Proposal for Designation as a General Education “Breadth of Study” Course
Which “Breadth of Study” area is the course being proposed for?
Arts: ______ Humanities: ______ Social Sciences: ______ Natural Sciences: _____
Proposed Course (Number and Title): _______________________________________________
Instructor: ___________________________ Date Submitted: _____________________
Is this a multiple section course? Yes ____ No ____
If so, are all sections being proposed? Yes ____ No ____
If not, which sections are being proposed?
Directions: Please indicate whether or not your course satisfies each of the criteria listed below.
If you check “No” for any of the criteria, please provide a written rationale for why this course should be designated as a General Education “Breadth of Study” course. If you check “Yes” for all of the criteria, then you do not need a written rationale.
Certification of Criteria:
Yes No This course is designed to achieve the objectives of the General
Education “Breadth of Study” requirement (see other side for more detail).
Yes No This course devotes specific instruction to making the objectives explicit in the course.
Yes No I certify that the proposed course meets all these criteria.
PLEASE NOTE: If you checked, “Yes,” no written rationale is necessary. If you checked “No,” please supply a written rationale below for why this course should be designated as a “Breadth of
Study” course.
NOTE: By the end of the drop-add period, a syllabus for this course must be provided to
the Curriculum Committee. That syllabus should clearly state how the course will
satisfy the above criteria. Failure to do this will mean that the certification is
Written Rationale: (You can attach an additional sheet if necessary.)
Department Chair’s Name: __________________________ Date Approved: __________
Instructor’s Division Chair’s Name: ____________________ Date Approved: __________
Division Chair of Proposal (if different): ________________ Date Approved: __________
A course in any field is eligible to be designated as a General Education “Breadth of Study” course if, in addition to its other goals, it meets the following objectives:
“Breadth of Study” courses introduce students to the appropriate to the discipline or division. body of knowledge that is
“Breadth of Study” courses introduce students to the ways/means of thinking that are appropriate to the discipline or division.
III. The understanding is that these courses would be introductory or beginning courses
While all of our courses meet the above objectives, “breadth of study” courses do so in an
intentional way – making explicit those elements that are implicit in other courses. Toward this end, “breadth of study” courses devote specific instructional time to these objectives, and they assess students’ understanding of the body of knowledge, modes of thinking, techniques, and steps in forming an argument.