of no-tech, lowtech, and high-tech tools and strategies that match a person's needs,
abilities, and tasks.
The definition does not imply that assistive technology must include
computers, or that it must be expensive, or that it can only be
prescribed. The "definition" of assistive technology is only restricted
by our own creativity and imagination.
 Today there are many technologies available that can assist and be
used by individuals to meet their learning needs. It is important to
recognize the process of ongoing evaluation and assessment.
Technology will only assist an individual if the tool matches the
individual's need.
*Definition from:
Examples of Assistive Technology:
Kidspiration/Inspiration (graphic organizer software)
Kurzweil (Scan and read software)
Touch-screen/on screen keyboards
iPad apps
Audio books
Spell-check/dictionary/thesaurus features
Speech recognition or voice recognition programs
Boardmaker software (Picture Communication Symbols)
*Please contact your ISS consultants or ISS team for further support surrounding
Assistive Technology