
Supplementary figure legends
Figure S1: Schematic representation of the position of the PCR amplification fragments used in
ChIP-semi-quantitative PCR (ChIP-PCR) or ChIP-quantitative PCR (ChIP-qPCR) analysis relative
to the putative transcription start site of the gene (indicated by arrow and +1). Horizontal bars
represent the ChIP-qPCR amplified fragments. When the ChIP-qPCR fragment overlaps with ACII
DNA-binding sites, then the corresponding motif sequence is indicated.
Figure S2: The ZmA1 gene is a direct target of ZmMYB31. qPCR analysis of ChIP DNA
enrichment performed with purified ZmMYB31-specific antibody. Enrichment of the ZmA1
promoter region is relative to the enrichment of the Copia gene. Error bars represent the standard
error of three biological replicates. The average values are shown, and the error bars indicate the
standard deviation of the samples. Statistical analysis of differences between samples was
performed using a Student’s t test. *, Significant at p < 0.05.
Supplementary Table legends
Table S1: SELEX sequences used for ZmMYB31 (26bp): The consensus sequences are shown in
red and underlined.
Table S2: ZmMYB31 overexpression in A. thaliana induces the synthesis of stress-related proteins.
Panel (a) corresponds to downregulated proteins (D1 to D11) in transgenic plants and panel (b) to
induced proteins (U1 to U8) in transgenic plants. Theor. pI and Exp. pI refer to theoretical and
experimental isoelectric point. Theor. MM and Exp. MM: theoretical and experimental molecular
mass. Pept nº: peptide number.
Table S3: Sequence of the gene-specific primers used in this work.