Heritage College-Ready Academy High School

Heritage College-Ready Academy High School
United States History and Geography: Continuity and Change in the
Twentieth Century
Syllabus 2012-2013
Mr. Akwaboah
Room 204
Conference Hours: Tuesday and Friday at 10:10-12:10
Office Phone: 323-445-5614
Email: aaronakwaboah@gmail.com
Course Content:
In alignment with California State Standards, Students will study the major turning points in American
history in the twentieth century. Following a review of the nation's beginnings and the impact of the
Enlightenment on U.S. democratic ideals, students build upon the tenth grade study of global industrialization to
understand the emergence and impact of new technology and a corporate economy, including the social and
cultural effects. They trace the change in the ethnic composition of American society; the movement toward
equal rights for racial minorities and women; and the role of the United States as a major world power. An
emphasis is placed on the expanding role of the federal government and federal courts as well as the continuing
tension between the individual and the state. Students consider the major social problems of our time and trace
their causes in historical events. They learn that the United States has served as a model for other nations and
that the rights and freedoms we enjoy are not accidents, but the results of a defined set of political principles
that are not always basic to citizens of other countries. Students understand that our rights under the U.S.
Constitution are a precious inheritance that depends on an educated citizenry for their preservation and
Course Objectives:
1. Identify key events, people, places, inventions, and ideas in modern US history; looking at a cause &
effect relationship in the political, economic, and social structures.
2. Locate major regions, cities, and geographical features and understand geographic influences in modern
US history.
3. Use critical thinking skills to interpret and analyze primary and secondary source materials.
4. Understand how events in the past have shaped the present and prepare us for the future; both in a
historical and personal context.
5. Improve reading, writing, note taking, and public speaking skills through a series of activities and
Students will be required to bring the following with them to class EVERYDAY:
 1 3-ring binder with loose leaf paper with a section devoted to US History
 1 Spiral notebook: 8 ½ x 11in, at least 70 pages, college rule
 HCRA Agenda Notebook
 1 blue/black ink pen
 1 red ink pen
 1pencil with eraser
 1 pack of crayons or color pencils
 1 glue stick
 Highlighters
Students will stay after class for detention if they do not come to class with the required materials.
*Students MUST have access to a computer, printer and the Internet in order to complete various
assignments for this course throughout the year.
Homework will be assigned at every class meeting. In most instances students will have several nights to
complete their homework assignments. The entire homework assignment must be completed. Incomplete work
is not accepted. Students who do not complete their homework on time may remain after class to complete it
and will receive after school detention. Homework in this course is designed to prepare students for the next
class meeting’s lessons and activities. It will include reading, vocabulary, outlining, summarizing, and map
work. All homework assignments will be completed in the Interactive Notebook. If a student does not complete
their homework assignment 1 time during a chapter, I will call home. The 2nd time will result in a parentteacher-student conference. All assignments and handouts will be available on the Heritage website. It is the
student’s responsibility to obtain any and all assignments and handouts they may miss due to absences
and/or misplacing.
Students will complete a variety of assessments for this course. They will include but are not limited to:
 Research projects
 Writing Projects
 Art Projects
 Group Presentations
 Outside Reading
Students will be provided with clear instructions and rubrics for all assessments.
It is crucial that you are in class and on time every day. Attendance plays an important role in your grade for
this class. If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to obtain any work/notes/assignments you missed while
you were absent. All assignments, class work, and notes will be available on the Heritage website. Students are
expected to be in their seats and ready to work when the bell rings. Tardiness will result in after class detention.
Students must take any missed exam after school on the day they return to class. Students will have 1
opportunity to retake a missed exam.
All assignments must be turned in by the due date. If a student is absent on the day an assignment is due, it
must be turned in on the day the student returns to class.
Will reflect the Alliance standards based grading policy. All assignments will be scored using a four-point
Students are expected to follow all classroom rules and procedures as well as the school wide policies for
behavior. The five main criteria for acceptable behavior are the following:
Students who do not follow the appropriate guidelines for behavior and who do not meet classroom
expectations will incur the following consequences:
 Warning (Verbal)
 Intervention (seat change/temporary removal from classroom)
 After class detention
 Phone call home
 Repeated Misbehavior/Severe Cases=referral to office
 Parent-Teacher conference
Students need to use class study time wisely and complete their own work. Students are encouraged to have a
“study buddy”, but are NOT permitted to copy another student’s work without the teacher’s permission.
Students are not allowed to copy anyone’s work from printed material or online and turn it in as his or her own.
Students will be required to resubmit any assignment that has been plagiarized.
Cheating will not be tolerated and will result in an immediate FAIL on the assignment(s) for ALL
Students involved, a referral for academic dishonesty, and parents will be notified.
I will have 2 hours a week called “Office Hours” designated as time to help students with their course work.
For the first semester, these hours are Monday and Tuesday from 3:30pm-4: 30pm, but are subject to change
every semester. Parents are encouraged to communicate with me via telephone (323) 533-2337 and/or via
email: aaronakwaboah@gmail.com
The instructor reserves the right to make additions, changes, and deletions to the syllabus during the course of
the year.
Please sign, cut off and return the bottom portion to me at our next class meeting.
By signing this form, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to everything in the United States
History Course Syllabus. If you have any questions or concerns about this syllabus, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
STUDENT NAME:_______________________________________
STUDENT SIGNATURE:__________________________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME:______________________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE:___________________________________