PAP World History Test Review #1

Test Review - Paleolithic - Neolithic and Ancient Civilizations
Chapters 1-4
Chap 1 guide - Paleolithic to Neolithic period
-study vocabulary
-observe climate and population graphs again - how did rising temperature affect beginning of
-know causes of Agricultural Revolution
-Explain definition of civilization and characteristics of a civilization (5) (your hand!!!!)
-location of earliest civilization
-notes given in class
Map - location of river valley civilizations on world / Asia map
- names of present day countries where rivers are located
-Huang He
locate Mesopotamia
Fertile Crescent
Venn diagram
-compare geography of Mesopotamia with that of the Egyptian civilization
Similarities & differences
Geography - location of major bodies of water
-Pacific Ocean
-Indian Ocean
-Arabian Sea
-Red Sea
-Bay of Bengal
-Yellow River (Hwang He)
-Persian Gulf
-Nile River
-Mediterranean Sea
-Indus River
-Tigris River
difference and location of
source & mouth of rivers
-Comparative Chart - Early River Valley Civilizations
review political similarities - physical similarities/differences
know terms like -city state, cuneiform, hieroglyphics, polytheism,
-ziggurat, pyramid, papyrus, cultural diffusion
-polytheism, monotheism, patriarchal, barter,
-record keeping, pyramid
-Analysis of Code of Hammurabi
-Difference between primary and secondary sources
-Evaluating Evidence & Primary Sources
-how trustworthy or reliable is the source?
-be sure of your facts and what the primary source shows.
-how biased? What is bias?
-note author or creator of source,
-his or her purpose in creating that source
-the audience for the source
-use your background knowledge of the historical period to help you interpret / make sense of source
-make inferences What is an inference?
-a belief you come to accept based on other facts
-use your background knowledge and keep in mind what knowing about source’s
-when sources conflict
-so you must be cautious in making sweeping statements about what the sources prove
--think about the items from Hammurabi’s code about women that we read in class