CH 7 Class Presentation Questions

Chapter 7 Cell Structure & Function Class Presentation Questions
CH 7-1 Life Is Cellular
1. Define Cell.
2. _________________ was the first person to see & identify cells (he “coined” the term “cells”).
3. ________________ was the first to observe LIVING cells under the microscope…the first to see tiny living
organisms in a drop of pond water.
4. In 1855, Mathias Shleiden (German Botanist) stated that
5. Theodor Schwann (German Biologist) stated
6. Rudolf Virchow (German Physician) stated
7. State the three components of the Cell Theory.
8. Cells are grouped into two broad categories based on whether or not they have
9. The cell theory applies to ______________ ________________ _______________ (which includes bacteria,
plants, animals, multicellular organisms);
10. _________________________(No TRUE nucleus)…SINGLE celled organism that lacks a nucleus. The genetic
material floats freely in the cell. _______________ are examples of this type or organism.
11. ________________________(TRUE Nucleus)…Cells that DO contain a NUCLEUS that is enclosed by a
membrane; This type or organism is typically larger and has membrane-bound organelles that also are
enclosed by a membrane (Organisms can be single cellular OR multicellular; Fungi, all plants, animals are of
this cell type ;
12. Where is the genetic material of a eukaryotic cell found?
13. ______________________-specialized structure that performs important cellular functions within a eukaryotic
cell….each of these cellular structures has a specific job to do.
14. If a cell contains a ______________________, it must be a eukaryote. Draw a simple picture of a eukaryotic cell.
15. List 3 ways that eukaryotes & prokaryotes differ.
7-2 Eukaryotic Cell Structures
1. List and describe three basic structures that MOST cells (eukaryotic cells) have in common.
2. In a eukaryote, the material between the cell membrane & the nucleus is the __________________.
3. The main function of the ______________________________ is to provide support & function for the cell. It is
made up of tough fibers (carbohydrates & proteins). These fibers are produced by the cell & released by the
4. What is the main function of the nucleus?
5. The nucleus is important to cells because it contains coded instructions for making ________________ & contains
nearly all of the cell’s ________________.
6. The granular material you can see in the nucleus is called ________________. During cell division this material
condenses to form CHROMOSOMES!
7. Define Chromosome8. ______________________-small dense region within the nucleus where the assembly of ribosomes begins.
9.______________________________-double membrane layer that surrounds the nucleus of the cell. It is porous,
allowing materials to enter & leave the nucleus.
10. __________________________-small round organelles in the cell on which proteins are made. They are found
floating in the cytoplasm or may be found attached to the endoplasmic reticulum.
11. ___________________________-means “cell”;
12. _____________________ ___________________________-Internal membrane system in cells in which
components of the cell membrane are assembled & some proteins are modified.
13. List & describe the two typed of Endoplasmic Reticulum.
14. __________________________-Cell organelle filled with enzymes needed to BREAK DOWN certain materials
within the cell. They break down old organelles & also remove debris from the cell.
15. __________________________________-STACK of membranes in the cell in which enzymes attach
carbohydrates & lipids to proteins. From here…proteins are sent to their final destinations! “Packaging
16. ________________________________-cell organelle that STORES materials such as water, salts, proteins, &
carbohydrates. VERY LARGE in plant cells! Absent in animal cells.
17. ________________________________organelle found only in PLANT CELLS & SOME other cells but NOT in
animals or fungi…contains chlorophyll & uses ENERGY from the sun to make energy rich food molecules in a
process known as photosynthesis.
18.________________________________organelle that USES ENERGY from food to make HIGH energy compounds
that the cell can use for growth, development & movement.
19. _______________________________ & ___________________________________change energy from one form to
20. _____________________________-supporting structure AND transportation system of the cell…made up of a
network of protein filaments within some cells. This structure helps maintain the cells shape & is involved in many
forms of cell movement.
21. _______________________& _____________________________ make up the cytoskeleton of the cell.
22. _________________________ are especially important in cell division (animal cells)…they help separate
chromosomes & form a pair of structures called CENTRIOLES. * Plant cells do not have centrioles!
23. Microtubules can help form ______________, hair-like projections & ______________, whip-like
projections…both aid in movement of the cell.
24. ____________________-hollow tubes of protein that maintain cell shape & can also serve as “tracks” along
which organelles are moved.
25. ____________________-long thin fibers that function in the movement & support of the cell…they are fairly
26. Cilia & flagella are made of protein filaments called ________________.
27. What are three major differences between plant & animal cells?
CH 7-3 Cell Boundaries
1. Describe the specific make up of the cell membrane.
2. What is the function of the cell membrane?
3. Define diffusion & then draw a picture to illustrate this definition.
4. Does Diffusion require energy from the cell?
5. _________________-the diffusion of WATER through a selectively permeable membrane.
6. What is meant by the equilibrium of a solution?
7. ___________________= “Same Strength”; __________________=”Above Strength”;
_________________________=”Below Strength”;
8. Cells placed in an isotonic solution will________________________________________water.
The concentration of the solutes is the SAME inside & outside the cell.
9. In a HYPERtonic solution animal cells ____________________& plant cell vacuoles ______________. The
SOLUTION has a higher SOLUTE concentration than the cell.
10. In a HYPOtonic solution, animal cells ____________________& plant cell
vacuoles__________________________________________________. The SOLUTION has a lower SOLUTE
concentration than the cell.
11. What would happen to a cell like a red blood cell if PLACED IN PURE WATER?
12. What is FACILITATED diffusion?
13. __________________ _____________________ uses the CELL’s energy to move materials across a cell
membrane against (from low to high) the concentration gradient.
14. Define endocytosis & exocytosis…(they are both forms of active transport!)
15. _____________________ is one form of active transport/endocytosis that is referred to as “cell eating”. For an
amoeba, the cytoplasm extends to surround & engulf large particles of food. (see page 188 figure 7-18)
16. ___________________is a form of active transport/exocytosis (“cell drinking”) where cells take up liquid from
the surrounding environment. Tiny pockets form along the cell membrane, fill with liquid & pinch off to form
vacuoles within the cell.
CH 7-4 The Diversity of Cellular Life
1. A single-celled organism is also called a(n)________________ organism.
2. Organisms made up of more that one cell are called ____________________.
3. __________________ ________________________ refers to the way that cells throughout an organism can
develop in different ways to perform different tasks.
4. _____________ ____________ __________________ are specialized to transport oxygen.
5. The human ability to move is result of specialized cell structures of _______________ cells.
6. Specialized plant cells called _______________ _________________ help regulate the opening and closing of
“stomata” on the back side of plant leaves…helping to regulate gas exchange of carbon dioxide, water &
oxygen with the plant.
7. List the levels of organization in a multicellular organism….beginning with cells.