Chronological Biography of Mochtar Apin 1923 1930 - 1933 1933 - 1937 1937 – 1941 1939 - 1940 1941 1941 1943 - 1944 1943 1941 - 1942 1943 - 1946 1946 1946 1946 1947 1947 - 1948 1946 - 1948 1948 - 1951 1949 - 1951 1950 1950 1951 1951 Born in Padang Panjang, West Sumatera from parents Mohammad Apin and Kamilah. Went to Kayutanam INS, West Sumatera. A school that built by native teachers of West Sumatera and very much put effort in giving the theory and practice of art. The famous painter, Wakidi was also a teacher here. Enrolled Dutch Elementary School, HIS in Muara Enim, South Sumatera. Enrolled MULO, Dutch Junior High School in Jakarta. Learned to draw with JV Lookeren (an art teacher) and learned to paint with oil paint technique with HV Verlthuijzen (a painter). Joined PERSAGI Joined the PERSAGI exhibition Enrolled Keimin Bunka Shidoso and chose to learn painting under the guidance of Soebanto Suryosubrandio (other guide: Soedjojono and Basuki Abdullah). Joined the Keimin Bunka Shidoso exhibition. Joined the Keimin Bunka Shidoso exhibition. Enrolled AMS, Dutch High School in Jakarta. Enrolled SMT in Jakarta. Employed at Nusantara Magazine Jakarta as an illustrator. With Chairil Anwar, Asrul Sani, Rivai Apin, Baharuddin Marasutan and other artists found “Gelanggang” organization that had objectives of promoting modernity, progress and freedom in expression. In the organization’s opening noted: We would like to free ourselves from the old order that caused public to rot, and we dare to challenge this old point of view, character and opinion to make way to the new amber. With Baharuddin Marasutan published blibliophili (a book of graphic artwork that printed in limited amount therefore considered as work of art, instead of printed item) to celebrate first anniversary of Indonesia’s Independence. Some of the people that involved in the international publishing of this bibliophili were Soedjatmoko, Maria Ulfah and Sutan Takdir Alisyahbana (also the forewords writer). Made an exhibition with Indonesia painters in Jakarta. Employed at Gema Suasana and Pembangunan Magazine in Jakarta, as an illustrator. Enrolled the High School of Literature (Sekolah Tinggi Kesusasteraan) in Jakarta. Enrolled Universitas Indonesia, Perguruan tinggi Guru Seni RUpa, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, Bandung (now Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain, Institut Teknologi Bandung). The presence of Mochtar Apin in this school was an important factor, for Ries Mulder, one of the founder of this school did not acknowledge the art progress that had been pioneered by Soedjojono. This perception closed the possibility of communication between this school and art escalation in Indonesia. In the middle of this dilemma, Mochtar Apin was a mediator. In one case, as a member of “Gelanggang” he sided to progress (modernity) which could be accepted by Ries Mulder. In other case, he was an artist who knew well about art escalation and Indonesian art at that moment. Without Mochtar Apin, there was a possibility that the development of this school will be detached with the development of arts in Indonesia. Became a drawing teacher in several government and private high schools. With “Gelanggang” artists released “Letter of Trust from Gelanggang free artists of Indonesia”. Statement that important in this letter of trust, were: “We are the legal heir of World Culture and we shall continue it with our own way.” Joined the exhibition with “Sticusa” (a cooperation foundation that founded by Netherland and few Indonesian intellectuals) in Jakarta. Joined the exhibition with Pusat Kebudayaan Indonesia (Indonesia Culture Center) in Bandung and Ujung Pandang. Published bibliophili that put strength in Gelanggang Letter of Trust Received the honor and scholarship from “Sticusa” to study in Netherland and went around Europe. 1951 - 1952 1953 1953 1953 - 1957 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1962 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1974 1975 1976 1976 1977 1978 1979 1979 1979 1980 1981 1982 1984 1985 Enrolled Kunstnijverheidschool, Amsterdam. Solo Exhibition in Amsterdam and Den Haag, Netherland. Received a scholarship from Indonesian Government to study in Paris. Enrolled Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts Paris. Touring exhibition in Bonn, Dusseldorf, Koln, Recklinghausen Germany also Oslo, Skien, Bergen Trondheim Norway and Bern, Switzerland. Solo exhibition in Paris and joined Realita Nouvelle movement. Received an honor and scholarship, Deutsche Akademie der Kunste, Berlin as “meisterchuler”. Went back to Indonesia and joined his former school in Bandung (Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain, Institut Teknologi Bandung). His view influenced the way of progress of this school. Not noted, his argument with Ries Mulder, although there were differences between them. Apin acknowledged the development of Indonesian art, and Mulder did not. Mulder left Indonesia in 1959. Symptoms that are showing the acknowledgement of Mochtar Apin of Indonesian Art development, he joined Affandi in the “Pameran Bertiga, Apin Affandi Burhan,” at USIS, Jakarta. Got married with Kwee Sien Nio. Joined the co-exhibition “Asian Games” Jakarta. Joined an exhibition with Indonesian painters, Jakarta. With Bandung artists published a bibliophili “Freedom” consisted of 11 graphic expressions that were interpreted from France’s P Eluard’s poems “Liberte”. Received a scholarship from France to study Lithography/offset/ graphic art techniques in Paris. Solo exhibition in Bangkok. Solo exhibition in Bangkok. Traveled to Japan and responsible for audio-visual program in Indonesia’s pavilion at Expo ’70 Osaka, Japan. With Bandung artists organized an exhibition of “Pameran Grup 18” at TIM. This exhibition invited many attention and controversy about the difference between Bandung side and Yogya side. Besides, this exhibition was colored with abstract art, Mochtar Apin also coordinate the publishing of Grup 18 bibliophili (a collection of sketches and drawings) Solo exhibition in Bangkok. Joined an exhibition with Bandung artists in Surabaya. Received a Cultural Award from Australian government. Solo exhibition in Jakarta, organized by Dewan Kesenian Jakarta (Jakarta Board of Art). Joined the Pameran besar Seni Lukis II (Big Exhibition of Art Paintings II) by Dewan Kesenian Jakarta. Joined International Print Biennale in Sydney Australia. Received an invitation from Netherland Ministry of Education to discuss educational and cultural cooperation. Joined the exhibition in Amsterdam and Bisschofszel, Switzerland. Joined the Contemporary Art Exhibition, Singapore Art Museum. Promoted as the Dean of Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain ITB (at that moment, the head of department, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan). Received an invitation from France’s Board of cooperation in Technology and Education to run the mutual aid program. Joined the exhibition of Japan and Asian Modern Paintings in Tokyo, Japan. Joined the Contemporary Asian Art Show, Fukuoka, Japan, also attended the artists gathering in that exhibition. Joined and attended the Biennale of Asian Art, Dacca, Bangladesh. Received an invitation from Asia Pacific Confederation of Art Education, Taipei to attend the conference, “Influence of the West on Art Education in Asia Pacific.” Joined an exhibition with senior artists, Dewan Kesenian Jakarta. Received the PhD degree and assigned as honorary art professor of Institut Teknologi Bandung. Read the speech of assignment titled “Peran Seni Rupa 1986 1989 1990 1990 1991 1991 1991 1991 1992 1993 1994 Terhadap Teknologi” (Art’s Role in Technology). Retrospective exhibition (1940 – 1988) at ITB, Bandung. Retrospective exhibition (1940 – 1988) at Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta. Retrospective exhibition (1940 – 1988) at Institut Seni Indonesia, Yogyakarta. With G Sidharta, Sanento Yuliman, Mara Karma, Gilbert Wiryadinata (businessman) and Jim Supangkat planned to build an Art Center (Jakarta Institute of Art). This effort abruptly stopped in early 1992. Joined the exhibition with Indonesia – Malaysia painters in Bandung. Joined Contemporary Asian Art Show, Fukuoka, Japan. Chosen as a board member of Asia Pacific Regional Committee of International Art Association (IAA), assigned to build a committee for Asia Pacific region for IAA, an international organization. However, the IAA Indonesia (national committee) was never formed, so he left the candidacy. Organized and joined “Pameran Besar Seni Grafis Indonesia” (Grand Exhibition of Graphic Art of Indonesia) at Jakarta Institute of Art Gallery, also joined by all of graphic artists in Indonesia. With this exhibition, he established the forming of Perhimpunan Pegrafis Indonesia (Indonesia Graphic Artists Assocation) and met many obstacles. This objective was fought until the last days of his life. Joined the major exhibition of Jakarta Art and Design Expo, Jakarta. Joined the exhibition “Pameran Perdana” at Cemara 6 Galeri Kafe, Jakarta. Passed away on January 1st. He left a wife, Sien Mochtar Apin and three daughters, Karina, Arleti and Marella Mochtar Apin. Composed by Jim Supangkat